EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBE1 10i: IAS HOLIDAYS IT may be cold and wintery without, but you'll be warn: and comfy within, when you pet into a BUitor oven-oat of Bond Clothes $15 to $30 SUITS OVERCOATS I'lCI I s AMI l.l.liUM;s IS nil-; ( ill lit ill s .M BAGS OF CANDY POH ( llll.Dltl.N. Dance in Auditorium Htwdu i i enlng i Well Attended Mr, and I Mrs. K Alexander nnil .Mr. mid Mrs, OoUhui of Pendleton Ire Xuuw GUCSt. Besides you will get more style, wear and personal satis faction. Our guarantee behind every sale we make. Bond Bros. Pendleton's Leading Clothieri SELLS LOCAL MAN 1ST GROUP POLICY wld Mi Hi todajr. "It is a plan Mm, Ml . Willi I II!-OF animation, under one blanket con tract Issued to the employer, named by the employe. The basis of tii- insurance is one year'i salary. V 1th a majdmnm "f 11000 to any In dividual. IMITO ci,osi:s DUAt.1 "Group liuuranoe thus takei on the T NATIONAL BANK form of a oontlnuance of the pay. PORTLAND. check for a fun year in the event of death while in the .service, i i roup in- held ill four of the tpwn'e churchis Christmas eve. The Baptist, Method dlHt ami Episcopal exercises consisted of recitations, dialogues and singing of Christmas carols. Bags of candy and oranges were distributed at each tree to the grown-ups and children alike Midnight mass was held at Hie Catholic church where many an- thems and Chrlatmss carols were sunt,' by the excellent choir. A ."mail Christmas tree was placed In the rest room of the Civic Center building and has been a ureal pleas ure to many who otherwise would have had nothing of the season'.- Main street another Christmas tree Is Standing, Doing Illuminated with as the home folks The dance at the Auditorium Sat urday evening was well attended by the. dance lovers of this section. Mr. and Mrs. It. Alexander and Mr. end Mrs. Henry W' Collins of Pen dP tun were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs. B. 1'. Dodd. They returned were dinner guests of Col. and Mrs 11, i;. Newport Christmaa Miss Kay Waterman, who is a se nior at (i. a. c. is spending the holl daughters week with spending Christmas iatlves in Livingston. Society, has the distinction of having I incoming employes are automatically! sold the first group insurance policy i included, and this insurance by the in the northwest, the First National employer on oulglng employes uuto I'ank or Cortland having Insured the I matioaUj oases upon termination of ghter, Mrs. Laura Davis and Mr. Mid Mrs. Martin Of Irrigon were guests of Mr. and Mrs E. I. Davis 1 1 'hristmas. Miss Dels Bice who is one of the. lournal of I GIANT SUBMARINES FOR parents, Mf. and Mrs. J. D. Rice, - n Christmas gift to their em- U. S. ARE LIKELY SOON v iltei Davii U spending the week ployes, the First National bank and I I in The Dalles. Hie Security Savings Trust Co. and I WASIIINiiTDN. Dec. 28 Sea-go- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell en the Security Safe Deposit company ling submarines of 200u tons displace-1 tertalned at Christinas dinner their took out the first group Insurance I menl probably will soon be sought, for guests being Mr. and Mrs m. . d. policy ever written In the northwest, the American navy as a result of I SeroggS and sons. John and Joy. The aggregate amount of the policy i lessons learned by navy departmcr.t ' Thomas Campbell. Jr.. .1 W. Sam;--is IITS.IKHI. and It carries Insurant-- experts from the Kuropean war and bell, Miss Virginia Todd and T. 1'. dlllll and the families of the bj that the first five submarines includ-.the week-end e.i in Hie administration's five year I Pendleton, building program will approach this Dr. J. A. Cam size, although the estimates submitted nlng for Portia lb lie year's salary of each employe, provided, however, that no more than an employer it proposition." IS YOUR STOMACH CLOGGED WITH WASTE Tollman ,v Co, Guarantee t Return the Money f Ml-o-na Dims Not Relieve You. When your Customers come In aft-:--Ward and tell you how much good it! has done them." said Tollman Co., j the popular druggists to an Kast Ore--'onian man, "and that la why wc, like to sell and recommend .Yil-o-nu, Hie dyspepsia remedy. We have lu much faith in this article that w-e arc going ti guarantee It In the future, j and will return the money to any out, baser of Ml-o-na whom it does not help. That may seem raah but our customers have salt! so many good words In Its favor that we do! not expect to have many packages returned. "Anyone who haa dyapepHla. whose food doc not digest well, nnd who has to toko thought as to what he can eat. and when, can leave 50 cents deposit at our store and take home a box of Ml-o-na nnd if the remedy does not regulate hla diges tion and help his dyspepala lie can withdraw hla money." This shows great faith in the merit of Ml-o-na. It Is eel illy n most un usual medicine nnd tho rapid Incrense of Bales Blnce Tollman & Co. Intro- j duced it In Pendleton shows that It does all Hint It in claimed to do re lieves dyspepsia, regulates digestion j and enables those who uae it to eat just what they want with no fear of trouble after. a type of giant submarines naval of ficers are inclined to believe the coast Ited to 100 miles. Twenty-five smaller submarines are Included In the administration pro mam for this year at an estimated cost of between J60O.0UU nnd $700, 000 each. The estimate Wottld pro vide for vessels of 6no to 70 tons dis placement. Increasing the size of the fleet of submarines and decreasing that of the smaller boats. and the commissioned personnel gen erallv of th submarine flotillas are said to favor building larger craft for spend several days witli John K. Helhl whose are In Seattle Is 'home days, with his mother. Belhl, - .i work. Allies I'.yvcvt Attack. S.M.i i.N'IKI, Dec. 21. -Anticipating me.it and Immediate Teutonic of fensive the troops of the allies were exerting every effort in the construc tion of strong fortifications south of the QrMk frontier. Detachments of troops from '.alii poll were arriving hourly and were at once being hurried to the front. No information of value has yet I n obtained whether the Bulgari ans will take part in an advance of the central powers Into Creece. it Is reported Turkish troops will be em ployed In great numbers and the at tack Is expected to be neaf at hand. Mr. and Mrs. K Agnew Christmas day. The jolly Neighbors and the Sun day school In Columbia school district combined their efforts in the Christ mas exercises at the SC&OOl house Fri day evening, ltesides the program a large tree held gifts for the children and bags of goodies for everyone. pal mission this morning The Ch mas songs sung at the exercises day evening were repeated at morning services. Dr and Mrs Qorfield of Pendl I of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hlnkle. At the home of Mr and Mrs. y. J. Warner the following were their din I ner guests Christmas: Dr. and Mrs. I M, S. Kern of Pendleton. Mr. and I Mis. Joseph Ralph and Mr. and Mrs.l C S. Mi-Naught and family Ill'ItlEl) t no m;i: ioi Xl. :tiKl WOMEN IRE KIl.l l GIVE VOU11 FRIENDS Monogram Stationery FOR XMAS OUT. W. 8. SMITH & CO. WKDD1NO AND VISITING CAKD ENUUAVEKS. MOKOAN BLDO., PORTLAND. OR J. E. MULLINIX, Lawyer Over Taylor's Hdw. Store. Pendleton, Oregon. German Powder factory and m mnnition Depots Blown Up, LONDON, Dec 24. According to advices to the Amsterdam Telegram, forwarded by Iteuter's correspondent, a powder factory and several am munition depots at Muenster, West phalia, have been blown up. tircat damage WSJ done to the town, the newspaper adds. Later advices from Amsterdam say that according; to accounts received there 300 of the 600 women employ ed In the Monster powder mill were killed tnstro-lluiurarlan Troops Recover Boot) Hidden i Serbians. BERLIN, Dec. 24. (By Wireless to ! Sayvllle. N. T.) The discovery by Auatrd-Rungarlan troops of ti: odd! i tlonal cannon, w hich had been bur i led by the Serbians is reported In of 1 ftdal statement by the Vienna war I office, ns received here. Austrian lines in the Tyrol have been subjected to continued fire by ' the Italian artillery. An attack on i the Tolmino bridgehead broke down under the Austrian fire. It Is declared. OH B stt"l ., gberfM' ftro Ie -ts:l.'"' V la bk-1b- t t,i. i coomm! 5SuT- C M4l '- uK "p, tr-a ' V . at W ,111 t& aV,.l One year ago when we reduced the price on ROYAL CLUB COFFEE from 40c to 35c, we told you it was only temporary that we were sharing with you the saving to us in an exceedingly low, "war time," coffee market that as soon as the market went up we would have to re store the original 40 cent price. We were the only coffee roasters on the coast to take the public into our confidence and share our saving with them. The public has saved thousands of dollars as a result. Now we must raise the price of our ROYAL CLUB brand. The high grade Central American and Sumatra Coffees from which it is blended have gone up are still going up. We have every reason to believe they will stay "up." UNTIL JANUARY 1ST YOU CAN BUY ROYAL CLUB COFFEE AT THE REDUCED PRICE. If you are one of the thousands who have found satis faction in this delightful coffee, you should lay in a sup ply NOW at the reduced price. If you have never tried it, you should treat yours-1' and the family while the price is down. Say ROYAL CLUB to your grocer today. LANG & CO. The "Royal Club" House Portland, Oregon. BELGIAN CHILDREN SEND CHRISTMAS GIFTS never paid him vices. for his ser- Austrian Suhniarlne Taken. PARIS. Dec. 24. Announcement of the capture of an Austrian subma- oat destroyers was made in dispa ' from Malta via Rc ! Although not at Dock Watchman III US led. N"EW YORK. Dec. 24. Edmund slice, dock watchman, was arrest by federal agents in connection :h the alleged bomb plots of Paul enig and others. It is charged that nice furnished Koenig with tnfor ition regarding the movements of ps which Koenig planned to de oy. He was released on 130,000 Coff CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND AVOID DISEASE When your Mood is impure, weak, tli in nnd debilitated, your system htMOtnef sttsceptiblo to any or all diseases. Put your blood in pood condition. Hood'l Sarupgrtllg nets directly find peculiarly on the blood it puri ties, enriches nnd revitalizes it nnd builds up Hie whole system. Hood I Sarsaparilla has stood the tost of forty years'. (Jet it today. It is sure to help you. Dentist Made Explosive, l.os ANOBDBB, Cat, Dec. 24. A peculiar feature of Dr. W. W. Shar tel's arrest on a charge of having opium In his possession came to light w hen It Was learned federal detec tives found in his dental office what is said to be a new explosive, togeth er with mulmlnating caps and fuse and a letter to the Herman war min ister, indicating he was trying to sell his Invention to the kaiser. Dr. Sliar tel Is at liberty on $2000 ball. WIATION TEACnER FALLS. (ilTATKM AI.A CITY, ("tiiatemiila, Dee. 24 Instructor Jerwan of the ivlntlon school, fell here during a 'light and Is believed to be mortally injured He came here from the United States, going to that country from Praties, and becoming a naturalized American citizen, The Commission for Belief in glum has placed on exhibition in New York Christinas girts of engraved scrolls, HUMS embroidered, and a Jewel case, received a few day s ago I from the school children of Belgian! for President Wilson, members of his family, and for Cardinal Qibbons The simple gifts are touching doeu Stents of the feelings of the little Bel- giani for America. One of the most Interesting pieces III the exhibit la n card about eight by twelve Inches, addressed to "Ills' Kxcellcncy. sir Kdward Wilson, pres ident of the United States at Wash ington." The work is hand painted on parchment In the national colors of ltelglum and America, the flags of both countries entwined at the top The card tells the president that the school children of Belgium are eetj thankful children of ltelglum are very clothing this nation Has sent them. The school children In Spa. the fa mous watering resort, worked fori more than thre comp.irtmenta. cm the cover painted a picture of Spa. and the u Scrlptlon in French: "Homage Clatitude of Spa." A cleverly executed1 pen and It sketch of President Wilson has be, sent by a twelve y ear old school 1 1 The gifts are in exhibition by per lesion of President Wilson and Car- l:-Kl ltl II YA T. t, K "Loyal f the 111 Liege, addressed to the President of free America. Thankful heart In Liege." 1 ture shows the president In of leaves, with the portraits king and queen of Helglum on either side. A huge boi containing silk handkerchiefs, pin cushions, sewing bags, and examples of lislgum needle work Is addressed to the members of the president's family. The pieces i re ail hand painted and embroidered and are sent by the ruplls of th ! Illll for Tlirve Month' v-rii.v oiiftilcraic Perorated. RICHMOND. Va Dec. t ce tin in which rchtllin s Best is nackcil Hut for get three cents worth of added flavor and economy. Coffee ll.ivor must I C sealed in against escape and intrusion, if it is to reach you in prime condition. three Con- Sale, inclosing hla bill for months' services rendered th federacv during the great civil strug gle. Mr Pray states that he was a mem ber of Nelson's battalion of light ar tillery, stationed at Fort Delaware and was captured at Waynesboro In March of tilt. From that date until June nomicsl. A pound mikct mors cups of Schilling's Best