DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS, I ntlr. MMm Wfl-Mfctf OtMrvtt nt INril;inl. The Kat Oregonlan lias the largent paid circulation uf any paper In Oregon, east of I'ortiand and over twice I he circulation, in Pendleton of any either newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 86SX VOL. 27. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1915. BRITISH FORCES ARE TAKEN FROM GALLIPOLI SOIL 100,000 Men Will be Transferred tD "Another Sphere of Operations" Declares Announcement. MAY BE SENT INTO BALKANS I .. ,! SU ! B" "'aU? "' AUamionmcm oi wc - WW IM-N of. Tr.!", May He st u rwpt irn Ulirtl Men During llm-inbrkmeut. LONDON. Dec. JO announced that the British forces In Um BUY la bay and Anaao regions' were transferred to 'another sphere! of operations," presumably Salonlkl; or Kgypt u auec-.s ,. slbly the step is a forerunner of the abandonment of tne entire uarna ,i o... tl... i' . ,r i in . e .1 iiU'ieiMi m -..... - Egyptian campaigns. The statement said the trans'cr was accomplished "with Insignificant casualties." It Indicates the Turl-s attacked during the dlsembarkment CONSTANTINOPUK. Dec. -'" -Turk batteries have destroyed a pur-1 tlon of the main defenses at K u t - ' . -I amara. it Is omciany announceo ScTTAKI, Dec. 20. and Austrian forces MuKsiilmen. who are lug women In Maocdn The Bulgars nave armed now nwMffaftrt" onia, according to Serbian headgilarters which re ports unprecedented cruelties PROPERTY SUFFERS STORM SWEEPS CITY PORTLAND Is V It TIM OF HIGH WIND MANY TRLKPHONE LINKS DOWN. PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec 20.- wind storm which struck Portland about I 30 last night did several . thousand dollars worth of damage to) electric light and telephone wire's and , private property. particularly the,ed todav The subject was discussed j former 'by a Paris war council of the allies I A big tree at Commercial and M"r rls ofroets, Alblna, Mew down, car rying with it two electric wire pole Wires and poles lay tangled in the street. The territory served 1" abou; a mile seiuare In Alblna. All the telephone wires on Sacra mento street between Rodney and Williams avenues, were blown do n. and electric light and telephone ser vice for between two and three suuare miles of territory north and cast of Alblna was stopped. Repair men of both the electric light company and the telephone companies were swamped with calls (or repairs An electric sign at 235 Morrison street, worth probably $126. ranie ' crashing down and was shaUered tojrord peace advocates are douMfu pieces on the pavement. of success. This is the resull of (heir I reception In the first ncwral country ;TnWin Clerk Arretted. j visited. The press and public setul- NBW YORK, Dec. 20. The gov- ment are unfriendly Judge Llndsey eminent caused the arrcs( today of. of Denver counselled Ford (o direct Frederick Schlelndt. a German clerk the enterprise to finding homes for In the National City Bank, the larg-lwar orphans. Ford Is unwilling and est in the country, on a charge of Ms personally opfimlsdc. participating in an an ti -ally conaplr-1 ary It is alleged he furisbed the 1 Corundum mining in (he United Cierman secret service with informa-1 States has ceased, while Canadian lion of the finances of the National 10 oduetion dropped from J239.091 In City and other banks In connection 1 1111 (o $72. ITS In 114 Artificial with munition purchases and other j abrasives have displaced the natural transactions with the allies. I products. OREGON JOURNA L THAT ILLEGAL VOTERS BE PUNISHED on the strength of statements con-1 Illegal voting was promoted by cltl talned In the leUer from Judge Low -, w"" of Pendleton, or by odiers. (hey ... w j . j. : should be made to answer for It. at ember 1J, C. 8 eu. pcimisoeo ... . i .laeksem. lormer reno.econ.ao ....;,,! )f Juit,,.0 ,,,, obtained publisher of the Oregon Journal, 1 (here. Ihen In olher courts. f urges that action be taken against eihiue, gang, combination of (rlrk anyone Invcdved In Illegal veiling at sters. party or company should he al Ihe recent election here. He offers lowed to break the law. (o advance to place (he resources of (he Journal priva(e ln(ercv(s. to the Injury of (he back of an efforl (o enforce (he elec-j public interest If there Is cause for (Ion larn. it. lake (he lead and you can have Mr. Jackson's leller Is as follows: from the Journal whatever backing Portland, Ore, Dec. 18. U15 you need, whether financial, legal or To tin Editor Df the IWst oregonian. Pendblon, Oregon. Have rend Judge Iiwell's letter In your columns of Monday lust, regard ing election muddle in Pendleton. If Umatilla Wheat Being Sent East for Export Trade SLIDE IV CANAL AND SHORTAGE or TONNAGE OS COAST ARE THE CA1 J Umatilla OOUnty wheat, auch of It as la being Hold. is being ."hipped earn to New York fur export. Thin la broocht about by the temporary clos ing of the Panama canal because of the slide In the Culebra cut and by the shortage of tonnage on the Pa cific coast While In the past there have been some shipments of grain eajit for the export trade, never has there been anything like the amount which la now going by rail to New York, according to local gTalnmen. Because of the many steamers , vl Nw York each week it 1 3 to mVe shipment to Eu- possible to make shipment rope In less than cargo lots whereas I full cargo must be made up at Pa cific ports. The shipping of the grain overland by ran Is not affect ing the price of wheat In the local market, according to the buyers However, only clean Al wheat can be Bent this way as there are no faclll- , ar, (h(, Ja york the Pacific , Small amounts of Umatilla county wheat are being sold every day nnw.j but there Is still a considerable quan-j tlly in the hands of tile rarmers. i AUTO AND TAXICAB COME TOGETHER ON MAIN STREET A collision between the big. new Hudson auto of E. E. Ehtler of He lix and one of the the Parker Taxi morning shortly he! terseciion of Main and the Helix car Be taxi-cabs of j. occurred this ore 11 at the in end Courl streets came out lite Worse Mr Eheler raa diivlng on Court and Mr. Parker was driving south on Main. They met at the In tersection. The Helix man slates he ktOPPad his car when :ie saw the dan ger but It proveg too late to icv.rt the accident The taxi hit the right1 front wheel nf the Hudson, snapping every spoke In two and letting the car down on the axle. The fender was also smashed. The taxi lost Its bumper and hendllghts in the collis ion but otherwise was not damaged. A new wheel was put on the Hudson and it left under its own power to England Loses Point. BEItLIN, Dec. 2 (Wireless Tuckerton.) England told the allies December 3 she intended to withdraw British I from Greece and send the forces to Egypt to met a possible German-Turkish invasion it is report- for three days. The majority over ruled England. On December S It was decided to contmue the Balkan campaign. (This report corroborates the exclusive l.'nited Press dispatch es from Pari.) FORD'S PEACE PARTY IS BEGINNING TO LOSE HOPE 1 RECEPTION IN NECTRAL POUT s NOT VKItV FRIKBfDLY FOHD oitimistH". I the I the 1 CHRISTIANA. Dec. 20. For first time since they embarked the bar .r Icmii In your own DOUrtsf otherwise, to the end that the elec tlon laws, as well as other laws, shall be respected and enforced. Sincerely, , C. 8. JACKSON. PUBLISHER URGES E GUARD SUEZ FOR Strong Squadron on the Water and the English Forts on Land Make the Canal Safe From Attack. SALONIKI WELL FORTIFIED Kx-Mliiistcr of the Interior for 1 fcypt Scoff at llie Idea That the Germans WUI Invade Egypt Ie. clarea the iHNiri and the ed Arc- liiq.a-.able Harrier.. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 20 That .1 Japanese squadron Is guarding the Suez canal for the British was the assertion today of A. M. Papajain Bey. ex-mlnlsler of the Interior for Egypt. The Japanese ships and the British forts make the canal im pregnable, he said. He said the British nweaclv h.ic-p I . , ., nrnh '.a.. - j,, aft,r ,he wnr becaUBe Greete ha8 fale(1 to ,,, 1)v ner trtatv w,,n Sfrt)ili. He geffpd at tne proposed German invasion of Egypt, saying 'he -' , n 1 MANY TRAINS HELD UP BY SNOWSLIDES IN THE MOUNTAINS LA ciRANDE. Ore.. Dec. 20. ' Four snowslides at Bacon blocked traffic today on the .-W. H. 4- X. I 1 '-eui-. are wm mm acre aim ac im- ; her. rive trains were stalled on the mountainside' last night. A veritable blizzard raging near Te-locasset and Hct Ijtke in Tnion t county delayed all traffic over the O. W, K. & X. main line for more than j fifteen hours today. The tracks are jflaid to have been covered under deep banks of snow that had drifted be-' fore the wind. The fast mall lasl right and No. were beith annulled. Th firut trritn thr.mffh ..up nf BAllrf . sir epers. is scheduled to reach Pen-: dteton at 2 55 this afternoon, the sec Ood at 3:55 and No. 17 is marked up (or ; o-clock. MOTHER OF F, E, JUDD IS DEAD AT HARTFORD, CONN. MRS HENRY C. .H DD OF PROMI NENT EASTERN FAMILY, WELL KNOWN HERE, News of the death of Mrs He nr Judd of Hartford. Conn., mother oi F. E Judd. vice president of the , American National Bank, was recelv-i ed In Pendleton yesterday. Mr. ; Judd was called east two weeks ago by a message telling or (he serious Illness of his mother. The deceased had vislled in Pen-1 dleton a number of times with her husband, whose dea(h occurred last August, and had many warm Irlencls here who will be graved (o learn of her dealh The Judd family Is one of the eddest families of Hartford and Mrs. Judd had been as prominent in the social life and in the church and charitable work of that city as her late husband bad been in the business : world. Pra. ticMllv the whole of .heir ! married life, noire than 60 ears. had been -dent Im tlmt iitv Three children survive Judd and Mrs. Leonard Hartford and Frederick this city. The funeral i, tomorrow. Edward Y I) Flsk nf I . B. Judd of I to be held : Wheat Market Shows Slight Changes Today 20. (Special! Mac. l.2u 1 4 - CHICAGO, Dec. Dec. 1 18 3-8-121; 1.22 1-2. il!TU.H. Ore IVc. club a3-'.6: bluestem I.Hcroool. L1VKHPOOU Dec. 20.- Wheat Spot No. I Manitoba. 12s J 1-2 d; No. 2. 12s 3d: No. 3. lis 10 l-2d: No. 2 Lard winter new. Is 8d. In American terms the highest Liv erpool price Is 11 78 4.5 per bushel. Harold Brock arrived home this morning from the t'nlversiiy of Ore gon where he is a freshman and will spend the holidays with his pare'nts. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson E. Brock. PANE SHIPS BRITISH EMPIRE Attorney General Brown May Come Here to Conduct Probe I There is a probability that Attorn ley General Brown, and if not that of ficial in person ihen one of his depu jtics. will come to t'-nutilla county to conduct a grand Jury investigation of charges growing cot of the recen; city election. This ch is admitted today by District AKorney Frederick Steiwer who returned Sunday morning from Salem after having had a conference with the attorney general upon this subject. "I was in Salem attending the meet ing of the district attorneys." says Mr. 'telwer. 'and in view of the import ance the community attaches to the various criminal cases growing out ON THE ITALIAN FRONT Loft to right Prince Louis Napoleon, the King of Italy. General Zupelli, Italian Mintsier of War 41 nd General c'adnrna, commander in chief of the Italian armies, follow ing the advance of the Italian troops from one .f the neights of Cadora. JUDGE FEE WAXES SARCASTIC OVER DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTION FIGHT To the The Editor: judges'' saintli WoUid censurous reply the discussion regarding the e(y election, so far as I was concerned, had not Dudley Evans taken up the refrain througi the Telegram of Sat- urday 1'nder (he circ umstances and In view of (he assertions being made 1 fee' ,he PubUe 18 entitled to more 1 8na" alluJ 10 scholarly gentleman j the learned audi whose leUer ap-1 peered In Fri lay's issue of your pa-' per as (he "judge " 1 sincerely ! he w ill not consider that too p al. 1 was instrumental in pro 1 the title for him and thereto! hope surtng e 1 eel I have a tight to use it. J l"" "'"cism convinced me one may possess a puritanical i nari owesss in the use of language al well as on moral and political sub jects nut coming irom a man wi such exquisite (as(e. (he charges are seriousthat my English is bad and my wit labored. For while he does not expressly assert, yet it is plainly written between the IBM. "Bad Brcg lish" and Labored Wit" are the In delible mark of "Bootlegging" ar.d "Illegal voting." I console m.cU with the thought 1 have not ct b an convicted and with the further I thought that. J "A man must serve his lime at ev r trade. la.ni , .ensure critics ail are ready made.'' I have always fell Unction between the man is wit therefore the hlef di- 1 and th em it batter to have a labored wit than no wit l I theae unite and undertake to ;. all. Now. as to my ead English.- 1 croach upon the rights of (he com frankly adnnl 1 am not master of : mon people and to arrogate to the ir his Ciceronian gloss and splendor of reives the privilege of running elec atyle. W'Kh me his verbal battalions , tlons for them with heroes of th are riotous and disorderly, for I waajprlxe ring as intimidators it is tim no( born with a silver spoon or a to call a halt silver tongue In my mouth nor even: a (irey Coose quill In Rf hand Then why should I be held up to public contempt because I can not use the correct and elegant F.ngll-h of tie "Judge - He has every advaut of Ml With and higher education I concede to him My ancestors did1 in I requested Mr. Bi ire of the grand Jury i did this because i the prestige of the 1 estigation. ildarad that ir woulci help guarantee at al investigation of all the CO I made. "Pressure of other business office mas prevent Mr. Brow hi frc coming to Pendleton but he ha prom ised to let me knovj definitely in re gard to the matter within a few days. If he cannot come In person it Is pos- sible he may send a deputy to handle the matter. not wade barefooted around Ply dignified yl mouth rock In the crusted snow an have ended , (il the lost so much nlood that f'eir def endant might consider them selves "Blue bloods." Bushnell says: "1 come trom good old Bos(on, The land of the bean and the cod Where CaboU speak only to Lowells And the Li. wells speak only to God." I know he has a right to be proud of hts education and his birth, but f can no( concede him (he right to clothe himself in that superior saint- ly dignity for 1 have no( access (c tile records of the great here e record justifies nfte e that (l inuxion birth pride ol learning and a pride of purse. sort of pride, some better and A some worse, lit of all prides since Lucifer's at- tatnt, The proudest swell's a self-electe-i saint. I am In the same craoj as (he Am erican mule. 1 am not troubled bv a pride of ancettory I hold that "He who has not anything to boan ol but his illustrious ancestors is tike a potato the only good belonging I" him is u;i ' r around. But While I have neither birth nor education Biy blood Is red ar.d 1 believe in th rights of the masses as against the "Blue bloods ' and the "Kough MCh aristocrat who bases bis claim to so cial distinction on (he possession of wealth that has not ros( (he odor ol the cow pen and the hog sty. Whe.i rile "judge asserts a majority the bona fide voters of Penile'. : were with him. Dudley says all th better classes voted that wav Tin both seem to forget tile fa, t that a the polls there is no distinctions V law recognizes no differen be t w e. the ballot of the mi! BULGARS RAID RED CPSS STORES AND J f i ALK Hag is Torn Down and Flour Intended for Serb ian Relief is Seized-Chicago Society Woman and Dr. Forbes, Red Cross Agent, Are Held Prisoners-Situation is Growing More Danger ous Hourly. (By William G. Shepherd.) SALOXIKI. Dec. 20. Mrs. Walter Farwell. a Chicago society woman. j and the United Press correspondent. I were roughly handled and Dr Harry S. Forbeg of Boston, Red Cross agent i i was attacked when some Bulgarian'!! raided the American ReilCross head-j .quarters at Monastlr The Bulgars i ripped down the American flag ar.d I ! seized stores intended for Serbian re- lief. Mrs. Farwell and Forbes were I held prisoners Edward Stuart, chief, j of the Red Cross In Serbia, has ap j pealed to the state department I through Consul Kehl. It is learne 1 1 ; both were safe Wednesday though j i the situation is becoming more dan I gerous daily. The attack was made! when Forbes hung the American flag over the provisions in an attempt' j to defend them. Forbes recently purchased 24 car : loads of flour from the Serbians be fore the army evacuated the city. He pel and that of (he most sinful man in the community. The occupation of a man or woman does no( disqual ify under (he law. Only (hose whi have been convlc(ed of felonies are disfranchised. All persons who can qualify under the law are entided (o rote. The banker and the swine-neru are on equality at (he polls, and (" man who forgets (his essendal fact of good citizenship should never seek the suffrage of the people. Dudley Evans says he represented Mr. Monlgomery as a challenger. From my inves(lga(ion I (hink his as sertion i unfounded. The "judec" claimed Dudley was at (he polls to ask questions for the Judges of elec tion. Which one Is right? Dudley says be has appealed to the governor for assistance and (ne governor has spoken (o (he aUorney general and the attorney genera? has communi cated With the dis(rict atorney, and the district atorney has advised Dud ley to leave (own. Fred, you are (o be congratulated. The only mistake you made, if your advrce was sought, was in not having given the advice before eleclion- I have not been permic.ed (hrouah (he medium of the press to discusj any feature of the case now before the court. Certainly I had no nahi to the publication of anything It was a mere courtesy extended to uM But I called aUention (o the fac( (hat the "Judge ' had been permiued. aft er (he case was started, to indulge in a long-winded ana far-fetched ar gument regarding (he merila of the Again, after 1 had been refused permission to publish anythini touching upon the case (he "judie published the sla(u(es relating (o riot which he conceives Bal some con nection with the case now before the courts. Therefore it would seem that What is good sauce for the goj.-i Is not good sauce for the gander. The Judge" now- insls(s very strenuously an investigaion be had Dudley Evans, now in Portland. Is also Insisting an investigadon be had Yet when we undertook to se cure an investigation (hrough (he city government by the police committee and we were unable (o do so. Evans, apparently as the spokesman of the city government, from the from sttps of (he city hall, declared It was al) off. and no investigation would be held. Until the present compiaim was filed by E W, MeComas. whe had endeavored in every way (o se cure an inve-stigatlon. no ore ever heard of any appi-al for Justice or In vatvgatlon by the "judge " But ev ery el fort w as made by those behind him to stifle investigation. When Dudley Evans sta(es Me Comas offered to drop (he ma r it the police would resign, he appar ently does not know the tact-. Mc Comai did say that if til- police Would resign and dlsciose who hU inspired the attack upon him. th..t he WOUld le( the maUer drop so 'ar as he was concerned, Tui( he could not and did not undertake to promise That is a matter f state and not (he individual. JAS. A. F :onv I os s ( TVHKS in LONDON. Dec. 20 A British of ficial sfatement says: ileneral Townshend reports from Kut-el-A mara Mesopotamia 1 that according to Arab reports the Turks loot tft)S men In their attack on the evening of Decemto'r 12. to-ner.n Townseheiid cannot confirm (his. bin he himself estimates that the Turks lost fully 1000. They have not re sumed their attacks since " AlVltmLAno stored It In the Red Cross headouar ters. The Bulgars offered twice its value but Forbes refused to sell. The Bulgarians then threatened and Forbes spread the flag above the door to protect the food Bulgar officers with 30 soldiers ripped down the Hair and attacked Forbes One officer who said he is an ex-deputy sheriff of Kansas, declared; know that rag. It is only good enough to scare Mexicans, not Bulgarians.- Mrs. Farwell attempied to take a picture of the fight Thre. .i.ei-. seized her by the neck and arms and sinasneti tne camera CHICAGO. Dec. 20. Mr. is the wife of Walter Farwell. the millionaire son of the late senator Hhe went to the Balkans as a special correspondent of the Chicago Tri bune Her mothers first husband was Stephen A. Douglas. suii to Collect. D. c. (Jraybeal. local Insurance agent, today filed suit against Fred O. Willaon to collect S163.H4, interes( and 135 aKorne; fees alleged (o be due on a promissory note. W". M. Peterson Is his attorney. A them Won Two Qaanw. . Donald B. Rice of (his city, who of ficiated Saturday evening in Athena ja; the basketball games played be j tw een (he Atiiena and Touche( boys' and girls high school teams, brougtu : back word (hat bo(h Alhena teams , "..'on, (he boy s winning easily 55 to 13 and (he girls getting the long end of I a 15-12 score Irwin O. Brooks, who Iwaa a teammate of Bice at (he O. of 0 is coaching the Athena teams. Ti iohimwds Path-nts Bettrr. Francis Narcisse and Russell Car den, the (wo boys fion (he Umatilla reservation who are suffering from 'richlnosis, are reported better to lay. their temperature leing down to normal Last niglu 1 ne had a tern pera(ure of 102 and (he otiier 104. according to Dr. T M Henderson, who Is attending them The disease, developed from eating pork in which were trichinae, is fatal in a large per cer.(age of cases llo-tninri Brutal. he lb-Ki-. Alleging that her husband while drunk more than (wo months ago aim oat killed her wi(h his fls(s and a Knife and (hen fled (0 Detroit. Mich . Lelia Gregory, wife of Denhv Gregory, today filed suit for a di vorce Her husband became addi t. dj to liquor three year ago. she alle,-. i. and h.i compelled her to work support herself even though at (im.es she was ill. The ruple were n ar ried In Indiana in K'ober. 1910. W. M. Peterson Is ntt-rney for the plain tiff. Arrangements Are Made to Push Case Against Gen. Huerta San ANTONIO Doc tt AJrran ments for prosecuting Huerta .1- 1 plotter against American neutrality were concluded today oy faderal pw Met Attorney Camp. (Inert. 1, hi - ever, will not be asked (,. gardlng alleged German efforts t ment a revolution In Mexico until h Is Indicted by the grand Jur; onMB lng January 3. NEWS SUMMARY (CIMTIll. Bulgarians attack i croc in tlo BMlkaas. IUili-.li villi withdraw elttlHib W caMptaJgB. .1.11 ,.0 - ecu vhlj ni HI. SUHwit reelie-t- IfllOfmVj IflHl'nl to proiMl llle IM CMM IBuvv ios in I mini omiili e(n Iralfb-. miwimt oi r. f. J"dii iii- 01 Unrl ford, QM Jmlgo lei- oin-e aw ere si-.i. . b nilml. Movie lli-cv, 1.11 pngo 1.