East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 15, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    -HIIWM1 Hill St -
I'iti for Eastern Oregon In ihe
I nltcd stale- w.-mi.. .- olearter
I Portland
The But Oregonlan baa the largest paid
circulation of anj paper In Oregon, eut of
Portland and over twice tbe circulation In
I'cndleton of in other newspaper.
NO. H70
VOL. 27.
lr-- Fair (..nigh, nd
Imperial Secretary of the Treasury
Declares British Empire is Doom
ed to Dissolution.
German Arni stand solid An itit
In Lneini'., OontrH lii.K)iil
hlMtv for foul lunation of War WW
Not ite( I ion Guriuouy, EKclares.
nigh Miniate'
BERLIN, Dec. 15 .(Wireless to
Saytllle. In a sneecn hefore the
(..,. ),.t ... 1.....I,.I e.,-..i.., ,.f
" ,7V. T ' '""
inasury itun neiiiericn. ueciarea
flMMMuia SI MW1 f. IM ,..C. 1 1. ... la
1. 1
n ...,........i uuiii.aiioii
" !
j ot. urimiiu ami 111111 CRgiand litis.
11 wcigneci in me naianci- ana I
found wanting. England will be
, 1 a . . ....
bUUMOM for a continuation of war, I
,1 . . , . . .. , , 1
lip said anil deelari'il her d sun hi in ,
. .. .. V. j
was at hand.
"We stand rock-like, In a
!iia.s in the enemy's counlrles
, .., .1... ij.i.ii.
" " ' ' , , ., .
TV" " "'" '"""
nn,.e. .M..o. If MM Ilnhai.i.
uuL wiiuei n iiesnaz.ars
. . J t
-in weighed In the onlnnce and
found wnnllng.'
Helfferlch dramatic-
ally declared g.iotlng acrlptures. h,M B Co Hlot hZI
,.e( .,red these columns Will ermble Uella Kreewater Jieph-
Jnd ,a"- ine McDevltt. Pendleton
'The responsllillity for the blood.
which will flow from now on." ho
said :'T the world'i misery and toi CflDUC lain CCUinDO 111 1 1 1
n.-er to civilisation, will not uurno Anu otnlUHu WILL
1 nil on (iermany nut on those who:
can't resolve to . draw conclusion,
from Germany's successes, whl h
none can dispute."
He contrasted llermany's flmacinl
condition with that of her enemies..
His speech was made In connection
with the first readlnf of a bill pro
vtdtaf an additional two and a hall!
l illlon dollar war credit
Wheat Crop of
Country is Over
Billion Bushels
wheat it. 'I Mill total one llillioli el
..' U....A..., ....a
.".".o.. ouom.o ....
itirut? trrieuBu'-r
' - ' - ' 1
"Ill he 3,05t.53r,.itoi against 2.672.-
iivi ...... iM, ,.,r Tti.. ..In. ,,r ihe . . . i ine total nmoum provioen ior in uir
be cr ',; ;,, . Iced r ' 1 T Vr ':umpr:ls' 'u- u,," '.
it., a d "he , crop an il ""'-I , T? V ", MHiM-M "''" -uno will re
ivi.uuo and tne coin crop an 1 1. 1 ..- nrs hai laid the r t red lo.n.is ..,, . . . .
Taken In conjunction with the sec
rotary Of agriculture Houston's annu
al report, these figures Indicate the
larmers' pockets will be well filled.
Houston's report estimated the value
it agricultural products In 1914 at
nx.ii.ri.nflo.finn. which is sss.ono.onn
better than In 113. Houston advo
cated the raising of more meat ani
mal letters to the number Of 3.581.473
lormlng 7 7 r. . 6 9 S words. 31,73'
1IK! chnpters and 16 hook;
up the Bible.
Yuan of China Believed to
Have Already Taken Throne
WASHlNUTi iN, lc. U- Tbi'la firm refusal was unavailing;. 1 have
Japanese embnssv todav assured forr('11 "ubrnlt to the pec
. . ... . ... .... , j .....II''"' will I -have Instructed the dli'-
worm mm. me mmpiea, ,,u,i
motives Inspire Japanese relations
with China, particularly the Japanese 1
protest against the change to a mon
ii'ttpyrlght 1915 by the Cnlted Press
c. pvrighted in Great Britain.)
RW YOBK, Dee IB. Emperor
Yuan. In his first public statement
cabled to the Cnlted IToaa, makes
known MM dominating reasons for the
llllllllllO- t the Chinese republic He
announced his policy toward Amerl
, .i His cablegram follows:
Peking. December 14th. Your
i.'legram translated and submitted tn
Ills majesty for perusal. I am In
structed to reply as follows:
The sovereignty of the Chinese re-
public resides In the whole body of throne for some lime, though he for
ihe people. A convention of the pen-! mally had accepted However. In the
pie's representatives, considering the j message tn the Cnlted Press he said
republic unsuitable on account of his- "he would submit to the people's will
torical reaaons and public opinion, ; when Ihe necessary preparations had
unanimously adopted the ronetltti-j been made." In transmitting It was
ilonal monarchy The acting leglsla i noted, however. Ihe secretary refer
lure reported to me and stated the j red to Yuan as "His Majesty." Itnll-
convention of the people's represen-
latlves had elected me emperor. As1
1 7 Applicants on
Hand to Take the
Teacher's Exams
IS VI its to Tliy (On
The tin ailed number of applicant!
for teachers' certificates at a regu
lar examination In, this COUBty that
has shown up In years will takc'ih,
I xumlnation which County superin
tendent i. v.. young l conducting this
week ily 17 showed up thll morn
'ng and Supt. Young does not expect
mure than 35 kitOCvther, lm ludin;;
pplicanta for flye yeur and lift pet.
The reason for this decrease lien In
the new law which requires (hat an
applicant must have taken whut is
known the elemenaiy training
conn or it equivalent This iw
bOBMIM effective Sept 1, Before that
datC any eighth glade graduate enuld
like ihe examinations.
The aumlnaUoni hegan thin mom-
I II' if) Ihe ,'lri nl,
... " """ """" and
wiii continue
through Saturday v
v.... 11 .. .
. .... u..-, i,. as-tsi
11 v 1 1 1 ,f V, u T.. I
II II Sunt Vi.iinu
j in- itiiMiw iriLr ar
,).. mini -i
who appeared this
j . uMwkM Vl,,, , -
j. i.ikh n 011 n, j, ,s Bowman
v,,ii. .- i.,,. .1. .. '
.Noun, V. Lllzalicth Both a, Hcrmis
. .. . .. ...
i'"'"a II. Plnkertoii. WeJ-ton r
ml tlr"h""1, ''""dleton; Nellie V
UN Qraen, pr.ewuter: l-.-na InetU Junii
wniMiiHit i,,.,..... ... ..
"-"i nun orown
""ton. reKon; l.ella I
independence; Evalyn
Keacer, Olb-
1 v...... . ..
. . Allllntl, I'C d le ( n ;
nci .Voy
rrtewttor: Mrs .1 i
Ihilifurih bVhrf i!i.urt- ...
,, ,.,.. J n' 'L..' " ..'
ri'BEB i.-smia ua at.
Hues on rtRE hol'hk.
Uy u Senior.)
Last night the old fire house that
stands on the back corner of the
high school grounds again became!
the Mtttu -of ,lass rivalry i the high
- " eoi me iasr tew years the
prefent seniors have been supreme In I
Keeiting their class numerals on ttfel
hulldlng. Itst ear the juniors made
a vain attempt to estaMish their mi
I premacv when they were challenged . , ,.ur. and there Is a possibilitv that
j to battle by their opper classmen I ,.V(. thiK wlM tle shaved. This is the
around the building as three worthy opinion of Count clerk Frank Baliruj
enlon painted the beautiful picture : ,n0e receiving this morning the Of
j on the roof. ' flclal announcement of this county's
Hut hist night, three sophomores, I hare f the state tax.
: .lit , In mln.l I. . . ., l. . . I I I
. 1 Hew
"llr - swwj lariner 01 tne QwarX
nature, anomer ot tne same class:
2? r,ber ,halr mi a
I"! "r .rourllKe w ap -
k ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 a 1 1 . oao mm rauran n mi.
.: '. . . . " " u"a"!thls county will pay to rhe state next
"'tutu ine mi,' i re nnuse tin there... . ... . .... . .u.i
- -
to rest
a. u ,,.ii . ii.. in . ... !
Asa tesult. tonight will see 'he e-
1 .,r'm "'"'h 'm',"1';
are supreme when tney will bait
,1.. ,r.,. .i,,, .u ..o i.
... rn- nini lm- in nl
the white and blue colors
The exports of logs and round Uttvl
bor from the Culled States In 91 4 1
were approximately 13S million feet,
while ihe Import! were nearly 14
million fOt. Th exports Went tu
mnkeliidu and Ihe Netherlands, whereas the
Imports c.nne chiefly froip Canada.
feeent mlnb-ters and departments to!
rnak(. ir-llnri,tlons an,, th(. necessary
preparations having been made t III !
I be required to carr them out with
one consiueratliin Tne relations ,(
China and America have always been
friendly. The monarch's policy will
he to cement this closer ami ex, n
the utmost to promott Ihe Industilal
and commercial development of the
two nations
Private Secretary.
emperor's statement Is the 1
first Information that the new mon
anhy will be constitutional. Press
dispatches from Peking stated Yuan
bad not Intended to assume the
eating. In effect at least, he Is nowipramii
the emperor.
Will von Nuber Also Be
('aptniii Trail, ion I'apen.
Investigations of the alleged (!er-
man spies and plotters in this co'in-
try is going forward rapidly. Cap
tain von Papen and Captain Boy-Bid
.fall Word from their povei nment as
; to their return. Dr. von Nit her.
i Austrian consul In New York city,
; will probably be Indicted soon.
Wholesale arrests are expected to
I follow in the next few days and the
t government, it was stated, expect.- t4
fnmhinpd State and
"ICU C5ldlC dllU
County Tax Will be
About Efght Mills
mi vrv 1 1,1:1th.
The oombtnod stale and county tax
r fmatllla county for IMS will not
rxeMd ..ri: mills the lev. of last
v.ei.rrtinir t this announcement
aim aft a in which is annul 111.
w tliL .;ar ,
,hp intr.,w , . eounty budget
i, uire during tne next year.
An eight mill tax upon a property
, MI.090.S0. ill product !
-35 MIMH The count, will have
a balan m nami at tne iirst ot tni
year of approximately JI9. i and re
ceives during the year from sources
other than taxation, fines fees, etc .
about tla.Onn. so that, in the opinion
ol the cotintv clerk, an eight mill lax
I will he ample.
The new law making town and city
LproDertV subjerl to the road tax will'
; fni) by Itt.Mf and still make the
Ir..ad tax bvy less than las; year.
The county court will meet within
the next few days to make the lew,
I and, it is possible thai u few thmisan 1
lib .liars will b' shaved off the budget .
Assuming that the levy will be eight
'mills, the total tax upon Pendleton
property Will be 2 1-2 mills, the city
levy being 9 1-- and Ihe school lev
being 1' mills. This will be three
mills more than the total last year al
Pendleton was exempt from the 11
mill road tax last ,vear and the citj j
lew was only nine mills. A .6 M
mill tax will mean that IM.M will he
i ollected for ever 11000 of property
(in the city.
Imperial accectri of the German
Iffnon declare- i. i t iiiam cannot lie
itnerlcnn arm) will is- UiUftoord tn
mioo ooo in two tears predicts Sena
tor chamberlain.
Emperor Yunn of China
policy toward America.
County and -tate tat will not ex
ceed H mills; total for city 20 1-2.
ln-llmlnary plans for organization
of County Club made.
tn Boyd), piaygToaind Instructor,
icsign- poelrJoft,
Slaiil'icld organlcs social hygiene
school census shows small gain.
1 - mm ii 1111 W n mm , mmt
Dr. Uoxna der m Nuber,
proceed not only against Hr. Al x
ander von Nuber, hut against all
Herman anil Austrian consuls who
have been mixed Up in the alb-gt d
nation-wide plot to cripple ammun1
tlon plants.
Qermany is believed to have decid
ed up. in the men from whom she
will select the successors to Captain
von Papen anil Captain Hoy-Ed. mil
itary attaches of the Ocrmau embjs-
Miss Boyd Resigns
as Instructor of the
Girls' Athletics
Miss Cecile Anne Boydi playground
instructor and director nfl girls' ath
letics in the Pendleton schools for
the past year and a half last night
formally handed In her resignation to
the school hoard and it was accepted
to take effect Jan. 21 which is the end
of the first semester.
Miss Boyd's resignation comes as a
result of her determination to take
further college work She intends
leaving at the end Of the first sem
ester for New York where she will
enter Columbia Dnlverslty. she took
work there last summer and intends
to remain upon her return until she
has graduated.
Miss Boyd has been the first In
structor of her kind In the Pendleton
schools and has given thorough satis
faction to the hoard. She is consid
ered one of the most capable play,
ground directors In the west. Her
position will be filled as soon as the
board and Supt Hampton can consid
cr the various applicants.
At the meeting of the board last
evening the advisory council of the
parent-teachers association asked the
board to purchase pianos for the Lin
coln and Hawthorne schools, pointing
out the need for the Instrument. The
Washington and High schools alrc.nl
have pianos. Chairman Tallman p
pointed Directors Smith. Brown and
Phelps as a committee to confer with
ihe advisory council.
Supt. Hampton lat eemng was in
structed to order new flags for each
o:' the school buildings and Prof. It
E. Chloupek was instructed to make
a sand table for each of the four pri
niary moms. On these tables will be
placed sand for the use of the little
pupils in modeling. The board al
lowed Coach John Hinderman of tht1
high school football team $r.e for his
services last season
Ford's "Peace Ship
Arrives in Europe
LONDON. Deo. 1 1 Ford's ponre
ship has arrived at Kirkwall. Scot
It is believed the ship will be de
tained a few hours for the usual ex
amination for contraband. It a
not staletl whether the passenger
will go to tiOnttHl but they have not
been invited and It is not believed
they will come. The ship was be
hind schedule on account of hcavi
The cedar Imported Into the Cnlted
States during 1914 amounted to ovet
17 million feet, valued at nearly one
million dollars, of which more than
half came from Cuba.
J. s
Capuuto Kari Boy-Ed.
y. Major Herwarth von Bittenfield
military attache in Washington sever
al years ago and now official Berlin
j censor of American news and Captaio
I Kwald Hecker, director of German
i Bed Cross work in this country, arc
Iteing considered for von Papen's
place. Commander Thierickens n'
: the interned Prinj Eltel-Frledrich
has been mentioned as Boy-Ed's suc
cessor. Cornelison Thinks
Celebration Should
be Made Big Affair
Suggesting that a big affair be
made of the municipal Christmas
tree In Pendleton and that motion
pictures be taken for advertising
I purposes. Hew J. M Cornelison has
written the following letter to this
Editor Et.st Oregonian:
J When I read of the proposition of
the Commercial Club of the city to
decorate the principal business streets
with evergreen trees. I thought it a
fine Christmas spirit snlendldlc
typical of Pendleton. But when I
later drove into town and realized
! the beautiful effect, counted the large
j number of blocks so decorated; the
Christmas spirit was rampant and
contageous seemingly to be distilled
I from the evergreens Now I want to
j read anew all that Charles Dickens.
I the greatest dramatist of the Chris!
I mas spirit .ever wrote in his "Christ
mas Books." so that I might catch
the spirit more than I had. if such
I ere possible, for I felt like saying
with Tm Tim, 'God Gless us. every
I one." But in order to perpetuate
and remember thus fine spirit of
Christmas in Pendleton. I have ttU
thought anil suggestion. The spirit
of Pendleton, m seen In the Bound-up
has been caught each year on the
moving picture film. It is seen and
admired up and down the eountr
far and wide, and Is a great adver
tisement to our city and Its citizens.
Kor at least once in the year all 0?
I us "Let er Buck.'' others try It. yet
don't get in the typical Pendleton
, "Buck."
Now. why not let this other splen-
did spirit of our citizens, a spirit
that makes one desire to live in and
about Pendleton more than any oth
er city about her. let this spirit get
on the moving picture film. Let It
go abroad as the tvoieat Christ
spirit in Pendleton Co right alone
i w ith the Round-up films, and It w .ll
i make its appeal to another class of
(Continued on nag, five )
The telephone compau is loset
through the work of unknown parties
who cut away their ropes and scaf
folding from the Main street bridge
sometime Monday night. The rope
and scaffold had been pu; there in
connection with the laying of thi
ne phone cable for the north sub
district. The rtqies were cut in two
places and dropping Into the water
the entire paraphernalia washed
away According to Manager Mabu
3u0 feet of three fourth Inch Manila
rope was lost. Thur far there Is no
clue to the miscreant.
Plans for Country
Club Discussed by
Sport Enthusiasts
Preliminary plans looking to .the
organisation of a Pendleton Country
Ciub were discussed last evening at a
meeting o golf and tennis enthusl
asta last evening in the Commercial
club rooms. There were about flftee.i
representative sport lovers ln attend,
anco and all were eager to proceed
with the plans. The outcome of lie
meeting was the appointment of a
committee, consisting or U G Era
ser. Leon Cohen and It. H. Home
to confer with the owner of the pres
ent grounds to ascertain whether m
not that land may be had at a rea
sonable price.
Another meeting will be called a
soon as this committee is ready to
report and It is hoped that the plan
an be proceeded with at once.
The financing ot such an organiza
tion was the matter discussed prin
cipally last evening. The plan which
met with most favor was one requir
ing a membership of 100 persona 1
who will contribute 1100 each, lt
down and $23 each year for three!
years. This would provide a fund
Of $10,000 which, in the opinion of
those present last evening, would be
ample for the purchase of the aad
for the construction of concrete ten
nis courts, for improving the golf
links and for building a club house
(Jne dollar a month from each mem
ber would be sufficient for mainte
nance, including the cost of a
grounds keeper, it is believed.
R H Horne who is one of the orln-
clpal enthusiasts, favors the bulldin,'
or tnree concrete court- and suggest
ed that these courts be so construct
ed that they might be turned ino a
roller skating rink. He also favored
a club house to cost about $500u so
that it would not only afford room
for the members to store their golf
and tennis equipment but would alsui
give them facilities for entertaining
Census of School
Population Shows
a Total of 1670
The total number of children of1
school age within the Pendleton dts-1
trict is 1870, according to the re
1 ort of Census Taker Harry Bickers,
b) the report turned over to County j
Superintendent E. Toung. Of this!
number S3S are boys and S32 are I
girls This is an increase of 17 over
last year when the census showed I
Kit of which SOS were boys and 847
were girls.
I Supt. Young has not yet checked!
I iiver the names and this number may '
! 1 ossibly be reduced a little. Fre-1
i ouently duplications occur, that Isj
j the same family will be enumerated,
I in two different districts.
The number, as accredited by the
I county superintendent, is used as aj
I basis for apportioning the per capita
I tax. Thus the county allows $10 to'
the distric: for each pupil enumerated
and the state apportions an amount j
varying between $1.S0 and $1.9u peri
Emploving the customary ratio ofj
five, the school census would indicate
I that the population of Pendleton Is
i soon or better.
London. Dee. IS, Swtaa dfa-
pateho -tatol Austria will yield to
the na'rlcan Vmima demand-
Tml RftCka .eam. 1iar-r-
! WASHINGTON, Deo 15.- Crgir.
! government construction of all 071 r
equipment. Representative Tavenner,
in the house, declared the Niivi
league is a "branch office of the J
i P Morgan war trust." He charge. i
j the league Was backed by contrlbu-Hon-
from munitions makers
County Will Have 65 Voting
Precincts at the Next Election
a lection Bex! spring wilt have 85 cut
Ing precincts instead Of the .'.4 wher
ballots w -re cast at the last elecMo.t I
The couni court has flnallt deter '
mined upon the i hanges to be mad
bj the boundaries of precincls In or j
der to relieve the congestion of latatt
which tbe enfranchisement of worn-:
en has caused In some pr . lie t.
BlOYen new precincts have been de
cided upon and their UVundariea lit-:
Four of the new prectneta are In I
rcndleton at least the polling place-1
Senator Chamberlain Predicts This
Force Will be Fully Trained With
in Two Years.
Downright Murder Tor Nallon In t on.
tinue on Plan Which Mat Some
Day Send Entrained Men galnst
Veteran Troop. Ihi-larc senator
IU1 is Iteviewrd.
man Chamberlain of the senate mil
itary commission predicted a cltixen
army of five million men within two
years. Chamberlain reviewed with
arm;, officers his bill proposing com
pulsory service. He estimated 2.3 IS, -883
boys between 1H and 23 years
could lie trained the first year and
more than double that the a cond
'We must come to compulsory ser
vice." Chamberlain said. "I
downwright murder for a natle
continue on a plan which may some
day send untrained men against vet
eran troops.''
"I believe in time the system mat
lead to the abolition of the re-ular
army. We would simply have I kill,
ed officers and a vast number of
fairly prepared men The men tiem
selves would be benefitted by the
training. I believe the plan would
add many years to the average Am
erican life. With so short a service
period, there would be no danger of
arousing the militaristic spirit."
Chamberlain plans to seek additi
onal financial aid for the schools and
colleges for training cadets.
Wheat Up Slightly
Today in Chicago
CHICAGO. Dec. 15 (Special, i .
Dec, $1.16 M, 1-1 bid: May H.1J
7-8, tl.l" 3-8 asked; July $1.1".
$1 9 5-8.
POBTLAND. Ore. Dec. l"i
(Special) Merchants' Exchar.se pri
ces toda. club 92 bid. 91 asked;
bluestem sS hid. s9 asked.
LIVERPOOL., Dec. 14 Wheat
Spot No. 1 Manitoba. 12s 3d; No. i
12s; No. 3. lis lid! No. 2 hard win
ter, new. lis 9d.
In American terms the top price
for Liverpool is 11.78 per bushel
(Special Correspondence.)
HERMISTON, Ore.. Dec. 15. On a
warrant sworn out by Mayor E G.
McKenzie. E. W. Mack local druggist
was yesterday charged for the mrondj
time with selling or giving away li
quor in violation of tjie law. He had
previously pleaded guilty to one com
plaint drawing a $50 fine and yester.
day a fine of $100 was imposed bv
Recorder E. P. Dodd. J. A. Pea.l h i 1
been fined $50 for the same offense
It Is said the city officials had
been satisfied for some time thai il
licit liquor business was being carried
on here to some extent and the belief
is expressed the fines imposed (rill
have the effect of stopping any h h
I .in-in- - ).lutmeol ( i.nlirmiil
WASHINGTON. Dm : i I'll- M.
ate confirmed the appointment "f
Lansing as secretary of state
Experiments In ric- - nrtivatlon in
Porto Rico five promise of the is
land becoming an Imp ut nit pn do
er of that grain
will tv in this OH This will
Pendleton tola' al I ; rta I
One of thi- io-w Pendleton peg
will take In all of the north b
the riti-r weal of Blaine as well
outlvlng community from th,- I
em Oregon Mat Hospital $0
countt poor farm. The others t
on this side of the river and n
eastern part of the ctti
Then, will 81 three neO i"
In Milton and surrounding out
aide, making a tutoi of rive tl
One new precinct has bean adds
each of the following lowna. Kre.
ter. W eston, fee ho and Htanf ld.