DAILY EVENING EDITION Fatccnnt fof Bmgfg orejc.)ri in the i nil, (i state w eathef Observer at Portland, DAILY EVENING EDITION EMI To ADVERTISER The Rant OragontSS hfl thf ItfgsSt paid circulation of nuy paper Id Ureu'in. en at of Poriliuid ami over twice tlie circulation In Pendleton of any other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFF NO. 8t VOL. 27. : im i DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ' ; f V NO DANGER OF A WAR IF AUSTRIA New Chief of British Staff NORTHWEST HAS Plan of Terminal Yar f Pilot Rock Junction REFUSES DEMAND All United States Wants is That Dual Monarchy Guarantee Safety to American Citizens. DIPLOMACY TO AVERT FIGHT Question f Punishment of Subma rine Commander Who sunk the Ancona Win Not ic Pressed im portant Developments in Interna ilonal Caae Exnocttd, WASHINGTON, I .. SO. The Austrian reply to the American tnooni dcmandi was delivered 10 Itnbaeaador Penfleld at Vienna. Tin' ambassador reported the mite l.s ;)OU words long. Coding ami Bending ndl require some Mine it probably ui arrive to morrow afternoon, WASHINGTON; Dec. 10. Amarlc r ONE OF COLDEST WAVES OF YEAR 'Southern California Experiences! Worst Weather in Many Winters but Relief is Promised. ' MIDDLE WEST IS SNOWBOUND rwelvc Inches of snow Palls in Some fHirtfcMH und Itullroud Truffle Is at Standstill One Fatalitj Is Report- isl ill Pennsylxiiiilti from Vlil Ijike Traffic Stopped, PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 30 A seven- cold wave is sweeping the entire Puclfic Coast. It Is reported us un precedented la severity in southern California- A light snow fell at San 'runclsco and Dakland. Sun lierriar- dinri its h snow .Mais Joaqi the o preva the first rial ciwatorm l 1 sassuss mm m u . GIRL ENDS LIFE WITH POISON IN ROOMING HOUS E : Mrs. Albert McCullough, Known I Here as Miss Lizzie Ulrich, Suc cumbs at Hospital This Morning- LOVE AFFAIR THOUGHT CAUSE I wo Letters Left. Imp to Ni.-t.-r. ami One W Al Warner, a I.. - ..I i .m I. . smith Was Laughter of Will 11 riih of IIuntioKtou, Formerly of Thi f lty. lied hitter wind swept the .san alley. ISalnfall today saved j e crop. Clear cold weather generally throughout the! , and the forecasters prom-1 tly warmer weather tonight, This cm -how the general plan of the about January is. T new terminal yards at Pilot Rock Junction which will lie opened 6 S1K WILLIAM RCeSRtSQH NATATORIUM COMMITTEE UNION COUNTY MAN ENTERS FILES REPORT WITH CLERK AS CANDIDATE FOR BOARD point upon which America insists is that Austria give assurance:, that' American citizens will not be Jeopar. 1 dlled, If Austria subscribes to the! lame principles us Germany, the oth er questions will be settled by dlplo- lUlltln .,v..l, ...,.. Ittu Ancona incidents. Mrs. Cecil Srell, an Ancona survivor, Is expect ed to amplify her affidavit soon. The probable cause of the British I'XPAJT) BIIX8 VHE oi TSTAND- ed from tile chief of the London, sue eral sir An the front dl as further 1 1 TO Tin; AMOUNT or OVKIl tWO vhlc make hief of the liritish gen-!"' swe,,t b' one 01 ,nc wor-ll U Prance, has been recall- ,,izzarl3 recent years. There is aj front t" take the post us s""v -''all at some points 12 inches ana i imperial general staff in nUlroad traffic is at a standstill. Lake j Coder the new state la i ceding Lieutenant-Gen-1 navigation has been temporarily ah. quires public trustees to ninaiu , Murray, who i "iiuom mi. "ire serice ia iuuanu.1-1 ports, the Natatoriuni committee o( .en "an Important com-l '' One fatality was reported at the Pendleton Commercial Associa lUnlontown. Pa. jtion today filed its report with the of Gen. Robertson from j ; county clerk. The committee eon. jsisls of C. M. Bishop, Geo. Hartman. Jr. G. U Bovden. Leon Cohen G I La dow and C H Marsh ED WRIGHT INNOTJNCES HE'LL -I EH PLA( E ON PI in K SERVICH COMMISSION". SOUGHT TO HOLD UP The letter written by the deceased young woman to Mr Warner was op ened this afternoon by Coroner Brown. In it she confessed herself broken hearted over the unfortunate ending of their relationship and bad him goodbye. Swallowing a quantity of poison, early last evening, Mrs. Albert Mc Cullough, known here as Miss Llzzio Ulrich, succumbed to Its effects at 3:30 this morning. That she delib erately tool by the fact own life is Indicated left two letters, ona later at Friend, Ore . i A I Warner, a local is said to have Jilted I not come us a surprise isnges In the British ren- i.( Ized and forwarded to America for sale. The Norwegian mail from 1 'hi iKllania has been released, the Swedish minister announced. No Quotations in Wheat at Portland I'uHTI-ANU. t quotation! today. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA IS COVERED BY SNOW BLANKET ORANGE t ROP Is XOT DAMAGED in HEAVIEST I'M. I. IN M N M ills. SAN BERNARDINO, Dec. 30. Two Inches of snow covers the ground Ed Wright, for the past twelv years county clerk of Union county was in Pendleton for a short whll yesterday afternoon and while her announced himself as a candidat for the republican nomination fo the position of public service com missioner from eastern Oregon. H thus enters the lists against Mavo SEATTLE BREWING COMPANY SATS HAS HAD NO TIME TO DISPOSE OF STOCK. ! d th:there un subscriptions ti . The total am is $10,533.51. thii ! (lid: late si:s OF VRE SCOI RING H IMl'V PORTLAND WOM MAY SCC 1MB. 30. -.More I The oldest Inhabttan member this much i blankets extended froi tains to Riverside, Cori no. A warm rain is fal , re Vhite Ollll- Jnta- PORTLAND, Ore., Dec than a hundred armed men are scour ing the vicinity of Portland for Evan Kemp, the identified assailant of s at Qreaham. His B, Mrs. Mal.el photograph been sent bl Mrs. Hye The built I ir ha s' condltl her right When sufficient subscriptions have been received to pay the outstanding indebtedness, the committee will make la final report in detail to the county j court as well as to the Commercial Association and ask for its discharge, 'as the natatorium and its manage ment was turned over to the city last summer, Altogether there were nearly 700 I subscriptions ranging from IS cents to $100. The city pave $2000 and the lot in Irvington Heights brought in . $317.10. The committee anticipates TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 30 The e ttle Brewing and Malting companv, led an application for a restraining order against Attorney General Tan-i ...! cer Prevent 'he enforcement of thei ' prohibition law. H is alleged Tar-' ner threatened to prosecute liquor; Id "manufacturers and destroy all the : goods made prior to Januay 1. The ' st 'company declares $50,000 worth of j il : beer is stored which thev cannot ship! his popularity there is attested by the fact that during the twelve years he has held office he has been nom inated by the republicans and demo crats alike with the exception of one election His retirement from the county clerkship has resulted In wild scramble for that office. Mr. Wright personally favors his deputy. ostly thimb The m world is owned by the Queen am. 'It is shaped like a lotuj and. is made of gold, thickly si with diamonds. court to restrain an enforcement oi the law until January 16, so it can dispose of its stock. The complaint alleges the prohibition act conflicts with constitutional rights. It also al leges the election at which the pro hibition MU Was passed was illegal because notices were Improperly published. in descended from the is evident that a lot t made much progress Old Council Has Farewell Session to Clean up Slate The eld council met in its farewell, session last evening and cleaned up all matters which have been pending before it. At the close of the session Acting Mayor John Dyer and Coun- oilmen John E Montgomery, Charles A. Cole, ii ml John Slobert completed their life as city officials While they will still retain their office until j their successors supplant them after' the first of the year, their active work J bus been completed. All old bills, which hud been filed and held up for various reasons, were disposed of last evening In order to j give be new administration a Olearj sheet. The only matter left over for the new council to decide was the responsibility for the hole In the Vin cent street pavement in front of the Itoesch property. The hole was dug make the repairs The contract for the construction of concrete crosswalks on Jackson street acroai Blaine and Grant wns let lo II. i. Moussu last night, his hiil being 15 cents a foot. Tlie matter of changing the fire alarm wires to connect with the Jackson street cable was left to the fire committee with power to act. Flunk Neugle was given a permit None of thfl retiring eoiiniilmcn lust evening sang any ''swan songs." com pleting their tenure of office without outward rejoicing or lament. Mityor eleet J A. Best was the only one of the new officials In attendance. shooting and maltreatment Kemp was seen last night near Portland, He bought coffee and aj loaf of bread and went into a wood--. : l osses are scouring the bush and I roade between Portland and Oregon city. Gresham farmers who arc. searching base sworn vengeance. This morning somebody, saying his I name was Kemp, called up the sheriff b) telephone and wanted to "talk this' thing over." He said he would mall a special delivery letter telling the Sheriff where to meet him. Deputies I were stationed at the poStOfflCe. British Veterans Offer to Train Recruits and the other to Al Warn blacksmith, who is said to her several days ago. The contents of neither letter ar'j known yet. The letter to her sister was dispatched unopened and the one to Wrarner will probably be opened this afternoon by Coroner Brown in the young man's presence. Despond ency over a love aftalr with Warner Is the cause assigned by her friends. The woman, who was not yet UO years old. took the poison about 7 30 last evening at her room In the Res sler rooming house at 201 West Webo street. She swallowed the contents of an ounce vial of carbolic acid and an ounce and a half of laudanum. When discovered shortly afterwards, she was unconscious, uther room ers at once summoned the police and Officer Frank Nash responded. Pro- to St. Anthony's hospital where Dr. E. O. Parker was awaiting bM By use of a stomach pump, he clean ed out such of the poison as was stilt in her ftomach and administered an tidotes but these measures proved vain. She did not regain conscious ness and at 3:30 expired. The body was taken to the under taking parlors of Coroner J. T. Brown and that official has not yet decided whether he will hold an inquest. If the letters prove the suicide, an In quest will be unnecessary. Deceased was a daughter of Will Ulrich, who formerly lived in 1' u dieton and who. during the past few years has been a resilient of Hunt ington. She was married to Albert McCullough of Huntington In July. Indians Will Have Jackrabbits for a New Years Dinner 'i-it.'.T- X7z 2 DAYS I . ; Com? in Now , v , nd with (Js t limn time whrv sht) John Barleycorn Will End His Reign in City Tomorrow TnrneiTnw John B&rtfeycort) ftlllgfl his swan sons hi Pendleton and in all nlhrr parts of Oregon and! Washing ton. It ts the lust day of the wot .vetir of 1916 and Saturday will usher in the prohibition year of lIHfi. The last expiring moment! of Kins Boole In Pendleton is marked by an tncrened consumption on the part of the habitual drinkers 'nnd a laying in of supplies by all classes. Many of the saloons are Offering ba rgatM hi all VaHettefl Of bonze and ninny resi dents have patronised the sales lib ervJlyi One bartender staled yester day that during the past week men bad bought liquor from him who had navel before passed a nlekle over bis bar. ' Borne are purchasing the liquor for moderate consumption at home. Some want it for poaalble medical use ! Others simply sny, "It's always nice I to have a little w hiskey or brandy or 1 Kin around the house. You never know just when you are Kin to j need it." Hut almost everyone has j been buying for some reason or other. The result has been the depletion ! of the saloon stock in the city. Few i of the liquor dealers have felt the ne j resslty of sendhiK part of their stork 'to wet ntates for disposal. With the j anticipated heavy sales tomorrow I most of the saloon men figure that I they will have little lefl when th. EnftW years puts them out of business. The local brtWery has made its lasi j lot of beer and has less than 100 bar rclR on hand. These are being of fered al cut rules and William Koeseh the manager, expects to dispose of it ; all before tomorrow nllit. KI D MEN WW PLANNING lil(. 11 nI TO HUM 1 Elll -ONE IS INVITED. To secure meat for a big New Tears dinner, fifteen or twenty lndi- ana have been spending several flays! in the west end of the county killing jackrabbits and expect to return to- i morrow with eight hack loads of the j tender bunnies. The Indians of the Tutullla eon- i gregatlOn make much of their New ! Years feast to which they invite everyone. Albert BCtmnorn has do nated a beef for the dinner ami Par sons Motanlc has contributed a fal hog, The rabbits Will supplement tnese meats. J lie Indians drove down to the west end of the county Tues day in Bight hacks and expected t Kill the rabbits with suns unless they ) could find a corral in which to drive j them. Services at the mission w ill com mence this evening and Will be con-' tinned over Sunday, morning and I night. The Indians at this time are, I making a special effort in their tem perance work. i-ndleu ii u.i summer and en employed ut the Mint ; uncles. Frank and Ch ' and several cousins it v It was not generall : that she was married me time recently, it en keeping compi arner, who is an oan blacksmith she ter carrier at to" Man. Beat postofflce has s..i,t the prol He has a email electric IKI nd by turt NEWS SUMMARY VETERANS HCCR-VnHii AVTO. win Evacuate seutm-i. More SCUTA HI. Dec II, Serbian and various liritish Montenegrin troopers are preparing to evacuate Scutari, Tin. Austrlana are planning to Join the BuUratl be tween Dlbaatan ami Avlona, 'order to stir l,ondo 1 than 200 aged veterans oi head of the column wai ;tn anion .- The scheme brought man ainpaigns paraded In nl" D"aring a nuge sign calling up- to the ranks Ever) poealbl on me youths oi mm countrj to join ot recruiting is being aeed the army and train with the veterans. I to avert conscription, whlcl unng the last few days campaign am. At who offered their services as drill of- undoubtedly bad to much mM,ndelit OVef Ion- arralr. .r-. I ICcCuHoogti ii ! tir-iii) eoenmlH i Hiileiile. John Parh-trorn -in:- -Man ...o touiorr, w . Old OOVaVCtl GeMMM on Imi-Iiw-. it ; iat NeenloQ, Loral dog km, ,i aoJtoegi M bud rallies. Indian-- I. 'mo for Jiv krttbMt for New i rur- table