1 i i i i 1 i i i i i s i i i i 1 i i i PAGE TWO I i i PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE HnsKtuii OftensiTO ani-hcfc. LONDON, I"-'. IS.- It is reported, here that the Russian force which Wits Concentrated OB the Roumanian border several weeks ago fl,r fcn vmdon o! Bulgaria has been wtin-j drawn. The expedition, it has oeettj learned, never advanced heyond the Preparatory stage. a Bonolulu mother is wild nalvelyl to have named a male aeton Mrs , Tompkins. Poor Pussy Mrs Tor-1 key, Mr Scissors and tl" Man Who Washes hi' Dimples are other deco-j rations In the Hawaiian directory. Doo't suffer! Get a dime pack of Dr. James' Headache Powders. Yon ran (Sett your head ami relie' n dull, kjilittirij; "nr violent tlirobbii l.imii.ii lie in a aaomeot witii a U Jagg1 BsartaAi Powder, This oi l.llir In ,1. In, In' libel Ui'U H 1 ill o t Ilia)! mill Send eimir nun to the drujf tu ki (or a ill mi' package and a few m hiitu alter jimi take a powder p jrlll wonder what Isvinne ol tin' hei skt. neurslgis and pain. Stop auffe taf it 'a iierdlww. Ik ure you get wli you ti lor. sfgg T ! " : L. i ni. r.ni. in. unr" nimci IMHinied Uoiium SIMinil. if STOPS HEADACHE PI NEURALGIA DAILY Oert-u Christmas Mies Olive Gwlnn, talented young' . i dramatic reader of thU city, la aoonj i tu appear before the public at the' : Alta theater. She will (rive a reading I of "The War Prldee " Miss Gwlnn I eincc lier return from school In Cal-' iforniii hais appeared before club-:, Igea M-veral time and her' rlends have prevailed up'.n make an appearance before .In In a formal way. Mrs Thomas Vaughan and; hter of Portland, arrived morning to spend the holi e home of Mrs Vaughan'e. of Athena :ime of Jtaymnnd H Walker, son of Hor.o e ulker, former eounty roinmf alon and atlas Mabel a Connor were ited In marriage at 4 o'clock Tues- EAST OBEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1915. Mat the Merriest Kind of a Christ mas be the lot of those we serve and those who serve us; Its our deepest wish; we hope you'll accept it. The Peoples Warehouse day afternoon, the ceremony being performed nt the Haptlst parsonage by Rev. Clevenger. The newly mar ried couple will reside at Stanfbdd and they have many friends there anil elsewhere in the county. Harry Krebt of Washougal. Wash.,; Is spending the holidays at the homc of hi sister. Mrs. Will Wyrli k. Mr Krebs ii connected with thi mills in Washougal. Mr and Mrs. K. It. Aldrli t tie daughter left this mon Spokane to be Christmas t Mr and Mrs. J. Q, Aldrieh Dion ,f oregi Pendlet people at the lire night The club ! no of eastern Oregu nual tour make Its first appearance in The Dalles, Latest music and new akits will be seen when the glecsters present their program Tuesday night. "The LAUfh ing Song," which is truly a laughlni; ."ong both from the standpoint of the Blob and the audience, has made B th good as any used by the olttb In re cent year. If not better. It is "Five Minutes of College Ufe" and repre-1 senta the la) man's eonceptlon of col lege Mfe. Tour i baracters are In-1 eluded In ihe east, a senior", a Junior, j a sophomore and freshman, several j sonrt .ire sunn during the skit by the quartet. The following In the program in full: PART ONE. nh Oregon" Wrong-Glen Glee Club. Baritone Solo, "The Two Grena diers'1 Schumann Harold Humbert. "What the Chimney Sang" ...Park Clee Club. Baja solo, "The Mighty Deep" . . Judc John a Btaek, PART TWO. Ptano solo. "Prelude". .Itiiehmanlnoff Raymond Hums. BBSS I0l0 "Hymn to the Chinese Ho-Sbeng Huang. "The Death of the Hurgomel'ter " . . Brekmag and Ohatrii John M. Dolph. Trombone aolo, "Hung to the Even- ing Star" Wagni r Walter fJretie. ' Five Minutes of College Life ! Original Gillette. Dolph, baagley and Nelson. . , . .' Leoni'avellii Albert J, Qlllette, Jr. "As I Sit and Dream at Evening . Nelsr,i Olee Club. Col h. o. Newport of ttermiston oama In on the local last evening Jack liissett returned last evening from Eeho where he had been for, two weeks.. I Mayor James Kyle of Stnnfleld came up from his home la t evening md spent the night here. J. P. Walker, clerk of the W. O W., left yesterday for Forest drove to spend Christmas with relatives. Man vise clerk for ihe today to spend ihe later In Portland and Jr.. came up leep ranch In the intv yesterday aV s, coach of the Athena m. was here last even, team and left on the i Portland io spend taa his parents. Copyright lUit w3$lt I loomed Woman mwinnI. OTTAWA, Ont., Dec 24. It was reported .here that the cabinet had decided to commute the death penal ty passed on Mrs. Elizabeth Coward of Fort George. It. C, to life Impris onment. Mrs. Coward, formerly of Chicago, murdered a man In the wilds of Northern Brltleh Columbia. Don't ask for crackers, say Snowflake Sodas I ook for the bright red package and In sist on getting it. at all dcalera PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY PORTLAND UHECON EIGHT PAGES 1 I 1 i 3 K 1 I 1 I ,1 1 3 Bdwflaef & Mars i 8 3 I 3 i 1 i I 3 WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. i J. E. MULLINIX, Lawyer Over Taylor's Hdw. Storo Pendleton, Oregon. Jiiiiiiiiiiiiilllillliiilililllllllllllllilltini'. Christmas Candies STRAIGHT FROM WHITMAN'S E The very best of every- thing in gifts. Candies show the standards of a store. You can't buy bet- E IE ter candies, prettier pack- aires, better assortment, I 19 anywhere in the worltl I! (ban rixht here. Come in E E and judge for your srlf. I Tallman & Go. f Lending DruUbti riiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir