P DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1915. EIGHT PAGES MmmMmsmMssiwi CT PENDLETON BUSINESS A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public AUTO REPAIRING Fords u SiKvlalty. Ford AinsMirloN S. E. SMITH AUTO REPAIR SHOP 8hop Phone 203. Ra. Phone S11J C30 Cottonwood St., Op. City HalL Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS UODKKM CYLINIU'lt OMNDBH AN1 OVEK-HIBBO PiBTON AND HINUB MMOND. Phone Hi Hgls Basltt Shop. AUTO SUPPLIES mil s AND lOCESBORIES Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL. NO. 16. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone 3 Hi ' BOM 7. Schmidt Hid. :-sis IN CHINA, oils, w AMI; col ill. TAPB8TBT, LEATIIEH TOO LI NO. Ilram and Copper Crafta. BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors II Mil DBBMINO, MANICI RINO. FACIAL UA8IAOB, SCALP TREAT MENT, MAHPOOINO. popular I'rlre. Telephone 32a EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS l thl .l V8H OP SALTS TO III Ml KIDNEYS II BLAD DER BOTHERS ol . Hating meal regularly eventually , produces kidney trouble In some form or olhi-r. says a well-known author- : Ity, because the uric acid In meat ex cite the kidneys, they liecome over-1 worked; get sluggish; clog up and . atUfJ all sorts of distre.-s, particular ly backache and misery In the ki'l nay region; rheumatic twinge severe headaches, acid stomach, tion. torpid liver, ileepleal dcr and urinary Irritation. co nit 1 pa it bl.id- rhe moment your kidney aren't acting right, or II bladder bother you. get about four ounces "f Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a table poonful in a glaa 01 aO l before breakfast ;or I few day and your kldtreyi win then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the add Of grapes and lemon lutce. combined with lilhla. and lias been used for generations t clogged kidney ami ttlmulal flush them to normal activity; alio to neutralise the acids In the urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disor ders. jad salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llth-la-wnter drink which millions of nun and women take now nnd then to keep the kidneys nnd urlnnry organs Clean, thus avoiding ieriOUl kidney disease. the amount you are allowed to purchase in our line is small, yet we promise the same e Scient service with a half-gallon order as you w ould get on a thousand barrels All orders go through the same system. CROWN DISTILLERIES COMPANY MAIL ORDER DIVISION P. O. BOX 3t)00 BEALE & MISSION STREETS, SAN ! RAN CISCO, CAL. BOTTLING WORKS 'I'll East Court Phone 17 FAMILY TltAHE A IPBOIsUft (ul:k Unlivery. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul BsflMMlgftm, I'r'tp. NHn AM) AfJ. HINDI OF SOFT lii: INK- ANU SODAS BOX3HJUX olyaipta Oyster "iM-ktalls a Spsclaltj CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS llavuna filled 10c, Straight and Perfanlo Shapes. Maniifiii'tiiri-it by PBNDLETON ( IQAH PACTOBX. CLEANING-PRESSING West uf Hotel Barber Shop. Phone 4 70 ask for Pressery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Anderson A Strunalian. Prop... ( leaning, Prewlng, Repairing, Day or Night. Work Called for and Delivered. I will pros your suit for 50c and guarantee the same work y would get In New York City Portland. I ( all lor ami Deliver. RUDD, THE TAILOR Ph V, Webb EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop I PERT N ELDERS We weld nil kinds of cast Iron, ahiml ntiui. sti'i'l. copptr ami brass by the Modern Oxx-Arfl tylani Proc, Don't Walt fur Repairs. Let l a Weld It. 721) JOHNSON ST, "LIBERTY BELL" TO TOP ROW. Left to itight Mr. Gertrude Hnutcr, Minn.: Mrs. Helen H. tcr. Washington, D. C. BOTTOM ROW, belt to Right Mis Burns, c Vork: li-. Jesse H, la Vrnold, North I an, Una. The picture shows nine suffrage leaders with the replica of the Libert) Pell that was used in the Pennsyl vania suffrage campaign The lu ll was 1 ELECTRICIANS ALLOWAY & MILNE I II I i TRIClUi CONTRACTORS FEED YARDS PHONE 54 THE ALTA FEED YARD 7uy Baal Alia St. PEED AM) SALES STABLE. - A. FLORISTS Hooker's f lower Store on Main St . nejt to Happy Canyon I'HONiE r22. FLORAL DEMONS, PLANTS AND SEEDS. Agent Port laud .Tournal. opi.xi KvBtlngs. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store ('HAS KOCH. -Prop. ( OMl'LEl E LINE OF NEW M SECOND llM STOVES ND II VNGES. Hi W. Webb St. PbOM MB-w GROCERIES I. B.JCKNSGN&SOItS Groceries, Ooufectiom and Baker1 Goods, Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and 2112 . U. lib St. Phone 671 PROCLAIM WOMAN SUFFRAGE VICTORY Margard MasKayc, P, WTtltlemoro, Mich, aahlngton, D. C; Mr His I (Inn taken to Washington Tor use in the j demonstration of the Congressional ffragc. The bell In the vTUns BroOier Arrasted, SAN ANTONIO, Tex. Dec. 14. Hlppollts Villa, brother of Prancisot Villa, Mexican revolutionary leader, was arrested here by federal nuthori-l ties on a Warrant charging him with' being a swindler. KOI HI V Pilot EN, Pendleton Renders can No Longci Doubt the Fvidcnoc, ThiH Pendleton illizen testified long Told of quick relief of undoubted benefit. The facts arc now confirmed. Such testimony is complete lha evidence conclusive It forms convincing proof of mer it. S. P Hutchinson, prop. West BnU Crop Mill, 1610 W. Webh St.. Pen dleton, says: "I suffered a great deal from a dull pain In my back, Just over my kidneys. I often no ticed that my kidneys were sluggish and that the kidney secretion did not pa freely. Dunn's Kidney Pills n lleVed the pain In my bnck and re moved the trouble with the kidney se ' re.tiotis." (Statement given May It, DOAN8 always BFPBCT1VE. OVER TWO YEARS LATER, Mr Hutchinson said "i still use Doan'i Kidney Pills with very good results Price fiOc. at all dealers. Don't dmply ask for a kidney remedy get Dunn's Kidney Pills the same thai Mr. Hutchinson has twice publicly recommended. Koster-Mllburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. T. GROCERIES ! J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery Phone Sit HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest canh price paid for 2nd hand Hoods of all kindB. Rubber, Auto Tires", Brass, Copptr, Sacks HIDES, PEWS, WOOL A I RS, 206 W. Webb St. Telephone 662 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile, FIRE, Burglary. Plate Glass, Uablllty, Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 604. E. O. Bldg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 1 70. ROUGH DRY Tc PER LB. Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAYBURN MEAT MARKET IIS W. WEBB. Plenty of Turkeys and Chickens lor Thanksgiving. Weed, t inn., and Mi-- Blslc Lain a-- Doris Stevens, Ohio: lUfla l.ticy s. LMlmer, Md.. and Miss X irin- headquarter of the organization unrung until where it will remain woman is notorious in the ote. Then it wll was its famous original Livestock Mart Generally Good With Prices Up PORTLAND, ore., This has beer I a week of excellent livestock market I lug at North Portland. There was a smaller run of hogs than during thi previous week, but the trend thr market Was better. Hog prices climbed to a n mark for the present moven: $6.15 during the week and num- her of (ale of toppers were made at the extreme mark The win killers took hold of hot arrivals during the week despite their previous heavy purchases indicated a generally unproved situation. fienernl hog market range: Choice light weights , . . . $6. 10 (it 6.1. Oood light weights S.tOQt-OB Medium weights' S.60W T, .ST, Rough and heavy 5.00W.VT" Cattle Market Baiter. After a period; of great strength the cattle market became restless and somewhat easier in tone at North Portland during the week's trad'. While the undertone of the market continues good, the extra heavy pur- ch ie bs kiiirrs recently hn more than flllC ments. I I heir Immcdl I here was a somewhat he.ivier run of cattle in the yards for the areas' Earl) late were made at full price. General cattle market ranee: Choice grain fed steers.. Ordinary grain fed steers Choice hay fed steers . . . Good steers ordinary to common steers .", 00 lit; l( Ordinal? to common com I.M0S Ofl I CholC spayed heifers ... l.TIQCOQ Ordinary to good heifers. 4.001 I .',: .Choice bull J"5tT 4.511 PLUMBING-HEATING D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. 118 E. Court St. Phone 443 Phone 32 : Ilea. 509. Agents for PENINSULAR P t J It N A C E8. Wotfaege & Ardrey PLUMBING AND HEATING. TlnniliL. and llenalr Work. 109 W. Webb St.. PENDLETON, OKE. I PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 E. Court 8t. night, rain or a call. SATISFACTION i'AKANTEED. J BOWMAN STUDIO 9l Main St.. Tel. 328-W. BIOB OBADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK. Post Card Photos $1.00 Doi. Amateur finishing. Ansco huppllea. PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 158. Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER. PICTURB MOULDING, GLASS. DECORATING, PAINTING. Job W Main St. Promptly Done. Pendleton. Oregon. ICiOod to fair bull.0 3 00S3.S0 Ordinary to common bulls 2.002.75 Mutton situation Strong, Situation In the mutton and lamo trade at North Portland is remark- days, the hulk of the stuff continues to come direct to killers, In tact I most of the arrivals came from near by feed lots maintained by these All through the trade higher pri- leneral mutton and lamb rang'-: Ohoice yearling wethers. . 6 o ' Good to Common yearlings 6.50 ft 6.6 NEW i'ORK SMALL TO HIM. toj Cone to Find Mother Who Lire Near a cliurcli. NEW rORK, Dee. 11. The fact ! more, who is just past 13 from com ' ing here to find his mother, with n and an elevated railroad. Charles, who says he was told t' drop over to New YorK and look up his mother by his father, John, who is a barber, in Balumore, grew con fidential with a well are--'sed man on m CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. RAKER. FUNERAL DI- , rector and licensed embalmer. Op- CARTER & SMYTH E. ATTORNEYS posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two '. at law. Office In rear of Amerl funeral cars. Calls responded to day ; can National Dank building. Funeral director and licensed em balmer Most modern tunerai pin -lot morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Corner Mitin and Wa'er streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE M LAND BGfflNJMS tmiTNTnsVi co. makes! reliable abstracts of title to an lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investment for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, rres C H MARSH. SC. BEXTLRT I.EFFINC.WEI.I. REAL estate, fire, life and accident in surance agents. Sis Main stree' Phone 404. HALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEY'S Al , law. Office In American National Rank Dullding. VlcTI'.RI vKY BURGEXJN8, n , isrv m n V COI'NTY l.leOf.ae I " - ' MSOt.lt veterinarian Kesiuenci teiep 7.0a ill 7. H1 1 otno te . t.TtsTt.STi " ATTORIfETS. kuums apiu punnu The Lymen mi i:i,v FfTKNISHED ROOMS. Furnace heat and hath, with good table hoard at reasonable ratea. 621 Willow St Telephone 30", The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. SH EPA I1D. Prop Rooms With or Without Hoard. Under New Management. RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON Bl 0 AND MATTRESS WORKS Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Located W3 Water St. Phone 978. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES A 1 1 E Y.X- PENSIVE They need the best of care through the winter let O CYRUS BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood St.. care for them. Service guaranteed. Phone 645. AUTO OVERHAULING AND GENER AL REPAIRS. SERVICE STATION Main and Water Sts. HlVrxl Tel. 684. station, where he introduced him to Policeman Reilly, of me West Thiro-seventh-street station, with the ex planation that undoubtedly the po liceman could aid in tne search. Reil ly took the boy to the station house j and from there he was taken to the Children's Society. He had J25 in I his pockets, part of the J3i given him by his father, he said. a church. Dr. Iiai-elileri s Freed. SPRINGFIELD, III., Dec. 23. The ; attorney general announced there are ''(board was considering citing Haisel- den for the possible revocation 01 his license. HOWS THIS. We cannot be cured i Cure. Hall's Catarrh ! for Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure .icts thru the Blood on the Mucous ( I a ortio Aftt irrh re for a short time you will: see a great improvement in your gen eral health Start taking Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure at once and get rid of ca tarrh Send for testimonials, ftee F. J CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio j Sold by ill Druggists, 75c. I FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT1 law. Office in Despaln building. JAMES B PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON & R1SHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4. Smith - Crawford budding. DOVGLAS W. RAH EY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts Rooms 7, S and 9. Desrain building. GEORGE W. COVTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contract- ' drawn. Collections made. Room 11 j Schmidt block. , FREDERICK STEIWER. ATT H ney at law. Office in Smith Craw ford building. S. A. LOWELL counsellor at pain building. SECOND HAND DEALERS paid for all second-hand good bought. Cheapest place In Fend' ton to buy household goods. Com and get our prices. !19 E. CovM treet Phone 17 1W. SIGN PAINTING IF IT'S H.N M Akl IT KEM SIGN CO. gtfWl Pendleton. Or. SHOE REPAIRING WE MEND SOLES. BUBBEB BEKL. A SPECIALTY, Pendleton Shoe Hospital C. L. ILM. Prop. SHOE ItEi'AiltlNi, ON SCIKNTiriC PKINCIPLEg W'e cM for and OtllVBf, Phone 337. MB Main St. SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private (or Ladies' Shoe Shining At MfaMVra Shoe Shining Parlors. Also we Clean Soft and Panama Hats. (12 Main SL Pendleton. Ore. ALEX, Proprietor. TAXI SERVICE G.andH. TAXI CO. Phone 110 QUELLE RESTAURANT. Prompt serrlre. day and nigbt. luneral earl , 13. ."in. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Quai Corner Court and ed. onwood. BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HAIR DARK NOBODY t N I I l I U HEN KHJ DARKEN .KV PAD ED II mi; U I I II SAG1 TEA. with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked ap pearance, this simple mixture was aplied with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wy- 50 cents. This simple mixture ca t,e depended color and he; and failing hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage anil Sulphur because it darkens so natur ally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied It's so easy to gray hair dLs application or rs; after another C-lSe.STEP. S FILL If y THE Bl ' n M. A :i-lic F 5S7 l "7 pr:- w r SOU .'. ' AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. At'TI'iN eer, makes a specialty of farmers' stock anl machinery sales "Tha man that gets you the money" Lsav order at East Oregontan office. AGENTS v w i l l) SALESMEN WANTED Ti high grade stock tractive commisl na planted in your MCtton, M al offer we have aver mad-. MIS4 ELI. INEOI for sale at Eas !ao fQea AUCTION SAL gonlan make, tlon sate t'llls. We can furnish advertising con you of having 1: