I'AGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1915. EIGHT PAGES Only 5 More Days of THE HUB HOLIDAY SALE It will pay you to take advantage of this sale, for the savings you will find here are worth while. Men's Fancy Silk Ties Men's reversible ties 25? Men's wide ends silk ties, 35f and 45 Mackinaw Coats Why not get a Mackinaw coat for Christmas, good assortment of pat terns $4.00, $4.95, S5.S5 and $6.85. Sample sweaters, big line to select from at 49, to $4.95. Boys' Suits One lot boys' Buster Brown suits $1.00 Boys' suits in Norfolk and double breasted styles $1.65 to $4.95. Boys' overcoats $2.95 Men's overcoats.... $6.50 Men's heavy lined coats $2.95. Bovs' high top shoes at $1.85. Boys' lined gauntlet glove 39? Boys' wool gloves,.... 19 Men's Sample Gloves Gloves of every descrip tion will be found here. Dress gloves 65 to $1.35. Lined Gloves 50 to $1.35. Men's auto gloves $1.00 to $2.45. IS AT RECENTLY IN ADAMS A. 1.1KI KN is RECORDER AND KI1UIY is ELECTED AS TREASURER, House Slippers. ladies' felt house slippers leather sole, fur trim mi a. all sizes and col ors, the pair 95c ladies', men's felt padded total Reposo house slip MT8 various colors, the $1.45 lirjre assortment of felt trimmed house slip pers St. 25 to $1.45 Children's felt house slip pers, leather soles, fan cv trimmed, the pair 75. 85 and 95. Men's house slippers in felt and leather 65. $1.25. $1.45, $1.65 Ladies' Handkerchiefs Fancy embroidered initi al handkerchiefs, 3 in a box, the box 25 Ladies' fancy handker chief sets, 1-2 doz in box, the box 75 Ladies' pure linen hand kerchiefs 10. 3 for 25. Huck towels with red border, each 10 Turkish towels, big line to select from 7Vs to 29. Sport and Hockey caps for bovs' and girls' 25 45. 65. Three imcUimii Me Chosen to Servo Two Years Sunwise Party Ii liekl at Home or Mr. ami Mrs J. Y. llarrah Eight Inches. ' Snow l"alK at Adams, (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS. Ore., Dec. 18 The city election which was held recently elected the following officers for the year: Mayor, S. A- Edwards; record er. T. A. Lieuallen; treasurer, Bert Klrby; councllmen. two years, Jack Mayborry, J W. Spencer and M. C. McOollum A surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hurrah Tuesday night. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Pennger, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chesnut, Mrs A. H. Kir by, Mrs. Steven Kdwards, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Stockton, Miss Pearl Wil son, Miss Minnie Pennger, Miss Dora Chesnut; Messrs Karl Simonton. Ralph Wallen. Jack and Guy May berry Ail enjoyed a very pleasant evening playing rook, block and flinch and making different kinds of j candy. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Baker were visitors at the county seat Tuesday. LAGRANDE WANTS TO HAVE ENGINE CREWS KEPI IN THAT CITY l Mtl lOlM'V SKAT DOES Mil LIKE CHANGES ON THE 0.-W, SYSTIOM. lloltof 1 BxpKMtd That It May Not Be Necessary to Hae Men on Crews Remove Tbotr Homes From a Grande to Pendleton Observer DlnmiTjl situation. I R C H E Sj K. Ser- 5; ni.- In connection with the announce ment of the proposed opening of the Pilot Kock Junction terminal yards about January IS and of the conse quent change In division runs, the La Grande Observer Indulges In a good deal of speculation aa to the ulti mate meaning of the change. Am ong other things, the observer thinks it possible that the engine crews DM) not be forced to move from La Grande The Commercial club ol that city, Chairman George Furnhart of the engineers' grievance committee and Chairman Adams of the firemen have taken up with President Farrell the matter of keeping the engine crews in La Grande. The Observer discusses the matter as follows: While official announcement has been made of this change, and it has been freely reported in railroad cir cles that all passenger engine crews now in service out of La Grande ten in all will be transferred, as a Christian SctoOCO, Webb and Johnson streets vices Sunday . 1 a. ttV and S Sunday school 10 a. m. Wednesda 8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "Is the Universe, Including Man. Evolv ed by Atomic Force " The reading room at the church is open daily, ex cept Sunday, from : until 4 u. m. .'IIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllHIMIIIIIMIIIItlllllllllllllll IIIIIIIHIIIIItUUIIIIIIUIIHIIH I AUTO TRIMMING! I OF THE BETTER CLASS E We Make New side curtains, new back curtains, cover tops, replace broken bows and sockets. re- Presbyterian. Regular services. 10 a. DQ. Sun day school, 11 a. in. morning worship, sermon by the pastor, subject. ' Obedience and Sacrifice." Solo, May rie Snyder. "Amid the Shadows." Anthem, "God Shall Charge His Holy Angels." 6:30 Young Peoples' Meet ing. 7:30 evening evangelistic service. Mr. Synder will speak to young peo ple, subject, "The man who fell In to bad company and what happened to him. The evening service will open with a 30 minute song service. Solo. Victor Hansen, "Face to Face." Ladies' quartet. "Come Unto Me." Hamley & Co Fan belts, universal Joint covers, bumper straps. I Mr. and Mrs. G M. Morrison and matter of fact it Is postme ana m- . .. . . a .. ,.,. r 1 , ,!.,,)., that not n slnffle -1)1 I cniiuren moiorea 10 toe .r... , ur-u riuou' - Saturday. I Ploye win oe movea iruui ma Mr and Mrs. Jesse Hales and son I On the face of the order It would ap John motored to the county seat ! pear necessary to transfer passenger Saturday. Mrs. J. A. Harrah and sons. Donald and Vernoon were visitors at the county seat Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Krebs and her mother Mrs. Simonton. motored to the coun ty seat Tuesday. A. L Myrick has now sold his place in Adams to Robert Jones. The Catholic church will give a suDber in the Maestretti hall for the engineers to either Huntington or Pi lot Rock Junction, as passenger en gines will run the full distance un der the new order of things. But. as a matter of fact, there Is a way open to let engineers lay over In La Grande, and it' these arrangements are made, the east-end run would not be changed at all, but the west end run would be a double-back proposi tion. In other words nn engineer go- Methodlst. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 6:30 p m.; preaching at U a. in, and 7:30 p. m Morning subject. "The Good Man's Strength, Fortress and Refuge." Text. Jer. 1:19. Evening text, Heb. 3:15 and Numbers 15:5. Special music at each service. Mormon church. Services will be held Sunday even ing at the home of R K. Perry. 507 Marie street, at 7:30 o'clock A good male quartet will be In attendance and all are cordially invited to come. Upholstering, etc. "OUR WORK MAKES GOOD, OR WE DO." ?illlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllll)l: ACHING JOINTS AND STOP PAIN INSTANT RELIEF WITH SMALL TRIAL IIOTTliK OF OLD, FENETltAING "ST. JA COB'S OIL. church of the- Redeemer, Sunday school at 10 a. m. The holy communion will be celebrated at the 11 a m. service Miss Gladys Hamley will be the soloist. Dlvlno service and sermon at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited CTiarles yiiln ney, rector. Rheumatism Is "pain" only. Not one case In fifty requires In ternal treatment. Stop drugging: Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Ja cob's Oil" right Into your acre, stiff, aching Jolnta, and relief comes in stantly. "St. Jacob's Oil" la a harm leas rheumatism liniment which nev er disappoints and can not burn the skin Limber up! Quit complaining Get a small trial bottle of old. hon eat "St. Jacob's till" at any drug store, and in Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, sore ness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Re-, lief awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" 1b j Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, I lumbago, backache, sprains. I am unable to secure desir able of flee location In this city, and my residence Is not oan trally located. I will call at the residence of anyone Interested In Chiropractic, and give ex amination and explanation tree. DR. GEORGE J. KIN& Licensed Chiropractor, Phone 1T0. GIVE YOUR FRIENDS Monogram Stationery FOR XMAS GIFT. W. 8. SMITH ft CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD KNURAVERS. MORGAN HLDO, PORTLAND. OR. SPEED MOTOR LS NEEDED RusinesH Studied by Mail. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, Dec. It. No longer need the iregon citixen who desires correspon dence study in business branches en roll In private and distant correspon dence schools; the State Cniversitj has Just made arrangements to cover this work for all who apply from ! countant problems; cost accounting for printers; the law of sales; the law of contracts; the law of private cor ; po rations; the law of insurance; the law of commercial paper; retail sell ing and store methods. benefit of the church. ! Ing out on No. 17 this morning wou u About eight inches of snow fell at make the 76-mile run to Pilot noes. I Adams last night. and double back on No. 18 tonight I Will Royer was at the county seat for a total continuous run of 15J Prtany nilles. Under such an arrangement Bveret McCullom was in Pendleton the west-ena worn can w uuu .. Friday about two engines less than now used Mrs. Edgar Norvel and daughter. Disposition of these two crews, some Marguerite, are visiting at her par- Would Rather Stand. "Won't you take my seat? ' sr.ld ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stockton. within the state. The nave been provided by the courtesy tf the University of Wisconsin. The course-" offered are these 12 General organization of business; marketing methods; bookkeeping and accounting principles; cost account ing; solution of certified public ac- texts used the man !n the street car, as he lift ed his hat to the pretty girl "No. thank you." she replied, been skating all afternoon and tired of sitting down." Puck. Al 'South result of the campaign of a American trade special" train A woman should let er. let her be wise on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, de-j I've voted to showing Pennsylvania mann l'm facturerB how to wtn customers in South America, it Is stated that five carloads of machinery were recently man be clev- shipped to Valparaiso. Chili, from ihinb u-niilii mean transfer to tn Portland division.' while others ven ture the guess that while freight bus iness is good the youngest passenger engine crews would be dropped Into freight service, thereby retaining all crews now here. The Observer Is not In position to say that these possible Aeronautic Advisers Recommend Appropriation for Experiments, WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 The nd vlsory committee on aeronautics, ap pofnted by President Wilson last year, made Its first report, through the president, to congress, recom mending an appropriation of 185,000 for an aeronautical laboratory and special tests for developing a relia ble speed motor for aeroplanes. The report points out that many accidents result from Inability of av iators to tell accurately the speed nt which they are traveling. The arm) the navy anil the Smithsonian Instl St. llcleiM Masons Visit Rainier ST. HELENS. Or., Dec. 17 A large delegation of MAsons from thlij place made a fraternal visit to Rain-1 ier Masonic lodge. George F. Moeck. a past master, who was confined to his homo on account of sickness, was visited by the Masons In a body and presented with a past master's Jewel. I tutlon are represented on ; mlttee. Wilkes-Barre arrangements will be made. o other Hram li Clmitge, The passenger engine crews arc the I nnlv ones affected Freight servici' remami now. ww.w. --- - inmatl . . ... .i rnui lomati patcning. rvvii"u " I Japan's foremost diplomats the B Montono, doyen of the dip corps at Petrograd, is one of lllllllll Ullillll Footprints of Success "Watch your step" if you want your footprints to spell suc cess on the sands of time. And especially "Watch your step" when it comes to advertis ing. Don't wander off into the by paths full of thorns to catch your profits. Stick to the main road. Use newspapers, and bring the force of your message directly into the home. The ad vertising success paths of today are marked with newspaper guide posts. eiinmre Routine roununouse repairs and upkeep on passenger en gines will be made ready at the e M and west terminals on the seven or eight passenger engines to be used on the new service, but general over- ! hauling and extensive repairs Will be ,i,,ne here. Freight engines will get S precisely the same mechanical atten 9 tiiin under the new system that they S3 did under the old system. S31 Just what will happen to 1'matilli H j is not defintely known in railroa J 53 circles today. The connections with HI the Spokane mainline will not be s j made there, that much is certain. 3 gome assume that Coyote may be the 93 I junction point and others think Hm H kle will be the connecting point 9 ! These are matters to he decided at 93 j pas,t f decided in higher circles, 93 ! have not been publicly announced. 39 j The Coyote cut-off leaves the present 33; line at Hinkle. just east of Umatilla, and strikes it again at Coyote, thus HI leaving Umatilla off the main line. 39 i The terminal facilities now used at Umatilla will of course go to Pilot H9 1 nock Junction and an operator, sta- 333 tlon agent and a crew for a 1 0 "tall 355 round house will he maintained at the new terminal. This ract aoes not cur tail the force in the La rjrande shops Passenger brakemen and conduc tors will be run as before, from Pen dleton to Huntington and from Pen dleton to Portland In view of the fact that passenger f ngineers are the oldest In the service island with posslblv one exception all a! of the quota Of in have their homes s own property here, barriers now existing will have to be big not to be 33 i 1 ivrcome. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION MElHoD If you suffer from bleeding, tubing, blind or protruding Piles, send me Jour address. SM I will tell you how to cure yourself t I borne by the new absorption treatment ; and will also send aonie of this borne trralmeni free for trial, with references from your own locality If requested. DeSM report Im Mediate relief and speedy cure. Send noj money, but tell other, of thl. offer. Write I today to Mr. M. Hummer., Hoi I". Notre Damn, lad. Prevents roughneu during the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing akin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price SO cents Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best WAR ODDITIES. N EW'C A 8TLE- ONTY X E The millinery trade Is booming since thousands of girls tn Tyn aside muni tion making districts have started making "big money'' at shell mak ing, A MSTERDAM A ltelglan clergy man writing the pope estimated the Germans had Imposed sentence on llelglans aggregating 10.000 years, since the occupation. ! W'AH CHECKS KOO TTtADIv Wild iilllK Animal Scarce But Final Ship ment Is Wonderful 31 PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 15 There H arrived In New York last February 35 the final shipments Of large wild anl 39 ! mals, as the war has completely par 5g! nlvzed the trade, of which the Ger mans controlled about 75 per cent In this shipment were several ynMnSI i bears L'rsus arttos. Two of these ; male and ft female, were acquired by i the Philadelphia Zoological Society. When they arrived at the gardeni It i was at MM noticed that they weri In many characteristics' entirely dlf- , ferent from any known variety ol their supposed ty-pej. which rarely shows variations nfl the other hand they corresponded In efsry noticeable particular with the TlbetaH blue bear, described by Dlyth. And so. by the merest chaAr", the Philadelphia zoo mad the most Im portant acquisition In years, rfhd these two blue bears from Tibet, iff sua hrulnnsus are the only specimens !n the fnlted States As far as is known, they are the only ones that have ever reached an American collection. King (Vmstnntlne III. LONDON. Dee. 15. King Constan A Jest that brings a smile from a virtuous woman may bring a frown from a prude. Should danger come, the virtuous woman files, while the prude stands her ground. HOW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars He Ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken ijy catarrh eufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure .'Cts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, xpelllng the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Ca tarrh Cure for a short time you will .'ee a great Improvement in your gen eral health. Start taking Hall's Ca tarrh Cure at once and get rid of ca tarrh. Send for testimonials, fiee F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold by all Druggists, 76c. FALT'S famous Fresh Every Day Served at our tables and sold to the trade. Wholesale or retail. OYSTERS CRAWFISH SEA CRABS The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot in Pendleton for FALT'S sea foods. LIGHT TIIK ( HltlSIMAS TREE by electricity this year. Much safer than the old way and much more beautiful. We have Christmas tree lighting outfits of all sizes. Everything com plete, bulba, wire, batteries, switches, etc. Easy to arrange anybody can do It. Stop In and get an outfit appropriate to the size c,f niir tree. J. L. VAUGHAN iyiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiitiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii mm liming j A Few Things to Do Today I SB Firt ("all up Phone 5 and order a load of mill-ends for kindling. All short lengths and the best thing in the world to start your fire. A big load for a dollar and a half. Second ly our bin. -Order enough of our Rock Springs coal to fill 1 Third Build a good big red hot fire. Fourth Congratulate yourself that you have the best fuel in Pendleton. Fifth Resolve to do it again. B. L BURROUGHS, Inc. Cor. Webb 6 College Phone 5 3 1 Ine of (ireece Is KiffeHng a mild 5 i Influenza fever, it is reported heie I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri44tl II If l. I I frnill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiNMiiinn MMiimiimiimiMMUiiiMMllliir