DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION EtoMeM fir tMWl Oregon hv th l'nltl stales Member HWrn-r at I' - - in. I TO AUVKKTISKH8. Tbt Kant Urt'Koiiitin Iibn llie lart puld circulation of n piipcr In OrtfOO. . i or 1'ortlainl Htil over twit the circulation in i't'inllt'tou nf any ullirr uewnpaM'r. Frl COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB VOL. 27. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER !') NO. SfiHti JAPANESE UNER TORPEDOED IN MEDITERRANEAN BY GERMAN SUBMARINE: 300 ARE RESCUED . One American Reported to Have Been Aboard No Warning Given According to Report. FLOATS HOUR AFTER STRUCK VMik Maru (VMt ,-,,ooo,huo lYtMK-h Warship I- Maid to llsvo QoM W Ross-lie and Taken Passengers Oflj No One Is Ivrlievnl to Have I teen lost I XI N DON. Doc. 23. The Japanese liner Yasaka Maru has been torpe doed and sunk In the Mediterranean sea by a Teutonic submarine, nccord. Ing to cable report here today Three hundred persona aboard, in cluding one American, were rescued by a Trench warship No one Is be. lleved to have been lost. According to the brief messages re ceived here, the liner was attacked without warning. She remained afloat an hour after being struck. The Yasaka Maru was constructed at a cost of 10.00, 000. CHRISTMAS TO SEE MEXICO WELL ON THE WAY TO PEACE KL PASO, Dec. 23. That Christ huh will descend on a Mexico well on the way to peace was the belief gen erally expressed here today Throughout the northern Mexican1 states former Villlsta leaders are' flocking to the Carranta standards ; Message from the city of Chlhuahuu reported that Carranr-a representa j tlyea were In control there and throughout chihuahua state. Normal conditions prevailed tod.lv In Juarex. where rioting broke out I two davs ago when the Carranzlstas assumed charge of thi city. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 23. "Qen-I aral" Francisco Villa will spend Christmas on American soil. Ills, wife received a telegram from him today saying that he would arrlva . here tonight. Some. Features of "Dry" Law Explained by District Attorney (By Frederick Stelwer, District Attorney ) It w assumed that readers ol the following comments on the Ore ion prohibition law are intending to obey the law The purpose will be, j therefore, to point out what can be, done lawfully, and what, under the law. would appear to be prohibited. I No attempt win be made to diecu&a procedure for the punishment ol i those who violate the law, or tho j penalties fixed by the statute for tho I various violations. Nearly every j branch of Society, and every kind of DUSlneM is affected directly or lndl-j recti) by this statute, and It Is Im portant that all people Inform them-i selves about the operation of thej law, and It will not be to the advan- luge of any citizen to violate the law first, and then learn its meanlnii afterward. The first feature ot the law that will be considered are the privileges and duties of the purchas- i r and customer. Intoxicating liquor Is defined in the act. it includes ordinary UqtlOM lik. beer, whiskey and wine, and In-. eludes also all mixtures or prepara lions reasonably likely or intended! to be used aa a beverage which shall contain In excess of one-half of one! per centum of alcohol by volume." j The definition also includes other Compound! and preparations, wheth er liquid or not. from which, or by I which Intoxicating liquor can be, produced . This will cover beerine, , nnd other solid muterlnls, which, Dy j mixing with water, will produce an intoxicating liquor. It also covers! hard ciders and any frull Juice that is permitted to ferment until It con tains In excess of one-half of one per cent of alcohol. It Is generally understood by this time that the law provides that one person, If he be single or one fam II can lawfully purchase outside of the state of Oregon and receive at ahy point within the state through a common carrier, two quarts of spir ituous or vinous liquor, or twenty four quarts of malt liquor each 2 days. It 1 believed by atorneys that the purchaser must select, that is, ho must take the two quarts, or the twenty-four quarts. He cannot law fully accept both during any one pe riod of four successive weeks. In Refund Is Denied WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. The Interstate commerce com mission denied the appeal of San Francisco shipper! for a refund of 4.00U,OOU paid to transcontinental railroads for switching charges during the last four yean Tho appeal wiu made through the Han Francis co chamber of commerce. Club Mow Quoted at 85 Cents in Portland PORTLAND, Ore., i. . II. The jirlce of wheat struck tho M season's highest point when liluestem reached 11.61 and fortyfold f 1.01. The unusually heavy demand for war ship- menu araa the cause Chicago. Dec. It. (Special) Pec. Il.ll 1-2-11.24 l-l: Mai $1 Portland. Pi irtlan D. I Special i i 'lull 11.02. LiverpooL LIVERPOOL, Dec. 22. Wheat Spot No. Manitoba. 12s 3 l-2d; No. 2, 12s 3d; No. 3. Us Hi 1 -I'd ; No. ! hard winter new, lis sd. In American term the highest Liverpool price is $1.78 4-'. per bush. L lord I Ituwerliut Hl'.ISTIANlA, Dec. 23. Ford's dreams are glimmering, his friends believe. It was suggested that he plans to end the trip as Inconsplcu-I ously as possible Neither Ford not 1 Madame S hwlmmer have appeared! In public for several days. Ford Is! recovering rapidly from his recent illness. purchaser to sign an affidavit pro-1 vtded i'or by statute. These affidav-i Its need no comment at this time be i.iuse they will be furnished by the county clerk to the common carriers. They must be sworn to by the con signee or purchaser before an agentj of the common carrier. In addition to the right to receive liquor in the! way Indicated above, It will be law- lul for any person to purchase priori to January 1. and store away such II-! quor as he may desire. The attor ney general has ruled that In his! opinion liquor should not be kept aft- er January 1 in stores or shops. It I is lawful without doubt for a person to store liquor at home In good faith for his own use. or for the use! of his family, and the man who; stoles liquor In this way is In AO danger of prosecution, but the man! who lays up a stock or liquor for the purpoae of sale is in danger from j the first day that the law goes Into effect. If one lawful sale Is made from such a stock, the whole stock CM be confiscated, nor does this in such case preclude the state from prosecution for the Illegal sale. The courts in the state of Kansas! have decided many cases Involving the giving away of liquor under a Statute similar. If not Identical wit n section 9 of the Oregon statute It; Is likely that the Oregon courts will! follow the lead of Kansas courts It. construing this part of the statute. 12 so, it will be lawful for any person having intoxicating liquor legally in his possession to give It to a member j of his family, or to a friend who . haiqieus Into his home. The test of legality is that the gin must be an act of pure hospitality. If It Is in ny sense an act of traffic It would become unlawful A merchant can not lawfully keep a stock of Intoxi cating liquor in his store building, and give It to customers In order to procure their patronage or to en courage their dealing. H Is alwsyt dangerous, under the Oregon law. lor any person to carry liquor about on his person for a gift to a casual acquaintance, or one made by one person In the course of a buslius transaction, even though the parties be friends. STREET WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE XMAS EXERCISES Traffic Will Not beAllowed to Inter fere With Tree Celebration To morrow Night Here. ENTERTAINMENT STARTS AT 7 Tickets Rejig Distributed Twla Am miic Children Which um Entitle Them to Receive a iuik of Chad From Nanta la ui Committee He. porta Ml i iiiwi). From ; o'clock until 9:30 tumor low evening Main street from Alta to Water and Court street a half block each side of Main WM1 be closed to traffic In order that the municipal ChrlstRUU exercises will not be Inter farad with by vehicles. Hopes will be stretched across Main .Turn the Am erican National Hank to Sayre and from the Hotel Pendleton to th Brown furniture store and across .ast of the Oregon eat ui the Hamlev Court street Jusi garage and just store. The committee In charge of the en tertainment requested the police committee of the council for th's privilege la$t evening and it was granted. Chief Manning will station special police at each rope barrier to enforce the regulation Uy keeping these streets vacant, there will be plenty of room for ail citizens to see the entertainment which trttl start a Today tickets are being given out to all o! the children of the public schools and of the St. Joseph's acad emy. These tickets will entitle the bearers to receive a sack of candy from the big Christmas tree at the Intersection of Main and court. Par ents of childdren under school age are requested to call at the Tallman or Pendleton drug stores today or to morrow for, tickets tor the younge children. Oarranxa to Pmioi foreigners OL'AYMAS, Dec. 22 (San Diego I wireless) Forty cailoads of Carran.i! soldiers have been sent to protect j American settlers at San Pedro, whoi are threatened by 1500 Y'aquls. The. Americans are now considered safe The Yaqiiis are said to have attacked ! a ranch at Ontagota where one Am-! erican and five German sailors from ! an interned warship are besieged. The Capitol An Interesting view of the cupltol. Manifesto Urge German Soldiers to Quit tne Trenches; Kaiser Must be Deposed, it Says, Best Says He Will Have Smoking in Council Stopped M YOR-ELET DECLARES THAI TOBACCp UIVE8 HIM THE HEADACHE. Dr. J. A. Best, mayor-elect, threat-! ens tu provoke a revolution in the council at the very outset of his ad ministration by an order prohibitum smoking during the sessions of the council He attended the meeting last evening as a spectator and, alt er adjournment, remarked that one of the first things he would ask ot! his council would be to "cut out" tue smoking. It has been the habit of memberC of the euncli to smoke during thei: deliberations for many years put and It IsTrard to conceive of a meet-j ing without several clgarB fogging. Only when Waited upon by a delega tion of Women have the councilmen put aside their cigars. Dt. Best declares smoke mak?s his head ache and, as an added rea son lor his .order, he declares it will be a stimulus to action. "If the, councilmen can't smoke during meet-. io" he said, "they will rush the work along light up." order to adjourn ami luncil there are uo not smoke. Slebert of the of the smokers Of the year and new councilmen he new order is third ward. l'hrei will retire the lirst two, at least, of th in, their smoke going to be tough on such men as (-oiincllmen Muruhy ami Phelps and the abetinence from the soothing weed may make them so Irritable thai iheiayor will be willing to re scind hlaSedlct in order to restora Ho in to a pleasant frame of mind Aml'then ti.-ie are the newspaper men whose only soiace during the reading of a long-winded ordinance is the smoke curling up from theil fragrant stogies. Ancona Trouble ( Icars. WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Officials are optimistic over the Ancona con troversy as a result of the Ackerman interview with Tisza ecoffing at the possibility of a break. It was re ported Austria is paving the way for a repudiation of the admiralty state. ment on the torpedoing of the ship, j Snowbound taken Just Before Peace HENRY FORD NOT WITH PARTY ON WAY TO SWEDEN Whereabouts of Automobile Manu facturer Causes Speculation--Norwegians Refuse to Join. CHH1STIANIA, Norway, Dec. 23 The whereabouts of Henry Ford of fered a field for considerable specu lation to a curious public here today The Ford peace party departed this morning for Stockholm, but Ford was not with the other members. It was believed that he remained in I'hristiania upon his phsiclans' or ders to hasten complete recovery from the illness that overtook h'm here. There were no additions to the party as the result of its visit here. Contrary to expectations, no promi nent Norwegian peace advocates joined the pilgrimage Certain ones, it was reported, objected to having their names used in connection wi-.h the expedition. A Norwegian cabinet member to'd Madam Hoalka Bchwlmmer, one of the party's leaders, that the time is not ripe for a peace movement. He said, further, that Norway will refuio to cooperate in such a movement should President Wilson request it nuless similar action is taken by Sweden and Denmark. It developed today that Ford is re. imbursing Judge Ben Lindsey of Denver for the money he lost by can celling a lecture tour in America to ai company the Ford party. MOUNTAINS OF MAIL KEEP POSTAL FORCE y DELAYED TRAINS ADD To lit R DEN OL HRISTM -- RUSH OX MAILMEN. Anyone entertaining the idea that! Santa Claus is giving Pendleton the "go-by" this year would have had' that notion dispelled this morning by! a glance Into the back room of the postoffice. As a result of the hold- I ing up of trains from west yesterday; the mail from six trains was dumped: upon the busy postal clerks during the night and, when they came toj work, they found a pile of packages six feet high by twenty feet square awaiting them. Thousands of packages poured in ' from alt points of the compass and when delayed No. 6 arrived at 8:30 another great pile was unloaded for) distribution among 2-eiulleton people With Systematic and rapid work, the I postal employes had divided the greit . stack of packages into different pile! before the No. 6 mall arrived and ' evening will have ail of the man? ! packages delivered or distributed. Be sides the motorcycle conveyance a delivery team, the regular carriers and a push cart are assisting in the delivery of the Christmas gifts. FATE OE VARNA IS IN DOUBT: ARE CONTRADICTORY 1 K1N; of SEAPOR I U lit - IN NOT CERTAIN. CITY BOMBARDED, LONDON, Dec 23 The late ol Varna, an important Bulgarian Black Sea port, remained In doubt j today. Stories to the effect that the ilt had been bombarded heavily by a i squadron remained uncontradicted, j No accurate reports of the possible i damage had been received. Strengthening reports from Teuton-1 ic sources that the city still holds out. a message from Petrograd Indicate 1 that the Bulgars remain in POfSSO sion. 4 The same Petrograd dispatch stat ed that Russian torpedo boats pur sued a Bulgarian vessel under the shadow of the Bulgarian shore bat teries, where It found refuge Will Come German Humanity Society Makes Appeal to Troops in the Field-Flag is an Emblem of Infamy, Declares Statement-Nine Prominent Germans Sign Message Whfch is Circulated at Rotterdam. ROTTERDAM. Dec. 23 Signed by the German Humanity League, a manifesto urging German soldiers to quit the trenches and demanding the deposition of the kaiser, appeared here today. "Today the German name Is a scorn to civilization." the manifesto assert Total State and County Levy not to Exceed 7 1-2 LEVY WILL BE AT LEAS1 HALF A MILL LOWER THAR LAST YEAR. The total state and county tax will not exceed seven and one half mills and, in all probability, that will be the amount of the levy. The county court Is meeting this afternoon to make the order and authorized the statement that the levy would be at least a half mill lower than the levy of last year. According to the tentitlve order drawn up and which will doubtless' lecome the official order this after noon, the seven and a half mills will be divided as follows: for state and county purposes 3 33-60 mills; for school purposes 1 21-80; for school library 1-60; for roads and highways. 2 27-60 mills. Inasmuch as all town and city Property is this year subject to the road tax. the seven and a half mill! levy will produce more revenue this year than the eight mill tax did last year. The total tax upon Pendleton prop erty will be 26 mills, the school levy being nine mills and the city levy nine and a half mills. This is two and a half mills more than last year owing to the increase in the city levy due to the loss of saloon revenue and to the road tax. RIVERSIDE DRIVE PAVING HAS NOW BEEN COMPLETED With the pavement on Riverside Drive and up Bush street to Raley all completed, the city council last even ing passed an ordinance assessing and apportioning the costs w hich to- j total I4871.IS. An ordinance was also! I assed authorizing the bsuance ot i improvement bonds to cover the am ount of unpaid assessments on ti:e outh Main street Improvement. The bonds will total $5965.05. In response to the petition of the "mayor and junior council" of the Washington school, presented a week ago, the city council last evening In- i structed Street Commissioner Heath-! man to take city prisoners and com-1 mence at once on the improvement: find drainage of east Lewis street. The recommendation was made, as! Chairman Cole of the street commit-1 tee put it, by "the north side mem-j bers of the street committee." The school children also asked for an are light in front of their school but no action was taken upon this re quest. An ordinance was passed last ev ening changing the provisions for the width and location of the side walk on Jackson street east of Main to permit the city to carry out its promise to Messrs. Alexander and Greulich. Local Saloons to Have No Leeway New Years Eve; to Close at 11 O'clock Sharp Though the state-wide prohibition law does not go Into effect until one minute after midnight on the mom ing of January 1. the Pendleton sa loons will go out of business at U o' clock on the night of December 31 New fears! eve falling on Friday the saloons will be required to close I at 11 o'clock as specified by the cilv ordnance. Saturday night being the only night of the week when they are permitted to remain open until midnight. t hief of Police Alex Manning and the police committee of the council declare they will enforce the letter of to (Nations ed, "and the German flag la the em blem of Infamy There will he no peace until the kaiser ia deposed." The appeal bore the alimature ol Karl Ferniteln and nine other prom inent members of the German Hu manity League. 2 Damage Claims Are Presented to the City Council Mils. MARY KVA.vs T 20m FOR INJI RY HMl FALL OX SUH WXLh Two claims for damages were pre sented to the city council last even ing. Mrs Mary Kvans, wife of C. S. "Doc" Evans, presented a claim for 12000 for personal injuries alleged to have been sustained b a fall caus ed by an offset In the Main street sidewalk and L. V. Henderson pre sented a claim for ISO 20 for dam ages to his automobile when it was struck by the skidding auto truck. Mrs Evans sustained a broken wrist on Nov. 17 In a fall on Main, street in front of the store of G. V La Dow. It was caused, she alleges, by the offset of an Inch or more in the connection between the sidewalks In front of the La Dow store and the Belts block. This is the same offset that the council has ordered repair ed several times and was caused by a settling of the walk and pavement. Mrs. Evans states in her commu nication to the council that she will never fully recover Its use. For the injury, the expense It caused and the past, present and future suffering, Mrs. Evans thinks she is entltled'to $2000 and offera to compromise for that amount. The council referred the matter to the city attorney and claims committee without comment The claim of Mr. Henderson was rejected at the suggestion of the city attorney. This claim was presented ariginally about a year ago and was turned down at the time City At torney Carter holds that the city Is not liable for damages. Mr. Hen derson claims' that, at the sound of the, fire bell, he stopped his car alons the curb as required by ordinance and that the truck, in turning the corner at Main and Webb after mis reading the signal, caused the heavt truck to skid and strike his car. NEWS SUMMARY QcsjnMtt, l ate of Yarna is still til iltmbt. Manifesto mil- on (MRaiMM to quit treaKhM ami dcMH- kaiser. Japanese liner I torpettoetl. Pa---enters savctl. Local. toll lit lew Hill not cvceeil MfCst and half mill-. Saloons, will go out of huoinew at It O'clock mi ew Years ee. Dl-trlet attorney explain new SfO- UUtksn law. Xow mayor will psboa SBaokfasg In council room. Sti-ocU will he roiel off for hrin mas exercise. r.ol.u.il trains Moir thousands of Christina gifts Into do Motion di-ture news on page -V loons no leeway simply because It Is their night of business In the opin ion of some the police would be jus tlfled In .losing the saloons at an earlier hour to forestall any rowdi Ism that might develop aa a result of the last expiring gasp of th sa loons. The clolng of the saloons t 1 1 ., . clock will bring an end to the .vi bration of New Year's eve In lh-, places an hour before the year 116 begins. The committee having In charge the big honflte at the hlgli school grounds. bi n will be Hsrtsd at 11 ocloik. will lnvlt SSSflSMsl to 1 1 in l the hill and p irtkipitt i