PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. DECEMRER 28, 1915. EIGHT PAGES THIS ANNUAL CLEARANCE OFFERS UNUSUAL VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, SUCH AS 120 OUTING FLANNELS AT 7c YARD 15c VAL LACES lc PER YARD. January Clearance Sale M:U SI'Al'KU. hli Ilnr X. W. vurlly UulMlns. rwu 501, Four hSi liilTloX K.STK! UN ADVANCE) year, by mall llaiij, tui au.Mh" ' t-v carrier 3 751 l'llv. three months," by carrltr 1.. 1 a I f V . ou- neath, ty carrier .63 Beau-weekly, i to er. by mail 1.50 ! Semi -Weakly, fix niunihs, b mall ... ,75 fceml Weekly, fuur months, by maiL...- .501 (hkistmas Masomo M... ,.. h the future has Bnwcgt with brighter promise than tha last: ! Replete with fairer hope., than Kioh with the ipoili ol glean- Inn from the past. Y. uth brook! hut 111 the curb- Chafes at restrictions Caution would impose; H' etgh "ii tign and ( tr. v,s at fancied woes; ll, .is ,;t Dux Fortune, and. ! with curses .lire. Invokes Cod's wrath against 1m- ! agined foes. Still, with each year, our knowl- ; t- ice ampler grows, Till on. Its page is writ, with j Wisdom's hand, M symbols, which Life's i aims disclose, Aye teaching how temptation to withstana, ! The above sonnet was written ! by a prisoner in San Quentln and sent to his little daughter in Texas as a Christmas greeting from her unfortunate father. SAY! HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE BIG SUIT AND OVERCOAT SALE AT ALEXANDERS? EVERY STEIN-BLOCH SUIT AND OVERCOAT GREATLY REDUCED. $15.00 Suits. now. S10.50 $12.25 $14.00 S13.7" S25.00 Suits, now. ... S17.50 $27.50 Suits, now. .. S1S.25 921.00 50 Suits, now 00 Suits, now. 50 Suits, now Suits, now. OVERCOATS $12.50 Values, now.. $8.75 $15.00 Values, now $10.50 $17.50 Values, now $12.25 $20.00 Values, now 814.00 $22.50 Values, now $15.75 $25.00 Values, now $17.50 $27.50 Values, now $18.25 $30.00 Values, now 821.00 $3.50 NEMO CORSETS SALE 81.93 PUNCTUALITY 2k UNCTUALITY is said toj jLj be one of President Wil- sun's chief characterist ics. Those who know him best declare that he is the mostl punctual man who has ever been in the official life ot' Washington; that only the in-1 tt-rvention of fate can prevent him from being on time for an appointment. Punctuality is an asset that many discount, loo many puu-i, , K aTflf,i,ofi thpsp lie officials, too many business L there are nut a few resi.; men, too many private mdi-dentg of the citv who believe vduals are careless in the mat-1 jn m doctrine" of prepared- ter oi Demg on time. A man who is punctual is al-: most always efficient. Punctu-; The Oregon Journal recent Elity suggests system and or . made the staternent that tax-; der. It speaks of alertness and ; do not object to a road (nerg-. It indicates a value when get dollar's placed upon one's own timeworth of for a dolar. and a consideration for the j Thi leadg Coi '00d 0f the time ol otners. ii reveais 20th century may perhaps be! recognized in history as due to the skill of our doctors. Judging from the way cel- ness. conscientious regard for duty and honor. The boy who is tardy at school is not the scholar who heads the class. The youth who is a few minutes late at his work is not usually the ' ne who is at hand when there is a vacancy just above him. The man who habitually tar ries by the wayside is generally the one who wonders when he will get acquainted with oppor tunity. The presence of punctuality in the endowment of the chief '-xecutive of the nation is some thing that should be brought to the attention of American boyhood. This Weston Leader to remark that when a taxpayer gets a dol-; lar's worth of anything for a' dollar the millenium will have arrived. The press dispatches failed to keep us informed of all of the president's movements yesterday. Those correspond- I ents on the ground should be severely reprimanded. Only three more days until; the great drouth arrives. I l I ft t t-t THIS MA Y ENTERTAIN SPEAKING SOFTLY. KILLING AND CURING million more men to fight have been called for by Great Britain more to cow and driver eam The man wanted straight ahead, hut out the crossroaa. i cow to go ! row picked colored man come, if needed, remarks the i W11 coming along the crossroad Huston Post editorially. Sim ultaneously, the head of the army medical corps gives no tice that 2500 more doctors must get ready to enlist for ser Vice at the front. Thus doe? the curative art keep step with the development of the process nf killing and mutilation. And it is successful. Offici- Maid her off! Haid her j yelled the driver The colored man Jumped about he' 'road and waved his arms. The cow, pro eeded calmly on her way. "Hald her off! Haid her off"; yellad the driver, ' I s trying ter!" replied the color led man "Speak to her: .ix-ak to ner ana j she'll stop." uOoOd mawnln', cow good maw.-l-j il.'ln .V... ,.,h.P rim al figures are given indicating l)ur)j rjhronlci Telegraph. that X5 per cent of the reports id German wounded in battle "out Bt ut Anson,. tu tern fU are sent back patched up in P condition to resume work with what became of that young fei- their regiments in some capa- low who got ,-, job a helper to an av- city. The medical service of " the Hllies un.loubtedly equals ITmj lBC0DtpMt, eh?" this record of efficiency. Hhpt Ba and his boss fell out It is iii the preservation of -over something." Unitary conditions that this! Tm n j u i A ' hecg book never rnaket Inter- aid Dndl its greatest value. ,,ln( rpil,i;n(f unleim (n,re , bank The life f civilization in the recount bMd it. 75c AND 65c VEILINGS, $2.50 BROAD CLOTHS, 36-1N. BLACK TAFFETA, $2.00 SILKS, SAI SALE 39c YD. SALE $1.89 YD. SALE 83c YD. $149 " " Great Sale of Ladies Coats at $3.95 TO COMPARE THE FORMER PRICES OF THESE COATS WITH THE SALE PRICE WOULD BE BEYOND YOUR BELIEF. SO FOR THAT REASON WE WILL NOT USE COMPARATIVE PRICES BUT WILL ASK YOU TO SEE THESE COATS IN OUR WINDOW AND LET YOU BE THE JUDGE OF THIS WONDERFUL BARGAIN. WE HAVE ALL SIZES AND MOST EVERY COLOR SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE A WIDE RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM IF YOU COME EARLY, FOR THEY WILL NOT LAST LONG AT THIS LOW PRICE. BE SURE TO SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW TONIGHT. Clearance Price $3.95 About 50 coats in this lot and if you want a good serviceable coat at a small price you have here a chance seldom offered to secure coats like these. Sale Ends Jan. 8th flv 1 AC V ALEXANDERS Sale of Dress Goods 50c Values, now .... 6 5c Values, now 75c Values, now $1.00 Values, now. $1.25 Values, now. SI. 50 Values, now $1.75 Values, now $2.00 Values, now $2.50 Values, now ... 38 ... 49C 59c 7C $1.13 $1.17 $1.49 S1.89 Sale of Silks $1.00 Values, now 83c 9c 81.13 $1.2 $1.49 $1.68 $1.97 $1.25 Values, now $1.50 Values, now $1.75 Values, now $2.00 Values, now $2.25 Values, now $2.50 Values, now Sale of Boys Suits $5.00 Values now $3.34 $6.50 Values, now . $7.50 Values, now . $8.50 Values, now . $10.00 Values, now $4.33 $4.98 $5.8 $.7 ALL FURS AT ONE HALF PRICE $5.00 Muffs, now $2..r0 $7.50 Muffs, now $3.7". $10.00 Muffs, now $5.00 112.50 Muffs, now $0.25 $15.00 Mull's, now $7.50 $20.00 Muffs $10.00 $25.(iii Muffs $12.50 SETS $15.00 Sets, now. $20.00 Sets, now. $25.00 Sets, now. $150.00 Sets, now. $40.00 Sets, now. $50.00 Sets, now. $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 ALL SHOES GREATLY REDUCED $8.50 JUMBO SWEATERS $5.95 $13.50 MACKlNAWS $9.95 TO $1.25 EMBROIDERIES l!)c YD. $2.50 HAND BAGS 9SC NEW C0.VIF0SITE SPORT COSTUME Are We in Peril of Over Education?! Thwlng, UU D , I'rp? rve University, i dent Weatarn Education la, in fact or the powaf Are men with tou m too close a ousness'.' Kducatiun Iti, In acquaintance with tittn achieved or "suffered in or re Joiced orer. Are men in' danger of a knowledge too extended or too thoroUfb "f all human conditions and elenientsv Kducation represents a training in liberty unto liberty. if thinking. in danger of thinking ch comprehensiveness or curacy or too deep seri- fact or result, an the best that man th prated it , In elthf S quite Ul tin that L't result 1 and impossible as an oversupply ol health, or of good sight, or of strength There is a danger of an education which is narrow, Indifferent, super ficial, remote from life, which results arrog Hut i there .Man of civic all of over-edi Educator, with all so It .stands t Are men n pen either license or he in jierii wrj tint atiog In liberty? is enlarged sympathy s and conditions of men. r human catholicity. in peril of being to nice. In pltltul presumptions, f an excess of proper education t and haver can be any dan- X-SIIOOTS, It does not always reform a man It" gal married, but It usually ntakei Slavish solicitude on the part of j the wife seldom wins the affection Of a selfish man. The man who fjoaa not love his ' mother will never love a wife The fact that a few of uh are still i living seems to lake the snap out of I a lot of these deadly germ theories We are often saddened by thought I that the handsome movie screen he- roai have a sissy voice. Ii is belter to tell th truth In tha fir.-t pare than to admit things when hacked up In a corner. The business man wH) begins the day with a smile may be excused If he lets it relax when a bore approaches. The man wli ard if b tl'a I regulation will j 2 ind r Here arc have a unique though very practical dstume which can be used equally as well for all outdoor sports skating, skiing, mountain Climbing, and horseback riding Thla costume, which la entirely new and unlike the usual sporting models, pockets, one above the waist In Is being worn by Miss Marguerite Na- o-ne on each hip. below the belt the tenlng on tl knees. In opening the coat, one can aee the little bloomer effect tfottnM, which are tight around the limbs, and the laced boots come up to reach the bottom of the trousers broad in their feelings men? Are they in dang too democratic? Education Standi lor fitting a or girl for a sphere; Hie greater future sphere the better the educi tlon should be. Is there peril that j one will be fitted for a sphere with) j an aptness too exact or an efficiency j too great ? Kducation consists in the discipline i of enthusiasms. In the regulation ol passion, In the guidance of emotions. I Is there peril that thi be too restrictive? ' Kducation results in the enlarge i ment and enrichment of character, In i the transmutation of Idols into worthy ' Ideals. Is there peril that character will j become too noble? I Kducation Is a training Is wisdom ' Its symbol Is the owl; Is it because the owl sees under conditions in which I ll Is hard to see? Is there peril that I men will become overwlse? Kducation stands for the cardinal i virtues of bravery, temperance, Jus tice. Is there peril that men will become ! too brave or too temperate or too Just? j Kducation stands Mr the graces of patience and love and appreciation. j Is there a peril that man will love Ills brother too deeply or be too pa tient with his brother's faults or too I appreciative of his brother's excel lence? Education stands for thp gentle man . is there peril that hnmnnllv will have too many men whose Intel lect Is conscientious and whose con duit Is too thoroughly permeated It has three with a sense of dutv or whose man ami ners are too considerate of others. Thfl Education stands ror service for Every man should, be patriotic enough to listen while the other fel low sings "Star Spangled Hanner" now and then. The girl who wants to make litera ture count win first memoriae th "'intents of the cook book. f the dlv If the lothea tb, i who makes his home the imp of Ill-nature- Is the joy iree lawyer. lassie dancers wore niot" y would not lie so popular, During the fighting on the Kasmir frontier, when the Itrltish troops de feated the rebellious Hunzas, the na tives used bullets of pure gurnets n Cloaad In lead. Many of the troopa f) reserved these as curiosities. JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'- Those NEW REOS are going fast i c i i i ome look them over while we have different stock. all the models in If you haven't seen the new Reo Six, you have overlook ed the swellest thing in 1916 motor cars mara. a prima uonna in Aiom hi costume is more serviceable than anv- men Is mere pern mac mmm wmiM iJtui." It ti made up of a turkey-red thing of Its kind made In broadcloth, do too much for his fellows.' kid leathr, with Just a touch or jt no. aa perUfhabii an softer mate- when the question. Are we In per- blsque colored broad' loth collar and rial. Despite the fact that It has II of being over-educated? Is naked, cuffs to soften It The coat Is slrlctl- trousers It cannot be immodest for It Is a false conception of education military etyle, the. tight waist lile they were Introduced only to give lb which lies In the questioner's mind belted In with a leather belt aa u fas wearer freedom of movement. It Is a conception of education as a I Pendleton Auto Company "MIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllhilllllllllF