i DAILY EAST 0REG0NIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1015. EIGHT PAGES iGE SIX tics. 1 (Ml Qualified to serve the pen-1 pie of eastern Oregon BJ their coin- KYLE OF STANF1ELD CANDIDATE FOR Will. Hi: SMILE VFTEP. M utcn I Government expert, engineers of Packard and Foul companies, anil other authori al, declare oil from asphalt-base crude has greatest efficiency. And it was on tfftitncf that Zerolene, the oil made from California asphalt-base petfoteunt) was aw rded highest competitive honors, San Era sco and San Diego Expositions, In the will of the republican voter.; f the eastern Oregon district at the the duties of this Of- Ths Kind Yea Have Always Bought MAYOR or I MATH. I. A COUNTY floe alor, WN Wil t. BE in RACE best Inte NEXT i VY. 1 state Standard Oil Company ( Calif ornift) trieai Announcement is Mmie tit Candidacy for the Republican i IXYTTED TO SURRENDER. Nomination as Public service i'on- mUstouer from lui.s.orn Oregon U'lilcago PfoaCCUtloU Takes Slops te Letters Are sent Out. Reach Eastland Officials, LrVf, i'A S-im fits "- ires ,an u m 1:1 . ".' x r la 1 BSt0 i Anr-rfcd ttavtpdv for COBtflH , lion , Sour StOKadi.Dlarrnta j Vorcsf omnlsous.Fntrisk ncss audLoss OF SliXP. j I TicSiraiic Siirartof NEW YORK. dderlneFood r Copy of Wrapper. a Signature AJJ ; - ij I Jr Fnr (lvfir 'lil J t 1 Ttiirtv Years ' TH1 CINtUR COMr.hT NEW YOHH CITT. purposes and importance of the Ore son public service commission, Mayor Janus M. Kyle of Stnnfield today for- CHICAOO, Dec. 24. Steps to pro cure the presence In Chicago of George T. Arnold, president of the St. Jlllil rter asi. npils m. 1. Approxi influcr.r.a which is sweeping over the city, according to deports of rchoon disease ws especially virulent in the middlt west, Illinois. Wisconsin and SOME DOMTS VOW STOMACH AND UVER SCF- Here is the latest picture of Fred Fulton, the man matched to fight Jtss WMard, for the heavyweight championship of the world In Xew Orleans on March 4 next. The pic- ago and shows Fulton with a big smile spreading over his countenance. How long the smile will last depends largely on the outoome of the fight. : Few experts concede that Fulton has ! a chance of defeating the man who I wrested the championship crown i from Jack Johnson. i at the primaries next Ma, i introduced by Representative Rltner o this county In the tgislaturs provtoea that one of coromlaaonara shall come from following is a copy of the an ;ment of xir. Kyle: SCtment, changed the name of tho railroad commission to that of public service commission, and at the same time provided that one member ol the commission should tie a resident Of eastern Oregon. It did so because the majority of the representatives and senators representing the people of the state realized the importance of having On the commission at leas; one member who should be ac qualnted, from personal interest and contact, with the vast and varied re sources and development of the great empire lying east of the Cascade mountains. "So tremendous are these resources and so immense the necessary devel opment, which is now onty commenc ing, that few citizens of Oregon resid ing outside of this section have had to acquaint themselves magnitude. Some Port- nection with which cost !t I1V( aland disaster. were taken by United states Dlstrlot Attorney Charles I selves up, and in event of failure, ex- F. Clyne. tradition proceedings will be lnstltu- Tho seven defendants wanted here ted. all live in Ulohigan, Negotiations The St. Joseph-Chicago Sleampshlp will be begun to have them give them-1 Company operated the Kastland. Weak Women! An Oregon YVoman Testifies ipportuntty with their entl WOMAN ATTACHES GRAVE JUDGE WOLVERTON OF POI11 l.AM) IMPOSES PENALT3P ON 3 H ii. VTORS. iRTLAXD, Ore.. Dec. J8. Mar J. Broom and James Williams give temporary re:ief and simply ai- county jai est the food that happens to be ha ! federal co Collection of Alimony is Aim of Cali fornia Divorcee. SACRAMENTO, Cal, Dec. 24. . near Union House, to force payment , of alimony and divorce costs proves i the exception of the one occupied by vey of the potential resources of southeastern Oregon and so impress ed were they that they hastened home to finance a much needed new railway for that section "Returning prosperity will induce capita! to undertake new develop ments In Irrigation, restart silent and unproductive saw mills, stimulate the mining and livestock industries, and give additional Impulse to the diver sified farming essential to success lr, existing and prospective irrigation districts. require discriminating encourage ment, skillful assistance of capital and wise management, if the results shall be successful and permanent. "The state has its part to perform in this program. Individual enter- enti. Oregon. "When . was going t'uough the critical time of middle life, 1 took several bottles of Dr. Pierce! Favorite Prescription and it helped me wonderfully. I cannot say enough In favor of this medicine. Have also used the 'Golden Medical Dlaoovery'in my home for many years for many different ailments." MM. Ella Habold. Lents, Oregon. At the first symptoms of any de rangement of the feminine organism at any period of life, the one safe, realiy 'helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Tens of thousands of women have taken it with OnfJdling success for diseases of a womanly nature, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a true friend to women in times of trial and at times of jiain when the organs are not performing their func tions. For headache, backache, hot Bashes, catarrhal condition, bearing down sensation, mental depression, dizziness, fainting spells, lassitude and exhaustion, women should never fail to lake this tried and true medicine. Prepared from nature's roots and herbs, it contains no alcohol or nar cotic, nor anv harmful ingredient. Sold in cither" tablet or liquid form. If votir dealer does not keep the sugar coated tablets, send ti ft y cents (in stamps ) for small box, or $1.00 in currency for a largo box. Write Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., to-day. loO page book on woman's diseases sent free. iiiiiiiiimimMiiiiMiiiiiiHmiMiiiiiimiimMMimHmiiMimMiiiiiiHHtiiiiiiiMMiiiii:: I AUTO TRIMMING 1 I OF THE BETTER CLASS I We Make New side curtains, new back curtains, re- i: cover tops, replace broken bows and sockets. I Hamley & Co. I Fan belts, universal joint covers, bumper straps. -Upholstering, etc. I "OUR WORK MAKES GOOD, OR WE DO." linilllllltlllMMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIMIIIIMIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllll'lil?: Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Tellets are tho original little Liver Pills. These tiny, sugar-coated, anti-bilious granules the sturdiest and tho easiest to take. Ono little Pellet for n laxative three for a cathartic. FALT'S famous Fresh Every Day Served at our tables and solt to the trade. Wholesale or retail. OYSTERS CRAWFISH SEA CRABS The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot in Pendleton for :a foods. on3 and in many cases of McKenxie river from Eugene, h. liver and intestinal ailments Jddge Wolverton said that Ife can he avoided if the right j recommendation of the jury h f '.b niKen in time. impose light sentences. ot these you come in contact with. If you are a stomach sufferer, don': think yon c.n not be helped; probab ly worse cases than yours have been permanently restored by Mayr's Won derful Remedy. Host stomach ailments are mainly caused by a catarrhal condition. Mayr'n Wonderful P.emedy not only removct the catarrhal mucus, but al lays the chrcnic inflammation and essiEti? in rendering the entire all mentary and intestinau tract antisep tic and 'his is the secret of its mar .eloub success. er how severe your was not g drinking. In jail abi their sen ASolSt.'l Rankin Ity, but that he would quit Williams admitted his ill receive in Oregon. I a wireless dispatch received lliams have both been British station here from a .e months, which, with j warship In the Dardanelles. This attack is evidently a ffort by the Sultan's forces he peninsula, it was declare their total I ' ' " i meet changing conditions as devel- -arm. re. in vja " i 0nment progresses; to a.snist in mar1 I ketlng and transportation problems. The attachment is fixed to a stake tQ len(, a,ivantage where needed; to ! when deserving and proper, Turks Attacking Allies. "In the new era of progress and de- SALOXIKI. Dec. J4. Artillery j velopment, one of the most import imbardment and fierce Infantry at- ant state offices to the people. Ol cks by the Turks on the Kritihia-1 eastern Oregon, is that of commts-dd-ul Bahr front were reported in 1 sioner of public service. Having the , spent a number of years in business tish in t'matilla county along lines that have developed a wide acquaintance erne with the various needs and advanta lear I ges and resources peculiar to each oi the several counties and eommunl- TZX n.Wii- FRANZ VON RONTELEN. GERMAN AGENT I tored to health derfu! P.emedy s highly recom of congress, Jus court, educators, cankers, doctor manufacturers, rmc-rs and peo- WHEAT CROP JUMPS HtOHER. orthern Hemisphere Produces To ted of S.580,000,006 Pu-tiols. WASHINGTON, Dec 24. The a cablegram from the international institute of Agriculture at Rome to the bureau of crop estimates says. The United States produced two sevenths of this Hmount No mention was made of the south. -rn hemisphere' crop. Mayr iil-ljt Whiting St, Ch nt. Mayr's Wonderful P.emedy Is by lending druggists every where the positive urderstand'r.g that rnnnf;.' will be refunded w'thcjt tlon or IJUlbWe if ONE bottle U give you absolute E-itisfact.on. Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllilllllil f Holiday j Candies i STRAIGHT FROM WHITMAN'S I Tbe vw f best of every- thing in gifts. Candies I show the .staiidards of a 5 store. You can't buy bet 8 ter candies, prettier pack- ag.-s. better assortmem. I anywhere in the world I I than right lu-re. Come in E ami judge for your self. I Ta!!man & Co. MUUUUHIIUIttlUUIUUIUtUllUIIIUlliliir PRICES SOAK IN TUKKKV. Ottoman Women Organize MeotlnK of Prot-t and Are Dispersed. PARIS, Dec. 24 The opening of railroad 'ommunlcatlon from Turkey 1 to Austria and Germany has resulted in a r onsiderable Increase in the price ( Decenaries of life In Turkey, says Havae ilepatch from Athena. Turkish women orgnnized meting i ; of protest in Constantinople, which, ii.. Aiitti adds were dispersed by PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Telln How To Open Clogged Nos tnl.i and End Head-Colds. I oo feel fine in a few moments, four cold In head or catarrh will be ! gone. Your clogged nostrils will 01 en. The air passages of your head i will el I you can oreathe freely. ' Ho more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous dlscharg i es or dryness; no struggling for breath t night. Tell your druggist you wart a 1 small bottle of Kly's Cream P.ilm. I Apply a little of this fragrant, mtl-r-ptlc cream In your noitrils, let It rate throug every air passage of the had; soothe and hea' the roolev Inflamed mucous memhrans ! ami relief comes Instantly. It Is just what every cold and cj t.nn h su'ferer r)ci ds. Don't stay Evidence is now In the hands of U. 8. government officials which tends to show that the Oerman government through Its secret agent. Frans von Rontelen. spent huge sums of money In an attempt to embroil the United States ajid Mexico. Von Itlntelen Is now held by the Kngllsh government as a (lermaii spy careful search of his baggage brought to light several letters from country, and the information gleaned from these letters has materially aid ed tho Ilritlsh secret service agents in this country. Von Flntlen Is now in the tower of Indon awaiting execution. Rs has such a fund of valuable Informa tion that hlH death has been post poned from time to time In the hope thai he would confess to fare his life Bttt be lias stood firm and says that Why Not the Easy Way, Mr. Storekeeper? The storekeeper who senses and moves with the current of public thought succeeds. Such a storekeeper is first of all a newspaper reader and es pecially a reader of newspaper advertising. He knows that when an ad vertisement of a product appears that the public mind will think about it. He tunes his window to the advertis ing. He shows the newspaper advertised goods he finds it the easy way to attract trade. i