DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1315. tpgjLETON "BUSINESS DIREC A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public EIGHT PAGES AUTO REPAIRING Ford it six-lalty. l ord AyMorlea S. E. SMITH AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop Phone 203. Res. Phone 61IJ 630 Cottonwood St., Op. City Hall. Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS HODWUI ChJNDBB QRINDBH and OVBB. SIKD PISTON AND ItlNOB 0 BOUND. Phone 71. Netgls'l lllarkamltb Shop. AUTO SUPPLIES tires am mx essorum Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TBS n6. lU. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone 338 It, .cm 7. Kchmldl Hldg. lb8sonb in (tuna. oils, watkk color, tapestry. leather tooling Brans and Copper Crafta. BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors HAIR DBBMlMQ, MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAGE. SCALP TREAT MENT. SHAMPOOING. Popular Price Telephone 322 I First National Bank PENDLETON, ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For After January First 1916 Write ntonce for our new free cataloR in which are plainly lister! and priced the best and fjiTl brands ot liquors. I oil IjjBl of buying by mail slimci must ewuuiuiMH miwwf All orders will be filled in exact conformity wilh the new law. I low tins law afierts you in its applica tion is set forth concisely in our catalog. We gunrantee our Roods end a prompt service. We cannot advertise alter January lad memoir win be unable to communicate f t4- . it t it ii v : i " our mailing' list now K 1 Write for our prices on IN " TBll bond. . rfjULIUS LEVIN . 1 1 Lftrgeit M'holeiale lE'juiiri in hwi UNITED STATES Kxaminrrs make n thot'ough inspection not loss than twice each year. In addition to this five (5) sworn statements are handed to the U. S. Government every year. Grasp these facts and vou will realize what a hifrh degree f SAFETY AND PROTECTION we rfve every customer. Glad to have you come and see us. The American National Bank OF PENDLETON Capital and Surplus $400,000.00. BOTTLING WORKS 222 Kant Court Phone 177 FAMILY TRADE A SPIKTALTY Quirk Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul Ilpmnielgarn, Prop. BBHB AND ALL KINDS OF SOFT DltlNKH AND KODAK BOTTLED. Oljmpla Oyster Cocktails a Specialty CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS rUrans filled Die Straight and PfrfactO Shaea. Mioinfiit t liri'd hv PENDLETON ClQAJt WU TORY. CLEANING-PRESSING West of Hotel Barber Shop. Phone 4 70 ask for Pressery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Anderson a. Btranahan, Props, (loaning, Pressing, Repairing, Day or Night. Work Called for and Delivered. 1 will pfeffl our suit for fiOc Id guarantee the same work you OUld get in New York City or ortland. I ( all for and Deliver. RUDD, THE TAILOR one 6' 310 Y. wetm EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS W weld 111 kinds of cast Iron, alumi num, steel, copper and brass by the Modern Oxy Acetylene Process. Don't Walt for Repairs. Let Us Weld It. 72it JOHNSON ST. OREGON It's Strength best known quality win nnn mis meuiou 0 i trom - wholesaler - to - con - m I with you unless you amn "ill OLD TAYLOR, yellow label, bottled in You will be surprised. COMPANY Liquor Dealers Weil ol Chicago a 3 ELECTRICIANS ALLOWAY & MILNE ELECTRICAL COXTRACTOKS Estimates FurnlBhed. Phone 636, 118 W, Court St FEED YARDS PHONE MB THE ALTA FEED YARD 702 Kant Alta St. FEED AND BALES STABLE. FLORISTS Hooker's Flower Store On Main St , next to Happy Canyon PHONE f28. ILCHAI. DESIGNS, PLANTS AND SEEDS. Agent Portland Journal, open Evenings. FURNITURE -vr Koch Furniture Store ('HAS. KOCH, Prop. COMPL1 1 1 LINE OF NEW AND SECOND HAND STOVES IND RANGES, 117 W. Webb St. Phone B8S-W GROCERIES I. B. JOHNSON & S0KS Groceries, Confections and Bakers' Good.. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and 202 . Webb t. Phone 7I Sunn ies in r , Livestock are Quite Limited (Courtesy The Journal.) PORTLAND, ( ire. -The run of live stock III the North Portland yards since Fridav was remarkably small, although there was a fair Showing of Wine, Values are up l"c with tops U! tt.lt. Market for hogs opened Up the week's trade with rulher liberal Strength and prices showing a further rise. There was a run of 2376 head to start the week with, compared with 7071 head last Monday. How ever, the arrivals reported in during the day included all that came for ward since last Friday, Saturday be ing a holiday and no report of re ceipts was made. General hog market range: Choice light weights $6.20 Si 6.23 Good light weights 6.00(ij fi.l .". Medium weights 5.85i 5.90 Hough and heavy 6.009 5.611 Caltle Hun is Limited. the North Portland yards uenerai . To start the week there Choice weigh; iambs 170 head. Naturally, thlal0ood 10 common lan 1 Poor to fair lambs. 1 Choici yearling weth Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Class of hot water each morn ing helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. light, alert i good clear complexion are assured oi. If onls vivacious urul, rosy Horn lllnes: healthy hi. an and lik realize the skip: a nat and freedom onlv bv clean or the mornlni gratifying Chanfl th. wliat tri Instead id' the thousands of sickly, iiaeniie-lookhig nicn, women and t glrb Inns with pasty or muddy . complex Instead of the multitudes oil "nerve wrecks," rundowns.'' "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, optlmltslc throng of rosy cheeked people everywhere An inside bath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hoi water with a ten - spoonful of limeatons phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kid neys and ten yards of bowels the pre vious day's Indigestible watte, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and refreshing the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach, Those subject to sick headache, biliousness, nasty breath, rheumatism colds; and particularly those who bnve a pallid, sallow eomplerloti and who are constiated very often, are umed to obtain a qttafttf pound of limestone poaphatt at the drug store which will cost but flclenl to demonati i remarkable change trifle but Is SUf 1 the quick and l both health nnd appearance awaiting those who j practice interna sanitation We must remember that Inside cleanliness t more important than outside, because the skin does not absorb Impurities , to contaminate the Mood, while the I pores In the thirty feet of bowels do. i GROCERIES J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery Phone 53 HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid for 2nd hand goods of all kinds. Rubber, Auto 'flies, Brass, Cdpper, Sack and Rags. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL & I CRS. 206 W. Webb St. Telephone 662 INSURANCE " ( MANUEL FRIEDLY NStJH YNCE Antomobile, FI RE, Burglary. Plate Glass, Liability, Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 604. E. O. Bldg. -f V J LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 179. ROUGH DRY 7 PER LB. Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAYBURN MEAT MARKET 118 W. WEBB. Plenty of Turkeys and Chickens for Thanksgiving. was a good thing for the market, but the trade had been so thoroughly overloaded with holiday stuff recently ' that had a big supply come forward It would have meant a lower price range without doubt. As matters stand the small run called for a good trade. ( ordinary grain fed stet Choice hay fed steers. ,oo e 7.10 Ordinary to common cows $.606 5.00 Choice spayed heifers .... 5. 76 6.00 I (Jood to fair hulls S.OOfa 3.50 i Ordinary to common bulls. 3.0063 3.78 Nominal Supply of Mutton. Only a nominal supply ol mutton , and lambs put In appearance in the North Portland yards. Total supply i at the start of the week or since Fri I day was 233 head, compared with of j ferings of 2110 head last Monday. General strength was shown in the . trade during the early part of the day ! with sales of wethers at $7. or fully 25c above former extreme values. This Good to common ewes .. 5.00 5.51 Hondai Morning Shi pliers. f Wash.. 1 i j Ptarbuck, Wash.. 1 load; hid. Idaho, 2 Mus Fred El- gin Forwarding Co., Joseph. 2 loads: Lostine. 1 load; W. P. Hunter. 3 loads; C li. ITIllott, I Joad; A. IVMaris. Milton, I load . .1. R, Backet, Wallowa, i load. Thompson & Gentry, Repp rer, 1 load; it. A. Thompson. 1 load. Cattle lames Wilson. Condon. 2 loads; A. l- De Maris, Lowden, Wn., Union Junction, 1 load; F. J. Sim I mons, HUlsboro, 19 cattle and i calves. Mixed stuff sol Dlekaraon, Welser, Idaho. 1 load cuttle and hogs: H. E. Meyers, North Powder, 2 loads cattle and hogs. RELGl W COAST --HIT I I i Allied Monitor Driven off by German l and Batteries. BERLIN, via London, Dec. 24. Entente allied monitors shelled the German position! at Weatende, on the Belgian coast, but were finally driven away by land batteries, says the of ficial statement issued by German headquarters The statement adds that German aviators attacked the town of Poper. inghe near Ypres. numerous hostile Milestones in our life are so placed. Our every action can be clearly traced This world is not for us alone, but us well lor those who follow. Time is th singe on which we act our lives with shifting scenes. Thai man is best who lives today and lets yesterday's memories be only living memories of the past. To the weary the slugcish often whisper. "There will be lie dawn." Faith whispers. "After the darkness, there win be light." . PLUMBING-HEATING D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING, And Sheet Metal Worker. 228 E. Court St Phone 443 Phone 32 ; Ilea. 509. Agents for PK.NJNSI'LAP. FUKXACE8. Wodaege & Ardrey PLUMBING AND HEATING. Tlunlng and Repair Work. 109 VI. Webb St.. PENDLETON, OKK. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 K. Court St. 1'ortralu made day or night, rain or shine. Give us a call. SATISFACTION GUARANTOR BOWMAN STUDIO 016 Main St.. Tel 32S W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK Post Card Photos 11.00 Dm Amateur finishing. Ausco supplies. PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE ir,8. Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER. PICTDBB MOULDING, GLASS. DECORATING, PAINTING. Job urk Promptly Done. So7 Main St. Pendleton. Oregon. RECORD OF DEEDS AMD OTHER INSTRUMENTS Chattel Mortgage. E. T Noon to A E. Grelner, $31.40 2 horses, gasoline engines, 1 saw outfit. .eui harness, l buggy, 1 cart. 1 iron truck for wood saw. Jessie A. Porter to W. H. Porter, $126. All hay. grain and straw grown on my home place, known as the Pomeroy Place, containing 243 acres ot land' Mortgage, Clyde L. Willaby to Joseph Sheatd, $12uu. 151.57 acres of land, title de scriptive Asa B. Thomson to Marion Jack and E. K. Koontz, ex.. $3500. N. E 1-4 of sec. 18, T. 2 N., R. 28 E., W. M., and NE 1-4 of sec 16. T. 3 N.. R. 2S F... W. M. Frank F Ellis to a Milby. $S,6.S5, a tract of land, title descriptive. L. W. Roberts to Margaret P. White, $1500, 2 tracts of land, title descriptive. (;uit ( laini ll. escrtpi'.ve. M. Kauff c 36. T S rXTiptlVe, Nicholas Blanchett to John Blan K. W. M. The W 1-2 ot W the SK 1-4 of SW 1-4. the SW 1-4 of NW FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. RAKER. FUNERAL PI rector and licensed embalmer. Or posite postoffice. Funeral parlor, tw funeral cars. Calls responded to da or night. Phone 75. Funeral director and licensed em balmer Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Cornel Main and Water streets. Telephone il;! INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HA HTM AN AHSTKACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Buys am! sells nil kinds of real estnt Doea a general brokerage business. Pay taxes and makes investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent insurance. References. any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres C H MARSH, Pec. HENTI.EY A l.KKFlNV.WEI.l. KE.M estate, fire, life and accident in surance agents. 815 Min street Phone 404. I ERIN UVi BURGEONS, W LASSEN. M D. V., COCNTY veterinarian Residence telephom ; office telephone. $0. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALXY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. j CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY I .- iun nnion The Lymen .NICELY rtTRNISHKD ROOMS. Furnace heat and bath, with good table board at reasonable rates. 621 Willow St Telephone 305 702 E. Alta Bt. Telephooe 447 Moderate Kates. White Help Only Employed. The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. SHKPAKD, Prop. Rooms With or Without Hoard. Under New Management. RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON BUS AND MATT RE WORKS Upholstering and Furniture Retain All work guaranteed. Prices reasonal Located 103 Water St Phone 678. STORAGE BATTERIES STOR (.l BATTERTE PENSIA I IRE EX- icy need the best of care through the winter let CYRUS BROTHERS I Cottonwood St.. care for them, rvice guaranteed. Phone 645. AUTO OVERHAULING AND GENER AL REPAIRS. SERVICE STATION Cor. Main and Water Sts Tel. 684. 14. the SE 1-4 of NK 1-4 and SE 1-t of sec 31, T. 1 N., R. 31 S. W. M. Edgar K. Guild to B. E. Hubbard $1500. A tract of land, title descrip tive. Effie M. and W. A. Leonard to James Hartsuff and Fred Thomas. $2500 A tract of land, title descrip tive. TREE PINS MAN IN TREK Dmkeier Has Narrow EMpe. When Hold iMsoniT ;i Hours. TONKERS, N. Y., Dec. 24 Pierre Baret, proprietor of the Whit House, an inn well known to motor ists in Grassy Spain road, this city, was injured painfully when a tree which was being felled under his di rection fell upon him as he was seat ed in the branches of another tree 30 feet distant, crushing one foot and severely bruising him about the body. Despite the efforts of firemen to remove him from his perilous pos tion, he was kept a prisoner in the tree for three hours, unable to move hand or foot, so thickly was he wedged in by denuded branches While the firemen were sawing ofl branchek brandy was supplied t Haret from his own cellar, and they managed to cover his foot with a blanket to prevent it from catch n. hie by directing them which branch- ; es to cut, many of which threatened FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT law Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E. ATT'" ! at law. Office in rear of can National Pank building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all statf ! and federal courts Rooms 7, S and I GEORGE W. COl'TTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills FREDERICK BTE1WBB ney at law. Office in Sn ford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY counsellor at law. Office ii pain building. srOONO HAND DIM ERi V. STROBI.E. DEALER IN and second-hand goo Is paid for sll second-hand bought. Cheapest place In !'i ton to buy household goods, and get our prices. 219 E street. Phone 371W. I ?ir.N PulNTINr. SIGN PAINTING IE IT'S A SIGN UP. mki: IT KEM SIGN CO. BOB Cottonwood Street. Phone 572. Pendleton, Ore. SHOE REPAIRING WE MEND SOLES. BCBBBB HEELS A specialty. Pendleton Shoe Hospital SHOE BEPA1BING 'on mTEN riKir principles We call for and deliver. Phone 337. 114 Main St. SHOE SHINING r SPECIALTY Private for Ladles' Shoe Shining At Minerva Shoe Shining Parlor. Also we Clean Soft and Panama 612 Main St Pendleton, Ore. ALEX, lroprletor. TAXI SERVICE C. and H. TAX! CO. Phone 110 QUELLK ItriSTAT KANT. Prompt service, day aud night. Funeral service $3 51). WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Guaranteed Corner Court and Cottonwood. to pierce his body at his slightest movement. Britain save a 100.000,000. LONDON, Dec. 24. David Lloyd i George, minister of munitions, an nounced In the house of commons Mutiny Among Alle ai sian oincers were reported killed :n a mutiny of allied troops at the Island of Imbros. Nearly all the forces at this island. Tenedos and Lemnos. bases for the Dardanelles operations, are said to have left there after discontent arose. The fi nal quitting followed a promise for more reinforcements HOW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and h.is become for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure) acta thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ixpeillng the Poison from the Blood and aealing the diseased see a great improvement in your gen eral health. Start taking Hall's Ca- F. J CHENEY ,v C Sold by ill Druggists. At ITIONEEHS. COL. W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTION- orders at East Oregonlan office. ACIMs 1 1 i , SALESMEN WANT! Mist l.l.l M('l . LEGAL I" 'NK- for w!e at KBn Oregon:ti office, 1 ' We can furnish iu ttotvaar, ctark n! advertising complete th.it will assurs you of having a successful sale. UM.'-'':