PAGE FIVE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1916. 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlillllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllltlMIIIIIUHIIIIIHIilllli;,,.,linl. Last Time Today Greatest Picture of the Year "A Nation's Peril" stirring ii.c irt lnatiiiii Dealing with itvsiuvut Wllaon'i Prepared- new Policy. SHALL VK INSURE PEACE BY , BHNG PREPARED, "Shall we have peace at any price, or shall we insure peace by being prepared?" All the big men of the country ask you to see this picture. Coming Tues. ) VJed. Vitagraph presents Broadway Star Feature "WASTED LIVES" Usual Admission, Adults, 15c. Children Sc. Coming Thursday Theda Bara in "The Gallery Slave" Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 2. Motion Picture News WHAT THE PENDLETON PICTURE THEATRES HAVE To .... - nA...k11 I.,,..,.. 1 t Till -THE vvtioVn PERU TWBX1 wtanm, Taking Is their theme a delicate subject, the topic of th present day. unit defllv moulding that subject n 1ht no man may feel offense In the tcutchlng. the Lubln Company have . ...t a five-reel picture dealing The Martyrn or the AUuan." A play of considerable educational value aa well aa of thrilling Interest in the "Martyrs of the Alamo." It i a historical drama telling how in the early daya the courageous but much outnumbered defender of the Alan." were alauithtered and how other Am ericana avenged their death by de- wlth the unset Inn Of the hyphenated featlng the Mexicans and winning the ut,a unnrenarednnss. which I Independence of Texaa Some of the .in h. hown at the Pastime for the historical charactera that appear last time today Utbl atrrlng border drama are: tv, r. rwnnli vlvlil and , Smith (Sam DefJraaae); Santa thrilling scenes f n anlp lieing aunk by actual ahell fire of the I nlte.i Mates Atlantic fleet, mine explosions . j artlllerv engagements thousands Of Bailors. soldiers and marlnea, a head on train collalon: the nurning of anj entire town and In addition the per-1 soalittea of Secretary Ihinlel Ad- nilrla Wlnalow and Fletcher and all lha ofTloera f the Atlantic fleet, the naval war college at Newport. Rhode lalanri. and of the naval training ata tlon. (armra. TVontlrrful Picture. (Wwaldlne Parrar. the world fa-1 inoua prima donna, scored a big hit 0 large audience at the Alta the-m.-r last nighl In Carmen." Keroswhted aa one of the great ut rriaiea of her geaerwJInn Mute Karrara "Carm en" aa revealed laat winter In' molalities of Secretary IHinlels. Ad York, established the prima donna atill higher In the esteem of opera lover Her characterisation haa in alwolute revelation Of power, "kill and subtle delineation Thrilling action, magnificent land a. apes, tMsttitiiul portraits, well con structed drama, mark the extraordi nary production THe bull flghl is probably the greatest ever lllnied. The picture wlU be how for the laat lime today In addition, two hi vaudeville acta are offered Wilaon A Hnvdr, com edy ft rohat. performing MMTkabls ;.nd unusual arts and the Lkod sisters In their clever muaical ait in Pilent Anna Long): Sam Houston Tom David Crockett (A. D. nd Jamea Itowle (Alfred Pa- .1 PEOPLE ARE FULLY TO BUI FOR WAR The seventh annual AMbraiy Ball Saturday evening" in the Eagle-Wood man hall proved an appropriate cli max to the holiday festivities It will be remembered an one of the pret tiest and moat enjoyable aocl&l evenu Of the year and withal one so suc cessful financially that the club l dlea will have a tidy sum lo turn over for the benefit of the library The hall was very prettily decorat ed In green and red. The music by the t.'nlted Orchestra wa excellent and the other essential elements for an evening of pleasure were presnt. In consequence there were few of the many guests who left before the "Home, Sweet Home." dance. The guests began arriving Hhortly before 9 o'clock. In the receiving line were. Mrs. Una II. titurgls. Mr Norborne Berkeley, and Mm John K. ltoblnson. members of the library board. Misses Nason. Crtsswell and Delano, librarians, Mrs. G I La Dow, president of the Thursday Aft ernoon Club, and Mrs c Hampton, president of the Current Literature Club. Later these ladles alternated in serving coffee ana sandwiches in the balcony. Punch was served dur ing the evening by the Mlasea An gela Howler and Edith Richardson. Misses Verne Parker and Lula Mat lock left today for Portland to enter St. Helen's Hall. The former has been attending that school since full but Miss Matlock spent the pre-holl-day term at Hrunot Hall in Spokane. The Alta Theatre LAST TIME TODAY GERALDINE FARRAR the world famous prima donna, in CARMEN The moat beautiful, most exciting and most artistic photoplay ever produced. Ask your friends. 2 Big Vaudeville Acts LLOYD SISTERS, clever musical act. WILSON & SNYDER, comedy acrobats. WEDNESDAY Miss Olive Gwinn in 'War Brides9 riMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii. cji.m.Ks HIS ATTlTt'DE IFTKII II -VIX. BEES IX BATTLE, TORS KniOPE. (Walter Wilson 1 Sears, i get. I Sam DefSraase Is the cool, craf ty scout to the life He la the lead ing light In the defense of the Alamo und when Ita fall la Imminent he is chosen to lake the haxanloiis trip through th innumerable Mexiconaf undergone besieging the place After warning Houston. De Craaae is shown deceiv ing Santa Anna, the Mexican didn tor. by a well-feigned Imitation of a deaf and dumb man Hia informa tion leads to a successful attack on Santa Anna's force by tho Americans under Houston Walter Long gives a realistic portrayal of the cruel, vain but cowardly dictator. The tragedy of the fall and massacre of the Ala mo defenders Is lightened by a love affair lielween Silent Smith and an old Soldier! daughter (Jaunlty Can non . Miss Helta and Miss Hums will Sinn even- orformance They are good Win Hart will be with us Wednes day Thursday and Friday. Ii olnllon o(ii Notice Is herehv given that the firm of Albiway & Milne has thti day t ii dissolved. S. A. Alloway re tiring. Hereafter the business will he eonductsd In the same location Of ChUV Mllno, who will rolled all Mfft and nettle all accounla. .lanunrv .1. 191S s A ALLOWAY. I Adv I CH S MILNK N'ETW TOKK, Jan 3 Henn' Pord. vV Ud the ieai'e expedition which left here I)mber 4 on the Meani shlp Oscar U for Copenhagen, in the hoja of bringing about a of neutral natiisis that would end the war. arrived on the steamer (Vergena fjord. He confirmed cable reports that his return had neen hastened by illness, ho; said it made a different of only a few davs. aa he intended when he left to i ome back tble month Mr. Ford dftClaM that his views rtgarding the cause of the wsr had marked mange, Whet he left, he said, he was of the opin ion that bankers and mannfiu-turef s of munitions and armament were re sponsible, but he returns with the be lief that It Is the people themselves, those nw being slaughtered, who are rpfoonstMa Pjle IHxIarcr! Vnlhlnklng. The men doing the fighting have Veen tw xntent to let those who rule them do their thinking and they hav not takea advanage of their divine rlghl to ay for themselves what they shall do and think, the iriflcle1 i.s serted. "UepnblWs are no better than mon archies In this respect. ' he said. 'Ev en in the I'nlted BtatOS We let those wh"m we have elected l-e sered from ! their duty. We don'i assert our- selves IVrsona!l I have been a Moter 11 ears and In all that lime I have Voted only six times ami then I because my wife made me." Eventual sikix-s- I'wrio,! Of the eventual surcess of the peflo- mission. Mr. Ford declared he hid no doubt Mr. and Mrs R t. Sivres gave a delightful dlnnei party on New Years eve at the Hotel Pendleton dining room At the table besides them and their son. Stanley Sayres. were Mrs. Ellen Hond. Mr and Mrs Charles Hond, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hond and little daughter. Bett Robert Hond of Yoakum and Mn Alice Hayes and Mrs. Levis of Port land, mother and sister of Mrs. Wil lard Hond. EDUCATION CAN NOT BE 6IVEN TO STUDENT learned the value of a dollar." All of the schools resumed wo this morning after a ten day vacatk Mrs Thomaa Vaughan and baby daughter left on No. 17 today for Portland after spending the holidays with heT parents, Mr anil Mrs K. L Smith Misses Hose and Myrtle Ross left today noon for Portland where they are attending school. 3illlllIUIIIIIilllllllllllllllillll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllll 15c I it. j. i. Ptftmontfon f Athena i :i Pendleton visiter this tfternooni t'hris Nelson, whu livrs mar Wall WiOla. ih bUM today t pay tSJMft, I 10c TEMPLE I Today and Tuesday TRIANGLE TRIANGLE Cntter u -inrr, SKATTI.K .Ian. S The Hfesavin rutter Snohoniiph enl .1 wheless I wus nahore in a bltndiiiK snowstorm tin milfPP from Seattle. Iater efforts to reach here were unavailing. RUMsteaH Take HrichtH. : PBTROQRAD, Jan. 3 fin- heights j i Pro u ml ( xrnowitK and BukoWtn i ! : j have fallen into Husian handa, 190 . i nie, H officers ttd sftnie armament b j ' Iiir raptured. It wits, offlolally claim-j ;!ed. The enKKenicut reported ; particularly fierce. Kneno attacks' Martyrs of the Alamo Iwore reposed ith s, ; till- Csartoryslt region. riotiH losses In MusaHons Wanted. Hy two oung men. willing to d(l urythlas Phono tt. call for nil Mm or Asia, Adv. Ii E ( S(, realistic you actually live and love and stniKRlt- i with those fatnoui characters David Crockett. 99 ALSO 2 REEL KEYSTONE COMEDY, "Her Painted Idol Featuring HALE HAMILTON E MISS BELTS and MISS BURNS will sing at each performance. fTlUIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIinillllHIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIUUMIIIliT1 IT Till- PASTIME Mr. and Mrs. H Thomson came up thlB morning from Eho and ex pect to make Pendleton their home in the near future. James Ilingle is in from Helix to day. David Hyn'd of Heppner is In the city today. ' T. W Parsons of la Grande la at the Bowman. Joe Nelson is among the Helix peo ple here today. opal Rice of Helix was at the Pen dleton yesterday. S. I Peterson, Milton lawyer, spent Sunday in Pendleton. Carl Power has returned from a few days at Hot Lake. T H. Ohormley of Helix, spent esterday in the city. F. II Moes was in from his home at Pilot Hock Saturday. -Mr. and If eg, J. r" Canady of Jo. sepb are at the St. George. C. L. Woodward or Adams was a Pendleton visltiw Saiurday. Walter J Koork of Adams was a Pendleton visitor yesterday. .Mrs. P. Killian of Helix la among the visitors in Pendleton toJay. C. c. Connor, well known Stanton rancher. Is a visitor here todav .Mr and Mrs. M I Smith of Hel x were Sunday visitors in Pendleiton Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hudeman ot Adams, are here from their home to.' day. Ray Jay was in for New Yeai's day from his father's ranch near Hermiston. I W, Jepeke and part) spent Sun-i liny below the city and brought hack , -1 ducks. j il. W. Taylor of Adams wns among j the visitors in Pendleton on New Yi ar's day. Joe Colesworthy returned esterda to Seattle to re-enter the Tniversily of Washington. .Mr. and Mrs H. K, llartholoniew of Stant'ield were among the Sund.c.' ositors in Pendleton. Ed Ferguson. Ring rancher uid two daughters, came in this niornin; on the N. p train W M Tindel, wlu has 0000 s:'ir-'i-Ing several weeks in Walla Wall i hi s returned to Pendleton. Mr. ami Mrs. E. II Aldrich and lit tle daughter returned vesterday from a week's isit with relatives in Spo kane. William A. Mead, special rwprBSOn tatlVO of the Triausle Film Co here lodaj lonferlng with the TOinpl theater. Misses HlsaioUl and Boptui Sikan, the needlecraft girls at the VofUl are spending the holld.ns with r-.! tlvos in Woodbuiii. Miss Ruth Terpciilnn lofl yaatorrta; for Cheney, Wash, to re enter Mo normal svkOOl there after spen . . the kolMayi In the cit Stanley Snyres, who has been pending tin- holiday .it Ms how here, will return tomorrow to w ill, Walla to reenter Whitman OOllaga Mrs James Hill and two BKal) sons returned yesterday to Helix after pending a few days in the city. Vr. Hill la recovering from bis revcm op elation Bounding a warning to the young people of Pendleton, who have thus far found life an easy matter, against false conceptions of the function of the schools, Superintendent A. C Hampton this morning made a short address to the students of the high school at the opejiing session follow ing the Christmas holidays. The su perintendent's remarks made a dis tinct impression upon the young peo ple. "In a community as rich as Pen dleton." he said In part, "there are, as a matter of course, many boys and girls whose parents are so fortunately situated that they have not known the feeling of want. So many good things have been given them by their parents, good clothes, automobile and other luxuries, that there may be a disposition on the part of some to think that education will also be giv en them. ThlB is something that nel thelr their parents nor the community can bestow upon them. They must earn it themselves. No student can get anything out of the schools ex cept what he takes by hie own ef. forts. I make these statements be cause 1 have observed that as a gener al thing the student who is paying his own expenses stands higher in schol arship than the one who has not yet Compromise Llkelry to be Reached in the Libray Trouble JITM.K MARSH .I COMMISSION. KR CO hill R W ILL MEET TOMORROW. LOCALS fl& Advertising in Brief HATE8. Per line first Insertion 10c Per line, additional laser ttoa.... 5c Per line, per month fl.00 No locals taken for Mesa Uaa Ue. Count 6 ordinary words to Una Locals will sot be taken over tka telephone except from East Or isn paid up suDacrlMra Judge (' H Marsh and County Com missioner H. M. Cockburn will meet in Pendleton tomorrow to reach some compromise in the library disagree r tent which has held up the tax levy i-nd which has threatened to deprive the local library board of the 114, Off piomised by the county court. Judge Marsh talked over the telephone with ihe commissioner this morning and the latter promised to come down from Milton in the morning. The juuge feels that they will get together I on some kind of an agreement sol that the levy can be made. The publication of the story of the deadlock Saturday resulted in many tag Payer "sitting up and taking no tice." So serious did many local peo ple .hink th" situation that President Tollman of the Commercial associ ation has been asked to call a meet ing. However, Judpe Marsh feelj Ihcl such a meeting will be unneces-Kiry. TO WED A COUNT WHO EARNS HIS OWN WAY Chimney sweep. Call J5&J. Dressed hogs, 8 cents pound, al Cash Msrket Penland Bros, transfer Co. hav torage warehouse Phono Slf. Public stenographer and bookkeep er. Km. 5, Temple Bldg Phono 477. Suit pressed, 50c. Dry cleaned, SI 59. Rudd, 310 W Webb Phone. 685. Lost Crochet purse containing door key. Finder return to City Competent woman or girl for general housework Inquire this !.,..:.. Sill Ill IWHJmk , flBBBBBPrff jfBBBB HBL J'W MHflflr "T j , , j I ' ! ? , l I f 2! ,. r r, y -if-T-' v ..KBi ! For sale Five room house, corner two lots, desirable location on nortk side Phone SI Old papers for sale; tied Id bun lies Good for starting fires, etc 10c a bundle. This office. Very many people desire to buy lands in eastern Oregon. What have rou to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Prompt automobile taxi service day or night Funerals to cemetery only S3. 60. Phone 110. Quelle Res taarant C ft H Taxi Co.. Lost Roll of hand made dollies, corner of E Alta and Johnson. Find er please return to this office. Re ward. For rent Ncely fumished flv room house on north side Moderr improvements. Telepnone g or C39M. Found A muff was found gle-Woodman hall Saturday night er Library ball owner May rwovei same by proving property and paying for this notice. Salesman Capable specialty man for Oregon. Staple line on new and exceptional terma Vacancy now. Ai tractive commission contract. 13'. weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blx ler Co . 230-1 Carlin Bldg. Cleveland. O Ka- aft- 91 fur Ruail Warrants All road warrants registered durln; the months of July, August Septem. ber. October November an I Decern 1 ber, 1915. will be paid at my office t the county court house, upon preser tatlon. Interest ceases upon date ( pal licatlon. Dated Tendleton. Oregon clus ih.. list day of December. 116. G W. BRADLEY County Treasurer Art 1ntnres Art lecturee by Mrs JestUe HoBSy man Illustrated with splendid slldef. In the Presbyterian church at p. 'n Monday and Tuesdav January 3 ajot ' 4 Monday "Beautiful Venn with the ArtLst Titian. Tasodl 'Northern Kurupe" with the Irtl Dritrer Tickets 'or four remalaJ lectures. 75 i . nh; single lleSMtJ) .' rt tits. -Adv plcs fur sil- Assortment or Itoman Beautle-. Wtnisaps, Siit"nbergs. 36 to H Sweet elder Mr K. C An.bal 'Ken' I30D W Alta Box SSI Adv Twenty nve ik in - it, ai.l. Mi- Ida .Mi Ida : Ml Mid Mis. sti iking heal will, short): Count or M Meted with t pan of 'e. Italian has dauuhti r -'! e he hav entered the luiukmv buai. ... U i;s C. Swift, u tall ami man here Boon after the wedding h. T. t of Chteago s. cietv M 1 leave on u bwafaeas trip lo gautk o litr the new ear. wed , :. , tnr ,rujl! ,.,p.lllN i w Mtnott.'. who : eM M, Swift l known in Chicago ,. heCuardiu. Tr.i-t 'mn- cietv as an experienced horsewoman.! I - luted January t f I