EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915. -r PAGE THREE THE OLD RELIABLE ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR OFFICERS CHOSEN AT HERMISTON BY THE EASTERN STAR LODGE JOINT IN8TAI4jATKX WII.i. Ill IIK1.U WITH M Ms ON DECEMBER II. fu-r BierctoM n Itaiim Will U Ur Hard Time party In Given Ht Home of Mr. aiHl Mrs. Iturliam Miuiy present MJkt (fern 'ot of llonnlston Country. (Special Corresondence. ) HEHMI.ston, Dae. n At the monthly meeting of the local chap ter of the Eastern Stur the officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Mrs. Katheiine darner. W. M.; t It. Oldaker. W. P.; Mr.". Earl Phelps. A. M ; Miss Kdlth Prann, secretary; j Mrs. Geo. Henry 111 liarthel. AGED WOMEN IS KILLED IN FALL FROM AN AEROPLANE BAN DIEGO, Dec. 18. Mrs. T. A. ComstOCk, 76, was killed and Aviator G. S. T. Meycrhoffer waa painfully Injured when a wing of their aeroplane collapsed and precipitated them from a helcht of 100 feet Into the bay. A launch was rushed from the warship Oregon. Hoth were taken aboard where efforts to save the woman's life were futile. She was the oldest wo man to ever make an air flight here. Library Case Settled, HOOD ItrVKIt, Ore., Dec. City ?ssy, treasurer; Mrs mductress; Mr.-, M. isslstunt eondustrcss. The Eastern Star and the Masons will hold a Joint Installation Tsesday. DaeambM tl. Following the Installa tion u hainiuet wit) OS served. Chan. Hal ham waa host at a haid times party at the home of his par lent", Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barham, FTl I day evening of last week The time I passed swiftly while the young peo I pie enjoyed many frolicsome games 6. The Delightful refreshments were served if Hood by Mrs Harham. being assisted BJ nd the Mrs F. A Hrunson. pending The guest list Included Misses Nim several llrassfield. June Holslngton. Lela D.i- UMATILLA MASONS E OFFICERS AT A RECENT ELECTION Hong Kong Cafe NI) NOODLE PARLORS Noodles AND Chop Suey NOT TAMALES 15c Outside Tray orders a Specialty, Hnxes for ladlea and gentlemen OPEN DAT AND ALL NIGHT MEAU tie M it special Chicken Dinner Sundays. 548 Main Street controversy between th ltlver Library coiniulsalon i county court that has been in the circuit court for months on account of the refusal of vis, Nellie Davis. Cora Nclmeyer. Edith the county court to pay Miss Norty's Kelly. Marian Hriggs; Messrs. Philip alary, came to a close when John Lay, ffm, Pearson. Hubert Neimiyer, Paker. attorney for Hood River coun ty, filed a motion, which waa allowed, withdrawing the county's answer to the complaint from the flleB and ex punging it from the records. Greek Wires Cut. LONDON, Dec. 16. Telegraphic communication between Greece and Serbia has been severed, advices re ceived here say. Floyd Hoisington. ('has Spencer, C. It. Keller and Mr. and Mrs. F. A Hrunson. The Linger Longer of the Colum bia district were entertained by Mr and Mrs. Howard Held at their coun try home east of town, Friday even ing Mrs. C. F. Morrow, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs G. V. Holm,- returned to her home in Walla BANQUET FOLLOWS V (. MEAN'S IS CHOSEN WORHHIPECL MASTER or LODGE. Joint Installation WIUl Order of tin ITaalUII Star Will be Held OB De cember '11 Following the Work a Hanquet Will be Served for Mem bers and Their Friends. (Special Correspondence.) CMATILLA, Ore., Dec. 17. At a very well attended meeting of the lu cal Masonic lodge, officers fur the ensuing year were elected. After a lengthv session at the hall the mem bers were Invited by the officers-elect to a special at Duncan restaurant. Those elected were: A. G. Worshipful Master; Mart Senior Warden; Hughliert Junior Warden; Laurence Secretarv; Frank McNurlen urer; J. A. Stephens. Trustee. A Joint Installation with the Order of Eastern Star will be held on De cember '1'. This will be for all Ma sons and their friends. After Instal lation a ban.met will be served. ft - a. J Alexanders Grocery J PENDLETON'S BIGGEST AND BEST DEPARTMENT STORE. I The Store That Serves You Best Look over the pantry now Only 6 shopping days left. Fancy Winesap, White Winter Permain and Rome Beauty Apples, per box $1.50 A few boxes C Grade Rome Beauty's at, the box f 1.00 Sunkist Oranges at from, dozen 0, to O.jc Fancy California Celery, 2 for 20 Fresh Country' Sausage, 2 pounds for 25? Nut Meats of all kinds; Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel; Raisins of all kinds; Currants, etc. Means Griffin Bar May, Bullock Treas- Mince Meat, 3 pounds for Christmas Candies. N. B. C. CRACKERS AND COOKIES, NA BISCO WAFERS, ETC. 50c IS MM BABY'S BUM TROUBLES Pimples Eruptions Eczenu quickly yield to the soothing and healing qualities Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. No matter where located, how bad or long standing, Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment will remove every trace of the ailment. It will restore the skin to lis natural softness and purity Don't let your child suffer don't be embarrassed by having your child's face disfigured with blemishes or ugly scars. Use Dr. Hobson's Exze ma Ointment. Its guaranteed. No cure, no pay. 60c at your druggists Adv. POSTCARDS IN DISCARD. ATI.ANTA. 14 In. hlfh WHITBY, IN ! I Nest to E. O. Bldg Phone 0 II V I ' a -w v II II j m a ecu ciwi f jgJJls 1II!IIIII11IIIIIIIII11 m ' Walla Saturday. Mrs. Henry W. Collins of Pendleton waa the guest of her sister, Mrs. I" P. Dodd. the first of the week R. C. Todd was a passenger on the motor to Pendleton Wednesday. Zoe Ilouser was a buslnes visitor from Echo, today. Mrs H. A. Held leaves tomorrow for Spokane where she will visit sev eral weeks with relatives. J. W Campbell is a Pendleton vis itor today. I. O. O. F. LODGE HOLDS ELECTION AT VINCENT IN- I l.lllii Will. TAjKE pi mi in .i ni i:v OTHI 1! NEWS or VICINITY. (Special VINCENT, Kr 8. J. E. Jones In- b. rrespondence. water. Ore., Dec. w Is In Seattle. Wash . been called by the se his mother in that Electrical Essay Writing Contest TO the little girls who wrote the best essay on "The Use of Electricity in the Home," the Pacific Power & Light Company offered as a prize a Junior Electric Range. This range is an exact duplicate of the larger electric ranges. Florence Mytinger, of the Lincoln School re ceived the prize for her school and it is with pleasure we print her essay, at the same time extending her our congratulations. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY. A. If. Zentner and this week for Walla they will make their where vere illness city. Alex McK families, lea Walla, wher home. Wellman. father of It. H Wellman, Is very ill at the home of his daugh ter. Mrs. D. C. Holbrook. Mrs. W. W. Phillippl received the sad news from Portland this week of the death of her brother 1a' Howston The Carpenter Sale waa well at tended and cows brought a good price. The Friday night dance was well attended this week nnd ail report I fine time. j Miss K.I it h Harper, teacher of !i'e ftrtt and second grades has been ill 5 ( t'T a week During her absence 55 ! Zella Hoon has been taking her place. The I o. o. P. loejge of Vincent held election of officers at their last meeting and the following will beJ Installed at the new year: Lane Hoon. P. N. G ; J. A. Martin, noble grand; Paul Caldwell, vice grand; (lie Goodman, secretary; Lou Hodgen. treasurer. Mrs Guy Young leaves Saturday for John Day, Ore., where she and daughter Ploy will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phlllppl. during the Christmas holidays. Warning to People Issued b Po-t. master at Aberdeen. ABKHDEEN. Wash., Dec. 17. -cores of Christmas postcards have been destroyed here because they do not conform with the federal law pro hibiting cards hearing tins-el. glass or metals from being distributed through the mails. Postmaster John J. Carney has is sued a special warning to people nut to mail such cards unless they are sealed in envelopes. FOR RHEUMATISM. As soon as an attack of Itheuma tism begins apply Sloan's Liniment. Don't waste time and suffer unneces sary agony. A few nrops of Sloan's Liniment on the af'ected parts is all you need. The pain goes at once . A grateful sufferer writes: "I was suffering for three weeks with Chronic Rheumatism and Stiff Neck, although i tried many medicines, they failed. Fortunately I heard of Sloan's Liniment and after using it three or four days am up and well I am employed at the biggest partisan t store in S F. where employ from six to eight hundred hands, and they surety will hear all about Sloans Liniment. H. ts Smith. San Francisco. Cal. Jan. 19, 1915. 25c, at all druggists. Adv Make this Store Your Holiday Head- S I quartersGet it at Alexanders products. Such a concern ought to be permitted to cooperate with anoth er In similar or different line in or der tu shi-re the expense of introduc ing their goods abroad There are lines of Industry classified under one head in which the Individual concerns may each make separate specialties thfough their general products are in common Provision snould be made due safeguards against monopoly, whereby such concerns may. with due safeguards against monopoly, cooper ate in the foreign field. To refuse this for any fancied fear of monop oly is to say that the large concerns shall alone hold the lucrative foreign markets and that the far larger number of smaller houses with their many employes shall be shut out from them. Such a policy can com mend Itself to no one The whole matter should be placed under the supervision of the Federal Trade Commission and should be subject to full publicity. Either of these safe guards should he sufficient; both of them will certainly he so. It is. of course, not intended that this cooper ation shall extend Into the dornesti ! field. It Is necessary that it shall ex Is as regards the foreign field as it is important that it should not go to excess in the domestic one. One matters There could hardly b a sin gle step In the fiscal world which at this time would be more helpful in establishing our commerce abroad on a firm basis. Several strong Institu tions have signified willingness to co operate in establishing rorelgn barks j If permission Is given them by the law. This can not be done too soon j Time presses The hour for movement la now. The currents of the world's I trade flow strongly toward Americi. They may not always so flow Them are those whose Interest it will not be to have them flow our way. This Is not the occasion fur fear lest some thing happen somewhere and some how which will not be pleasing to some one. but is the time for action, taking. indeed. every possible thoughtful step to safeguard that ac tion, but rememherliig that action Is the thing needed. de-th?y avoided. Federal Haul, t!Ctl II I D II As PLAN. (Continued from page one.) sa Lincoln School Third "A" Dec. 3, 1915. No. 8 CSS 1 COOKING WITH ELECTRICITY t Cpoking with Electricity is the very latest and best way. It makes no dirt and has no odor. It is very cheap and so much handier. Then we have the cook stove which has an oven that can be regulated. Then we have the plate and chaffing dish. So many people use Electricity to prepare quick meals. Also other dishes which can be prepared at the table and can be kept hot. It will only be a short time until we use Elec trical cooking altogether. FLORENCE MYTINGER. If You Have Catarrh Read This Ann ItltEATHK IIYOMEI FOUR TIMES A DAI IND WATCH RE SULTSGIVES PROMPT RELIEF. The pleasantest, must convent ant and most scientific method for the treatment of catarrh Is Hyomil Simply put a few drops of Hyumei In the Inhaler that comes 'With every complete package and then breathe Its air for a few minutes, four times a day. It seems remarkable that so sim ple a way of treating catarrh will ef fect such quick relief, but the most Important discoveries of science have always been the simplest. By breathing Hyumei In this way ever particle of air that enters the air passages of the throat and head and goes Into the lungs Is charged with a healing balsam that kills the (erittl and bacilli or catarrh and soothes and allays all irritation The Writ day's use uf Hyumei will show an impruvement and in a short time there should be no further trou ble from catarrh. Its action is rapid and las'lng You take no risk In buying Hyu mei. A complete outfit Is Inexpen sive but If after using you can say that It bus not helped you Tailmnn it Co. will return your money. What other treatment for catarrh Is solid under a guaruntee like this? tic competition we now forbid. It seems possible that ny using the ex isting machinery of the treasury de partment and the department uf Jus tice we may restrain this foreign "unfair competition" on both sides of the sea. I recommend, therefore, that such legislation be enacted as will give to the furetgn representa tives of the above named departments such added powers and Increased per sonnel as they may need for this purpose, and that it be enacted if possible that merchandise sold In "unfair competition" or under cir cumstances which tend to create a monopoly in behalf of the foreign producer In American markets shall be forfeited. I also recommend that leglslatlun supplemental to the Clay ton anti-trust act be enacted whicn shall' make It unlawful tn sell or pur chase articles of foreign origin til manufacture where the prices to be paid are materially below the current rates fur such articles in the country uf production or from which ship ment is made, in case such prices substantially lessen cumpetitiun on the part uf the Amerlran producers ur tend to create a monopoly- in Am erican markets in favor of the for eign producer, and that it be made dtn lawful for any persun tu buy. sell ur contract for the sale uf articles ot foreign origin, or tn fix a price for same ur tu make a rebate upon such price, conditioned upon the purchas er thereof not using or dealing in wares produced or sold by the com petitors of the manufacturer or telt-l er. where the effect Is to substantially lessen competition In the production i In the 1'nited States of such article..' ur tends to create a monopoly in the sale uf such article. In American j markets In favur of a furelgn prodttC er. Cooperation in Foreign Trade, I deem it or special Importance that business concerns should be ul- lowed to cooperate In foreign trade. The present law plays Into the hands of the larger concerns nnd shuts out small ones from Important market It may be said that small matnifac- turcrs could not In any case success-1 fully enter the foreign field. This. however, Ignores, the fact that tnl many lines and specialties there arej producers of moderate size abundant- Iv ahie tu compete as regards the cost and character of their products j but unable to UMMe alone the con-: siderable expenditure over a cuntin-. ued period that would be required to obtain a firm foothold In foreign markers for their somewhat limited should be done: the nther Under the supervision uf thi Trade Commission the necest can be accomplished and tl essary evil can be prevented t'oopcrntion in RstabUsbini Abroad. It Is important that our banks should be permitted to cooperate, subject to the supervision of the fed eral reserve board, in establishing foreign branches or in owning stocks of banks operating in foreign coun tries The present law operates to make it possible only for large banks uf great power to undertake the Im portant wurk uf financing American cummeree in fureign fields In oth er words, the law works In sole favur of the great banks. Great credit is due thuse American bankers who have taken the first forward steps in establishing foreign branches. They are true pioneers uf American com merce abroad The work, however. Is of such national importance that it should not be confined tu any one or any few large Institutions. It is not for their permanent good that it Should be so confined. The country requires not one or a few, but nu merous American-owned banks abroad. There are many basks in the 1'nited States uf less than major size, yet ahundantly strong These should be permitted, under proper safeguards, to act Jointly In such ! WHY FAMOUS PASTRY COOKS USE ! Baking Powder The patrons of our first class hotels and restaurants are exact ing they demand the best Women go where the pastry and cakes are noted for their excellence. Men are attracted by hot bread and biscuitswhen fresh and moist and light The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C Baking Powder because he knows that results are certain; every time everything is as good as his best j T1le?' to- T1'1 K c Baking Powder he can mix the various kinds of batter before the rush of the meal begins and bake as needed so that every order goes to the table fresh and hot, yet the The reasons behind these reasons is that K C is really a blend of two baking powders. One commences to give off leavening gas as soon as moistened. The other requires both moisture and heat to make it active. Dough or batter will remain in a partially leavened condition for hours, and when put in the oven, will come up as light as if mixed a moment before. For cookies, pancakes, doughnuts and the Mke, which cannot all be baked at once, K C is indispensa ble. For all baking thedouble raise makes doubly certain. Follow the example of the professional a cook and your baking uill be equal to hit. Help Your Body To Resist Disease "I find Foley Cathartic Tablets to be the most delightful cleansing cath artic I have ever taken. They are Just the thing." G. W. Robeson. Wichita Falls. Tex. Use Foley Cathartic Tablets to co operate with nature in her efforts to resist disease. They keep your bow els regular and active, and they pre vent poisons from lodging In your in testinal tract, thence being absorbed by your blood Into your system. They relieve constipation over night. There Is no unpleasant nausea or griping In the use of Foley Cathartic Tablets. Instead, there Is freedom from headaches, biliousness, slucgish dull feeling anil nervous Irrltabl'ltv. There Is for you energy and ambition, ability to enjoy your work and your pleasure. They relieve the unpleas ant, gassy, full feeling, and give JTOU a comfortable clean feeling instead. Stout people do so enjoy them. Sold Eveywhere. Don't Forget that when constipation, biliousness or indigestion is neglected, it may cause a serious illness. Act upon the first symptom keep your digestive organs in good order by the timely use of BEtCHAfiS First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 1 Known For It's Strength JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIIII'.IIIIM'. I NOODI ES. CHOP SUEY. CHINA OISHES i PI S i GOF Y'S KWONG HONG LOW 1 , , VJVl-e A W 116 Wnt Alt. St., Up.tt. Phoo. 431 S Ur t S-l of An Modicin. in tbe World. DOM TMTOBsrt, U tUH, IQc, 25c SftNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllllltllS