East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 17, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St.
Will Hulld Ham.
K.I Lannings this morning took out
permit for the building of a barn.
J0x40 In dimensions, on Chestnut
street. It will cost him about $200.
Joke n the Census Taker.
County Superintendent I. E. Young
ha a Joke on Harry Bickers who
j took the who.. I census or Pendleton.
I In checking oxer the list of names of
children of school age In Pendleton,
the county superintendent found that
his own four children had not been
1 enumerated.
once lie improved by the parcaae?.
while the tract at the sanitarium will
go Into Intensified gardening for the
most part, although the erection of
a second men's pavilion thereon Is al
so In contemplation for the institu
tion. Portland Oregonian.
Has Wood poisoning,
Richard Yerxn of I'matllla came
up last night from his nome, suffer
ing from blood poisoning In dls
hand. He went to the hospital ai d
underwent an operallo
Everybody Has the Christmas
Shopping Spirit Now
It's well to have, for there's only SIX MORE SHOPPING DAYS and it will be over
just remember it's this big busy store that saves you money and at the same time
makes shopping a pleasure.
Cost ssCn-hxI to TwIU'lioll.
County Clerk Frank Sallng this
morning received the mandate of the
supreme court In the case of Sharon
I Arnold Twitchell vs. W. L. Thomp
son, made In conformance with the
recent findings of that tribunal. The
I cost of the peal to the defendant
j S163, are assessed to the plaintiff.
! the supreme court finding that the
! lower court had made no error in
; rulings.
Old Indian Woman Hits
We-lak-Hn. an Indian woman
about 75 years old. died yesterday on
the reservation of complications din
to senility. For the past two years
she had been a charite of Parsons
Motanlc. prominent Indian
XfWrlln Blown Vp. ed the destruction of Zeppelin L-2!
AMSTERDAM, Dec. 17 Advices and the killing or wounding of the
received here from Schleswlg report-: entire crew of 40 persons.
Estate of Hannah Young.
John H. Young, husband of the
late Hannah Young, who died at her
home here on Nov. 2S. was this
morning appointed administrator of
her estate which Is valued approxi
mately at $5600 It consists of a lot
on Market street valued at 6600, two
lots on the corner of Main and Bluff,
valued at $3500 and one Portland lot
valued at $1500. The husband and
three sons are the heirs.
Strain Spent Nothing.
Water Commissioner C. P, Strain
was another candidute who spent
nothing during the recent campaign
according to his statement just filed.
Councilman-elect Claude Penland's
campaign was equally expensive.
A tailored suit makes a splendid gift;
they're priced at $9.90, 912.50,
914.75, 916.50.
Or a coat. If you don't know the size,
just bring us her bust measure, we'll
do the rest, at only 99.90, 912.50,
914.75, 916.50.
Children's coats. Bizee 3 to 12 years,
priced at 92.98, 93.98. 94.98, 95.90
Ladies' tailored skirts in serge, wool
poplin, gaberdine and taffeta, priced
at 92.98, 93.98, 94.98, 95.90
Silk petticoats make a suitable gift.
Golden Rule price only 91.98, 92.98
Children's fur sets, and what is nicer
than one of these for the little tots at
91.79. 91.98, 92.98, 93.98, 94.98
Ladies' fur sets for a gift, Golden Rule
price 94.98, 95.90, 97.90, 99.90,
and 912.50.
Dresser scarfs are always acceptable at
' 49, 69 98 91.49.
Jap sets, center piece and six napkins at
98, 91.39, 91.98.
13 piece luncheon sets of cotton or linen
91.69, 91.98.
Children's knit outfits, so cute at 98f ,
91.98, 92.98.
Ladies' knit skirts in dark or light 49
69, 8e. 91.49.
Ladies outing gowns 49t 69, 98,
91.49. .
Christmas Candy Arrive.
The candy for the municipal
Christmas tree has already arrived
and is now stored In the city hall.
; There are ten 30 pound palls of
; plain mixed candy and three large
: boxes of chocolates.
You can do
better at
We Lead
Others follow
Evane May Meet Rivers.
Bobby Evans, the lightweight
fighter who has had several scraps
In Pendleton. Athena and Weston,
may meet Joe Rivers, the Mexican
terror, sometime in the near future,
according to Portland papers. P.iv
ers Is now In Montana and Butte pro
moters have been trying to sign up
Kvans. The latter retired from the
ring some time ago to manage Billy
Mascott. the bantam who fought
Jockey Bennett several times, but
may re-enter to meet the Mex.
IKulh at County llo-pual.
John Hubbard, who for the past
nine years had been at the county
j hospital, died yesterday of ailments
Incident to old age. He was S7
years old. His only known relative
is a daughter living in California.
Pendleton the Hot Town,
Pendleton is the best little city
James Titus of Baker has seen for a
long time. He said so himself this
morning Just before boarding No. 17
en route to California to spend the
winter. Mr Titus, who Is 75 years
old. has been visiting his step-daughter.
Mrs. Ina IUce. in this city.
principal and interest
are her attorneys.
Fee and Fen ; Beds" is good and there is room for
j particular praise for Pullette Day as
Blanche Hawkins and J. Paul Por-
I cast as Signor Monti The play drew
A. R. Is this , good house.
(,. . It. is MceUiig.
Kit Carson Post. C
afternoon holding a meeting in the
city hall for the purpose of preparlni! VM)a wn 1r)iefk
a report for the state officers. Florence Mytlnger of the Uncoln
" school. Lois Vanlandlngham of tho the essay of little Miss Mytlnger. Man-
Kepn-sentative Ritner Back. j HaAthorne school nnd Mary Frances! ager Vincent 'also announces that his
Representative It. W. Itltner 0j t,, Washington school have been ', company will present an electric grill
returned to Pendleton after spending , lhp winn(,rs in the prize ! to the girl In the high school domes-
the Pacific Power & Ught Co. A.
winners each will receive from the
company a small electric range which
Is an exact replica of the larger range,
and upon which the girls can cook
und bake. The three prlie essays will
be run In the advertisements of the
P. P. & U Co.. beginning today with
Christmas Jewelry
Diamond Neckiaw. . . $6.00 to S75.00
Diamond and IVarl Rings $10.00 to $100
Diamond Brooches $10.00 to $200
Diamond and Emerald Him:. 9U to $100
Diamonds $6.50 to $60O
Vanity Cases $1.50 to $..Ki
Cameo Kings and Brooches.. $1.00 to $10
Diamond Pendants $10.00 to $100
Bracelet Watches. 13 Jewel . $11 to $35
Diamond und solitaire Ring. . 410 to SHOO
Coo Trades Stanfleld Property.
Dr. Henry Waldo Coe has Just pur
chased 10 acres of land lying in a
strip adjoining Morningside Hospit
al on the east and facing Base Line
road, or East Stark street The con
sideration was 111. I0(. As part pay
ment on this property a 20-aere tract
on the Furnish irrigation project at
Stanfleld and lying near the govern
ment reservoir was turned over at
15000. The Stanfleld tract will at
Optical Specialist.
American National Bank
Building. Phone 609
Gecssc Hunters Fined.
Two arrests were made yesterdc?
at Millers Station on the O.-W. R. &
X.. road by Warden Itobert H. Young
of Heppner. both men being charged
w ith shooting geese on the Columbia
near that place. One Is the section
foreman of the railroad at Millers
and the other Is his assistant Both
men were fined $25 each. They shot
into a drove of wild geese.
umI weeks In California. He sto
ped at Portland for several days en
route home.
Ma) contest conducted In the three tic science department making
grade schools by Manager Vincent of j Lest grades for the semester.
District Ittorneys Meet
About half the district attorneys In
the state, including District Attorney
steiwer of this county, met today at
Salem to discuss the prohibition law
which goes Into effect January 1.
Attorney General Brown made an ad-1
dress to the prosecuting nmcers.
cording to a telegraphic dispatch.
Plnil (inme Ttifi Ko.
Tonight will see tn first basket
ball game of the Pendleton high
school season with the Weston high
school girls lined up against the lo
cal team. Besides the regulnr game
k preliminary will be played between
tne sopn ami jnnmr nnn. on wmn-.
be blown i
Brace!cts ....
Silver Beits
Link Buttons
Toilet sets . . .
$2.00 to $50.00
. $1.00 to $5.00
$2.50 to $15.00
. . . 75c to $100
$1.00 to $10.00
$1.50 to $15.00
. . $4.50 to $1.50
. $6.00 to $75.00
$2.50 to $35.00
S-arf Pins 75c to $.0.ito
Parisian Ivory Sets $2-50 to $18.05
THE Jeweler
A Count v-Wido Snowfall.
Snow fell last night in
tion of I'matllla county.
Pendleton the sleety fall of yes
afternoon rave vnv dorinc th
evening to a heaw rain but about i tlc f"r tne Rame wl"
9:30 snoiv began falling' again, and1"'
this morning there was a blanket of
white over the city about an Inch and 1 Deputy Warden iKlntc-d.
a half In depth. In the west end of I Deputy (lame Warden George Ton
the county the fall was about the! kin this morning received from the
same, according to reports brought ! utate warden indices of the appoint-
d In th'
a specialty.
Try Our 35c Merchants'
Served daily from
11 to 2.
We aim to please.
up. but at Helix. Athena and sur
rounding points the storm was much
heavier. Between six and ten inch
es fell at these places, according to
news brought in today. In the foot
hill sections, the precipitation was al-
ment of George Hade. Ernest March
Charles Winn and W. J. Kelly. Jr.. all
Of Milton as special deputy wardens
for I'matllla county. H. A. William
Of the same city was re-appointed, j
The Milton OUII club Joined with War-
patterns In
'arefully selected for color and cut.
John Rosenberg
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Farmers' I'nlon Office.
Cor. Court and Cottonwood St..
very' slushy.
Decree in Herr-Rltter t ax
Judge Phelps has finally
the Herr-Rittcr land dispute
so much heavier. Today the weather den Tonkin In recommending mese
has moderated anil the snow has mpn.
been melting, making the streets I
I Delegates Are Named.
A meeting of the Umatilla County
Fish & Came association and of the
settle 1 'Round-up Our. ChlD was held last
which ' evening at the Matlock-Ltatz offices
has received considerable attention ' nd delegates named to me annual
from the court during the past year. I convention of the Oregon Sportsmen's
His decree sinned toduv Instructs league
John KitlMr to Mm a . -a written awi.
tract with T. F HeR for a ten ICn) " and f8"10 MTOcUt,0n' W- W
piece of land in the east end of the 1 Hoch and Jack Gibson were named as
Bounty, he finding that the two nd wl" probably attend,
had a verbal contract for the pur- Marlon Jack, who Is a member of the
chase of the same. He also orders tate flsh an1 Knm'' commission, will
Portland on Dec. 19 and
President Wesley Matlock of the
GIFTS that LAST and are USED
A Majestic or
Round Oak Range
would please
A present that the wife
would use three times a day. A
lastinj? Jfift that would show
true affection of the giver. A
present that would be appre
ciated in EVERY home for the
pleasure and convenience it
would add to the kitchen.
Frills and knick-knacks mav be all very well as
Christmas gifts, but they are gone and forgotten in a
few days, or just when the receiver begins to really en-
Ojr the useful Christmas present that was purcnaseu
Any of the following articles are appropriate for
presents and our stock is now complete in all of these
W. J. Clark
211-213 East Court St.
Phone 21
Rltter to pay to N'enemlah McDon
nald the sum of J-13.33 Interest on .1
mortgage which the latter holds
against the land in question and M
acres more. The deed given by Hit
ter to MeUannald lie declares to be
northing more than a mortgage and
orders the same foreclosed If Hitter
falls to pay the interest. He decrees
that Herr owes 1 106.66 Interest on
the mortgage and declares the valu-j
of the Improvements on the land, put
there by Herr, to be worth $450 and
decrees the same to be a Hen against
also probably attend.
1100 acres of nice Wheatland, water, and short haul. $30
per acre.
1(0 acres on the Reservation, 40 to 50
bushel land. $66.00
orchard and alfalfa. SD0.00
per acre.
S20 acres, good Improvements,
per acre.
150 acres, close to town, house, barn, orchard and alfalfa.
(65.00 per acre.
210 acres. 68 acres set to alfalfa, food Improvements. 164.60
per acre.
I have resided in Umatilla county over 30 years. No inflated
values fo with me. E- T. WADE.
the land In case the mortgage Is
foreclosed, he orders the 20 acre piece,
sold first and, if this is not sufficient,
that the other 10 acres be sold, Mc
Dannald'i mortgage to be satisfi 'd
first and Herr's Hen second.
Mr. skinner s riiroas.
Another development In the Fur-nas-Kkinner
llegal controversy over
property on the Umatilla project is
the filing of a suit by Mrs Georgia
Skinner, wife of W. H. Skinner,
against Leroy W. Furnns and wite
and J. H, Reed and wife. Furnas
sued Skinner recently but lost
because he made the nushand Instead
of the wife the defendant. He im
mediately filed another suit with Mrs,
Skinner as a party and now she
comes with her own suit. She alleg
66 that the Furnasea sold a tract of
land on the project to the Heeds and i
that she contracted to buy a small ,
portion of the land from Heed for
1450. payment to be made when clear
title to the property could be given.
She, thereupon, entered Into open
possession of the property and con-
structed a 14500 dwelling upon It
j Sne has never paid the purchase
: price, she alleges, because the Heed,
j have never been able to furnish clear
, title. She stands ready, she declares.
to pay the price with Interest to
I whomever the court orders She asks
j that she be declared the rightful
owner of the property and be given
j a deed upon payment of the 1616
Good Goose Weather.
Isical sportsmen are anticipating
some good goose hunting if the snowv
weather continues for I few days
Though the snow keeps the geese
from alighting In fields, it makes
hunting along the streams much bet
ter. The geese keep moving and their
flights are generally along the river.
The snow also eliminates the neces
sity of idts. the only shelter for the!
' hunter needed beinLr a sheet or niece
Of white canvas.
Time More Taking BSxam.
Three more teachers appeared this
moining to take the examination
being conducted for applicants for
state certificates. They are Lucille
t'ordery of Adams. Mabel Montgom
ery of Weston and Lyda A. McDonald
principal of the Columbia school.
All three are applying for exemption
papers. Of the 24 now taking the!
examinations only one has never had
any experience as a teacher. Supt.
Young expects several more teachers
Twin Reds'1 Was Funny.
Ludicrous situations and ready vi
mark the faree comedy by Margaret
Mayo and Salisbury Field given here
last evening It Is a clever plHy.
though not any more laughable than
Miss Mayo's production, "Uaby
Mine," shown here a few seasons
ago. The cast now carrying "Twin
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Platinum and
diamond jewelry
Platinum, the richest of metals,
is a fitting complement t the rar
est of stones. Nothing can auite
equal it as a setting for
mond's brlliiance.
the dia-
Necklaces, Bar Pins, LaVallieres
Bracelets, Pendants, Rings,
are some of the diamond-platinum
jewelry we can offer you beauti
ful things you will be proud to give,
and ones that are sure to elicit ad
miration for themselves and re
spect for you.
Royal M. Sawtelle
Since 1887.