East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 16, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Forecast for MM Oregon ht Hm
I Mil. il Stat Weather OWnrr
I Portland.
TO advertisers.
Tbe Rut Oregon Ian ban the largest paid
circulation of anj paper In Oregon, eaat of
I'ortland and oyer twice tba circulation In
lendleton of auj othar newapaper.
Rain tonight nn.l rrldai
tonight; fresh southerly wt
NO. 8680
VOL. 27.
Soldiers With Large Supplies of
Ammunition Have Been Landed
in Albania Says Rjme Dispatch.
4 avail? Haa rowed Border Aeeord
Iiik liu'onflniicd K'MrlM From
Salonlkt TurklNh Artillery Sinks
ItrltJHli Monitor In Tigris Bitot
sii.is Si.ui merit.
ZURICH, Dec 16. The allien'
retreat from Serbia naa ended all
prospect of Rumanlu Joining
them, according tb Bucharest ad
vice, though recently It seemed
Rumania was about to Join the
entente allies. It was reported
today ihut high officials sought
an audience with the king ami
suggested to him the time Is now
ripe to Join the Teutons and In
vade Bessarabia, which Rumania
PARIS. Dec. 16. A dlapalch from
Rome Indicates thut Italian troops
with munitions have landed at Alba
nia enri.ute to the relief of the Serbs.
THK HAGUE. Dec. 16. I'ncon.
firmed report said the Bulgarian cav
alry had entered ilreece northwest of
Turkish artillery sank a British
monitor in the Tigris river and forc
ed another to flee according to an of
ficial statement.
ROME. Dec. 16. The Koyal Villa
I'asartit Is being prepared for Klnn
Peter of Serbia who will arrive with
in a few days. Victor Emmanuel is
also preparing to offer an asylum to
the Montenegrin royal family in event
the Austrian overrun Montenegro.
The Italian iueen Is a duughter of
King Nicholas of Montenegro.
BERLIN, Dec. 16. (Wirele-M 10
S.iyvlllei That the Bulgarians are
expected to continue pursuit of the'
retrenting allies Into Clreece was 'n-
dlcnted In nn official statement Is
sued today at Sofia saying the Bul-
irarr "temporarily" hart stopped at !
the border.
Club Up Half Cent
fn Portland Market
PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 16. (Spc-
clal ) Merchants' Exchange pricr.i
today, club, 1-2-15 asked; blue- Japan will Interfere in t hma If po
atem tie. 98 1-2 asked. lilieal trouble arises.
CHICAGO, Dec. 10. (Special. )
Dec. tl.lfi 3-4-11.18; May 11.17 1-4
1.1S 7-s; July $1.09 I-2-ll.il 1-8
LIVERPOOL. Dec. '15 Wheat
Spot No. 1 Manitoba, 12s 3d; No. 2
12s; No. 3, lis lid; No. 2 hard win
ter, new, lis 9d.
In American terms the top price
for Liverpool Is $1 78 per bushel
High School Sophs Vanquish
Seniors But Quit Too Soon
Though the high school sopho
mores successfully defended their
painted numerals on the old fire
house on tbe high school lot laft
night and administered a signal de
feat to the senior stalwarts, when
they came to school this morning
they found the hated numerals "10"
adorned the walls Immediately they
set to work with paint and brush and
replaced their own "18".
By the terms of the agreement, the
sophomores were required to defend
their numerals against erasure un;il
midnight. They defeated tho upper
classmen in the mix early In the ev
ening unijl, upon the retirement o!
the vanquished, established a guard
around the building In protect the
numerals against further attack
Probably the members of the guard
grew cold and sleepy and became
convinced that the seniors had gU
en up for the evening At any rate
tha guard broke up and went up
some 12 minutes before the mldnlgnt
hour. t
Prom a hiding place Hnrold Ma
loney and Emll Slebert. two eenirr.
watched their departure and, no
sooner had the la.t of the sophs vnn
Ished, than they were busy with paint
and brush. They claim they put nn
their numerals before midnight but
the sophs contend that "it couldn't
China Has Been Warned That Mikado
Will Keep Vigilant Eye on Politi
cal Development.
Yuan Goet V I ; I Willi Pluns for
Monarchy Doaptta Attitude of lUval
Prominent Japanese Here Ex
prosscs Iteller That Ills Country
Will Not Interfere.
TOKIO, Dec. 16. Japan' has warn
ed China she will keep a vlllgant eye
on political developments there. It is
relieved that she indicated she would
act In the event of an outbreak In
connection with Yuan's assumption of
the Imperial power. China must take
Hdeiuate action to preserve order.
Yuan has created five princes,
twelve dukes and 24 marquises. That
Is taken here to indicate China plans
to disregard Japanese protests of her
change In political status.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 16. That
Japan will make no move other than
t( dispatch a final perfunctory pro
test against the reestabllshnient of the
Chinese monarch unless a revolution
should result was expressed In a state
ment to the United Press today by K.
K. Kawakaml, a writer and authority
on oriental affairs. The statement
"tn protesting against the reestab
llshnient of the Chinese monarchy Ja
pan In my opinion has no ulterior mo
tive It Is unjust to Imply such a
motive to every Japanese move. Japan
fearB a political uprising may follow
a change In the political system there.
There Is no reason why Y'uan should
l ecome king since as president he en
Joyed all the kingly prerogatives. Ja
pun Is not aiding the Chinese revolu
tionaries. She la merely anxious for
China to establish J permanent Btable
government, republican or monarch
al. There Is no foundation for the
American allegation Japan is trying
to gobble China. She hopes on the
other hand through the recURcltatlon
ol China she max1 find an ally to safe,
guard Asia. It Is up to China whelh
ir she Is to become an efficient strong
nation or decadent. If she proves In
capable of rehabilitating her affairs
her Independence will lie menaced
from within not from without."
an' enroute to help the
Pilot Rock Jet. terminal to open ,
Jan. 15; pnsarmjri enginomen to move i
Mrs. ;lllnndcrs
: -uiitle handed.
Ihnld Mctorly
lui-scs awav.
captures prowler
pioneer farmer.
POO makes answer to .Indue l.owvll
Hopttomores defend numerals sue.
vssfiilly niruliLst seniors.
Motion picture news, paite .".
be did." Therefore, they consider
that they are justified in having raj
stored the "18" this morning. Th"
result may be another mix.
The sophs assembled at the build
ing before 7 o'clock last night and !
formed a cordon about the building. I
At 7::Z0 from around the corner of
the high school building the coatlcssi
i seniors charged. In a moment there'
I was excitement aplenty for the big
crowd of Juniors, freshmen and !
townspeople to wntch. The boya:
wrestled with each other furiously
' but at no time were the sophs In j
In tbe beginning they outnumber-:
j ed the seniors by a good margin nndj
before the evening was over hud
i about 4a to the seniors 21. The se
niors, however, hud a bunch of ath- '
letes. Cordon, Mlms, 3lebert, Malon-
ey, Iloylen, Russell, Fowler, Kerrlck,
Cnlllson and others and relied upon
their strength for victory. However,
the sophs were not without some
brawny ones, too, such us Casey, snv-
) der, llowman, Hargett, Grant and
I'll tierald being anything but puny.
i Some of these latter were a match
handed for some of the seniors, but
It took three or four to keep down
such scrappers as Gordon and
' Minims In the end, though, the se
' nlnrs werA hoe-tied nnd had to ad
mit defeat.
Plucky Local Woman Captures
Prowler and, Unarmed, Takes
Him to Homq of Police Chief
Single handed, .Mrs. Earl Gillanders
lust evening captured a prowler who
had entered her home at 012 West!
Alta. marched him to the home of.
Chief of Police Alex Manning and. :
with a revolver, heia him until that i
officer came home In response to a I
telephone message. The man, who j
gave the name of Harry Haw. waii
given a 15 day sentence for vagranc;.
this morning in police court, pending
further Investigation. J
Mrs. Clllanders and her slster-ip-law
were In the kitchen of their
home ubout 5:3o last evening when
the fuf-mer heard a slight noise in
the front room. Hurrying In she
found the front door' open and saw
u mun Just going out the front gate
Ahe followed him into the street
"Here." she called sharply and the
man. probably thlnkmg she had a'
gun. halted until aht came up. With-'
Pendleton. Ore., Dec. 16 i
Editor East oregonlan:
I wish to assure Judge Lowell my
communication regarding the munici
pal election was not the work of a
hireling or tool, nor am I the agent.
attorney, sponsor for or manager of
either Dr. Best or his campaign. He
seemed capable of fining all these of
fices himself and having an abuiid-j
ance of energy left, but If Best is the
character of man represented by the'
press and his enemies, men his elec-i
tion to office has not Improved him
and when the Tribune offers to get
behind his band wagon and push, it
Indicates It is willing to soli A3
hands, If necessary. 1 leave such
menial offices with the other dis
tlnctlonb I have conferred upon the
Judge to himself I did not write for j
the vain glory of seeing my name in
print, but from a sense of public du-'
ty. What 1 said was not intemper
ate, nor was it penned in anger or
tinged with venom. It presented to j
the public gaze a view of the election ,
and the events following it. which the!
press of the city seemed disposed to I
conceal. As I understood it. there'
was an organized effort being made
In The Far Corners of
Above Turkish officers In Syria, who command the (OtaMMM marvhlti
Below Giant bridge over IWniibe at Scmindrla, built by Germans upon
out hesitancy she seized him and
marched him duwn the street two
doors to the home of Chief Manning.
The man demurred on entering
but the courageou- -oman held him
firmly and took him Inside. Chief
Manning was not yet home but hi
wife secured one of his revolver
ami the two ladies guarded their
prisoner until the chief hurried home
from the station. He was taken
back and locked up
Neighbors report having seen the
man prowling about the (inlanders
home, peeping in windows, going in
the woodshed and finally entering
the house. They were trying to get
Mrs. Gl'landers on the telephone
when she discovered the prowler
presence. Investigation showed thai
he had not taken anything from the
house, having probably been frighten
ed away by the voices in the kitchen.
to keep the facts out of sight. It Is
still in existence. If the public war ts
proof, read Mondays Issue of the
Evening Tribune, where will be found
an editorial defense of the ring, an
uncalled for attack by Lowell upon
myself and the announcement by
Dudley Evans thai ne is ready t-.r
battle After these triplets of arbi
trary power, ring rule and Illegal gov
ernment the editor, the orator and
the pugilist, had delivered themselve.-,
the newspaper served notice that fur
ther discussion of the subject woulJ
not be peimltted through its colunui
The law was violated by the em
ployment of prUe fighters from Port
land and i lsewhere to ct as chal
lengers. Whether they were In
Pendleton by accident or design. 1
leave to the public. There were two
present in th.- fourth ward, without
moral or legal right, in contravention
of the plain provision! of section 3313
of the statute, which confers the right
to challenge a voter upon the Judges
(Continued nn page four.)
Abstinence in living insures full
measures of K"Od health.
Official Bu'letin Announces Fact- -Change
is Also to be Made in
0 W Engine Crews.
minal Through & Huntington Un
der Now Arrangement. Crews Will
Have TWO IIuils to Make One
( row May be Taken Off.
An official bulletin from the O.-W.
R. & N. Co. was received at the local
station this morning announcing that
on or about January 15 the Pilot Rock
Junction terminal yards will be put
Into use and that, effective from tha'.
lime, all passenger engine crews will
run from Huntington to Pilot Rock
This bulletin is fraught with inter
est and importance to Pendleton. It
not only means the opening of the di
vision point but it means that the pas
si nger engine men will have to make
their homes in Pendleton. At pres
ent there are three runs on the O.
W. R. & N. for engine crews, from
Huntington to La Grande, from La
Grande to Umatilla and from Umatil
la to Portland. Under the new ar
I rangement there will be but two runs,
: from Huntington to Pilot Rock Junc-
tion and from the Junction to Port,
j land.
There are at this time sht passenger
i engine crews operating on the main
I line but there is a possibility that, be
cause of the Increased mileage, one of
these will be cut off under the new
i arrangement. This will leave at least
! five crews. Because their layovers
.will be in this city they will make
' "heir home here.
The opening of the terminal yardr.
; will also men that the Coyote-Echo
' cutoff will be formally opened for
Suflraaisl Headquarters Raided.
LONDON. Dec. 16. The police
raided the Pankhurst suffragette
headquarters. They seized type used
lr. publishing "Brlttania." a suffrage
organ previously called th
The War
g to relieve llngilnd.
their advance into Serbia.
Rev. Comelison is
Injured When- He
Jumpsfrom Wagon
IS lIM " A I ! I
Rev. J. M. Corriellso- ...lonao'l
. .... 1
at Tutullla, Is e- t" ,n. uries
aa a resu
ruary his
he was co
sustained 1
sent him tt
- h.
aee"" .
nme which'
pltal. In the ac-1
cident yesterday he suffered a dudo-.
cated shoulder. He was driving back
to his home after a day In the city
and when near the top of the grade,
near the old Jim Jacobs place on Tu
tullla creek, his team became fright-1
ened and started to run. He was
unable to check them and finally i
realized that something was wrong
with the bits. As the horses torei
furiously down the road, he came toj
the conclusion that discretion is the
narl ..f i-alnl. an A i . I r.nm I
the buggy, alighting on his shoulder l'n t-hrt"a " the children of
The horses broke loose rrom the bug-'tn clt have Practically been com.
gy and dashed through several barb-j ,letf'd and th affair will doubtless
ed wire fences oo the Jim Barnhart te one of enjoyment to old and young
place before being caught by one of, ike- At a meeting of the Commer
the employes of Oilman Folsom. The!cial "relation yesterday afternoon,
missionary stopped at Folsoms place jf'1 committees were merged under
and was brought to the city by that j , e s'nfrle direction of the Commercial
farmer and Dr. T M. Henderson at-' ?lub- and minor details will now
tended him. He will be unable to!bworked out- Dr Vincent and Wll
use the arm for some time. The bug-! "am C,ark prise the executive
gy was undamaged and the horses : committe' of tnB Commercial body
suffered only a few cut. Kxamlna-1 a"d thy win hav" d'rect crg
tion showed that, in hitching up.
liveryman had not snapped the reins
in the heavy G. I C. bits upon which
the minister relied to control his
1 ency of getting immitation ones, and
VIENNA, . Dec. 16. By courier toj 'hey will be attached to the front of
Berlin, via London. The Austro-ibiE big touring car which will meet
Hungarian admiralty is entirely op- Santa and take him through tho
potu to any dlsavcwal of the course streets to the tree on Christmas eve.
of the submarine commander who! The car will be appropriately decor
was responsible for the sinking of the j ated.
Italian steamer Ancona On the con- The festivities of the evening will
'ry. It approves his conduct fuliv. open as near 7 o'clock as possible
"On the contrary," holds the ad- and will be started with the singing
miralty. "If he had departed without! of carols' by a group of children who
destroying the Ancona It would have I will be seated on a float and driven
been failure to do his duy, since the through the streets. Following this.
Ancona could have notified other i a mixed chorus will give Christmai
ships of hL whereabouts. The loss songs at the tree. The wagon used by
of American lives is regrettable, uathe Round-up band will be used for
well as that Americans used a vessel a platform and at the conclusion of
belonging to a nation at war with the song program it can be hauled
Austria-Hungary " j it of the way so as to give ample
Report Made promptly. I00m for the rest of th exercises,
A naval writer and expert said Hiss Ceclle Bd has trained 10o c-r.it-
a discussion on
.!.. demands ,,f the
American note:
"It is a submarine commander's
' duty to make a report to a deslgnat-
ed basj as soon as possible, and the
; commander who sank the Ancona
did this as soon as he was within
i wire'ess distance of land. He made
a sut p.ementary report at Pola and
! accompanied it with his log.
No, ex
amin. ti' n of the crew was held, be-
' cause the commander-s report wai
considered complete and there was
no reascn to suppose that the crew
could add anything thereto
"So far as th? commander is con-
cerned. his course is clear. The ad -
mlraity has received his report and
sees ne reason to find any fault with
I his course of action.
Heads frlcan Operations.
INDON, Pec. 16. General Smith-1
Derrien has 1
appointed to su-1
preme command of the East African
i OPeratlODja, it was announced. places.
i m
Deed Given Council Allows
Wilson Street to be Opened
At the meeting of the city oOaaecM
I I ist Evening a A: ed rrom Mr am!
' Mrs Lot Ijvermore to n strip .if
ground leading off of Monroe oppos
ite Wilson was accepted so that Wil
son street may he continued. The
deed was secured through the efforts
of J. E. Mullinlx. who lives just off
Monroe street.
An ordinance for the issuance of
bonds covering the amount of the
unpaid assessments for the West Al
ia, Chestnut, Garden. Hu'lroad ant
Water street Improvement was pas- J
ed lust evening aiter another ordi
nance correcting a clerical inls'.i..
in the amount had been passed Th ;
total amount of unpaid assessment
for thU Improvement is I24 !U 0i
The city recorder was lIHlla
to advertise for bids for the coast rw
tion of two crosswalks on the north'
side of Juckaon street, one serosa!
Blaine and tho other acroaa Grant. I
The bond of Treasurer Moorhouse
Commercial Association takes Charge
of Affairs Observance Will be
Big Success Christmas Eve.
t horns of Children Will sinjf arH
as They are Drten Through Streets
f olk Dancvst Will lip Given Under
Direction of Miss Boyd Santa
Clans Feature.
The principal details of the celebra-
. vmn
While the parent-teachers' associ
ation will asist. it will be subordinate
to the executive committee, as will
also the merchants of the city who
secured the evergreen trees to deco
rate the streets. It Is estimated that
the expense of the celebration mill
amount to about f00.
The big Christmas tree, now In
I Place at Court and Main streets will
be loaded with 12 00 bags of candy for
the children. Santa Claus will dis
tribute these sweets to the little ones.
Jack Robinson has been In communi
cation with Mr. Claus the past few
i days and can assure the children that
! His Maje sty will be here on the date
j specified to help the youngsters have
J a good time. As relndeeA are re
I ported scarce this season. Mr. Rnbin-
son has had to resort to the expedl-
; arpn lolK dances and dressed aa
Pr. iwnies.
about the
these Mttla
street befo
mes will dance
i uistribut
j The C
'c have
!ne stree
immercial association wishes
the people remember that
is must be kept clear for the
All adults. In other words.
ere asked to remain on the sidewalks
and not crowd about the tree while
the exercises are going on. The ode.
bration is essentially for the children
and the committee desires to let th. ru
have the whole street for their en-
' Joyment. There will be a force of
Pclal police on hand to remind tha
: P'Pre of this should they disobey the
regulation. There will be pleat ot
"" m "" "aa m net usa sy.
General strike
LISBON. Dec. 16
In Lisbon.
throughout Portugal
Police and strikers
for $25,000 was accepted last i-v-rt-Ing.
His bondsmen ire Frank Curl,
E. L, Smith. George Peringer nnd
John Crow, May Dyat lUtd
tentlon to the fact that tha I u
banks holding city funds hare iot
given bonds s required af orstiaattfs
and also to the fact that CMt( of
Police Manning bus never ' . it
plgcad under boasts
Chairman Cole i f the stt.'t Dotal'
niittee suitgest. l that . n rillit in- !
should t'e drai ted giving th. prueer
authorin for th i hang 'n the wl Irh
and location of llwlk tlaNsf tha
Griulb h and Al-ian lr propert n
Jackson stmt Thin authority wa
promised at the time a part of th
street was sei ured tor th library
alte. The city attorm-v ami dti i -gineer
weie Instructed M a'' r.q ri
the matter.
Frank Neagle waa granted u per
mlt to repair the runway Into hlg
blacksmith shop on Water street.