PAGE FIVE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1911 W STi ST-- i 75i 7!& 7 J! 75 7T 7T 77! 7Z. Presents That Can Be Used L&t's Make This a Xmas to be Re membered by Bestowing Gifts That Are Useful No matter to whom given you will always find something suitable and sensible, something that will be ap preciated and remembered. Following are a Few Suggestions: Chafing Dishes Cutlery Percolaton Roaster Carvers Silverware Guns Nickel Plated Ware Razors O'Cedar Mops and Polish Boys' Ice and Roller Skates, Sleds, Wagons and Tool Chests South Bend Ranges Universal Ranges and Heaters New Perfection Oil Heaters ALL OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY GEO. C. BAER & Co. Shelf and Heavy Hardware Phone 81 Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 2. 1 Local musical and other entertain ment talent la now being enlisted for a Christmas program to be given at the Eastern Oregon State M Monday evening, Dec. 27 for the plea aure of the patlenti in the Institution. The beautiful auditorium will be ap propriately decorated for the occasion and two Christmas trees with Yule llde trimmings will make the hospi tal patients think of their days of childhood. The program will be wholly voluntary and the affair Is ex. cluslvely for the patients of which there are now 387 at the Institution On Christmas day a big dinner of tur key and other delicacies will be served. IBB CAKDM thk rtMM, the WORLD ivi:it, of THOME Tiivr merely REnuounrr hmhiti rurtna ttmuuan. wm XOT STAItT NOW AM) Make This a Sensible Xmas GIVE llIIV M hl)S Ut(i TUII ' llrnt N t'lilld AdmlUi-d I'nder Immigration l.a NKW YORK. Dec. 17. All the way from Trinity Hay, Newfoundland, a wondering blue-eyed buhy, 18 months old. arrived in New York recently on the Red Cross liner Stephano and en joyed the distinction of being the first baby to get the freedom of the city under the Immigration law that per- mltH parents to remove their children from incoming vessels when the Iden tity of the youngsters is definitely es tablished. The baby, who made the long voy age to New York, Is Alexander .Stew art and his parents live at 211 West 141th street. The youngster was In charge of Captain Smith of the Ste phano and received great attention from the 38 passengers who made up the vessel's sailing list. ft Friday Last Chance "The Man From Oregon 5 Part Mutual Masterpicture. If you live in Oregon you should see and be proud of thi. ART ACORD, FROM BUCKAROO TO . STAR SATURDAY ONLY ffwo Master Productions That Prove the Superiority of Temple Service. Dustin Fa mum v New York paid $2.0(1 a seat for this show. Great Double Bill Starts Sunday. TEMPLE Keystone THE THEATRE BEAUTIFUL Keystone W1 v Robert Bdatofi, who heads an all star cast in the modern drama deal ing with a coal heaver and a societj woman at the Pastime Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Phlmlster Proctor! and children will live In Pendleton I during the winter after all. They, have at last succeeded In securing a house, having rented the old Thomas Campbell residence at 410 Eddy street! now owned by the Catholic sisters ! They are delighted at being able to j remain here, not only because ol , their love for Pendleton but because Mr. Proctor will be able to UBe local Indians as models for sculpture which he has planned. MrB. Frederick Gullck is today en-j tertalnlng at her home In Portland he members of the Kappa Kappa j liamma sorority who are passing through that city from the I'nlversitj of Oregon to their homes for the holi davs. Mrs. Guliok and her little dau-1 Khter will arrive in Pendleton Mop- day to spend the holidays with her i parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Slush- j er. Her husband will follow later. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Slusher Will leave tonight for Portland to spend two weeks. J S. Narr of Elgin is here today. L Carderey of Adams Is here today. I A. Scott of Enterprise is here to day. , I. P Shangle or Weston Is her? today. F C, Lucas is registered at DM llnwman. George Burr of Baker, is here on business. O. C. Knotts of Pilot Rock Is in the city. C. R. Kearney of Seattle, is at the St. George C. W. Banister of Holdman Is In the city today. John W. Campbell of Hermlston, Is here today. J. W. Hilts of Pocatello, is In toe city on business. Theodore Norvel of Helix has been a business visitor in Pendleton today. tiift that will be appreciated and used and not set aside as ornaments; gifts that are In keeping with the time, such a: BOYS' TOOIi CHESTS of real guaranteed tools. CARVCTG SETS, plain silver mounted. and COMMUNITY S I I. V E It WAKE, warranted for fifty years. ICE AND ROLLER SK TI SAFETY RAZORS. POCKET KNIVES, tit" vs. AIR RIFLES HOYS WAt.ONS. KJEM mult . i a br ujottanm OOklM. I TKNSfLS. ALIMIMM COFFEE PER- I I M ORS. AM MIM M TEA HALL TEA I"OTS. And many other useful and practical articles of which our stock consists. We take pleasure In show ing our good -i and In helping you M selo-t your Christina presents, and InWte yon to call at our store. The Taylor Hardware Co. Pe0 Motion Picture News WHAT THE PFMM.I I ON Pit TI RE THEATRES HAVE TO TELL o AHOI T PRESENT AM) COMING PHOTO PLAYS BLINDNESS OP DEVOTION" PLAT Ol HEART INTEREST Today will be the last chance for lovers of the dramatic In motion pic tures to see Robert Mantel) crowned monarch ol the dramatic art on the spoken stage, with hts beautiful wife. Genevieve Hamper in the delightful William Fox photoplay de luxe, "The Hllniltissi of Dsvotion." stuart Holmes and Claire Whitney with an all star OAS) help to make Mr. ! tell s debut in motion pictures umph. THE CAVE M N M: tri laws os LAST TIME TODAY Robert B. Mantell and Genevieve Hamper, assisted by Stuart Holmes and Clara Whitney in THE BLINDNESS OF DEVOTION Adults 15c. Children Sc t COMING SUNDAY V. L. S. E. the Big 4 Present The Cave Man With Robert Edeson and all Vit agraph cast. Not a picture of the prehistoric past but a modern drama of the present day. The biggest, Big-4 picture ever pre sented in Pendleton not except ing "The Island of Regeneration" Remarkable Modern Society Ilranm. One of the bigge.t V. L. S. E.. Bis j Four, productions ever made, not ex- j cepilng "The Island of Regeneration" j will be shown In this city next Sun-j day at the Pastime theater Robert j Edeson. assisted by Lillian Bums. Fa', Walker and an all-star cast of Vita-1 graph PlajreTS, make up the cas'. "The Cave Man" Is not as most peo ple will assume from the title, a pic ture of the pre-historic past, but a modern drama of present-day life. Hamllck Bmatg, s eon! heaver, ns he Is about to deliver a load of coal finds the half of a torn five dollar bill with a note telling the finder to bring the half note to the apartment of Madeline Mischief. Around these two characters revolves tne most ex traordinary story ever given to the public. The management of the Pastime wishes to state that "The Cave Mm" will be n revelation to all who see it nnd that it Is without a doubt one ol the best gems of modern picture plays ever presented at this theater. becomes a member or a successful, so to speak, band of smugglers. With Leonie it is the excitment and thrill of the thing which appeals. She I' as the title of the play suggests, S "Blackbird." It Is when l.eonie and the band come Into possession of a wonden'u oriental rug of mysterious religious potter that they understand the Wrong they are doing. This transition is brought about by a series of most Interesting situations and dramalll scenes Just as Miss crews in the plcturlz.i tion of "The Fighting Hope" estab lished herself among the great dra matic stars of the screen, "Black birds' places her at the top of ihe list. A. W. Wills of Echo la registered at the St. George. 1 Louis Ragaln of McKay spent yes- terday in the city. S. N. Bobo of Stanrield is spending the day In the city. L M Neumelster of Tacbma, Is In I the city on business. L Mrs. J. S. Danforth of Echo spent yesterday in the city. N. G. Moe of Walla Walla spent the night in the city. Walter Blackburn or Ukiah spent over night In the city. E. R. La Pointer of Boise is regis tered at the Pendleton. Mrs. Harry Williams of North Yakima is here today. R. N. Adams of Stanfield spent j Wednesday in the city. Gerald E. Stanfield came up this I morning from Echo. Ralph Stuhhlefield of Enterprise Is here for a few days. G. E Stanfield or Stanfield is reg istered at the Pendleton. John P. Hannon of La Grand , stopped over here yesterday. John Eggers came down from his home at Myrlck this morning. L. L. Mann, prominent farmer of this city, left yesterday afternoon for Seatle. Ed Wood, detective employed by the n.-W. company, was In the city esterday. M F. Evans, Flora Severson and Clara Beck, all of Pilot Kock, are in the city today. Sheriff T. D. Taylor and Deputy J. A. Blakely are in Weston todav serving papers. Charles Rienmann, well known farmer of the Holdman country, is here today on business. John W. Campbell came up from Hermlston last evening to see "Twin Beds" and remained over today. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Alexander and son Louis Dearing of Tacom.i. are visiting at the nome of Mrs Alexander's father. J M. Bentlev, for LOCALS Advertising in Brief BATES. Per Hue first loaertioo 10c Per line, additions! Insertion. . . . 5c Per line, per month $1.00 No locals taken for less than 25c. Count ordinary words to line. Locals will not be takes over the telephone except from Kant Oregon lau paid up subscribers. Chimney sweep. Call 355J. Dressed hogs, 8 cents pound, at Cash Market. For f ale Four fine Poland China brood sows. Phone 515. Penland Eros.' transfer Co. have 'torage warehouse Phone 339. Nicely furnished front room with sleeping porch. Furnace heat. Phone 535J. Wood for sale Apply Olsen & Johnson Co.'s office at Umatilla County library building Old papers for sale; tied In bun iles. Good for starting fires, etc. 10c a bundle This office. Very many people desire to ouy lands in eastern Oregon. What have vou to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Indies, make shields at home. $10 for 100. Work sent prepaid. No canvaaring. Send stamp. Ivanhoe Mfg. Co., St Louis, Mo. Firstclass dressmaKer, late of Se attle, will sew In your home. Party dresses a specialty. Phone 350. A pL 2. Prompt automobile taxi service. Say or night Funerals to cemetery only $3.50. Phone 110, Quelle Res taurant. Car for country trips, phone 70 Carney & Huey Taxi Co. For sale Fresh cow with cslf. In quire W. I Gadwa. For rent Large front room Closo In. Phone 280M. For sale 300 tons of grain hay. Will sell in iota or will feed stock of any kind, horses, mules cattle or sheep. R- B. McEwen. Athena, Ora Blooming plants, cut flowers and ferns make suitable Christmas pres ents. Make your reservations now while the stock is complete and have, them delivered later. Plants or flow ers tent by parcel post or express. The largest collection ever shown in Pendleton to select from. Hooker .-. 541 Main street, next to Happy Can yon. Phone S22. Open .en. rigs Attention L ami I Club. The D and I Club will give their next dance of the series Saturday ev-ning, December IS. .a the Eagle Woodman Hall. COMMITTEE. SOX is STRAXtiKK S." YEARS I ntlicr ami '-Hoy" S Each Alher for First Time in Dakota. FARjRO. N. D., Dec. 17. At Har wood. this county, a man 35 years old Is visiting his father. Neither ever saw the other before this meeting. Only recently the father learned th. t he had a son. Shortly a'ter W J Botkins and his wife weer divorced at Harwood, she moved to another cliy and the child raj born. Later she married again and the boy .taking the name of his stepfather was known as Harry Shepard. For the past Is years ha has lived at Mitchell. S. D. Father and son. recently having learned of each other's exist ace, now are getting acquainted. BLACKBIRDS" COMING TO THE ALT A THEATER J j 555 "Blackbirds." in the plcturiiatlon of which Miss Laura Hope Crews makes her second appearance as Paramount star of the Jesse L l,ask' ; Feature Play Company. Is adapted j from the drama of the same name In which stiaiN CreWS appeared a whole I season at the Lyceum theater New York, and on tour of the United States. The author Is Harry James Smith, This elabornte production is a fit ting sequel to Miss Crew's first pho toplay, the Lnsky-Betasco production of "The Fighting Hope,'' which has crented widespread favorable com ment. Leonie Sobntsky in "Blackbirds.'' Is n young American woman nf adven turous disposition and Inclination who Hi BTIJi I Ut.M M IN "THE IRON STRAIN .Noted Romantic Star Will Be Seen Hero ill Alaskan Story on First Tri angle program. Dustin Farnum. tile handsome ac tor who achieved a great success in "The virgnian" and other stage plas Is one of the Interesting stellar attrac tions in the first Triangle program St the Temple next Sunday and Hob day Mr Farnum will be presented In the Alaskan cave man drama in five parts, entitled "The iron Strain " Miss Enid Markey, a popular lending woman of the Ince studio, is asso ciated with Mr. Farnum In this play, The unusually high quality of Trian gle personnel Is also to be noted In the other members of the cast, which includes Charles K. French. Louise Glaum nnd Truly Shattuck. Those familiar with Thomas H Ince's master craftsmanship well know that this, his latest offering, is chsracterixed by superb technique nnd wonderful photography. One of the most effective scenes shows a driving rain storm in the face ol which the visitors land at the Alas kan port and trudge) through mud and water to their rude "hotel " Tho scenic details depicting Alaskan min ing life and the giant mountains ol the north are likewise without a flaw As for Mr. Farnum, he is one of the most attractive heroes of the modern stage, while Miss Markey Is nn adept In all roles demanding fem inine grace and social distinction The soubrette part played by Miss Gleum promises to be exceedingly entertain ing, nor will Charles K French's rharaeterliutlon of prn Whitney, the rugged Alaskan mining king, be readily forgotten. Triangle plays to full houses In , New York nnd Chicago for $2 admission. Tax to Ik- Levied Monday. The state and county tax levy Willi be made Monday by the county cour'.. according to Judge Marsh. Commies-1 ione,r Cockburn having notified him ha would be down on that day. Judge Marsh is satisfied that the levy will i be an even eight mills, the same as last year. 11 Australia Gets Aperies. WKN'ATCHEE, Wash., Dec E. Wagner returned Sunday from 1 San Francisco, where he superintend-1 ed Ihe final shipment of Wenatchee $00,000 boxes of apples to Australia j this year. After New Year's the Australian! apple conies on the market which the Wenatchee apple compote on account of the prohibitive duty. with cannot 1 Dustia Farnum almost Strain." Triangle n I December IS, and I ilaumm m ' Tl Theater, .-urttng HER Today and Tomorrow LAURA HOPE CREWS in a Picturization of "BLACKBIRDS" W. V. M. A. VAUDEVILLE THE MITCHELLS, Exponents of Music. DURAND AND CAI IJNAN, Travesty, soiitf and dance. Sunday Marie Doro in "THE WHITE PEARL',