EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1915 PAGE EIGHT Jlllll in IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUI lllllllllilllllllllllllllHIIIIIIlHIIllllimiHllMtlllllilMWHWMr. Specials j Wews oinnli Raisin Bread. irr IOC 20c oc 25 Complete Line of Fresh Vegetables and Fruit. I mat ilia Couple to Wed. I tured loft leg, caused by a horse Cull- A marriage license was issued to- ing w lib him vostordav . The bone bo dily to Henry H. Ilines. section fore- low the knee was badly crushed and man at Umatilla, and May W. Seidell the young mun will be a cripple tor Of the, same tow n. some time. Estate at Ipprslsed. Stek Boy Recovering. W". W, Kdmiston, V. Q, liogert and' The little son of William l'atton is Karl I'outts, appraisers of the estate ! reported to be recovering from a seri- i of the : mit C. H. Brown, havi 1 oils attack of typhoid fever. Way Out of .tail. Howard, convicted yesterday of ying concealed weapons, yester- Daughter is Horn. A daughter was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Charles R, Leoklittr of SOD East Court street. We Dont Have Special Sales at Marked Down Prices j BUT WE HAVE THE CROWDS AT THIS BIG BUSY STORE. The good people appre- ciate our efforts in saving them money every day i the year on high grade merchan- s dis day ount out fine gun. iray Bros. Grocery Co. "QUALITY1 Two Phones. 28. 823 Main St. moon secured JI5, the am- County Court Mooting. his fine, and paid his Way County Commissioner H. M. Cock ail. This is the second such burn came down from Milton this has paid for carrying this morning to confer with County Judge C 11. Marsh on county matters. The tax levy will probably be made late Bootlegger Ought. this afternoon. O'Nell was caught yesterda' Indian whereby the latter liquor and this morning In urt he was given a sentence r 10 days. The city now has otleggers at work upon the Women's outing night gowns !!). 69. !V, $1.49. Children's outinyr gowns, white or colored, Women's heavy outing petticoats 2Ce lSc Women's knit skirts l!0. 09. 9S, 91.49, $1.98. Children's outing knit skirts ii5 19c Women's heavy fleeced vests and draw ers at 49 Women's light or heavy unions, Dutch neck, short sleeves 9S 81.98 Women's fleeced union suits, long sleeves, 49, 98c. Women's wool union suits 81.49, $1.09, $1.98. Children's and misses' union suits 49, 0,St 79. 9S. Children's shirts and drawers 19 2.10. 28, :;::r 39e. Children's knit suits US. SjU.US. 82.9 Children's sacques and sweaters at 19, 69, USc, 81.49. Women's and misses sweaters $1.98, 82.98, 83.98. t)Ul Injun Causes Olx-rutiou. Kicked on the leg by a horse a j 5 month ago, K. U. Heckham of Alhei.a 5 ever since has been suffering with the j s Injury and yesterday came to Pen-1 5 dleton for an operation. Mirgoous opened the leg and removed ton perfluous bono and expect the I You can do better at -J.C. PenneuConc 83 We Lead Others follow to Collect. ft Trombley of this -city today suit in the circuit court irgainst ". Lidvall. He alleges that he s a note executed by the defond- al result. I I. Mill- Brings suit, r Flouring Mills -llllll!tlllllllllltllt!ll!lll!lltllli:ill!HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllllltlltillllllllllllllllllllllll I "T.P.W. PursFood Shop" I n . . - . r- c ft I T 1 r ;s attorney M. Peterson is '.Miff. Iocs and attorney interest, for the I CLEANLINESS 3 PHONES ALL 15 ECONOMY Quart 1-2 gallon 1 gallon . 15 s.-o S1.50 Fresh shipment, all flavors, the package.. 10 and 25c Corn Meal Finest east- T. P. W. Cane and Maple ern meal, lb. sk... 4UC Jsyrup I T. P. W. Molasses 5 lb. can 65c I 10 lb. can 81.28 i Tomato Soup Large cans, 5 paph 10c Marshmallows Sunkist Oranges Fancy 5 rine oranees. doz. . 45c Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple Another shipment 100 doz- en cans, on special sale, 6 cans r 95C Star Cut Glasses Set of 6 s 5 t0 85 I The Peoples Warehouse j Where it pays to trade. miuMinimiHNiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniHiiHHiuiiiHf Masons ln-tall Officer, At the meeting of the local Masona las; evening the new officers elected SERVICE a week ago were Install d. The new officers are Sam H. Forshaw, wor shipful master. George C. Bater, sen ior warden, J. 0. Woodworth, junior warden. 9. W. Miller, secretary and Will Moore, treasurer. county has filed suit court against John F. asking judgment for ; to be due on a note a chandise purchased. I kin, Jr.. of La Grande Lowell ot this city are the plaintiff. n the remple, 19.19, al id for obert S. and S attorney Colon local Jr . riitiiittiiiiitiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiit iiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiitittiii BOY-ED. SAILING FOR Hold 1 mil Dry Period. Jacob Klaberer. Bil! Johnson and I T. C. Morgen will not have any fur ther opportunity to patronize Pendle. ' ton saloons. All three were this mor ning given five days in jail by Judge :ind their sentences will until after the state has The first mentioned hai Heading Course is prescribed. County Superintendent I. K Young calls attention to the fact that hereafter teachers In the state must have taken a prescribed reading cir cle course before their certificates can be filed for regtstralon. There XEW YORK, Dec. 18. Boy-ed, are nineteen books In the course, thir-j Colonel House and Brand Whltloolc teen of which can be secured through lure sailing for Europe aa shipmate i the University of Oregon correspond-1 today. House commented: "1 hope ence school and the other six fromithe American press and public will the O. A. C extension department. not speculate further concerning the 1 object of my trip. I repent that the trip has nothing to do with peace pro SAYS TIME Will. OME V III N GOVERNMENT Wil l, HAVE TO INTERFERE. Fitz I AM1I.Y LOST SIX YEARS. nt expire ane been Irunk frequently of late and the 22 last two were "vagged.' Advainv In Hour. According t land this afternooi flour will advance list tch from Port the price or 0 cents a barre soon in the Portland market. This information, it was stated, was se cured from milling interests. The new price will be.J5.lo. Whether this advance will affect the local market Is unknown as no word has yet been received here. Wife and Children Disnmear When Husband rake- v dob. PITTSBURG, Dec. jftfc Frank Sko ! bowach. aged IS, told the officers in j the Allegheny police station recently that, after wandering over four states j for six years in an effort to bcute his nil two rg. He in his belii ed his wife ing In Pittsbi to aid hin : posals. House said he first would visit I Page at London, then Sharpe at Par-, I is and Gerard at Berlin. He doubt- ! I ed if a conference would be had with Penfleld at Vienna. Whitloek is returning to Brussels ' improved after his sickness. Boy-ei was surrounded at the dock by at ,.f,,ttl f Manila Ha made a ure- Inferior at thii tinw the bridge pared statement, bitterly denouncing i built in 1 S92 and Us use would havolt the newspapers. He predicted the W'llllniu N, PiTvent William rnrntini In "Tile Thursday a ml I'rlday. Iti-oUen liw." Palini'' House and Garage For Sale Desiring to live on my property at River side I am offering .my residence on the North side. 516 Bush St., at a bargain. Fine location, four blocks from Main St. bridge. Tout large rooms and bath, large store room, ce ment basement and walk?, fine climbing roses ail over the porches, also a large number of rose bush es and several soft maple trees. There Is a con- Youth'- log Badly Practured. Paul Lieuallen. 15 year old son of T. A. Lieuallen of Adams, was brought to Pendleton today with a badly frac- Skobowach uth Sharon, come here. He wroti suffragists plan to win by ending internal strut:. Tmmm 1 1 1 is unknown as no word has yet been L ' II f DR. C. W. LASSEN. Tel. 27. 'S&W UiuT't Mm 3i W y jM Royal M. Sawtelle Jeweler since 1887 ; I Fino watch renairing by an '& w ' '1 -xnert horologist. S' I jyxSLL 'MM I 1 vii j I . ... I ir. en tayi he was working in but left six years ago where wages were bet to his wife to come on. but got no reply. He went to South Sharon only to find the house empty. Skobowach could get not trace of his family, but worked until he had HOOD all of which he has spent in the hope of locating the wife and children. He is now penniless. Improbable time was coming when ttie govi ment will be forced to suppress "wild, reckless utterances of Ir sponsible papers." the. II under proper inspection. After the wover. says the report, in inspection could have s se of failure. that procured merchandlso on cred- tthlch they disposed of at pawn- hops. It Is reported they worked a similar scheme at Culfnx, Wash. Two small children who accompan ied Mrs Kmorson were committed to the core of the Boy- and Girls' Aid Society in Portland. Workmen's Law Upheld. SALEM, Ore., Dec. 28. The su preme court upheld the workmen's compensation act. Justice McBride declared it would be a reflection on a republican form of government If the bill which passed the legislature, al- j most unanimously and was amrmeu by popular vote, was allowed to be permeated with the rottenness of un- I constitutionality. FATAL SPAN DEFEOTIV1 Wl'tUI.K LAID TO THREE n Portland Expert Declares BMI Spokane Bridge Wait poor. SPOKANE, Wash, Dec. 28. -1 most probable cause of the colla of the Division-street bridge here which five men were killed, was the breaking of the lower chord due to poor material, according to report made by John W. Cunning ham of Portland, who examined th wreckage for the coroner. The report says the material wa Woman ami Mm Aivilsrd of Pawn ing Goods The) Got on Credit. ASTORIA. OTe, Dec. 28. Mrs. W. H. Emerson and two young men who say they are her sons, Charles and Frank, were committed to the ye bars. county Jail ti await the action of the circuit court grand Jury on a charge of defrauding merchants. The trio had business cards showing they were engaged In the nillllnery and fur bus iness here, and on tne strength erf sailings Japanese Sailings Changed, TOKIO, Dec. 2S. The Japanese mall liners are transferrin around the Cape of Good H e a result of i Yasaka Marti. TO WED KITCHENER 1205,000 Canadians FiuIm. OTTAWA, Out, Dec 24. The re cruiting during the first 15 days of December amounted to U.SOO and the total since the outbreak of the war Is now :n.r.,iinO. This Is aNiut one In 39 of the totul populuttftta. DALE ROTHWELL Optical Specialist. American Natfonal Bank Building, Phone 609 PHOVIXl ES IN REVOLT. ( lilneac Military Leaders VctlvC support of Rebellion. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2S. A cablegram received by Tong King i hong, president of the Chinese Re public Association, from revolution- idera In Shangh: it seven province thi new :hi- to In response to teb-grams sent military leaders In the provinces by I Shanghai headquarters, It was sain e active support of the revolution is promised, SKATING A CIDENT PATAU Son of llaraej Count) school inn. dpal Drowned Near Burns. BAKER. Ore., Dec. 28. As the re- f a skating acident on the Sll- s river, near Hums, Robert, the 12 year old son of Professor II, Shirk, principal of the Harney county school, is dead at his homo there. The boy with three other lads, went to the rtvel to skate and Shirk and a com- 1 Morton broke through The Horton brother, ,-as rescued by his while this rescue shod youtll Shirk Tt,,. vntlonal Association for Wo men Suffrage has come to the con elusion that It can win the vote best by working harmoniously Inside its I own ranks. Therefore the election of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt a presi dent to succeed Dr. Anna Howard Shaw was not contested at Washing ton last Friday, Dec. W, Mrs. Catt ha boon promised the support of a unit ad body Of suffragists. In the above pteturp she is shown l the top with Dr. .-haw, the retiring president, be. s. WOMAN s SON FREE Vndrew Knehne i- Released III iiut Examination. KLAMATH FALLS. Dec. 28. After a preliminary bearing. Andrew Kuob nc. son of the woman slain In th" Diidd Hollow feud was released from custody following his arrest In Mer rill on charge of eing armed with I dangerous weapon. Hearing was held before Justice Of the Peace E. W. Cowen, of this city The charges were made by the alleg ...i inver of the boy's mother. 1 am unable to secure desir able office location in this cMy, anil my residence i- not cen trally located, i win cull at tin- residence of anyone Interested In Chiropractic, and give ex amination and explanation free, DR. GEORGE '. kin. Licensed ( hlropriu tur. Phone ito. Expert repairing ol Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. COUNTESS OP MIMTO, The Countess of Mlnto Is to be the. Lady Mlnto. who Is more than bride of Lord Kitchener, if reports 1 40 years of age. is the widow of M from London are true He has been H Into, once governor general 01 i an a bachelor despite the fact that he might have made a selection from among the most beautiful In England. ,b and holds- th. society. id In' She h ST. GEORGE GRILL STEAKS, OYSTERS and SHELL FISH a specialty. Try Our 35c Merchants' Lunch Served daily from 11 to 2. We aim to please.