East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 14, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    i'AGE SIX
Do You Read Labels?
Domestic scienc8 teachers and
food authorities are urging the
housewife to carefully read the
labels on all food articles.
The laws of most States compel
food manufacturers to print the
Ingredients of their products
on the label, and this enables
consumers to distinguish health
ful foods from those which may be
delet erious.
High-grade baking powders ara
made f cure cream of tartar,
derived from grapes. Royal Fak
ing Fowder is a type of the highest
grade. It is healthful beyond a
doubt and the safest and best
to use.
The low-prade baking powders
are made from alum, a mineral
acid salt, or phosphate of lime.
Consumers can learn the char
acter of the baking powder by
referring to the label, which
must state whether the contents
include cream of tartar, alum or
Hew York
Three Will B t.iM-n Ou-i In
I Xlm anonal Talks I Mti farm top
ics IHiiioiislraijou In Modm
IHnn Topics Ibiiionstnuioii 111
Modern running vuu iu i;i'-u
imonvi iu; (tagraaa. na Been
(Special Correspondence.)
VINCENT. Freewater, Ore.. Dec.
14. Farmers of this end of I'matilln
county are all going to attend the
Oregon Agricultural College next
week. D ember 10, 21 anil , but
in place of the old fashioned, way ol
going to t'orvallis. this time the col
lege is coming to the ranchers The
extension service of the O. A C. ne.t
week bring their movable school and
will give a three days' course at Yin
cent This movement Is one Of the
utmost importance to the develop
ment and educational growth of the
farmers of eastern Oregon. Vincent
is located in a very fertile agricultur
al and dairy country with a co. oper
ative creamery In its flr.-t year of or
ganization The o. A. C. people are
coming under school patronage as
sisted b Hudson Bay (.range X
of Vincent.
The following program is e
much interest among ranchers
IMH. IN .1 ml -w r l VST VI
I'ailhl'ul t .nunc Urvuk- Into niuon
and bounds Warning.
A sotted bulldog. Zip. which broke
lata the city jail after he had been -driven
from police head.iuarters fol-1
lowing the arrest of his mas'.er. John
i'unn.r froni death at the hands of a,
tellow prisoner.
Samuel Southey also was arrested 1
otarge "f intoxication and fighl
Ini an officer and was placed in the
'ball p-ti with Ditmar Later the i
desk officer heard harking from the
bull pen and went to investigate.
He found Zip with his head pressed
lose against the ours of the ceil floor.
luivering with excitement and bark
ing loudly. Ditmar was on his back
on the floor with Southey on top of I
him. alternated pounding Ditmar';-
face with his fists and knocking his
head against the concrete floor. Dit
mar was unconscious.
officers believe that had not Zip
trawled along a ledge of stone coping
to the corrider window, which had
Ken left open for ventilation, and
then squeezed himself through the
bars, set four inches apart and drop
ped five feet to ;he corridor floor,
just to be near his imprisoned master,
Hitmar might have been killed by
Southey before bis plight was dis-covered.
the people
oust rations
on modern
Not only
wives have
gram and
The Wall Street Journal calls the
period between 1S10 and 1015 the
"era of the silo" in American agri
culture, adding The silo is the fort
ress by which the American farmer
restores and develops the fertility of
the farm acres to pristine productiveness."
Made from tke right crude
The Jury of Awards it both San Francisco
and San Diego Expositions found an oil
made from California asphalt-base crude,
higneit in lubricating efficiency. That oil nu
Zerolene. The fact, too, that such unbiased author
ities as a U. S. Naval Engineer, engineert of the
Packard and Ford Motor Companies, and others,
hive a. :o gone on record in favor of oils madt
from aiphalt-baje crude in accord with the de
cision of the Exposition juries proves that Zero
lene is made of the right crude, and made rydt,
ihe Standard Oil for Motor Cars
First National Bank
f the entire valley are in
present and attend, the
see the practicul dem-
the professors will give
farmers, but farmers'
their place on the pro
Anna M. Curley lectures
anil demonstrates Food Economics.
Monday, December 20.
Afternoon. 1:00 to 4:00 p, ni
Soil Formation and Soil Manage
ment J. K Larson.
Care and Management of the Dairy
Herd K. Is. Fitts.
Judging Dairy Cattle K. 11 Fitts.
Evening, :0u to 10:00.
Farm Structures. Wood ami Con
crete J. E Larson
Types and Hreeds E. I! Fins.
Tuesday, Decanter 21.
Morning 10:00 to 12:00.
Hog Feeding and Management l!
K. Reynolds
Breeding and Feeding for Milk
Production E U Fitts.
Afternoon, l.nil to 4;00.
Food as a Factor in Health (Lec
ture. Demonstration. Vegetable Cook
en 1 Anna M. Curley.
Humus. Producing Crop and Farm
Manures J. E. Larson.
Cooperative Organization tur the
Dairymen E. B. Fitts.
Economics of Apple Orcharding
k . Tmrni
Mi! AVcgctablcPrfparalion&rAs
mm siinilalirfihrR)OfjarfitWula
W-m ling Uic Siomachs aruiUtiwlsa
r ' m .
30: u
' lit
ness and ItcsiContalns k iuw
Opiunt .Murphine norMiuaal
Apciffil Remedy focCiirsflp
lion, Sour Stoi!iach.Dliurtiiw
Vtarai .CimTilsioiis.Fei m
ness ami Loss OF SliLR
hSSk Sinamrf o!f
Tue CcNTACtt Com; Aim
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
AW :
W 1
For Over
Thirty Years
jss liJid S u it lit
Enact Copy of Wrapper. tMi Corm. t o cirt.
- "f use
ass. rts. and the additional money i pany of Seattle, and thai of Ihe Nor-
I Nlie.lt .... fnr.H lAthun ..n.l ..... t.,r lhn.. I. - 1 ..... . ..
iw ...... ...... ,.,. .... uirui I 111 III. Uglllll lM' Hit Ol
! working prisoners mlgbi
I spent 011 thoae who art-
well be
not only
needy, hut also deserving.'
Evening. 1:91 ti
Illustrated Led
d Management
YYednenday. Morning. 10:0"
December 22.
to 12:00.
Skating is one of the most health
ful pastimes that 1 know of,' sals
Charlotte, premier skater of the sen
sational ice ballet, at the New York
Hippodrome. "1 don't mind saying
that I consider myself a good example
of what skating can do for one phy
sicalli . At eleven ears I was con
sidered a confirmed invalid. After
seeing many doctors e there was
who recommended Ice skating a a
means to regain rav health. So 1 be
g&n to freijuent the rinks and parks
of Berlin. My progress at first was
slow, but soon 1 was in a normal con
dition and I have continued skatinu'
ever since the doctor save me the ad
vice. ".Naturally. I make bodily move
ments tha: the ordinary skater does
not resort to. I am sure that all of
the figures that I exhibit in mj danc
ing on Ice can be learned b) patient
Practice. And once learned, they will
prove to be of utmost benefit; physl.
cully, first, and then, of course, men
tally. In the post shown here the
muscles of my back are given ex
cellent exercise.
"I notice 80 manv of the younl
ladies in this country walk and stand
bidding their body in very harmful
postures. A few such exercises as I
perform in my skating exhibition
would soon do away with this In
correct carriage This particular
, iitovenient strengthens all of the
i muscles of the back as well as trie
I upper limb muscles. While 1 would
i not advfM tin- beginner to start her
ice exercises with this particular fig
ure, it contains the fundamental
( movement necessary tor all exper
I skating. If the beginner has patj
lence the rest will come in time."
suits Are DlatnbMed.
WASHINGTON, Dec. (4. Holding
It lacked Jurisdiction the supreme
court dismissed the Washington
Dredging and Improving company
suit against the Hrawiev estate com-
Washington In the case Involving tha
title to tide water lands In -Scuttle
The bark of the black mangrove,
a tree wtilch grows abundantly In
the Bahamas, has been found In
yield an excellent tanning extract.
Says Simple Laxative
Better than Castor Oil
Cover CTopa or Green Manures--W.
s. Brown.
Conservation of Soil Moisture and
Soil Ferilitv J. B Larson.
Afternoon. 1:00 to 4:00.
School Lunch and Food for the
Child Anna M. Curley.
Fireless Cookery Anna M Cur
ley. Spring Lambs It. K. Iteynolds
Pruning Demonstration ti hours)
Bey Is raised it bi DM4 "Of !
pOMl Of fOttttlfl wjiter OH tit- pftft
mono mt nt proprty( and ther
vert tn the seven .-teres herVnginji
the Whitman Monument associ i
i, upon Which the monument and
iU is located, into a park and batt
MHTOi: VI lift l i s s ,
Known For It's Strength
sect Pests and Plant Diseases. W. i
Staffed Pillow With Money.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Dec. 11.
A lodging house plHow stuffed with
silver and bills led to the arrest of
three injt of four youthful baielit.
c ho held up the Western State bank,
for the landlady told the police of her
find. The fourth bandit, with mosl
of the M000 loot escaped.
mil I D BE I'l I IX i ONNEI riov
It's The Same Everywhere in Oregon.
' :. x r rrrr r rt7-t vj rrt m lrxirrin it ttt it im im m im bh
Examiner! make a thorough inspection not less than
twice each year. In addition to this five (5) sworn
. temeri ;irc handed to the U. S. Government
. ery year.
Grai p ;.-.- f&etl and vou will realize what a high
gre of 8AFETY AND PROTECTION" we jrive
e ery customer.
Glad to have you tome and see up.
The American National Bank
Capital and Surplus $400,000.00.
71 id i
Portland, Oregon. " I , was for fix
months troubled
with nervousness,
and the doctor
said I had
aonsa saptioB.
Through the ad
vice ol a friend I
:3 look Dr. I'u rce's
if Po.,nl IWrl.u
Hon and was com-
--N-pletely cured. I
am now in middle
life and am m
good hpaltli."
Mrs. G. W. Mathis, I I7(i E. Sth St., N.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
and has been for nearly to years just
the medicine that every woman needs
when parsing through the changing
days. It is not a secret prescriptioi,
for its ingredients are printed on the
wrapper; it's a temperance medicine.
Nut only does it build up the entire
synU-m and make it strong and vigor
ous enough to wlllnXllfl the organic
disturbances, hut it has a qawtint
effect upon toe feminine organi' iu that
reduces the distress t a minimum.
Por any womanly ailment, disease or
complaint, no matter of how long
standing, we advise anxious women Hi
get Dr. I'ierce's Favorite Prescription, I
in either liquid or tablet form.
If you will send three dimes or stamps,
'w pay for wramiinsr and em Ming and
enrloso this notice, IVictor Pierce of
the Invalids IloUl, Bank) N. Y., will
send you a revised copy of hlJ Common
Sens. Mllcal Adviser, In cloth binding.
KM Kiges, with color platts. Just
what you need In case of slci ness or
accldi-nt. Treats of 1'hysiolor.y, An
atomy, Hex prohlems. Marrfage r lutlons,
Hygiene, Kxerclse, III.-aso and its pro-MU
IVaMhllHRon HlstorlcMI society
Itllek o Ihe Plan t'ounty omm'
ttiaaen of Wullo Walla re Vow
Contlderltig the ITopoml W'otild
He in Mature of xemocfai.
A commemorative rest station may
he liuilt b) the Washlngtun State
Historical social) ne.u the prArwl
site of the Whitman monument, in;
honor of Dr. Itarcui whitman. c
fording to the .ninonneement of
meinliers of the boated of curators of
the organisation The rest Nation
would la- liuilt in connection vt h
the state highway irom Walla Wsllfl
to Wallula. , number of commemo
rative stations have been built by the
society on the west side of the moun
tains along the Pacific highway, ami
the proposed Whit! memorial
would be of similar nature to those
already constructed there
The matter uas first brought up at
the meeting of the curators of ih
society in Tscoma la-t spring 11
was discussed inlornialh at .trim
lime. 11111I Ihe curators i-xpre-n u
themselyes us favorable. A fe'.v
woeks ago the matter was presented
to the county eomtViissioiiers of Wal
la Walla by Prof W. I). Lyman, a
member of the state board of CBM-j
tors Professor l.yman pointed o'lt
1 hat. as the state highway pusses at
some distance north of the men 1
ment. and across Mill creek rrom it.
It would be necessary, if the propus-
.1 rey UUon were built at the mon
ument, to construct a branch from
the main road and build a bri'lg. ;
oross Mill creek No action wa-i
taken but It Is probable the com-
mlssloneiH would favor the constriu -lion
of the road and bridge, If the
stale soeietv should decide to 001'
Struct the rest stateili
The Whitman memorial. 11s plan
ned, aroatg be a handsome Blrtict'Jn
of stone and concrete. It would be
small, hut entirely adequate to af-j
ford shelter and resting facilities tor
tho e -vim desired to spend a little
lime visiting the monument an. I
grave of Marcus Whitman.
Special interest In the proposed
memorial has sprung up in the last
week PeiHuse of the proposal of the'
editor of "The American Hoy" t;
raise money by subscription to m -rk
Whitman s "unremi mbered grnve. '
It has bain suggested that if ans ,
Month's Gasoline nil 15 Cents,
Hones' Keep 1150.
PORTLANCL ore.. Dec. II. The
economy of motor-driven fire uijpu
luius as compared with horse-drawr
' machines is shoyvn in 11 report made
by Fire Chief lioyyell to the effect
that the cost of gasoline for the ma
chines at engine compani No. II for
I last month amounted to I', cents.
The machines took the places ni
ix horses which would have cost $2",
a month each, or tir," fur the six dur
ing the month
IKIJBS lt Mil l LAX vnvi;
Writing from The House of the'
I Good Shepherd, at Sunnysidc avenue
land 50th street. Seattle, where she Is
the guest of her life-long friend the1
I Reverend Mother, Mrs. Mary Austin. ,
I widow of a wealthy San Franciscan. 1
who lost everything in the fire of 1
19U6, says she experienced speedy re-
lief from the use of Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin and that she found this1
gentle, pleasant-tasting laxative more'
effective than several doses of castor,
The active principles of certain
laxative herbs are combined In Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin to act on the
ellminatlve organs In an easy, nittur
a way, without griping or other dls
comfort Its freedom from opiate or
narcotic drug of every description,
combined yvlth Its gentle nctton and
positive effect, make It the Ideal lux
atrr for famdy use. Druggists ev
erywhere sell it for fifty cents a bottle.
-I 4
Mils. M M1V l s
A DOttl e of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Tepsln should be In every home for
use when the occasion arises A trial
bottle, free of charge, can be obtain
ed by yvrltlng to Dr. W. B. Caldwell.
ir,i Washington St.. Montlcello. III.
Provision for .fail Inmates --aid 10 is
at Expanse of fwwHHIf iNs.r
OLTMPIA, Wash.. Dec 11. 8ka
git county commissioners are taken
to task, in a special report issued by
the state bureau of inspection, for ad
option of ihe honor camp system in
working county prisoners.
"Many men need work." the bureau
There are hundreds of people in I
Pendleton who are not the least bit
Urprllad ivhen they read In the East I
nregonlan thai Tallmun & Co. at--selling
Mi-o-na on a guarantee to re-'
lund the money In case It did not re-;
lleve. This remarkable dyspepsia j
remedy will relieve the worst case of I
indigestion, headache, dlsMness, ori
the general played-out condition that
oftllets every one suffering with'
Stomach trouble, Ml-o-na does not.
simply relieve, it alms to cure.
They t an tell you of many well '
known people In this city who thl
remedy has restored to health often
after they have tried many other,
methods of treatment with little or
no benefjt. No other dipepsia rem-1
edy hus made so large a percentage
of cures as Ml-o-na. It Is so large
that Tallmun Co. stand ready to
refuml the price to any customer
whom It does not help.
The best kind of advertising Is tie
praise of a pleased customer, and
there are hundreds In Pendleton to-!
day praising Ml-o-na because It does:
what It Is advertised to do. A few!
months ago they could eat nothlfg
without wondering what the resnlt
would be Since using Ml-o-na, they
eat what they want and when tlity
want with no fear of suffering I
rj fat Christmas Gifts, H
I I is the cleanest, most convenient, sates: Of
i and most economical in the end, for
Heating, Cooking, Lighting, Power M
H Give her an electrical gift and make her S
Telephone 40. mm