' PAGE TWO i DAILY EAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1915. 8 i i i i i i & Only 4 More Christmas Shopping Days Remain Your Christmas Needs Can be Best Supplied at This Store 3 CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Ladies' Red Felt, ribbon trimmed Comfy slip pers , 81.75 Ladies' Baby Blue Felt, ribbon trimmed Comfy slippers 81.75 Ladie' Navy Blue Felt, ribbon trimmed Comfy slippers $1.75 Ladies' Wine Felt, ribbon trimmed Comfy Blippers .81.50 Ladies' Red, Grey fur trimmed Juliett slippers . . . 81.50 Ladies' Grey, red and blue ribbon trimmed Ju liette slippers $1.50 Miss Red Felt, fur trimmed Juliett 11'.. to 2 slippers 81.00 Children's Red Felt, fur trimmed Juliett. S1-. to 11 slippers 81.00 Children's Red Felt, fur trimmed Juliett. 4 to S at S5r Men's Choc. Kid, hiph cut Faust slippers 82.50 Men's Choc. Kid, opera cut slippers 82.00 Men's Choc. Kid, Romeo cut slippers .. 82.00 Men's Choc. Kid opera cut slippers $2.00 $4.75 BOYS' RAIN COATS $2.95 Was there ever a boy who didn't need a rain coat, and wouldn't one make a fine Christmas gift? Take advantage of this special offer and please your boy by giving him something that he really needs, ages 13 to 17. Special for Tues day and Wednesday 82.95 PRESENT A GLOVE OR MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE IF IN DOUBT AS TO WHAT TO GIVE MEN'S SWEATERS FOR CHRISTMAS Nice warm garments for the cold days. Best styles and most wanted colors. Jerseys, in red, navv and oxford $2.50. $3.00 to $3.50. "Rufneks" in grey, navy, maroon, brown, green, white, etc. "Jumbo" stitch and "Sha ker" weaves, heavy and medium weight $3.50. $5.00. $0.00 to $7.50. Furs Express it Best TO WOMEN. FURS ARE ALWAYS THE MOST PRIZED GIFT RECEIVED ON CHRISTMAS MORNING. HIGHLY as thev di Especially will this be true this year, when furs occupy the principal shelf in Milady's ward robe. Kurs are used in a great many ways this season. From the smal ler uses of hat. cloak or dress decorations, to the muff, the neck piece or complete set. They are to be seen on all occasions, effectively adorning the well dressed women. Furs not only add to a woman's charm and beauty, but they also impart warmth and comfort to a high degree and they constantly sug gest ami express love and appreciation as few other gifts can. They are long lived and very serviceable. You can make no mistake in giving furs when it is proper to give substantia gifts at all. It is not necessary to give a whole set, any one piece may be worn singly. In selecting this, perhaps your most import ant gift, it is the part of wisdom, especially if you are not a judge of furs, to go to a dealer who not only knows these things, but who is known to be responsible as well. We have now, an exceptionally fine stock of furs and we'd be glad to have an opportunity to show them to you. Included are Red and Black Foxes, American Mink, Japanese Mink, Brook Mink. Opposum, Beaver. Hudson Seal. Russian Wolf, White Ice land Fox. Black and Brown French Coney, Chil drens sets of all kinds. Our prices will bear the closest comparison, and will meet with your approval. THE BARGAIN BASEMENT PRACTICAL TdFTS USEFUL GIFTS SENSIBLE GIFTS ECONOMICAL GIFTS. You will find them ALL down in the BUSY, CROWDED, HUSTLING department. Do the best with your Christmas money. Pay this department a "isit. Besides the thousands of other bargains here are big Christmas specials for Monday evening and Tuesday. Furs Fur sets, neck pieces and muffs of the prettiest furs and all thoroughly well finished. Remember, not the cheap store variety, but every fur comes from our high class fur depart ment. You know the meaning of our announce ment at Bargain Basement Prices. SHOES OUR ANNOUNCEMENT SHOES Every childs' shoe, every boys' shoe, every girls' shoe, every man's shoe, every woman's hoe offered at Bargain Basement Prices. We will fit the whole family and do it cheaper than the cheanest store in the city. Every shoe is solid leather with absolutely no pastboard, pa per or stiffened canvas. You get the best for the least money. Fit them in the basement. PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE Men's and Boys' Silk Ties Every one new and of the prettiest colors, they are regular 50c values and will make most appropriate pres ents at 19c Guest Towels Pretty white towels of the best huck material, scalloped ends and each embroidered with pretty design in silk. Come in either all white or blue silk embroidered. A good value at 40c and appreciated gift. .. 290 Salad Sets Beautifully decorated burned Dresden China sets of 6 dishes and bowl that you would readily buy for $2.75; a most accept able present to any woman or household . 79c Free Delivery. Goods Sent C. O. D. Pack ages Wrapped for Mailing. CHRISTMAS CARDS AND PACKAGE "FIXINGS" We have a very extensive assortment of Christmas cards, seals, labels, tags, tissue and holly boxes for package gifts, in fact every thing to make your gift attractive. I i Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 5 J Women' LET HANDKERCHIEFS BE YOUR GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS Our handkerchief department is meeting the requirements of the holiday season to the very best advantage, as we are forte- nate enough to have a very large stock of both domestic and im ported handker chiefs. embroidered handkerchiefs, all white or colored effects. Price each ... . 15c Women's linen and Shamrock lawn handker chiefs, a big variety, both white and colored ef fects, regular 25c and 35c numbers, special 23c Women's linen hand embroidered handker chiefs, worth up to 75c, special 35c Women's hand embroidered, hand made, laee trimmed and rolled hem handkerchiefs 75C to $2.00. MEN'S HOLIDAY NECKWEAR 35c Four-in-hand silk ties in styles with open ends; all seasonable patterns and colorings; great values at this price. 5Uc Men's silk four-in-hand ties of extra quality, shown in an unusually wide range oi colorings and styles. 75C At this price our showing is unequalled. Every new style, every new color, all the new est patterns, and the new satin slip band. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS IOC, a good quality cambric handkerchief, nar row hem. 15c, 2 for 25c Same as above only finer quality. 20c Pure linen, plain white, narrow hem, 3 for 5Cc; a real bargain. 25c Plain and initial linen handkerchiefs, narrow hem and extra quality. 35c Flain and initial and also fancy borders, pure linen, extra quality. Silk Handkerchiefs 25c. 50c. 75c. 81.00 and $1.25. I a the dai the i i t i Indications are that the Christmas holiday social festivities in Pandltton will make the next two weeks ex tremely busy ones. Numbers of dances, house parties and other en tertainments are already being plan ned. One of the first of the holiday dances will he that g;ven by IflMN DUve QWlntl and Mildred llerkeley tomorrow evening. Immediately fol lowing Christmas there will be two formal danees, the limbda Sigma hall and the party given by the e will be I number of lodge e will be a number of 1 odgc e.s i m December twenty -eighth University of Oregon nice club will be at the Oregon theater and Ihl Is always an event of social signifi cance In Pendleton. By rar the most ambitious entertainment will be the celebration of New Veal's eve plan ned by the W C. T. t'.. and other or ganizations. It will begin with a number ot house partial over me city and will end with a gigantic bonfire ,.t the high school groumls. Mr and Mrs. nunc. in Mi Donald of' Adams yeeterdaj celebrated their fifth WOddlng anniversary at their! home ami had as guests a Dumber "f Pendleton people. Mrs. McDonald Served a big "wedding" dinner and a delightful afternoon was enjoyed, The gueltl Included Dr. and Mrs James A. Beat, Mr. and Mrs B, .1 Muri'bv and children. Mr. and Km. C S. Tie ker, Mrs. Agnes Nelson. IflS McDonald, James Md'all and Kranl; Watson - The pupils of Miss Mae Poulson appeared In recital Saturday evening ! in the lecture room of the Presbyte rian church and their program prov ed a very enjoyable one to those at- I tending. The following was ibe pro gram: Waltz Mathews VlVten Kstes. i March of the Utile Sages. . . M.iilow Mayrle Temple. Kipling Waters . Pterson BMIth English I Waits Moderate Owiiitt lialph UoCully ! Allegretto Ltoaehorn Fay Mann Valae ciuriitt Krancts Hose Ft. Wyrlck, Mr and Mrs Janus 1" Wyrlck. Mr. and Mrs. Rimer Moore, Mr. nnd Mrs Walter L, Creatwe.ll, Mr and Mrs. Alvln P. Knight. Glenn k. storie, Qlenn B. Scott and 'ari Engdahl. Dr. and Mrs Herbert Kastland and little daughter left this morning for their home In Hnlfway after spending several days as the guests of Mr and Mrs. smith of the White Studio, while en route home from a four weeks' stay In Portland Dr. gJaM lan.l la the son of llohert Eastland B pioneer resident of this county, after whom the station of Eastland wai named. Miss Mildred llerkeley and Miss Olive Qwlnn will be hostesses tomor row evenulng at an tnrormai mucin party at the home of Mr and Mrs James 11 ilwllln on Water street BACK ICHE is DISCOURAGING T.P.W. Pure Food Shop CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. "SUNKIST ORANGES" Large size new navel oranges, T. P. W. special sale, dozen. .. 15c OUR CROCKERY DEPT. Is full of suitable gifts. Dinnerware, Star Cut Glassware, Elec tric Percolators, Etc. MIXED NUTS No. 1 new crop nuts, lb 25c CHRISTMAS CANDIES A fine assortment to choose from. GRAPES Fancy California large "Red Emper fr" Grapes, pound 15C HOI I Y. nound HOC TURKEYS FOR CHRISTMAS Place your or ders HERE NOW. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. . . GIFTS that LAST and are USED A Majestic orl XMAS HARDWARE Round Oak Range would please HER A present would use th lasting gift t true uffectior present that ciated in EY1 pleasure and would add tc that the wife ;e times a day. A tat would show of the giver. A would be appre RY home for the convenience it the kitchen. Frills and knick-knacks may be all very well as Christmas gifts, but they are gone and forgotten in a few days, or just w hen the receiver begins to really en joy the useful Christmas present that was purchased here. Any of the following articles are appropriate for presents and our stock is now complete in all of these lines : SILVERWARE PERCOLATORS CARVERS CUNS, REVOLVERS RAZORS POCKET CUTTLERY ROASTERS BOYS' TOOL CHESTS ALUMINUM WARE CHAFING DISHES MAJESTIC RANGES ANDIRONS, FIRE SETS, COAL BASKETS, GRATES W. J. Clarke 211-213 East Court St Phone 21 GOIjD SHIPMENT DELAYED. SEWARD, Ala-ka. Dec. Z'l Shir ent of a ton of cold from Idltarod col I n ileiayeil by unusual ist of Rainey pass eight degrees below zen igigti red nt Takotna prevail at the pass cm ullar freeze-up of the str CKed mi' ri-ijuiar n.iii. v nr I ri"rs are obllRea to haul their is up a series of four almost j icular banks 60 to 100 feel ith ropes. The raiser Dramca1 sunk. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 20 The Ger man cruiser Bremen and a torpedo boat accompan inir It. have been sunk by a submarine in the eastern Baltic, i according to Herlin amlers The an nouncement Is laid to have been made by the Genu in admiralty. Laogbter Aid- iierUon. Laughter Is one of the must health fnl exertion.'; It Is of treat help to J digestion. A still more effectual help Is a doc of Chamberlain's Tablets.1 If you should be troubled with tad'" gestcn give them a trial. They only, eoet a quarter obtainable every where Adv. Hint) mi ' ni l vi.v i- nit GenaM shell Drop in imiuoiu I'aafl b) ex Admiralty rhhif. LONDON, Dec, 10. Winston sper en Churchill, who resigned his port, folio of chancellor of the Dschy of Lancaster In ord' r to Join his nrf. I merit at the front, had a narrow M : Cape a f"W days ago, according to founib'd men who have arrived al home These men say that Mr Churchill's Ittgoat was hit b a 'iermaii shell, i OIUCGOM PIONEER Is DEAD. CANTONVILLB, ore, Dec James Hughes, 09 years old Beef of Oregon, died here. Mr. Hughes was born In Tennessee, April 111. 1 S2T. was married lo Kliza belh Killimlller in 1 K n 4 and came pi Oregon, sellllng near Salem In the Waldo Hills In 1K7T. He moved lo Walla Walla here he re-lded for five years. Returning to Oregon he lived for three years at t'orvalhs, from whence he came to fnnvonvillc Where ha has resided ,11 years. Mrs, Hughes tiled here two years ago, Three sons aurvlve. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alway; bears the iijrinture Hill Vol so I -..ii I If Von know HON to Roach Hie CMM. awaken, palna plarca you. w bend or lilt It's hard to CfO rest. Backache often Indtcl kldneyi Pendlaton people mend Do. ill's Kid DC) Pllle, this case: William MeQregor, prop hoeing shop, W. Alia and . Pendleton, says: "Kidney o came on me suddenly nnd 1 bad that I couldn't bend my llnda r;:.-uers. ail Hi Matlo shoe a horse. The kidney MCTetiOM were filled with sediment and pain ful in passage. I hnd no strength at all and my back was lame and BOfe, After 1 used Dunn's Kidney P11U a short time, all these troubles left me and 1 was aide to work all day with ease My health Is fine now and my back Is strong - Price 60c, at all sealer Don'l simply ask for a kidney remedy-- ft 1 loan's Kidney Pills the same Hu t Mr, atcGreegor had. rotter-MUburn i'o.. Prope., lluffalo. n. y. 8 8 La ion Mann rpherd Boy Wilson Helen KOCn. ,'ariation? LennanB Mm i Ring lion Mendelssohn Gertrude Longmlre l'irmer It BchumU Lnrene King ken Bucket Meacham Gertrude Hemmelgarn hem Melody . . Prom 'he Etude Fav Duff s Autumn Idyl (duet . . .) Renard Maiinda Kggers. Gertrude Longmlre Chanaon Pee Alpen Ryde' Baaei Strain. i me of the mii'l prominent of the holiday sis'lal events will be the dancing party to be given in the Ha-gle-Woodman hall on the evening of Wed need ay, December iwenty-nlnth by a dozen prominent young farmer! hosts and hostesses are Mr. and Mrs James 11. Thompson, Mr. and lira Herbert A. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs George Strand, Mr. and Mrs George 1 4i Fontaine. Mr. and Mrs William BARGAINS! Real bargains in LADIES' SEAL AND LEATHER HANDBAGS Any handbag in the store 12-PRICE. Less than wholesale. Tallman & Go. Leading Drtigguti Gasoline Schooner sinks. WASHINGTON, Dec. II. The K oline schooner Manometle blew up and sank yesterday twelve miles ott Cape Ann Four of the crew were naved and ten are missing. 1 ones Her Good Health to Chamber Iain's Tabids. "I owe my good health to Cham berlain's Tablets," writes Mrs. IV 3, Neff, Crooktton, Ohio. "Two renin go was an invalid aue to stomach trouble. I took three bottlet' of these Tablets and have since been In the nest of health." Obtainable every where. Adv. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillliiiliiij: I 4More Shopping Days H We Urge You to Shop During the Morning Hours. GIFT SUGGESTIONS lames Hughes PBaaM ay at His Homo In Oiiyoinille. mm Fur Sweaters Suits Coats Waists Dresses Bath Robes Silk Hose Silk U. Wear Handkerchiefs Ribbons Bags Silks Gloves Dress Goods Linens Jade Ivory Leather Goods Creton Boxes Japanese Baskets Lunch Sets Boudoir Caps Neckwear Mesh Bags Finished Pillows and Scarfs Ties Socks Shirts Combination Sets Gloves Jewelry Bath Robes House Jackets Suit Casen Traveling Bags Robe Overcoats Hats Suits ALEXANDERS -.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilliilllllMliiliiiitiiiinnilllliiiiliilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir