EIGHT PAGES PAGK TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1915. wtaPat I I t Present Gift Certificates THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AN IDEAL FORM OF CHRISTMAS GIFT. AS THEY PERMIT THE RECIPIENT TO MAKE HIS, OR HER OWN SELECTION, THUS ASSURING THE PRESENT THAT IS SURE TO BE THE MOST ACCEPTABLE. WE ISSUE THEM FOR ANY AMOUNT, RE DEEMABLE AT ANY TIME, FOR ANY MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE. ON SALE AT CASHIER'S DESK ON BALCONY. mm mm Nl'g S1SM ft i ft 1 wm These are the Golden Days for Christmas Shopping. There are only 8 more shopping days left and this is theChristmas Store BUY FOR A MAN Here are some of the things a man would buy for himself, they will be acceptable if you buy ihem for him. Silk Shirts With beautiful stripe combination:' (2.50 03.50 to 84.50. Paiamas In soisette, madras, sheer muslin, silk and outing flannel 81.25. 81.50. 82.00 to 85.00. Bradley Sweater Coats Splendid all wool sweaters, with or without collars; gray, brown, white, etc., 83.50, 85.00. 86.00 to 87.50 Union Suits Lewis and Kenosha Klosed Krotch makes. They are the kinds that really fit and can be worn without constantly being con scious of them 81.25. $1.50. 82.50 to 85.00 Kid Gloves Al ways acceptable, a wide variety, all si zes, lined and unlin ed, fully guaranteed, fl.50, 82.00. 82.50 to 85.00. Neckwear All the newest tttiects in fine silks in four-iu hands, bats, clubs, etc: the best values. Hand Bags and Suit Case Genuine cowhide, walrus, heavy sheep caritol matting, wicker, etc. Brass trimmings, 81-50. 81.90, 82.65. $4.50 to 825.00. Our Waist Section will Solve the Christmas Problem for You PRETTY WAISTS ARE GIFTS SURE TO BE APPRECIATED Beautiful waists of lace, Georgette, crepe and crepe de chine are here in a great variety of col ors and styles. Some are dressy enough for infor mal afternoon wear, while others are more tailor ed in style, designed especially for service. The prices range from 83.85 to 812.50 SHIRTS ARE SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS We are prepared to fill your every want. We have some very fetching novelties and at tractive patterns especially suitable for holiday purposes. Best values for the prices, strictly in keeping with the policy that has made our reputation. We are exclusive agents in Pendleton for the celebrated Manhattan shirt, "the best known," 'known as the best." Perfect fitting, ab solutely fast colors, at 81-50. 82.00." 82.50 to 84.50. NEW SMOKING JACKETS Desirable new patterns in men's fine smoking jackets. A good range of colors. Buy now and get the choice of our new stock, 85-00, 86.50. 87.50 to 810.00. $2.95 CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS $2.95 Five beautiful styles, as a special attraction for Christmas shoppers we offer these five styles of neat, crepe de chine waists in white, flesh, pink, black or navy at 82-05 LINGERIE WAISTS For stout women up to 52 bust, priced at 82.25 "KENSINGTON" HATS The pleasure begins even before he unties the ribbon and lasts as long as he wears it. There is a "Kensington" for every occasion, formal and informal, everyday or Sunday. Now is the time to anticipate your needs. In these days of useful gift giving 'iKensington" rightfully heads the list of appreciated gifts for men. They are priced at .. . 83.50 SURELY THE CHRISTMAS GLOVE STORE FOR PENDLETON Women's gloves from the world's best makers, finest kids and best workmanship, all colors and styles for Christmas giving and fancy boxes to put them in. The best for the price, no matter what the price. A glove order will solve the gift prob lem. WHITE COATING A gift of a white coat is very acceptable. We have two qualities, Dolly Dimple and Black Single Plaid. Best quality, 56 inches wide. The yard 83.00 to 84.00 GIFT HINTS FROM OUR BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHING DEPT. In our boys' cloth ing and furnishing dept. may be found many p r a C tical things for Christ inas gifts, in addi tion to our splend id lines of winter clothing. For example Boys' Overcoats Our stock of boys overcoats is the largest and most varied ever shown in Pen dleton. All the new styles are here and our pri ces are right. Boys' Waists The best makes in the country. Plain white, plain colors and fancies; ages 8 to 16 years 50, 85 81-00 to 81.50 Boys' Belts Brown and black 25 and 35c Boys' Tie Pins 50 75V $1.00 Boys' Pajamas Made of soisette and flannel ette, plain colors; ages I! to 16 yrs. 50c to 81-00 Boys' Sweaters and Jerseys, plain color, grey, blue, red and tan, sizes 21 to 35 81-50 to 84-75 Boys' Neckwear Here's where you'll find the greatest stock of Mackinaws from which to choose: choice bright patterns, made up just like Dad's 84-75, 86.50, 88.50 to 912.50 SILK VELVET Make her a present of a dress or suit from our silk velvet. Highest quality, comes 40 inches wide in shades of green, navy and black. IN OUR LINEN DEPARTMENT You'll find the finest quality table cloth, lunch cloth and napkins. Table Cloths Square and long, with beautiful floral patterns, pure linen, also Lunch Cloths All linen, hemstitched, ready for use, 36x36 to 54x54 inches Napkins To match above quality and finish. Table' Cloths Lunch Cloths Napkins, dozen cloths, in same $4.00 to $10.00 98c to $7.50 $4.00 to $10.00 THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Where Your Dollar Buys More Good Quality Merchandise Than You Can Carry Away With You. For the Woman $25.00 to $35.00 Suits 86.05 $20.00 and $30.00 Coats. 94.97 $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes 81 -8 $3.25 Sweaters 81-60 $2.75 Heavy Wool Waists. 70C $4.25 Silk Skirts 82.20 $9.50 Muff 85.05 $3.95 Neck Pieces 81-08 1.50 to $2.50 Dress Goods 47C For the Man 126.00 All Wool Suit . 811.35 $22.50 Heavy Winter Coat 80.85 $3.00 Dress Hat 81-60 $2.50 Heavy Wool Shirts. 91.49 $3.50 Dress Shoes 82.35 50c Silk Ties 10 65c Heavy Wool Mitts 37 For the Boy $6 and $6.50 all wool Suits 82.08 $1.50 and $1.75 Hats 60- 50c Underwear 17 $3.25 High Top Shoes 82.13 $3.00 High Top Shoes 81-08 For the Girl $3.00 All Wool Dresses.. 81.05 $15.00 Winter Coats 84-07 $3.25 and $4.00 Shoes ... 81-08 $3.00 Shoes 81-38 50c Stamped Goods 20 25c Pillow Tops 13 If you haven't visited The Peo ples Warehouse Bargain Base ment you have not done the most with your Christmas money. 3 Phones All 15 SERVICE CLEANLINESS ECONOMY MANY AN ANSWER TO THE GIFT PROBLEM SOLVED IN OUR GROCERY SECTION. ORANGES A real orange sale here; ripe, juicy "SUNKIST" Oranges, dozen 40c, 45c, 50c and 60c RIPE OLIVES Medium, size Olives, 2 cans 25c. Large size Olives 3 cans 50c Enjoy these delicious SAUSAGES for your breakfast. Fresh by express Thursday. CALIFORNIA CANNED PEACHES Packed in rich sugar syrup, 5 25c cans for PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE 3&Stf The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. I 1 1 i i mm "T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" $1.00 The man who iff satisfied with pet ty aucces-.es wij -i.vr achieve great oner Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON CARNE I4PAMSM STYMt LUNCHES COFFEE It I2v" Ifcltjftfl lea and up-to- TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel I'ur Webb nd Cottonwood Sts I'll it?. Pendleton. Ore ;;.ik el OH laM street, and there v. a large MlfrtaTl Following I business session the ladles w ere ad j drOTll ly Mr. Jessie M BaBeymanl arho wan here to give Iv-r firm lac- ol the old masters. A Mel and refreshments enmlstten plMaSM afternoon. f Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 5 J Mr. W. C. K Pruitt was hostesi yestfrdsi ififfBQOa at her home on Went Altn street to the members of the UUi -Neighbor I'lub Fiv HunUicd Ifc'SS played and honoi wer mam by Mrs J. Newton Hur- Another large audience of lau'os lust evening heard Mrs. Jessie M. Hun : or Portland give the sec- ond oi her jierien at art lectures ' Ihe Presbyterian church "Kaphad' wan the subject which he pre.enied la.t eening and it proved fully an interesting a her lecture on "Michel Angelo ," ihe plUffKm evening. Tic dlerAaaloi or itaphaei's art waff Mut inied h stereoptlcnn view of SOfTlC or hi- atari Famous paintings. The Presbyterian Missionary Pn clety wait entertained esterday aft ! ernoon a '' kosM r,f Mm. Prank Mb I'.ernice linker. dffWKh'er f Jlr and Mrs Frank Haker ( this ) city, arrived home from l.a flrand vestenlaj io Npend the HUOMmf. Ms Iff attenilinx c hool in U (liande an'l staying wilh her ulster. Mrs Hal Bohnenkawp. Pendleton ff'K'lety as well ns p- li ons of the schoolff. will he sorry to I learn of Ihe resignation of Mis (? i lie Kovd. playground Instructor arc! ' dire; tor of girls' athletics. . Mm! Iloyd resigned last evening and hV tends leaving soon for New York to remain permanently. The members of the Fredda See-j grus Kei of the Presiiylerlan chttl-ch 1 were entertianed Monday evening at the h 'me of Ml-s OttTS Harper with Mls Harper and Miss Mairec Snvder j as hostesses. fhrlstnias Ideaa Imrtng the after noon the prenldent. Mrs W C'.l Humphrey, gave a reading. (luesl" outside the membership Included Mi's, BarrMMjbl afld the ni Hayes. HaflSptaa, Drake. Kern. Will Wyrlk. I.oiidlng and King The hosteuH wa.ii assisted In serving refreshment h Mrs Franli Miller ami Mrs. Hines. OF Furnish project were reached by the. message 01 the social hygiene work ers. I)r Tamlcsie and llev. Hnyder spoke at both meetings. Charity begins with forgetfulne of injuries, and ends with remem brances to grant favors Thi llaptist Ladies' Aid and Mi- sion lircle will be entertained w morrow afternoon at the home Mrs Will Wyrirk Mis. Wyrlck. Mr.' om;ir Stephens and Mrv James W lick will be hostesses. TWO MICKTIM.K IraXilt VENTKH DAY WHWHX UOCAL MKV liMIMII DDR BUSKS smgiill Shooter Fined, TAWCOUVBR, Wash . Dec. U. Shooting seagulls on the Columbia river com C. M Mi Kinney 114. 0 when he pleaded guilty before W H T Derr. justice of the peace. The complaining witness was J. A. Itob !n.on. who Is emploed ai the Mil ler dairy and the arrest was made by J. M Hoff, Clarke iounty'gme warden. The Msccs bees' Soii cinh met .esterdnv aflernoin at the home o Mrs H iiffell. 321 (iarien street and spent a very pleasant Afternoon w.iii needlework and th" eKch-mge of Canada reports "Comparatively Ut ile unemployment In urban centers, except in two or three cities In the far west. The ottlook for the coming winter is considerably brighter than at this time last fall." There Is no strike or labor dispute of magnitude in the lieudnloti. Stanfleld yesterday Joined the ranks of communitieff doing active work in .spreading the dortrlncM of social hygiene when a large number of citizens of that town formed Ihemseli es Inti a branch of Ihe i ire- Uon state social Hygiene Society, Thl" Is the Word hi ought back to Pendleton Ihis morning by Ret j. g, Snyder of Ihe Presbyterian chun h and Dr A. K. Tamlesle of the Fast em Oregon Slate Hospital win, assist ed in the meetings there Two meetings- were held ycderduc. one In the afternoon for women nfUf one In the evening for men At thai afternoon m eat hie, there were t:, wom en present and In Ihe evening I IT, men wen- In attendance The cum-1 mttlee figures that practically evcrv I home in Stanfleld and many on thai Vtonhl liiiiaUi.li lOiuna. WASHINGTON. Dec U. The Im peachment of Federal District Attor ney H. Snowden Marshall of New ! York on a charge of misconduct In I Office, is sought in a resolution Intro duced In the house by Ituchanan of i Illinois. It chages that Marshall! i failed to prosecute persons illegallv shipping explosives anil thai he slan dered Innocent persons and vlolateil the eight hour law i WASHINHTUN. Dei'. II, BUctMtV , an Ih known as a labor leader. He j Is mentioned as a member of I. . national peace council, which Is un der Marshall's fire as alleged partici pant In u plan to call a strike among munitions makers HOW TO CtnUS (X)blW Avoid exposure and draft. Fat ngnt Take Dr King's New Dis covery. It is prepared from Pine Tar, healing balsams and mild laBe tlves. Dr. King's New Discovery kills! and expels the cold germs, soothes I the Irritated throat and allays in flammation. Search as you will, you cannot find a better cough and cold remedy Its use over 46 years Is j guarantee of satisfaction Adv. BARGAINS! Real bargains in LADIES' SEAL AND LEATHER HANDBAGS Any handbag in the store Vi-PRICE. Less than wholesale. Tallman & Co. Lesdini Drufjlrii