DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION I'orr-t for BMHI Oregon h, th tinted MM MFMMM) QhssjTVet in Portland TO ADVERTISER. Tin' Lust op'goiilah huH I lie lurgcst pold circulation (if any uir in Oregon, east uf i'orilaml ami over twice the circulation In IVwiletuu uf any uilier newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 27. DAILY EAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, NO. 8686 V- s : sf If SANTA GLAUS IS PREPARED TO BE HERE THIS WEEK, .1 Arrangements for His Reception are Complete by the Committees in Charge of City's Tree. LITTLE ONES TO 6ET 6IFTS Chad wiiii Be Distributed ami Chil dren win Be Made Happy Pro. irnim on the stni'i will Be One la Be Remembered cboru Rebears- illK lis smut- Phins fur the municipal Christmas exercises Friday evening arc work ing OUt well and the committees In eharg announce everything la read; Inees fur 11 celebration that win Ihv or long in the memories of the chil dren ur Pendleton. The large shipment 0( candy has ieen divided Into hnnaredi of parts and s.u k. up ready t..r hanging the Dl Christmas tree at the Inter action ol Main ami Court atreeta. The cbUdren'l choir, which 1 1 1 llni curola from a float early In the ev ening. Is IicIiik trained dally by Mlrs Bleaaor Vincent and l-.'ugene llollt o and the large mixed choir which la to sing hymns from an elevated platform has had Us Baal rehearsal. Jack Robinson, who u making tho necessary arrangement! with Santa I'laua, has fitted up his auto for the accommodation or th genial old gentleman in case me absence of snow prevents him from driving In with his reindeer. Mr. claus de. chute his candy factory has turned out a fine I'hrlstmas stock both In quality and quantity and writes Mr. 1.'. .1.1. ...... Ih a I... .. ,11 v....... ..1....... !, . ' The musical program will start at 7 o'clock and will precede the :ip peerage of Santa Claus The elder people will be asked to take places In the bat kground so that the Chil dren may have positions from which they may enjoy to the full the hapi Occasion. This evening at o'clock a meting of the high school boys Will be held and they will be commission ed as special officers to assist In marshaling the crowd The appearance of Santa Clans will be made at S o'clock. Instead of 9 as rormerly announced SEVERAL KILLED IN RIOTS AMONG VILLISTAS TROOPS I I 2 Several thou-1 reported IWeeptnl ill! sand Villlstas arc Into Juarez and pinna render of the city art have fallen through ror the sin- believed tO ll killed In liots. Villa I reported heading the troops.. The police said inn Villlstas are already in Juares, 1000 in the strik ing distance. Carrnnta has placed I price on Villa's head. A renewal or rlotittg Is reared. Ai cojdiim to. a German scientist, -i ii I i n 1st have been distributed over the world b) the oedtlatlon of its axis. which ha chanted the Climate In va- LOCAL BASKETBALL TEAM MEETS ATHENA TOMORROW PENDLETON BOYS WILL TRY III I I IT FAST SITING QUINTET, I" i Tomorrow nluht the boys' basket ball team of the high school will en deavor to administer deleat to the fast quintet from athtna, Vhlg.will lie the first boys' game of the sea son .mil it is expected to be a fust On. Several new men at the gam will be seen on the floor. Although figfat, 1 hi y ate fast and show good knowledge of th game. Much will depend upon the two men of lust year I team. Gordon ami Fowlei Guidon will be at guard with either Latourelle or IVrrln ns his side mate, while Itoylcn will play the oilier forward. Minis will hold down center. The Athena team has met and d -fented all the weaker schools of this MCtlon Of Hie county and Is now looking for a harder team. Just last week they won from Toucliet. Wash . by a large score. Besides the regular game there will he a preliminary between the high school girls nnd the all stars ot the town. This Is expected to he one of the fastest games of the season, as the high school girls nre in good condition and the nll-stnr team 1" composed chiefly of runner blub school stars. The whistle will b blown at 7:46. U. S. Will Not Over Sinking Austria Must Meet Demands Point of Aiik-iu-h'm Rejoinder. By the Austrian admiralty own admission that Its com- mandcr torpedoed the Ancona after her engines stopped and inminmi were 'still aboard, Austria Violated International law and "entirely disregarded" humane principle! which should govern sea warfare. In Amcrl- ca'i view. Details of the sinking the matter of who perished, a sought hy Austria, are heme "In no way essential matters of i "ii." The oommander! culpability Is In any case established. Am- ericans were put iii Jeopardy by his lawless uct. The administration holds Aus- e trla dues not question or dis- pate re. ognlied International law nor humane principle, so the United Ratal doee not feel called on to debute them America renews the demand! of her original note and "sin cerely hopes" Austria will meet them In a spirit of frankness and with "the same concern for k I relations" now existing lie- tween the nations "n which the United States makes the di rnands, WA8H1NQTON, Dec. United States will not Austria any points Inv The with the irglle ved sinking of the Ancona. In the second American note t the Vienna government, made pub! by the state department today vheu It was delivered to Foreign Minister Burlan in Vienna, this government states thai It must -renew the defl- i nlta hut reepectful demands madt its communication or the sixth ol December." This second note, extremely brie!, Ii friendly In tone, out leaves no uoubt of the determination that Aus tria shall make full reparation for American lives lost and shall punish the Austrian submarine commander whose "culpability Is In any case cs- tabllehed," and whose act. details Ol which were given In the Austrian ad- mlralty statement. Is held to "wilful violation of the rule! of ternatlonal law and the principle 1 humanity." Addressed to Anil the note follow: "Department of S December 19, 1915.- aandor Penfl Washington, are ln- stri teil to address noti the A ii-l ri i -Hungarian minister affaire, tsjttually as follows "Tile government of the States has received tne not Excellency relative to the i the Ancona. which was de e of Y linking llvered 1915. i Vienna on December ir.. transmitted to Washington up! has fui ron and n.l ca n the note Immediate a leratlon. . Zw iewinck. the cli the imperial and Bt Washington, trai partment of state report (Continued on Page I.) WALLA WALLA ROAD I DAYS BY BIG STORM HEAVY snow ABOUT VT1IEXA AND W ESTON IIOI Ds t p TRAFFIC ON HTGHW W a snow blockade of the macadam road between Pendleton ami Walla Walla existed irom Sunday until yes tenlav afternoon, according to word lirought to this city. The heavy fall of snow about Athena and Weston. followed ed much passable days by a windstorm whit h drift the ds ho The auto s and Weston through yeati I' lis first trip afternoon. Bvetl ds el .-now is banked up along the roadside in several places to a depth of three or four feet. The fall about Athena and Weston varied from nine Inches to a foot and was dry enough to drift easily In some places the road was filled with a mass of snow for a considerable distance. Many automobile were caught in the drifts. One Adams man essayed to go to a dance Saturday night, got stuck in a drift, abandoned his car nnd. returning lor it later, found It noWed under. The following da ne had to hitch four horses on and put a shovel gang to work btfar he could rescue It A number or Athe na and Weston autolsts had similar experiences Argue Points of the Ancona; li ii I PF0 03ES CONSCRIPTION (Copyright. Harm & Kwing .senator George k. Chamberlain Senator fleorge E. Chamberlain of i iregon liairnian of senate commit - tee on military affairs, has lntroduc- a bill in congreii proposing con - ptlon for all between the ages it twelv and twenty-three, it is pre posed thai Irom twelve to i all eligible young men shoul ganlxed into cadet coi pi ar lighteen to twenty -three int n ien army JURY FOR NEW TERM OF COURT MOSTLY FARMERS UrT lilltW.N Tills Al-TERNOON a CLERK BAUNG AM SHERlEr TAVIXIK. The jury panel for the January term of court will tie composed for the most part of farmers. The list was drawn this afternoon by Clerk Frank Baling and Sheriff T. D. Tay lor and IS uf the 31 drawn are farm ers. Eight of the number live In the Free water-Hilton district and nine live In this city. The following are the names ol those drawn, their residences and occupations: T. G. Smith, Btanfield, fanner: Pied Koepke, Helix, farmer: Chastain, Free water, farmer Prltchett, Free water, farmer; Simmons. Free water, mrmer; Myrii k. Adams, farmer; Christopher, Adams, mrmer. J C. A W. J. P, Isaac Valen- T. Lambirth, Pendleton, banker; l. m Green. Free water, farmer: w n HcCormmach, Pendleton, tanner: c, l. stewari, Freewater, mrmer: c U Woodward. Adams, farmer: D. K. Bell. Pendleton, farmer; J. J. Ander son, Milton. farmer; Charles J. Koch. Pendleton, merchant; L. J Kclntyre, Hilton, barber; g i. La Dow, Pendleton, merchant: H. C. Mills, Pendleton, farmer; G. M. Rice. Pendleton, banker; C. D, Hobbl, Mil tun, farmer. Harry Glese, Hermis ton. farmer; Walter rarr. Weston Mountain, farmer; G. M. Morrison. Adams, farmer; r Raymond, Pen dleton, farmer; Robert Belike, Pilot Rock, farmer; Trojan Tucker. Wes ton, fanner; C. K Vonderahe. btit ton. farmer, and Hugh Uclntyre, Athena, farmer. Gearhart Hotel Barn. PORTLAND, ore.. Dec. ;j. The Gearhart hotel at Gearhart was de stroyed by fire. The seaside file de partment was too late to assist. The (ire Started in the engine room ami a heavy wind fanned the names Capture of Varna by Russians Said to Have Been Made HIM. ARIA SEAPORT FALL BEFORE (.1 Ns or BLACK MA III IT LONDON, Dec. ;: The Dally Chronicle reports the capture ot Varna, Bulgaria's chief Black B port, by the Russians. says the hpmbardment of the Russians silenc ed the Bulgarian guns and laid the town In ruins, the garrison sufrerlng heavll) The Russians then, according to the report, landed inrantry and ar tillery without loss ami a suriicii tit force to hold the town against Bul garian attack. STORM HOLDS UP TRAFFIC ON ALL L Northwest is Paralyzed and Corr. munication is Practical Standstill in Many Sections mnniMlias i- D,,t,,ll . .....rvuvn .a rinutetiij n ALL TRAINS LATE INTO CITY Washouts, Snowslidea ami BvroUeu sinnnisi l to l.iffli ultl Travel I ustboiuid Train- Bdd rp by slide taile Mas Abated. PORTLAND, Ore Washouts, snowalidei c- nnd SW'llen streams throughout the northwest delayt d traffic and paralyzed com munication as a result of a three'dav storm, abated Tlie 80 mile gale off the coast some this morning. i . .onaue tun. lour incnes ram nas laiien In me last 24 hours. Almost two Inches have fallen In Portlaad In that time. From Falis City. Ore., it is reported that the riv er is higher than at any time this' season and that a part of the dam owned by the electric light plant went out yesterday afternoon Thej water is still high enough to furnL-h: power. At Hood Klver, a section of a daml constructed by the city, state and fish and game commission, went out j with the high water. In places' throughout the Cascade mountains, j the snow is reported ten feet deep, j Some snow has ftilien :n the valley.-' but this is rapidly melting. Shipping Is held up by the high winds off the Columbia river. The rainfall for the season is 4:40 above normal to date. CEXTRAUA tire north end Dec. 22. The en li flooded by the swollen waters of the Skookumchuck river, which beg: n to recede only this afternoon. Other sections ot the city are under water in places. Police with a flat boat moved strand ed families. The schools have clos ed. Yesterday the city was tompell- ed to furnish school children flooded yesterdt banks. onvevances to the The China ditch, y, is back within its VANCI "TVER Dec Train Schedules are resit of the storm east are five and ten h uis late. A landslide forty fet gwide alo the Columbia highway near Wyet lias blocked al Itrafflc from the : RA ROAD andjon the O.-R. & X. lines The sl.ci occurred during the early part c "mer; night and in time to prevent the fai E. J. I mall and No. from comln through. Crews have been a for the past twelve hours and track open late this morning, i lag to latest report. The train through is marked up fi this afternoon and will be fi irsl ;:30 Wycth is a little station Just a few miles this side of Cascade Locks. I Heavy rains have been pouring down ; in that vicinity during the past few I days, causing the earth on the bluffs to loosen. Wheat Remains High in Chicago Market Portland. PORTLAND, ore.. Dec. It. (Sp clal.)- Club H-Vt; btuestem 9T-H" Lilvernooi, LIVERPOOL, Dec. II. Wheal -spot No. i Manitoba, i:s 3 l-2d; Nc 2. 3d; No. I, lis 10 l-2d; No. hard winter new. lis Sd. In American terms the hlghei Liverpool price is Jl.TS 4-5 per hush NEWS SUMMARY j fjoaecal, Roastane Take Varas from Bnlger Inns. Russia i- willing to open Bardan- ehc- to Bnaeann 1sllllller', as con ii- ion toward pci' Local. Landslide at W'yeth blocks O..W. 1 raffle from west. t ooat) court ha- 1x500 available to prosecute bootlegger. lantiaM jury panel I- mo-tly far-1 mere. Plans for ( lirKtmas it-lcbiatlon an- .omplctc. j Uamclatcd charities elect trustee. Snow bliH-kadc on I'liidlcton alia Walla road broken, Motion PU-tiiiv news on page .". County ' ? rt Has $2500 on Hana .o Aid in Financing Enforcement of "Dry" Law For th violating I the first ise who may contemplate the prohibition law after i nit- j vtir witfre ii m i in the fact the COUnty court in the general fund for the corr- Inn year the sum of lltOfi available. , ,d ... - - . ing detectives and otherwise work ing for the enforcement of the law It is evident the county court is randy to do its share toward making the new law effective. The position is taken by Judge iiursh that with a state-wide prohibition law In ef fect It will be proper for the county ol government to cooperate In a finan clal way, if necessary, towards seeing .V.ong the toast that the law is compiled with Par I ticularly so since tne county will get the money from fines. j Recently the county authorities wprp ...W,.,! Y,v Uprmiuton neonle to .,. u,.aini Arimia n - fused of selling liquor Illegally In .v.. . i o a i ma The request was not complied with on the cr,,und that 1 "nsldjer the prohibition law I beW .Irv thruiurh the local ontlonime light as any other law. oi.law lt was lHUer that lne Hermiston town authorities handle the matter. Accordingly local proseculons brought against the offender. Werei The Divine Sarah is Dying at Paris Declares a Report BKRMIARIVTS Lira IS 8LOW1S EBBING AWAY GRANGRENF IS THE CAUSE. PARIS. IH-e. 2Z. Sarah Bern hard! is dying from gangrene it reimrted. r.ecently her leg . am putated and she had not fully reoov. ered from the opera Uon. Her life l Stowlj ebhiiig it was authoritative!) repornd. C, K. CRANSTON BACK FROM THE PANAMA PACIFIC FAIR After an absence of two and a ha'.! months spent at the Panama-Pacific exposition where he had charge of the eastern Oregon exhibit in the demoralzed as a" rfs" uuuning. c K. i ranston, sec-( trains from the ' retary of the Pendleton Commercial I I association, arrived home last evn-; show ing. He stopped in Portland several some days to attend the annual convention ' good or sportsmen. Mr. Cranston remained in San i Francisco after the closing of the fair to assist in packing up exhibit ' and arranging other details. He was unable to secure any part of the ex-1 hlblt the Pendleton school the endless red tape Other having the purpoe stated Mr. Cranston feels that tions of the state' profited ly from the work of the Or all sec-inimense-gon com- mission at the fair, had a representative Eastern Oregon display "!' In- varied products and Mr. (''ranston states that he answered numberless inquiries provoked by the exhibit. Photograph was northern France The k: BKR1.1N. m, .'.' The 111 nnd unable to visit tl battle front as planned. I Kaiser UnabietoVisitWestern Front i1 j juntv ti,s tak up thMr caued Impression in Hermiston that the I aame attitude uid be continu 1 IN ""' ear ear ThU n... tKm la dtoinrtlad by iuoga itarah, md says that after the first of the the matter will be upon a differen bail and the county will be read to give financial aid for law enforce ment purposes If such aid Is requir ed. District Attorney Steiwer is emphut. I Ic in the statement his' office will doi Its utmost to compel enforcement of I the prohibition law and that the law will be enforced as It stands. For th purpose of explaning various features of the law, the district attorney is preparing a series of articles for the press. The first of these explana tory statements will probably appear in the East Oregonlan tomorrow. Sheriff Taylor says his office will In th An ef fort will be made to secure evidence I of violations but he asks that help he given in the matter so that the fleers may have proper backing,. Trustees for the Local Charities are Chosen for Year so PtACE Is SEGCREI) VET nt OPt- COM Ml MTV 1IOI SK IX (1TV. Trustees the Assocuted Chari- ties to net tor the ensuing year wera T . " ing Mayor John Dyer, Mrs. A. F. Vay, Mrs. G. W Rugg. H B. BIy dt nstine. J. C. Woodworth and Judge j. n. jiaioney were re-eiectea anaii W. W". Harrah. Mrs. Lina Sturgis aj.dj Judge C H Marsh were added to the; number J. V. Tallman and H. G. Blyden stine, appointed to look for a desir able location for the opening of a community house, reported their In ability to find a suitable place thus far but hoped to be successful with-j in the next week. A significant fea ; ture of their report was their find ing that every saloon building haa been rented already. Report was also made upon the "Bundle Day' yesterday. The report ed that, while the results from sections of the city were not as as expected, other pans of the responded very "generously so the Associated Charities now i large quantity of good cloth- nd a limited amount of staple es of food to distribute among leedy of the city. city that has 'n8 i rtic the Pioneer Woeaan B e-. SAI.EM. Ore.. Dec. Mrs. Sus iu Fisher. 91 years old. who cross the plain in ltg to Marion coun , died in Salem. Following her arrival in Marion unty with her husband they settled five miles north "f Salem and lived there until lSj when Mr. Fish-r died Since then Mis sided in Salem. She five children and a Kisher had re-; Is survived by, rother The failure " slight i lul ir stem .-aid has oti lam (nation of the eel official statement 1 PLEDGE TO OPEN DARDANELLES TO RUSSIA IS PLAN d Hunparv is Sair! in ho Will, O J ' " tw Mw IVII I IK i u .. . mane uorcessions to Czar as C.ndition of Peace. RIGA OFFENSIVE IS FAILURE tTnian- Are IK'trcntln- from Ragl AfTordiruj i Uaadog Bjnpnei Re. n-ived from .-iie, Frmh on tin- Weaten ITont Rert tiiii ii'ihi ri liaate. Von ijiinib h Ban. IlKltl.l.N. Dec. -j (Wtrntaea ; HyviBe.) General ,ni t ,. mich died at Hanover toilay. , prominent enrl in 11m- war. He raptwed Uew. BKRL1X. De 22 Hurfgary is Russia that thn j willing to pledge Dardanelles be open to Russl.ni commerce as a conmtlon of peace, j ''ount Apponyj declared today in a ! United Press interview The Russian Balkan Influence must be destroyed he said though he expressed surjirtsa at America'! tone in tne Ancona ; note. i "The violent expressions are tin j called for. I would nave asked Am- erica to amend her style and Ian i guage before Austria replies " he declared Ofrennlve at Rica jur,. LONDON, Dec The German offensive in the Pivi ..i.. i completely failed. Geneva corre'- spondent says. Hinuenbura- has re tired, abandoning many supplies. R was said five German divisions had , retreated. Sanguinary fighting near xnU was reported Mutiny i-. KrporU'd BERLIN. Dec. 22 R was ed that several staff officei killed in a mutiny or alluv at Imbros Island, the base Dardanelles operations. Prenoit Take unci liivonrrs. PARIS, Dec. 22 The French ad vance at Hartmannswellerkopf took 1200 prisoners, it was onfciallv an nounced today. JEALOUSY PROMPTS WOMAN TO 11 HER HUSBAND AND SELF MRS R. LAMAS I SI - REVO! R AT W WW w l l roL. I o 1N(. M PAR 1 ION, A WALLA. Dec Zl. ClaSfd ilousy because of the be!:..-:' .nat lie was iin Dodd Laman. a months, garbed in a taxicab to the rear of the Walla Walla bar, tS, Weal Main street. :'-bout S:30 last 'night, called her hus band, a bartender, to the rear door and opened fire on him v -he inflicting in wnlch she I 1M:30 j Laman was shot in the right "ar. :the ballet remaining in his head and j also below the heart, the bullet lodg" ; Ing In the skin of his b.o k He v n I removed to the Cookerly Canton wine undertaking parlor, wh , en to the Walla Walla hospital b) I probed for ; ! The bullet ii reached. It temple and i bam of the Had line R. Pratt, w ho mined i, ne pullet head could not bo d above the rich! Bill Calling for Million More Men Passes Commons MI W RI Dl RATI ii i NK1RT (ARson ATTACKS nut. DAM ELI l s t LMPAHJ.M LONDON, Dec j r-.r ,,,, .,n I 'dtht debate the lilii calling; for x minion more trooge i- nannd by tho house uf Commoa. Carson at tacked the bill, arraigned th Imi. danelle campaign, whiia g