DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION or i astern i iregoo t ii -tates PYeathev iiintht TO ADVERTISERS Tin- Hunt fJfSgohlsn l"is Hi.' largest PM elrcutaHM say paps' 1,1 Oregon, ! of ivrt lumi iimi m twlei the elrcolttloB i Pendleton f nay other iu:wsuuper, jv ff5i, COUNTY OFFICIAL A PER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 8690 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1915. VOL. 27. SINKING OF TWO SHIPS MAY LEAD , CHINA PROPOSED TO NEWTROUBLE '&-A5k ' Japanese and French Liners Sent to Bottom Without Warning in Violation of Agreement. AUSTRIA PLAYING FOR BREAK Germany MA Alio Have Repudiated the ituttnia Agreement A i" Warfare With BiibinaHiiBi Becre-I iar Ilnatag will sunt immediate investigation. WAS1IIN0TON. Deo 2x. Serious I features in the diplomatic situation! ware presented today by the sinking of the Taaaka M;iru. and th Villa da : la Clotat without warning. Whether) Germany is repudiating the LuMtanla agreement Or Austria la playing for a iear break with the I'ntcil States, ; ere the questions' ratted, Secretary I-msIng Is planning in- uirieH at the Austm-c.erman smbaa-J les anil among the American repre-j on tat I ves abroad. In thin way It Is expected to establish the nationality' if the attacking submarines. PBSTOFFICE BEATS A IS PI It OEM l MORE P K AGES HANDLED THIS . BAR THAN l .WI i'uUj Si per cent more paflgagae War handled at the Pendleton post Oftloa during December of this year than during the corresponding month a year ago. according to Assistant Postmaster Lester A Crunln, who baa made u check upon the business. The i receipts for the month from Dec. 1 to Dec. 24 inclusive amounted to only 1111121 more than litst year but Just before Christmas last year the Pen dleton Holler Mills shipped three tons of flour by parcels post, swelling the, receipt for the month to a great ex tent. An indication of the extra amount! of work at the postorrice this year CM be had from a statement ol thej extra labor necessary In 1914 no: extra employes were hired for the Christmas rush and the regulur clerk. averaged only tw o hours a day over-1 time and the i ai rlers one hour. This year one extra clerk was employed 1 and three extra carriers and all of the clerks averaged four hours a day overtime and the eerriers three hour. In 1114 all packages were deliver-; bile w;is used. This year three car-, tiers, one with a motorcycle delivery I van and two with horsea and Wagons, j were employed for five days and their work was supplemented at times by j a push carl. Most of tho packages! received this year were of small size but their number was much larger; than last year. The total receipts ror the month inclusive of December 24. amounted to 12738 "8 The receipts for the cor responding time In 1914 was $2119. fiii. Pacific Coast Ideal for Mew Naval Academy WASHINGTON, Dec 28. The Pa cific coast would he an Ideal location lor a Dew naval academy in the opin ion of Secretary Daniels, He deolar-l ed .however, he did not believe it a, wise move to recommend the estab lishment of It this year He explain ed his Intention was first to enlarge Annapolla, then recommend another I Institution. Seattle and San Fran Cisco are strong bidders Tor the loca tion THREE TRAINMEN KILLED IN A HEAD-ON COLLISION URBAN A, Ohio. Dec 28. Two Pennsylvania flyers crashed head-on, killing three trainmen. Injuring oth ers and sending a score of passengers to the hospital. A tOWerman'l mis take was the cause of the accident The Philippine islands Mtrly 10,0a0, out) gallons o arly. pri ! First Photos of Sinkinq of The Ancona NEW DYNASTY IN j it gm . . 'the large plcfure shows the i the Ancona, with life boat N waiting for a load of passengers. All who sought safely in tnts lifeboat were killed by the bombardment from the Austrian submarine. The t. ... " ., ,,.,,. .: ,. . .vt&mxm s;:v ;.Si: it . . .. 4 ...c ... Atiti'uFtB&ii which nn tfiTl Suit is Filed By City to Forclose The Lien Against Property on Jackson Street Tlie city has i ommcm ed proceed ings to teat the reassessment amend ment through a suit filed in the re corder's court to foreclose the lien against the residence property of Mr. and Mrs. Frank KTaiier, two of the Jackson street property owners who escaped payment of the original as-J sessment through a draftsman's er ror In the description of the improve ment district. The suit was filed on December 20 but was withheld from publication until today In order that the sum-, mons might first be served While! Mr. and Mrs. Krazier are the defend-j p.nta in the action, there are several 1 other property owners Interested. Tht matter will be carried by them lo the supreme court and all Will be guided by the decision Among the others interested are James Johns, who rrrought the suit to set aside the original assessments. ! Zeuski The Will Moor total ascs 0 about Id ) and Lang & sments involved ,vhut proce the attornc Carter, who filed the complaint. lor time until January' 10 to make ans wer and the request mas been grant-1 Gay Time Expected in Seattle With the Passing of Saloon SEATTLE, Dec 2S. With the last I day of legal drinking looming, cafe managers ure preparing for the big gest night In their history. The' prosecutor's office ts a veritable mecca i for seekers after loopholes in the law, I Every cafe table has been engaged t and stocks of liquors have been re- PORTLAND, OrM I'1'-. A It-' luor famine is threatened for the luM days before prohibition. BtQfM and MiOOtlfl have sold and shipped away I their bt'Ht Krades of UqUOfl only the dress being sold cheap. Wheal Down Some in Both Markets CHICAGO, Dec. II. Deo, 11.24- l.ll .1-4; May $1.26 7-8-11.24 5-8. PORTLAND, ure., Dec. II, Club ;-99; blueetem ti.oo-ji.03. Vessel Roes Ashore. HONOLULU. Dec. 28. Two men :tre dead and one missing as a result of the Chilean bark Ivanhoe going ashore at Steele, on the Island of The el, ihich v. tared Pel. KalHnr t Undergo operation, LONDON, Dec 21. The kaiser will undergo a throat operation In a few days, Swiss advices say, lifebi.ut itself was picked up by a French cargo boat and towed to Tun is. Across the top of the Ancona's rail a group of orphans whose par ents went down with the ship, al though the children themselves were ed. Whether they will try the casa before Municipal Junge KHz Gerald and then appeal to the circuit court or whether they will begin at once an injunction suit In the circuit court to restrain the city from foreclosing a lien, they will decide later They took the latter course In the first The case grows out of the objection 0( certain Jackson street property owners to the assessment for the pav ing of that street. Through James Johns a suit was brought against the city to enjoin the officials from fore closing the liens. Circuit Judge Phelps' decision was In favor of (he city but the supreme court reversed him because the draftsmen had m's read Block C, Interpreting the c as a 6 I Thereafter, the voters of the adoptc harter amendment giving authority to make reas the event that the origl ent was declared invalid or It Is the validity of sent that will be tested out ts now. The original as- the council eminent in nal assessm through crt ssment W; levied August 21. 1912. ind the amount of the lien against the Frazler property is $452. si Win ters and Johnson of Portland will represent the defendants. Schooner Driven Ashore By Storm But Crew is Safe SBATTLE, Dec. II. The schooner Sausalito Is ashore on Wuddah Island. The crew was put safely aboard the guardanlp Snohomish. The Bausallto grounded during a night storm, when It was blown far from its course. Charter Market, SAN FRANCISCO, Cel., Dec. , Tile following Charters have been re ported: Schooner Peerless, to carry lumber from north Pacific to Mel bourne, pt , by J. J Moore & Co. (March-April); Chilean bark Quay triiM. Redwood from Ilumholdt hay to Sydney and Newcastle, pt., by Hind. Rolpti ,t Co. (February-March) ; schooner Kona, Redwood from Hum' boidt bay to Melbourne; pt.. by Hind, Relph & Co. (June-July). French splc Executed, AMSTERDAM, Dec. 28 Death of three French spies who were captur ed by the Germans opposite the French lines at Charterol came quickly, according to reports reach Pig here. The Germans lined them up and shot them immediately on capture. ll-on s Ippetlte Gone, HOT SPRINGS, Vu.. Dec. 28. The way President Wilson goes after his meals has William Daniel Washing ton, one of his waiters, wearing a smile a yard wide. "He cats Jes' like a roslur man ' said William, "an' he suah dOOi las th co'u broad hot," saved. At the right is Dr. Cecil Greil the American woman passenger who has told so graphically of the horrors of the attack on the Ancona, is seen descending the ship's ladder to the lifeboat in which she found safety. DEFECTIVE FLUE IS CAUSE OF BLAZE AT AURA STREET HOME HOME Kl" Mil. A.TP, Mils ( HAS PINCH D M MtBD BY FIRE ON TIIK ROOF. Fire, starting supposedly from a de fective flue, last night caused several hundred dollars damage to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finch at 70S I Aura street. This is the fourth time 1 j Mr and Mrs. Finch have suffered loss' frm fire in this city, their last fire having been January 17, 1915. The fire was discovered about 10 . i o'clock and the alarm turned in. When the fire department arrived the roof had burst Into flames and two I Streams were played on It. Within 15 ' ' minutes tiie fire was under control Howeveif) considerable damage bv! water was done. The fire was con-1 i fined to the roof, attic and one close; ; rrled J1900 insurant' and contents. hou.- Germans Believed French Chief of Staff was Aboard SINKING il X BSSEL U SES I 111 DEATH OF M PA88BNGHR8 ss REPORT. PARrS, Dec 28 The French lin er Vllle de la Cioat. torpedoed dwlth ! a loss of 80 lives, was reported sunk I by Germans who believed that Cas telnau, the French chief of staff was : aboard. Castelnau recently went to I Salontki, HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM MEETS COLLEGE BOYS FAST CONTEST! Is EXPECTED WHIN SOUTHS MEET Till Hsiy EVENING For some excitement during the atlon week, the "College Kids" ant ! the high v-iool will clash tfl thi an nual basketball game on Thursday I evening in the high scHo l gymna slum at 7; !; o'clock. The game is an annual affair and has always proven to be one of the best games of the season played on the local floor. The high school lads! (will have teamwork to their advan tage, while tlie college boys will ,e benefited by experience as well as spool On the college team will be Claude and Otis Hampton. IsMenU Men 1st I Charles Russell. Chet Fee and Clayton Strain, while Charles (lord on, Wesley Mims ts i ii eel Boylen, Ned Fowler, Fur rait Pejffa and Hen- rj Latonrelle will play for the local team it bj prob.-i l- that a prelimi nary game will be played between BY REBEL CHIEF General Tsai Ao is Reported to be ' Planning to Found Separate Em pire in Celestial Kingdom. REVOLUTION IS SPREADING Government Troops i.. in Sent Against Uprisings in Province I Message Men- Indicate Yuan Will Vol Ascend Throne few Vear- a lie Planned to do. pAo, leader of the Yunnan rebels, pro poses to found a separate dynasty, according to the Telegraph's eorres- pondent He reported the anti-mon- larehy revolution has spread to KWangsl, General Tsao Kun is lead- Ins government troops against the SAX FRANCISCO, Dec. 28. The I receipt of Peking cablegrams here led ! Chinese leaders to believe Yuan Shi Kai is heeding the revolutionary rum blings and will not ascend the throne at New Years. It is rumored that Yunnan province Is calling all sec- i tions to revolt aualnst the monarchy. Bishop Bushford, head of the Metho Idist missionaries In China, reports se- cret pressure has been brought to bear since the outbreak of the Euro- pean war to return to a monarchy. "The people of China, as a whole, ! are pleased with the republic." said I Bushford. IRRIGATION CONGRESS TO SUPPORT THE JONES BILL ASA B. THOMSON, PRESIDENT PltPDICTS FAVORABLE AC TION IN SPEECH. PORTLAND, Ore , Dec. 28 "With out doubt, the irrigation congress will record itself in favor of the Jor.e;s bill," said Asa B. Thomson of Echo, president of the Oregon Irrigation Congress which opened here today. "The Jones bill provides a guaran tee by the government of interest on irrigation bonds during the first five years. This proposal put into effect will enhance the value of irrigation securities more, I am sure, than a state guarantee. "Generally speaking, there is more serious intention than I have ever be fore witnessed ts make the work of the irrigation congress count with greater subsuntlaltty in the general interests of Oregon reclamation. one of the state, and of the entire west, and that we can serve any smaller interest best by standing to gether on an efficient plan that Will forward reclamation as a whole." Mayor James Kyle of Stanfield, who has never missed a convention of the Oregon Irrigation congress, talked about the work on the west Umatilla project. ing neglected." he said. "The main canal Is completed and the work is well done; in fact, the government Is doing better work rn Umatilla county than It has ever clone before and at less cost. Office operation In Hermiston. for instance, has been cut 37 per cent. Work Tomixirarlly SuslH-nUrtl. "It is true there has been a tempo rary suspension of work, but it will begin again after January l, and wa ter will be put on the land and set tlers will find the west extension a good place for homes I have heard it said that the wontag force had been scattered This ?s not true; most of the men are still in the neighborhood." NEWS SUMMARY General. Conscription Is critical question In Fiigtand for cabinet tit solve. Ittihraria will not retUID conquered territori in Macedonia, Now dynasty is N-ing planned in China. lie Ml, City starts suit to fnrtvln-e Hens op Jackson street property, Postal ivtinil- show santa Clans wa.s much more generous to Pcniilc. ton lids car than last. Five hi-t night damaucs home ol Charles Pinch. One Inch fall of mow In Ott) todui. Minor .Mm Kle of BtSU field au noWMBBO candidacy for commissioner. Movie news mi page &, King Who Snubbed Peace Party KvS HAAKON News reports from Norway, where, the Ford peace party is recruiting delegates, state that King Haakon has not taken kindly to the propagandi and snubbed the wealthy manufac turer and his ellow pacificists. Noi official welcome was given the peace ship or the members of the party when the ship arrived. Ford hasj since quit the party and is on hn way to New York. Bulgaria to Keep Territory Taken From the Serbs WILL NEVER RETURN CONQUER-1 ED GROUND, DCX2LARES KING FERDINAND. SOFIA, Dec. 2S. Bulgaria will never restore the conquered Macedo nian territory which rightfully be longed to the Bulgam. King Ferdi nand told parliament at the opening session. He presented a review of Bulgarian victories. CITY HAS HEAVIEST eton again a blanket weather to a bad guess, more snow will fall to - night. heavily and a full inch was on the t . . ; : I when the clouds parted and let the sun through. The fall in the mountains was heavy, according to reports received, and No. 17 was more than a half hour late In reaching Pendleton. SUBMARINE QUESTION WILL BE ADJUSTED TO SUIT ALL U STRIA Will. REP1 TO W t u V REJOINDER IN SATIS FACTORY MANNER, marine question probably will be cleared in a few days, the United Press WAS authoritatively Informed Austria's reply to the Ancona rejoin der will be delivered to Penfield at Vienna this week and it was reported It will be "satisfactory and final." 200,000 FEET HARDWOOD DESTROYED AT PORTLAND EARIA MORNING FIRE lop 1 M (.l ESTIMATED 1 ' glOtLOgo, PORTLAND, ore. Dec. II -Fir-start Ing In a dry kiln early this mor ning destroyed IIILOttJ feet h ml wood lumber In the plant of the Em era n Hardwood Company. The losi la estimated at 1100.000. With diffi culty the flames were prevented from spre.id'ng to the sawmill district. PROMINENT MEN ARE IMPLICATED IN STRIKE PLOT Federal Grand Jury Returns Blanker Indictment Against Buchanan, Lamar and Fowler. TRIED TO TIE UP PLANTS insrvteman from llllnoK Well Known l-'inanccr and cx-('ougrrs-man Prom Illinois Arc Charged With Tr1ns to Injun- Manufactur ers of .Munitions. lng Congressman Buchanan, of Illi nois. David Lamar, a financier, ex. Congressman Fowler of Illinois, and five others with conspiracy as a re sult of a federal investigation Into the activities of labor's national peace council. A grand Jury has been prob ing into the efforts to thwart muni tion manufacturers by calling strikes. The indictments charged conspira cy under the Sherman anti-trust law to interfere with commerce. BE ISSUE FACED BY SEVERAL MEMBERS MAY RE SIGN IF COMF1 DSORV SER VICE i-, ADOPTED. LONDON, Dec 28 The British cabinet faced the gravest internal cri sis of the war when it met to con sider the momentous question of con scription. It was rumored several members would resign unless soma form of compulsion was agreed up on. It was also said Asqulth and possibly Gray would quit is the pro conscriptionists won. In that case, Lloyd George probably would be pre mier. Parliament meets tonight following the cabinet session. It is possible the most serious charge yet made will be directed against the Dardanelles and Balkans campaigns Czar Requests Rumania's King to Help Allies arest with a personal message to the : king of Rumania asking him to Join the allies, it Is reported. GLEE CLUB APPEARS HERE THIS EVENING IN CONCERT ' UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BONG STERS Will GI i: PR i G1LYM AT OREGON. th. rectlon of Ralnh man. dean of the school of music University of Oregon Glee Club appear in concert this evening a' Oregon theater. The twent; young collegians who compose organization will arrive this evi the will th mint sang run - from The Dalles When last evening. A good h ise l for the entertainm they Use Is nt this ing. The following Is the of the club; First tenors J Both We 16. Pendleton; Roy T, St Portland: Everett ii CH orge. '19. Newberg; Carl K Nelson, -ago; William Morrison, 'li Warren Edwards. 'II, Second tenors WaRar I Portland; Ivor Ross, -19 'Ear! Flelschmann. 'I Km ert w Langlej it Perth Corhett H. Knid. club. ; Ii Chl- snsj '18, irla, I gne; (Jeers. nond Burns. 'II. i tes. 19. Melford. Bassos--John A Hick ! land; Harold Hamstreet '11 dan: Ho-Sheng Huang H China; John M Dolph 1 1 I Don Newbury, 18. Elametli Harold A Wade. 19, W Wash. Port -h.-M III turn the