PAGE FIVE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1915. Does Pendleton Want $2.00 Photo Plays? We believe that she wants the very best and is willing to pay .for value received. For this reason we have closed a contract with the TRIANGLE FILM CORPORATION for the exclusive control of their products in Pendleton. These productions consist of photopjays directed by Griffith, Ince and Sennett, the three greatest directors in the world. They are at present the sensation in New York at the Knick erbocker, Philadelphia at the Chestnut St. and Chi cago at the Studebaker, at prices of $2.00 for the best seats. Our first offering will be "IRON STRAIN" In S parts, featuring DUSTIN FARNM, "A GAME OLD KNIGHT." 2 part Triangle Keystone. Full details of opening and prices of will be announced later. admission First Show Sunday TEMPLE The Theatre Beautiful. Triangle Fine Art Photo Plays Will be Shown Exclusively at This Theatre. LOCALS Sb Advertising in Brief HATE. Per Hue flint Insertion l"e j'er list, additional laser Una. . . . 5c I'er line, per month II ou No local taken (or leu tins Hoc. Count ii ordinary words to line. I. mala will not be taken oer ttM telepboas eit-ept from ICaat Oregon Ian paid up subscribers. 'lark of Wall Walla Is here to-1 U Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 2. 1 Carl Hansen, well known retire I farmer, In preparing to leave tomor row for Petalutna. Calif., to spend the winter. Dressmaking, Mrs Bowman. Phone I48M. Dressed hogs, t cents pound, at Cash Market. A White Studio photo Is the mo:.t acceptable and appropriate Xmas gift Penland Bros.' transfer Co. have storage warehouse Phone 339. ror saie riurse. wagon ana nar-1 William Fraker. pioneer of I'malil ness. Terms reasonable. Phone 276. j a county, celebrated his s9th birth. Nicely furnished front room with : day on Saturday at the Golden Rule sleeping porch. Furnaca heat. Phone; hotel. Many of his friends called &36J. during the day to offer their con- Auto tops repaired and recovered, STatiilatlons. He received many to Prlces reasonable and all work 1 "ens of affection from acquaintances guaranteed. Hamley & Co. .throughout the county. The most relluble place to have , your auto tops and curtains repair- i The German Hub of the high ed Is at Hamley's. school, known as the "Kie Frohllck-1 Wanted Oirl for general house- J Oeutachen." will hold its regular, work. Phone 1S9 or apply cor. Post i DUSlnaas meeting pn Wednesday nighH and E Railroad streets. Fr sale, reasonable, post card site Kodak with case and tank devel oper. Address "G. A." this office. fCook, all around middle aged man. wants Job. Camp or hotel. Would work for small wages. X Oregon la.':. ot mis weeK tne clui, is composed of all the German students in th high school and was organized to promote the study of the German language, under the leadership of Miss Kmma Llnse. Besides their reg ular business meeting a. program will ; registered at the Pendleton hotel as presented in Barman bv different A day. 0. E. Ryder of Elgin Is a visitor here. Ruy Preston of Baker Is In the city on business. 1. uke Read of Athena, Is In the city on business. Mrs. C. J. Miller of Buhl, Idaho, is a visitor here. Rhea Luper of Salem Is visltinR here a few days. Mrs. Prudence Killlam of Van sycle, is here todsy. , R. E Blackman of Milton, Is a business visitor here. Mrs. R. Morrison of Lostine is here today on a short visit. H. C. Means of Umatilla, spent over Sunday In the city. It A. Esteb, prominent attorney of Echo, was here yesterday. Mrs. Lewis and son of Lostine are in the city visiting friends Eunice May of La Grande Is regis tered at the St. George Hotel. J. W. Robinson of Walla Walla '9 DAD'S Present When father is doing the giving everyone looks for something handsome. And when the other members of the family join together to buy a present for father, they want a gift of beauty and dignity something worthy of himself. R. D. Miller, Hermlston, -t. Maus Stokes Pogus Dam. nose glasses Rebel's name oi return to Wll Ml U'IN'G WIN WAR mit KAISKK Continued from page one ) is natuml because a large number There has been no slackening In railway development because of the mt, the minister said. Capital now Invested In the railways aggregates about I3.10o.oo0.n00 Great Improve i,o uts. he pointed out, have been made necessary in the last ten years m Germany's advance as I commer cial and industrial nation "Our freight traffic today is be tween 9r, ami 100 per cent of what it' la In pea.e limes." said von Brelten i.ach. "Ijist July for example, the irelght receipts were greater than I lie- same month Of the previous year. Passenger receipts are not equal to the receipts In peace times but thnt who traveled in times of now at the front "Excursions are restricted too. but even sit. seventy per cent of the pas senger trains In service In peace times are running now." "Then It Is true mat the railways are winning the war?" he was nske i "The firm establishment In tlmis' of peace of (he efficiency of our rail-! peace are o Qffer prjce? N Berkeley.! Do not miss Raphael Pictures to-1 night, Presbyterian church at S o'clock Single admission. 25 cents.. Lost American National Batik! black folder, containing 120 bill. Please return to this office for suit able reward Ladles, make shields at home. $10 roads Is the base upon which our for 100. Work sent prepaid. No military authorities have worked sue-1 canvassing. Send stamp. lvanhoe caaafully," he answered. "Insofar, it Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. may be Justly said that the railroads For sale 300 tons of grain ha: are parti, (paling In our military su Jersey bull, four years old. for sale. I members of the club after which a German supper will be served. The progTam for the evening will be as follows: 1. Roll (.'all Quotation from Goe the. 2. Lied. Duet, Verna and Vera Taylor. 3. Vorlesung, Zclla Follet 4. Debate (in German). Resolved that a bachelor's life is worse than an old maid's life. Affirmative speakers are Chester Reed. Bertha Pruitt; negative. Dietllef Strove and Ardls Callison. 5. Lied, Der Verien. Address Hon of Ore. Lost Pair of black case. l)r outside. Please Moore. Old papers for sale; tied in bun ties. Good for starting fires, etc. I 10c a bundle. This office. Very many people desire to ouy El d ridge were In the from their home In lands in eastern Oregon. What have The ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will meet tomorrow afternoon j at the home of Mrs. D. B. Waffle. The meeting will be in the form of John Gllcy, prominent Butter creek sheepman. Is In the city today William F. Shaver of Rockford. Washington, is here for a few days Mr. and Mrs William P. Ward of Slanfild are here today for a shoit visit. Mr. and Mrs city yesterday Helix. Thomas Grant of Juncan City, Alaska, is stepping in the city for a few days. Attorney Will M. Peterson left this morning for Athena and Weston on legal business. Mr. and Mrs. White of Cleveland, Ohio, are stopping off in the city on their way home. K. F. Fahrenwald. a' prominent Christmas social and all members stockman of Nye, Is in the city to. cesses There are Ecuador. iwmllls In operation Why Lay Awake at Night and Worry About what to give Father, Mother, Sister, Sweetheart or Brother. Come to us and let us help you select the most appreciated gift from our large and at tractive stock, the largest we have ever shown. Did you ever stop to think that when you buy from a small storp's small stock you pay the middle man his prifits. Why? Because he buys in small quantities while WE buy direct from the fac tories and can save you the 25 per cent which goes to the un interested party. Think of It. we have every thing that can be obtained in our line and at a very low price, such as IUA MoNIS our specialty very selec t've for n Xmas gift and one that you can make as a saving bank. Come and see ub. We have equip ped our store with a very attractive diamond room where you can buy or look without being disturbed by your friends looking over your shoulder. Our large stock of genuine PARIS IAN IVORY Is at your disposal. Come and see It and get our prices. Tou "111 lie convinced that what we say Is true. I.eave out the middle man's profit. WM.HANSCOK, TNE Jeweler The House of QUALITY and QUANTITY. ii are urged to attend. The many friends of Mr and Mrs R, S McClure, who have made their home here the last six months, gath- Wlll sell In lots or will feed stock of er,?d "t the parlorB of the Baptist BOH kind, horses, mules cattle or . church last evening and tendere I heep. R. B. McEwen. Athena. Ore'lhem Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night Funerals to cemetery only 13.50. Phone 110, Quelle Res taurant. Car for country trips, phone 50 Carney & Huey Taxi Co. farewell reception 'before they leave for The Dalles where they will make their home In future. Mr. and Mrs. McClure made a host of near Walla Walla, left visiime tne i old springs country day on business. ) Harry Turner of La Grande, whs ! has been breaking In the local O.-W. yards for a few days, left this morn ing for his home. He is employed aj freight brakeman in the La Orande yards A. Swar.son, financial agent for the Adventlst school at College Place. today after Attention. yaj order of Moose. There will be a social session of the Loyal order of Moose at Moose hall on Wednesday evening. Decem ber 15th. All members and their families cordially Invited By ordef of committee. Adv. (.rami Masquerade Ball. Eagle-Woodman Hall Thursday, i Dec. 23. Watch for further partlcu : lars. Adv Maple Syrup. I am ordering some maple syrup and sugar again from the east. Thii is absolutely pure and comes in the original package from the farmers Call 2'i'iW and say how much you want N It. Whit ford Adv. friends during their residence Ir Pendleton. Mrs. McClure Is a grad uate of the McMinnvllle conservator of music and her musically inclined rocal friends were exceedingly sony to see her leave They will go awe: tomorrow. M. D. Smith, Juniper farmer, was in Pendleton this morning. It. T. Bishop of the Pendleton Woolen Mills, arrived home this morning from a business trip. C. S. Jerard. local implement deal er, arrived home this morning from j I trip to Spokane. Kalama and Port- ; I land. the interest of some property owred I by the school in that vicinity. Joseph Cunha. well known Echo sheepman, has been here today to attend the wool expert meetings al the Commercial Club rooms. Dr. C. J. Smith came up from Portland thus morning and spent the forenoon visiting at his ranch east of town He Is returning to Portland tonight. Albert W Warner of Pilot Rock was In the city yesterday on business. Take advantage of your first Chiristmas shopping visit to this store to ask about the Hallmark Wratch. I will gladly show you my stock. The fact that I am an agent for the Hallmark Watqh you may take as good evidence of my stand ing as a jeweler. While accuracy and durability are of course the prime considera tions in making a Hallmark there is an impressive thinness and beauty to our models for gentlemen and ladies. There is a Hallmark for every member of the family. All models illustrated and describ ed in our catalog which we will mail on request. $14.00 to $125.00 Royal M. Sawtelle Since 1887. Notice to En-tern Star. The Hushee Chapter No 19. will meet this evening to hold annual election of officers. 1 iiy order of Wo. thy Matron. MAItV E, JOHNSON, (Adv i Beers tnry Y1 Give onr picture: Do you realise that the finest and j most welcome Christmas present you could ever give your relatives or friends would be a nice photograph of yourself made by one who has the j best facilities and has had years of successful experience in making pic tures that show your true likeness. The same money you would spond for trivial gifts will here buy you highest class photos In the newest Ideas of today. As n gift they will be far more lasting and give you greater satisfaction In the end. Make the appointment today, before the rush. ' C. I. WHEELER, (Adv ) Photographer ft TiTft m Preferred Gift The choice and preferred gift is that which endures because it suggests continu ity of love and friendship. The spirit of goodwill of Christmas, 1915, will continue for many years to come if your selection is an appropriate jewel, or piece of cut glass or silverware of quality. We have everything from the choice and refined diamond in combination with pearls to the simple and modest-priced creation. There is no possibility of you making a mistake and giving a present that will not be cherished even for years to come when the selection is made from the beauti ful suggestions we now have on display. OPERA GLASSES SET RINGS .ATT7Z SCARF PINS St. George Grill Portland Qyelle CRAWFISH Waiting for Official Notice. The county court is waiting for of ficial notice from the secretary of state as to the amount of V'matilla county's share of the state taxes be fore fixing the state nnd county levy. The amount has been given out by tht state tax commission but this is not ofiicial so fur as the courts are con cerned. . FIELD GLASSES SILVER INLAID TURTLE EBONY CUT GLASS DIAMONDS WATCHES BRACELET WATCHES SILVERWARE CLOCKS CHAINS UMBRELLAS SILVER PICTURE FRAMES MESH BAGS VANITY BOXES EMBLEM PINS LAVAL1ERS CUFF BUTTONS CHARMS TOILET ARTICLES SMOKING SETS, ETC. CASEROLS MILITARY BRUSHES SOUVENIR SPOONS CARVING SETS FANCY CLOCKS FOBS, ETC. lnU'r-cMJng Isxtures on sheep. Though the majority of 1'mattlla j county sheepmen nre too busy right now to come In for them, the lectures on the sheep Industry being given at the Commercial club rooms by W. T. Hitch, an expert, are proving extrem ely interesting and profitable to thos.' j who are present. Mr. Hitch is one ot the best posted authorities on wool and sheep In the country and he Illus- 1 trates his lectures with charts. Many Of the sheepmen are In the mountains watching their bands lest they be and thousands of other suitable articles all priced right. Selections may be made now and will be delivered as you specify. This gives us ample time for engraving them. 1 8 sag Ws Our diamonds are of the finest color and cut. bought direct from the importers, thus saving you money. The watches and clocks we carry represent the best makes of the best manu facturers and were selected after many years of experience in handling different makes they are all guaranteed by us. In Jewelry and Silverware we carry only the best and our stock is well selected. Our Cut and Engraved Glass cannot be excelled for its brilliancy arid cut. A. L. SCHAEFER 8 I s 1 726 Main St. Jeweler and Silversmith. Telephone 328J If Fresh Daily Try Our 35c Merchants' Lunch caught In storms for some time in hop," ot Improving I 1 w Y Ir T Ith's hralth. We Aim to Please