East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 01, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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'I mw . Y'Sl daily evening edition
Th Kaat Oregonlan has Hih largeat paid
Irculatlun "I any paper In Oregon, east nf
Portland and ovur twit ilie circulation In
leudlctuo of any other uewHwer.
Forecast for raster n orrgun ht Ua
lulled stales W rather Obssrtce
at r otlaii.l
VOL. 27.
NO. 8694
. rw w wwi j uf rwuui t ai kk
Divorces Increase
in County During
Year Just Ended
OX OTUF.lt S1I)F, M MItl.lt CM
at Stanley Station.
" The liiMtitution of divorce made an
. ., I Increase in the num!.er of lu con-
Assailant of Mrs. Mabel Myers is!vrt i umaum county during m.
C I u..i..j... in I l,a"t year while tlio Institution ,,:
ruunu uedu leiieraay Huemoon mmmm U not make u g00d a rec-l
I ord as In 1914. The records ker.t ovi
County Clerk Frank Haling show ttuti
during the twelve montha Just passed 1
102 divorce suits have been filed!
ugalnst 95 In 1914 and that onlv la
i marrlago licenses were grante-J !
whereas In 1914 there were 210.
Van Vm-H Same Oun With MM ha A consultation of the equity docket
Wounds Woman-UnMct a I l .. " hou ho that
Through Temple and Death Mual i beemln more an1 mr Pop"'" fori
Have llccn Inst.nlancm a-!? 'hilr ''Tr r" .hU"Tl" l H
Had Said He Would Suicide. , T. 'liV"r,,!
court Thu In only 60 divorce I
PORTUAND, Ore.. Jan. l.-Evan ! "l?" ln 1,12 lhere wer j
H. Kemp, wanted for the attack on I jL'"."1 f," 81 '"V H
Mra. Mabel Myera. k d himself yea- 2 J 'j .ft V108
terday afternoon near Stanley atatlot, ' crees of beoaratlor, ,r ted J"
0. the BjUoal. ., ,n his pocket j ZZ ae T , ind,ng a!me h
M a mM not. addressed to Ita L, (,lamed an,. in oth.he. de-!
I cree has been refuaed.
Kemp killed himself with a revol-1 There were leaa marriage llcen
. V III. I I .-,....
presumably the name one with Issued during lsu than In anv vear i
I. I . . I . ...... -.1 - L . . t , . ' '
which Mrs. Myera was shot when she
wna attacked on Cleveland avenue,
between the Mase Line and Section
lane roada. lust Tueaduy afternoon.
Some one telephoned to the sher
iffs office thut a dead man hud been
for the laat six save onlv in 11112 when
the total was 197. In mil there were
205 and In 1810, 258, a record never
aurpaaaed. In 1913 the number was
205 and last year 210.
September was again tln imnn
10 iwl(
Passing of the Wet Regime is Com-; Only Two More Days Remain to Fix
paratively Quiet-Most of the! Annual Budget and Court is Dead
Saloons are Closed Early. locked Over Disagreement.
Wowing of Whistle and lUiurine ot FTforts Hate -n Mad- Iah --
It.-IU r..i. .11 ... . II... ...... .. J
Itells Innounee Tliat Il ILls
Begna Hut Uttle -Rough Stuff is
in Evidence Hack i.i,uor sold 01
taut Hours.
u t om iiiau- Wantea "irllnii Of
l ibrary MatUn. lu,t ., Vmlm.
mm Has as Vet Hern asttMM In
Man. r.
With the big bonfire at the high With but two
found near Stanley atatlon. Sheriff month for marriage llecnaea durli j.
nuriDurt and Chief Field Deputy Boh i 115. leading all others with 32, or
i'hllllpa, went to the aoene. The hod
was positively Identified as th
iie missing Kemp.
Examination of the remains show
ed that Kemp had shot himself in ! hfT of """Tlage licenses
'he right tempi,., uslnit a siniMe ahot ,h'' niber of divorce Instltu
the right temple, using u single ahot
to end his life. In a side coat pocket
Sheriff Hurlhurt discovered the note
"hu h Kemp had penned to his vlo- j
tlm. Mrs. Myers, before committing !
sviieltle. i Mftn'h
Ketnp in his orlglnul communlca.
lin to Mm riff Hurlburt. when he
mailed a special delivery letter the i jUv
afternoon of the crime. In which he I August
informed the office of the attack on I Septefnb
Mra. Myers, said that he would CODU I OctOOW
mil suicide.
one more than in Round-up month
In 1914. Juno again took second
honors, with 24
The following table shows the ntim
her of marriage lic?nne (rrante.l ani
Happy INew,
month by month during the year
February -, ) 7
March 13
mr ..-ai r m bbk i ,ar i i v y v . iiim r iMTiiaaam rj
nanier - mnan
Pendleton Postoffice Gains
Over $1 100 in the Last Year
i historv a speci
Jan. 1
A envoy
-First time
of the Czar,
the Mikado and emphasize the disap
pearance of the ill feeling resuliio
from the Hiissu-Japanese war.
A gain of over jlloo was ma.le In; The following are the receipts
'he receipts of the local postoffice ! ,h . - ,,, .
dorm. rh. - ,., ZLaZ ,hJ the ears li,J a"J l month
previous year. In -914 the total re-!m"n,n- 118 by the Pendleton
teipts were J2T.401 13 and for 191j Postoffice:
lhe were t2S.518.14, a difference Of
tl. 116.41. 'January ...
In nearh ivpn month in ltr. n ! Pfbrnrv
Charles H. farter, trusteee of the fn''' Is shown over the corresponding ' March ...
Surah A. Thompson trust fund yester- i "'..nth in 1914. The difference in April
daj filial l.ls report on the status of December of each year is not very May
the fund In compliance With the new hirge, Insl month being onlv Iff.kO June
in xces.s of December of 1914. Hut Jul
this can be accounted for by the fact August ....
that !n 1914 there were three, tons of .September .
Hour shipped 8$ parcels post which October ...
bolstered the receipts very material- November
ly. The rock-bollom Christmas bus- December
I II UUiEB II i Mi l l . It. TIU STF.1
UNCE with l,
st ile law. The value of the fund, or
Iglnallv 1 1000. is now tlo4U, afitMftl
Ing to the report.
Whin Mrs. Thompson died In Oc
tober, 1904, her will left 1 1 000 in u
fund the earnings from which were to
Over $7000 Paid
Out During Year
. 2 144 35
1.794 01
2.267.3 :
1,474 n
" v..w ...e. hi irto iiior.- u.i s ,.n which
school still blazing brightly, with the to make the annual county levy the
blowing of whistles, ringing of bells, county court is deadlocked over a
T" " ana "nouu OI """sreement in library matters which
the hilarious, near-hllarloua and the threatens to deprive the central h
enthusiastic sober, the year 1SU brary board of the 1 10.000 appropr !
passed Into hlatory la Pendleton at ation incorporated in the budget or
midnight laat night and the yea. to hold up the levy entirely Tor ,h.
1916 made ita advent i raat ten dav. Jf. w i h
! Despite the fact that the lJJ,
j changed from the wet to the dry col- , date hev Ire Tr
umn with the beginning of the ,w; mj'than wh X'wTS
year, there was no more disorder on discussed 'natter was first
the streets last night than on the or- The irouUe ir
dinary New Year's eve. A great man; standir- , i ,"""""""'
drank away the last hours of the watjfcMMta. 07th. 111" f
year and many became drunk but ! To , Vpf n!!n Milton branch library,
little "rough stuff was in evidence. 5 at
By the city ordinance the sale.,,... , ,endllThTf M" Ckb.
- - - , I t"ntends ,nt. inasmuch as the hmia.
I hot ; C 7 : rX" " l.r.r1" People, mam.
until that hour. Several closed be- J 'Wd .by. them Pnd located on land
Itween 7 and 8 o'clock, not so much'l ,1, em' ,he home board
! because their stocks or liquor were , archl,e- the
giving out as out of a desire to expel h m ! contract and supervise
'the noisy crowd. Fred Schnelter.' e work- Moreover, they claim that
proprietor of the Office saloon, was " "u,n's 0' ch an arrangement
one of the first to close. With his . f 80nie ,ime ' the cen-
place jammed to capacitv and liquor i 'ra' b"ard Mai that they have been
flowing freely, he asked Chief of Po-; pr25edmS accordingly.
...... 1 Tko I'k.ii.,.,.. . . i ....
uce to nelp him get rid of the crowd v '""J"" lnp central board.
i and clo up aljout 7:15. Otheta fol-l Ijna H Sturgia. contends that
I lowed suit and at 11 o'clock the Co- i f" del'"Kaion of authority- would
! lumbia bar was the only saloon open ( "Hrely illegal and she Is support-
Promptly on the hour tne crowd was; - Juage u. H. Marsh who has an
ordered out and a dray backed upjoplnion from the district attorney to
and hauled away a full load of case ' ,he effec' that the law provides that
goods. I ' nl the central library board can
Only nineteen arrests were made,carry on sum business transactions
by the police though others, getting! However' the district attorney states
tinder the influence of liquor, werelthat 'here is nothing In his opinion to
given a kindly steer toward home I I'revnt a friendly arrangement be.
Chief Manning states that he has seen : lv, en the two boards,
some Saturday nights almost as dls- j The upshot of the whole thing Is
orderly as last night. j ,h's. Commissioner Cockburn has
Before midnight tne street crowd declared Positively that he wilt sign
had largely dispersed, some going;"0 order for a tax levy which lnrlmt..
" V
x- i ...... u"itii, nviuc gum, ( --- - .... a irT j wnnn lii'iudes
On KOUOte dCaltoS h"me s"mp 1,1 the hish 30,1001 for the the tie, for the Pendleton build.
HAl.l MOKi: Til AN UOO
VMM 1 Klid.i.D.
More than 2300
coyotes havi
Paid the oounty on the scalps,
total paid out in this eonita
g the
-coi ds
o has
Thompson at olney emcrery. Kunzie
bodfa A. F. & X. M.. was nnmi d at
imataa of the fund but bis lodge had
already passed out of existence at her
aaata and the court nnmcd Mr Car-j
ter. Her will also left a bequest ot
1300a for the Improvement of oli-e
lemettTv tiliil in tumour this over In
popular health resort was today taken the city, Mr. Carter made arrange-
ponscssion 01 oj W i. njrm ui ' iiqi oo-oo vtiieieo Llie cil aiutuio Kt'i'l
HOT LAKE, Ore , Jan 1 This
for the shipment of tho
1914 flout as
.11.116 41
Ia tlninilo Nntlonal bunk "n behalf
of the I2S0.000 bond Issue. The man-
. .... ,,f thA ajinltHrlom will con.
tlnue In the hands of Dr. O. W. Tape
Report Submitted by Fee on
Status of the Sturgis Fund
coy. !
up the graves free of cnarge Thus
the earnings from the fund are not! ln compliance with the new state notea having a mm
o.-eo,u io HiwBWHi uir srates anv i law rwiuiiuig annual reports b trns- iglnallv Col F O
1 half and the state hair.
Yesterday was tile last dav
which the coyote slayer could a
j three dollars for the scalp, the
law automatically renucin ih
ote bounty to H.gO w!in ,he heirinnin .
were brought in to the office'of the 0'- U'SO MACHINE
clerk Tt RNs Tl HT1.K.
While some of the bounty was p
upon bobcat scalps, the number
...... , nanwuniuiunuwnur inc ; lur ine r-emileton build.
elebration there and others seeking iinS unless the central board will first
...HT-, i.iair.i iu nai ii me iiu )pjrj"n wai.er ui autnortt.v in the mat
die. A big crowd was at the high; ter of supervising the Milton bulld
school hill to watch the evergreen in" Judge Marsh declares the cm
boughs burn and to partake of the missloner some time ago joined with
lunch provided by the ta lles of the; him in a positive promise to the cen-clty-
,ral board to make the appropriation
;ann that the board has proceed
I'-ordingly. letting the contract for a
building which Is now half built and
which will cost llo.ioio noire thnn th,.
donation made bv Carnegie. Coots
mlssioner Cockburn replies by stating
that his promise extended no further
than the budget, and that he will f...
free to eliminate the Item In mak'nor
the levy.
Judge Marsh' asserts that the com
missioner Is trvine to h, ,!,,.,.. li.
- .......WW I, ,,,,
by using the threat to eliminate th
::brar- Item as a club K,ther. he
jsays. he is using his pcMtttea to f.rc.
Ithe wntral hoard Into an tDagal
agreement. He declares he will at tad
: pat. the chairman of the central Nan!
i..,li,l.. j.iibiiii In iilrnndv noticeable
the attendance being greater than a
year ago. With Improvements con
tlnually being mnde, Hot Lake antici
pates a very prosperous future.
BMW ui ii. KS. uwwu iuni i" .ii i,.,.s of IU1H S. . allies A Keo esteri a Ini.t... l... ..
The usual influx of guests after theifhe money has laid In the bank for: submitted to County Judge Marsh aldeath in iiu ,n.I . , . """"n lloKa' f two dol-i , , nad a .narr" p!,cape 1
. I i Inaita noticeable. I tha miuri ,,r ... iim .n.t Mr nuau m.. ... . . . ' " "" bus bountv ni nnfd "w injurv or aeatn yesterdav
charced hlmaelf sii mr cent interesi .,... JI. l-,, ... J ' " .. r . . ,a,ue "''' The month of Aoril .h.. - l(,nKH1" 'hen the Craybeal
w w - ...... i n aw v it lllllt' UI IfllWl S ilon th a-nu t - -1 ' - t fc..v . . . ,
tifi nv iih iii.'ii i in., u-i n S:ini r Sturtris :t! 1 n..t .v...
- - ' .S uir tin
t - - James aow mayor, m.k( an .u.1.
u . . ... iOf I'end eton and nm ilr.vh... I ""innrm mm
rZ! "r'UB. aM not ""; known insurne. . Aommissloner Cockburn say, he
none man tnan a naif doen . -rn- -rrvi
h is
narrow escape from j (Condnued on Page Four
during that time lately he has se- at
cur.sl a seven per cent loan for 11500; his death 19 years ago
month for bounty warrants, the total
which they were driving
side of Holdman turned turtle
of the money from A. Hudson.
i. .... .. " r"" issued during thut mik .
"al"ma BanK' Xhe '"" the la. thaa half the ent.nV o ' . '7. " .kI'"! into a ditch
l,,e ' i i case .lur Mil- Jnaan Wamfm mo-i h... ; - " "lr
car I
the othe
British Liner is
Torpedoed; Consul
of U.S. Was Aboard
-w- -I - aaaaaaaaai mmum nif ' ' 1 1 ' Of U0 Hl-
r'fm ri'imrl nVnr rivi i i i i v.: 1 itf Ihu triiti. , s..i ... ,
. mh ,, nlintfMu imnk ,,... .. . .. . " a n'""n" I TIT. However, all of the eavataa fori ""th men were Pinioned aUm
: rr 18 19019.29 vhih , . ::: ,h. ... : .
juuge re .ncorporaies .n u ce, Aside from the IhioKs ' ' mat oi uiiconsciuus
!""'"" eie nni Kiuesi during April. wun mree nroken nhs am
LONDON. .Ian. I, DMrsBM 7 and ' gen. It is helli-icd Row disemlmrk--200
is-rsons, many of UMM women and " al 'iilwallar.
(MMrn arc m llced to have .H-rlsh-1 xv ASIN,;TON ,
l when the Krltlsb lined IVrsIa was M Mll(.r was ntaM
ithmarlnert south or CfBM Tliursday. Thursilay while aiioroachlng Alcvaii
II Is unknown whether the ship was ,,r,a" Consul Skinner al fonJoa rma.
m.l or .ti.er It trlI til tire. The . nl l,Kln u- N atofWy, Amerlnin
'on-ill t Ad was a passenger Near
ta.t so row iH-rsons arc snow,. ,o nave i ,v lUI n,HIri, rlslltH, ...n,,, ,
in-n saveti iiimcauii w-nni. iinii was ; sioiiiier.
allio.c.i them to reat4i pliui-s of safe- T'"' ap department did ,,, ,v.
.. t .. ... , .1 .
t. The ivrsla was 7.H7I toiw, the , " m!WI "" nau- ire
, , , . . ,, , ... . ""'"l"s lniiiorlaii. in the safataa.
third largest ,gllsh ! to ls suh- ; ,.,,. ,,.
Hiarlm-d. raiJcally settled Idinslng said he
Ik-tUhn McNci'lv, t hus, tjrant and ,vn,l await official ii.Ul.i-s before
Kdward Homo mw Amerlmn passcn- j taking action.
- - I tne oihihs purcnascii
transaction aince he has had charge gme years ago, no part of the earn
of the money. OT f the fund have gone to the li-
The fund was $5000 when created l-.1Ty and Judge Fee holds that ft Is
...r u.e orne.u 01 me oorar 01 ire not required to spend the innuili VJ
Pendleton Commercial association and ..rfn i . , t 'months of Januarv
. ' "l "' '-rt-oii uo'iii now anu i.lr. ,..,..i. t,
the report shows that the assots if u h.. i... ...... n .Mar, h totaled jt
the fund now amount to 117.460 6O.1 T,e uhrarv of the reiulleton Com
more than triple the value of the or-, merclal association ha- Macs been
Iglnal bequeathment. tr this amount merged with the cltv and county 11
only (1624 29 is represented by books j brary.
the balance being In Interest -lieu rlnr
nott8. i
In his memoranda attached to his
1 OMDOOH aOCLBTl t yis
KKtol.l Hon mi , ,KI
Till 1.1 11
A week from today will b natural.
1 t'li.trl i!,.i.. I' ... ilui'hipoM urrnrii
have been made In handling the fund
batata he does not claim to be Infal
lible, but he expresses the belief that
the fund Is long by 40 or tuO rather
than short by reason of these errors.
Moreover, he declares he has not
profited one cent by the handling ol
Hrltish liner Is torpedoed.
can !.. ongt-rs were aboard.
the fund but on the other hand has "nd" euvoj with New Year's
blmsidf nald for releases of BUM, snvtlng to mikado.
Lgages and filing of other documents.
me report snows tne following lKl
statement of assets: Cash, 1197 14 County .lairt deadlocked over
N. K IVsnaln note IS0S4 41 P 0 imp, i ......... ... .
- --. - ... o ... nri row
l.ucas note $1610, A. M Data Ha note Saloons die with old year with ml
llt4)i.TI, Michael note tlf.4B, OtpVH iilnmni of dlsonler
note 12003 .12. IVrle.tl note 1791 14. Mayor Hcst .,d Law- t.ravlal m
1 1, 1 , . L .: I I 1; ' I ....! IT.AQUE l . .. Rill ill
".. ................ i,-.- jumi 111 iiiiio ac. oh in
a. 2(1 1 ' . . 1 1 on inierest 10 Mrs o.
..... ........ . . u 1,11 - .... .... . ... on
many hunters having held their hid., "iner injuries, maaii 1., -m.i
until the new bnuntt law btvame ot- himself and. with the aid of miarUa
eratlve. The bounty raid dtiriinr the Vinson near whose nlac ihu a.
pwnw in-.. ".-i'.-..t-i. iei.t-ue.1 tr. nest. He din
in Anril laaai 1 not regain cunsci..onM Dm .......
as pan in oounty. m Mav llf l.taaa n w as three hours more before ht
In June J4S6. in July in August 'was rational
166, in September. Ills. In OBtahlfl This morning it was announced
in Novemlier 1247 and in Ivecem-; that the mayor's Injuries are not ser
5"5- jius but will keep him confined to his
' 1 1 nullm T.ir a il.ii' ..a. I . i m .1
Tetanus Hose, s.-mK.U I that Craybeal mav have been In ured TZ, ,h'
m.oOMK,Kl.l.. Iowa, Jan 1 -Two internally In addition ,0 the broke w,l U ,' '
schools in the county already have bones J2 P'nt'd to the smM ,
closed and more are llkelv to ,k,. , . Oregon Society of the s.,i, r ihe
atmUar action ,., , L iin takln lh' outAmorlcan Revolution for M
ic of tetanus. betond Holdman to examine aome ap naturalization . ermi.Tir.s The
plications for insurance policies. The. slon will be BsaaV I paurVstli ..e. in I
(jernian iv,.ts sindhM ! bowllnft aI,,nK ,h oan"" r.,,1 1 Judge Phelps will Invite ,11
'annul 'ji, ... an 1...,,. .... . ... ... .
" . ."u. worn mid """tii f ntteiiu iti Kioothi 1,11
lie will also tie invltrd
Judge Stephen A Lowell. ahoM
eltMjuence 1. well known has baaa
avpo4aiad i. the aaatotj i" mk th.
speech of piaaMtaitaa tad jo.i
Phelpa will of aaatal make the aaata h
of acceptance. Naturalization 1 if 'I
cer Hazzar.l will b here m ih.
caalon and 'be ,!.. .-. ng 1 , 1
Amerii 01 ltlsri will . 1
near lh front
MSTBltHAM. Jan I Klght allied JJhr
aeroplanes Nimlwrtltsl Herman do
pots In Helglum and along the French (
frontier, according to advices receiv
ed here.
the car struck something
Cabinet to MHt galn
IrONPON. Jan. 1. Reports were
current here that there would be no
definite announcement of the cabi
net's future policy until parliament
in..,.-.. 1. . . , ns.-euo.ies. r un ner raninet meeting
IMlorcCH Incroa.si. ilnrin,. , ..... .... . .
'1 riagvs iloiTraKo I"" eipecicu ,0 occur netore conscrlp-
tion is iiltiinalel decided upon.
swerved and upset.
The Injured men were taken to the
C.uerrant place and last evening Mr. I
Uuerrant brought them into the city I
ltlisstans Near TelMH-an
PCTKOtiltAI), Jan. 1 The l!us
sians nave captured Nov . ran 1,
and other towns about Jo miles f mm i poaitlona
irneran, according to t.rflclal an I The Hon. of the Its
nouncement. The Slavs were opposed I Maa t..r
by Turks, Kurds and Persians.
.in In tha