DAILY EAST OREGONIAN PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1918. EIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO a I i s I S Only 9 Days Left- Shop Now A CI OVF. OR MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE WILL SOLVE THE GIFT PROBLEM. GOOD ANY TIME. NEW MEN'S FANCY SILK SOCKS A rush order by express for Christmas selling. Col ors are grey, green, purple, black, white, etc. only 50 COME TO THIS GREAT CHRISTMAS STORE TO DO YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING AND BE ASSURED OF QUALITY AND GOOD SERVICE. CHOOSE FROM THE GREATEST STOCKS EVER SHOWN IN PEN DLETON THE NEWEST STYLES, THE WIDEST VARIETIES, THE BEST OF SERVICE IS ASSURED YOU, AND SHOP EARLY. 8 3 8 SI 4 (.11 MAN VVII.I. PltOB- GERMAN CONSULATE UB.T BE CAFTAIK i tt i aiip iumatpi wsm Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 5 er-J I i at 1 I CHRISTMAS OVERCOATS At greatly reduced price. We hare reduced the price of every man' or young man's overcoat ,n our ttore. HART, SCHAFF NER MARX LATEST STYLES all mut go regardless of price. Come and investigate. SELECTED HAVE YOU Ai i f f W-Y 111 -rs- if THE GIFT FOR THAT BABY? Here are some helpful suggestions: Infant' Complete "Lyette" containing an entire baby ward robe. Priced at 810.00, 812.50, 915.00 and $20.00. Infant' White Coat of cash mere or serge, prettily trimmed with bnid or embroidered flower sprays prictd at 82.65 to 85.95 Dainty Dresses made of nain - i' i k ,md lawn with embroidery vokf-s, lace insertion and hand em broidery. Priced from 75c to 85.95 Infants' Sweater, knit sacques and toques, priced from 81.50 to 82.39. Infant' "Snugwraps," made of blanket cloth, with hood and sani tary appliances, warm and durable, priced at 81.00. 81.98, 82.75 We alo crry a complete line of muslin and flannel petticoats, bands, Kimonas and other acces 0 BARGAIN BASEMENT CHRIST MAS BARGAINS Sweaters For men and women, would cost you $4.25 ... 82.79 Muffs An appropriate gift, value $4.75, bargain .... 82. 9S Salid Sets Beautifully decorat ed, sold for $2.35 Waists A pretty line of white waists worth 2.0) r I Boys' High Top Shoes Will sure please him 81-98 Guest Towels Of the be4 ma terial, prettilv dea Boys' Hats Ya! es ?1 $1.50. silk lined Silk Petticoats New i w-orth $4.50, bargain. Wool Waist Good an! and heavy for . intr we Boys' Suit Up 10 dai excellent patter I at Men's Wool Su..-Acc gifts for any a Men's Dress Hat Ne black, brown an 1 st at Women's Shoes patent leather hi tops Guaranteed Sto whole family Warm Mufflers Initial Handkerchief; Suspender Heavy Wool M tt of Children's Wool Mitts All Silk Ties Men's Garter Men's Heavy Wo k Sox Boys' Handkerch cf Painted Berry D' he; 15c Kimona Good I 50c Embroidery Packae- GIVE "HER" A SILK PETTI COAT. Silk taffeta and jersey top pet ticoats in new full flare style. In Rck, navy. Copenhagen, grey, brown, green and flowered and hangeabk effects. Priced from '.95 to F7.50. rO PETTICOAT SILK guaranteed petticoat silk. Irs, 36 inches wide, rs 111 i : especially made The yard 81.25 0N1 he fin 1. Tv to .00 CI "0N NAINSOOK luality in nainsook, inches wide only, ish. Can be embroid Mgths to a night gown, iclvantage. Yard 35C Mrs. Gilbert w Phelps was a vharmlnf hostess esterday after- I ROM to the members of the South Hilt Bridge Club and to a number ot Mother ladle. Honors in the plnv 'I were won by Mrs Wilson E. Brock. Later In the afternoon a number of , additional guests came in tor re- I I freshttu-nts. The Misses Rose and Myrtle Ross. , '! are atending school In Portland this year, are coming home this week ( ' to spend the holidays with their par . ents, Mr. and Mrs. DonaJd Ross. j A large number of ladles were cut last evening at the Presbyterian J i church tor the Illustrated art lecture I n ' Michel Angelo." by Mrs Jessie MM. Honey man of Portland, who with I i Mrs. E P Mossman has arrange, i f for a series of six such lectures here I I during the winter. The second lc r tur.-, "Raphael." will be given this ne course was arranged thn.ugh the Thursday Afternoon and Current Literature Clubs and both of these organizations as well as the schools were well represented in the audience last evening. Mrs Homy, man. who has spent many years in the study of the master painters, is a very entertaining and interesting speaker and her presentation of the history of art up to the time of Mi chel Angelo and her discussion of the greatest of the works of that fa mous artist held the attention of the audience i-aslly. number of stere optlcon views, showing reproductions lot some ..f the Angelo paintings, add ed much to the lecture. ATTACHE INDICTED AT SAN FRANCISCO BAHOM VON BiUNCKEM HELD o TWO XM NTs. I tut PART M ALLEGED PMJTS. Rail IS Piacad at Sltl.lHM . U ( row It-v and Hr, Cornell re l Imhcted Joiully OetnBMM Charters Crowley' ( ral oik, F.v-tcieb-d Throughout I n'l'il si an-. HI o, th.s . c 16c 9c I " t v U E DE CHINE $1.39 ,n $2.00 silk crepe de eludes a few of the best lades orange, king's blue, char ge. Ai. e; .can beauty, etc., 40 in. i ai , aeavy quality. Xmas rial Si. 35) JCH SERGE i ility French surge, me- c. . 0 in. wide; comes in a African, Copenhagen, eta, etc. ..ponged and shrunk. yard ! $1.50 Mrs. Westbrooke Dickson, and ilaughter. Mar !uise. are ex cited home this evening from Fori nd where they have been for sev PmdlOtOD Camp No 41. Woodmen of the World, was host at another enjoyable dancing party last evening in the Kaglo-Woodinan Hall A large number of members and friends were In attendance Tin' Woodmen have been giving a series of the-c dames MM they are prov ing very popular Mi. sad Mrs Frank Saling arrived home this morning from Portland, whsre they had been for the pat GH.MAH. CAMBRlIKlK. Mass, Dec. M Joseph A. Oilman of Honolulu, star tinkle on this iwr Harvard team, will prohabh be elected captain of next year's eleven in the election to be held next Friday. The entire team will be bannm-led at the Harvard Club og Boston nt the Copley Square Hotel on Tuesday IT- nlng. De II, MURDER BEING HELD BY CHEYENNE POLICE Dlx I UP! IOM OP B.VRTHOLO Ml . INTKU T PORT LAND, I ITS PRISONER n it "T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP ' 3 Phones All 15 THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT PREVAILS HERE. Our immense output of table supplies keeps our stocks clean and fresh. TODAY'S STORE NEWS FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT, full of juice, each 12"2c and 15c FLORIDA ORANGES, dozen 50c and 60c. CALIFORNIA NEW NAVAL ORANGES, dozen, 40:, 50c, 60c. FRESHLY ROASTED PEANUTS, 2 pounds 25c. other big shipment in today, se lect your candies here now, we will deliver any date you wish. ROYAL BLACK FRUIT CAKE, "fit for a king," pound 80C . P. W. SYRUPS, MOLASSES and SORGHUM for table use and candy making, cans 2C to 1.50. CHRISTMAS CANDIES An- PLUM PUDDING, pound 50c HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE 6 2iic cans $1.00 Did you get your share? i I i A meeting of the Associated I -bar-Hies will be held this evening In tiie city hall. Miss Muriel Perlnger, who Is at tending the Casllllejo - boarding school at Palo Alto. California. Is Xpected home for the Christmas hol idays I he last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Perlnger, her parent.., went to Portland last night to men her Mrs the da The will ( Mothe ing ri of the H H. House in tht niemb The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. ed the novel nnieiit to make orota-r li wed Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton's pres ent and coming attractions. the hunt rec ently 1 h social gathering, was an MIICCCBS heir breeding as when Mr W--lf d to associate evinced a rleore 10 deep. if the foxhounds to make believe ih- t i fox and some of tll? twill It I 0 Ho siblc lalned for hunt, Kl unqualified However, true to foxhounds, the dog as liberated, refu wiib him. The wo to tt down and go Then the mas'er told th dog the wolf was re in. illgent of the hounds obey . i 1 1 I CM and the wolf (hewed th-o so l.idlv thev lieat a retreat one oi Ihe hunters 'hen shot the wolf mt h io the relief of neighboring Par- with Tarts BH lid Mernaret 1 med of ;,.ve IM the lsiigh.HK BMM w here "T ill III -I. i h jtri' .i a nniei Salisbury Pleid ,vo Amerh an hter and Ihrllls lea oi Nm fork rereatlj --lopiei -lole year lo audi- 1MOI v N HI l uer In will- b it eras unfolded i an exceptional '.t-t "I .Kiile.l .onodhi-i er 'be re.isons 'o( ihe pheaomi Dal Mill r or Mb OMMMbtl n Imlr- eaa n- WMax ami past, WTAHHINOTON, ENN N Mr RarlMl li Davles. mother of lOMPh y Davcx. .h.ilrman Of the fedeial ir.ole commission, died recently M the home ol her son 2117 leroy Mrs lianes was known iniii- rt presentations. la and Aecoaastloea ibid. XKW YORK. Jec. 14. -Robert Fay a QaMBaa arm, lieutenant, accused of bomb plotting, and four of his al- Their each The accomplices pleaded not guilty bonds were fixed at Ifi.ODi m It Thompson is sienlin- Walla Walla. in members of the Girls' Fori njoy a hunijuet given by the rs' Club In the high achOO dln .in this evening. The featu" evening will be a talk by Mrs Mattery on "The Olrl and th She Lives In." All the glrU iiigh si hool are entitled n snhip ill the forum. Pi'l'.TI.ANI). (ire.. Dec. 14 Qeo. Ilartholuinew. wanted as the murder-1 er of John Llnnd. whose body was found in a trunk at the foot of Flan ders strec; on November In, may be. a prisoner in Cheyenne. Wyo Port land police last night received a 11 egiam that a man answering Bar tholomews description had been ar-1 rested In that city. The message came from C. N Km-i hery. chief of police of Cheyenne, and Is so positive in his Identflcathni of the suspect as Bartholomew that ihe police are Inclined to believe the ii;ht man Is In' custody. They will ask that he he held, and a photo graph and detailed means of Id ent 'f i -(ation be forwarded to Portland. The telegram from Cheyenne reai'j' Bl 'ollows: "Have nrreited man giving name of William Smith, answering descrlp-, bo& and photograph of George Ilar iholomew .alias Kd Hopkins, wnnbd there for murder. Can give betipr description with marks nnd scare i Your circular Is an excellent descrlp-1 lion of this man." This word It "Smith" turns out I to be Bartholomew Is the first dofl SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 14 Baron George Wllhelm von Hrlncken. an at tache of the German consulate hete. C. C. Crowley, a detective emplocd by the consulate, and Mrs. Margar l V Cornell, a secret agent In Crow ley's employ, were Indicted by the Cnlted Slates grand Jury on two counts each. The first count chat ti ed conspiracy to Interfere with and .lestioy commerce between the scw-i al states of the union and forcluii countries; the second alleged use 1)1 the malls to Incite arson, assassin tloL and murder. Hall was fixed at aU0 for ea- h count in the three indictments. M-u Rejaaaed ou ii.nl Baron von Hrlncken and Crowi-y were previously charged In the com missioner's warrants with the first count and have been at liberty on 110,000 ball, while Mrs. Cornell, ar rested as a detained witness, gave 11000 ball. The overt acts set out In the In dictments purporting i substantial-' the charges against the Indicted per sons were not made known but It w la (said that the government Is In pos session of all the necessary MM I mentary evidence to support tho I charges I It was charged at the time of I Crowley's arrest on November "i that he was a directing agent in Ger. man plots to destroy by fire and il ' Ram It ships bearing munitions to (Gnat Britain. Frame and Bus la An : explosion of a barge of dynamite in I PttgOt Sound last May WsJ Charted I to htm by government agents When Von Hrlncken was arrested IMMBx ber 4 on charge of conspiring IO Interfere and destroy commerce. Crowley was rearrested on a slmil.r charge Ualtad Slates District Attor ney John W. Preston -aid at the time that I low ley and Von llilnck. a had cooperated. The Kow-nim-nt ( barged Crowley's operations extend ed throughout UM 1'nlte.l States Jl l.M i tVMPKTlTION I I 1.1 Ml al 1'nllfd Kallrsuls t:n"lc I'JOOO a Day SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 10. Jn neys took from the I'nlted Itallw i. of this city possible revenue of OOt a day according to testlmorf given before the railroad commi liOU of California by Charles K. Black, general manager. Competition of the municipal rail way cut off S300.000 more ol the corporation's poeslbhj) income. h said. Woman Raved From Gal lows. OTTAWA. Dec. 14. BgOCIlUve cle mency was granted Mrs. Jennie Itaw - Mrs by I live. who Is sentenced to hang at M- -d. Alberta on Dec 9. (or the rder of her husband s paramour, . Rosalia Stidey. Petitl(Ois signed lu.iii'ii Alberta women were effec- Pi idif-for The Progressive Delphian Clu? i-ld Its first Monday (venln meet- n the council chambers of the hall last evening. The club has Epoch ol Human Progrcs " years work. rogram was as follows: lawn I Topics: First Dwellings.'' Winnie I verage man practices ecsin hls life when the supply of Iven oot. ing city taken lor th The The Spec "The lion "F.vc Food. ' ha ..I b; t hi ll 1 WHERE JAPANESE CORONATION TOOK PLACE Id stl. t re H .1- Br. i if 'Twin way. "Twin Ixls" will is oileied a-, the Oregon on Thursday night, an I doubtless will plow "lo of 111, most popular atliii' lions In many months. The (iit Includes such well known Isvolltes as Juliette Day, J Morn. I Morrison. M.irian l.-.rd p I'.cil por casl. Kdlthu Mavham Wlll'.um Wes ton. Klestmi Wilton end pUlOH a worker In women I em pera 111 e ad voca te She had hpa W for n I spoil - -'H ' Kl H t I I ' oimal Itl'fo-c- l(( llcbave I 'I. mid t Ih - ftUgt lladlt. Mll.l.KHSBI KG II Dm I A .c'.. li I Wij li II li I was ten, inic- ised here by the Fox Hunters asso (Utloti. but hereai'er. the associa tion meml.eis oiin. th- I "III itatxli I'i iU lo the o as th.- po 1 1 de r. ft laBM "f n ruture hunts A tiuskv . ageieslee and iuile uu 'rieudlv Tixas pralrl Orotl w is ' hallonallv as .riovemenis. lid a poet - eral moat hi Mis Imvles whs born In Wale.- In: Ihtii. and as a young woman wan; aw aidi .1 aardll hoOOrl for her elo- ienee and poetry, no was nes aiiMMd oi" Wei-h people as "iinchei UM." signifying Rachel of An ui lcn.ic She was ordained a minis ter of the ySeish i -ongregatbina: chun b In !;:' she RMtritd F.dwaril Itn vies in wuuons'ti and le-idvd there unill she came lo Washington two yr ago U make her home with lor on Tlje liodv was takefl I" W- oii"'u .-mil inierreii in Watertiiwn Japan laW) at hlna. ToKlo Dec IJ The lapatM-M pless Indlgnaiitlv ill noilneed Yuall' aiceplance of Ihe 'hliu se throne It d. .filed he npenlv flOPtOd Japan's idvin I., retain the republic and org-1 wfisBSm&tfi l&wlDfBBKE- aV 'aaaaHBaaV iHal tB aaa ' -- mil mLmm lutlon and Improvement o' Opal i .illlson "Plant-." Vina Coon "Karllest Religious Conception:-. gnes cresweli. "The Talioo.' Vesta Cutsforth. HaCSOStad topic, 'Three Brief lie- I ports of the Tribes of central Ann r lea." Hae HeOUIy. Pyramid Age In Kgypt "Meals of Ihie Period," Hazel BRS--.ortii. "The Gr.-at Pvramid How Con structed." 'The Gi.al Pyramid-- Tomb.' Mae Ha ger. "The dominant Personality 01 Khuiu.-' yllth Johnson. Allied topic "The Pyramid Build ers of Central America," Arlii- lloii cnoin. The jiapers were all excellently pre pared and extremely interesting The evening clnb now numbers twenly sevi n members and meetings will I.e held twice each month, on the use ond and foiirih Mondays The clot Is also planning a number of Infer ml banquets and social gatherings Merchant's beck t sad, ItosKHCRO, Ore.. Dec H. That B, H Hughes, who was arrested al Medford a few days ago on charges of dealing In worthless paper, pto cured a number of blank Chexkl from the store conducted by Harry Pearce a merchant of this city, was the word received here. One of the checks passed at Ashland had Mr Peane's name printed on It Mr Pearce recalls that the man visited his store, but he Is unable (4 explain how he came Into poi sssion of the checks, on his visit to Rose luirg. Huahes represented himself as K, I.. Kuhlman. of Portland. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY DISEASES medicine tha eminent as a if the kidneys. Deep blue eyes, the coquette -yes, keen Intelligence; green eyes. Jen lousy ; black eyes, Intensely loving nature, and brown eyes, a kind, hap- pv temperament. Kyes, which ap- pear Impressive and Interesting and Uddenly flash forth Into dear light, dt note a loving nature and a deep under landing or trouble or sorrow. Byel. which are always Inquisitive, yet when they look ar a person, seem suddenly to become kind and warm, are not to be trusted too far They! betoflg lo the self-seeker. There Is only one really stands out pre remedy for diseasei bv. r and bladder Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot stands the highest for the reason that It lias proven to be Just the remedy needed In thousands of even the most dis tressing cases Swamp-Rrot, a ptly liolan's prescription for special ills eases, makes friends quickly be cuuse Its mild and Immediate effect L- soon realized In most cases, it is a gentle, healing vegetable compound Start treatment at once. Sold at lr-n i all drua stores In bottles of two mi:-, ... fifty cents and one dollar. However, If you W'lRh first to test this great preparation send ten cenls to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ninghainton. N Y., for a sample bolle. when writing be sure and mention the P. million Dally East Oreg.qilan. KXPOHTN Mil. SIHomiO.tliio Vo- i am. i All Hnsirds n- llroki-n During VtMnw In w York. NEW YORK. DM, 1 1.--November exporls through this port broke all records by exceeding 1 1 Mi.onii.nno In value. Foodslufls. led by wheat and M jiloslves. mostly smoki Iihs powdeS. ' I rl-nltrie-tiiluol cordite and guncot- ton .formed a large proportion of the exports. The pun bases were about aquatic divided between Kngiand and I France. The pK tt Slshllden" Kl .lo, Whe Compared with other countries. Ihe I'nlted Stales ranks flrai In th" Tt show the Minister f world's trade in spirits of tuipcnllnc Mlnoari with his wife, exporting about three fourths of the theif official costumes Ml' world's supply. The exports In 1114 psta.c grounds at Kyoto were nearly III million gallons, valued '. .initio n ceremonies. Hi over eight million dollars. HEAD STUFFED FKOM ; CATARRH OR A COLD J snva cream Appnen in nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you ran breathe freely. No morr hawking, snuffling, blowing, head ache, dryness. No struggling for breath at nulgltt; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get n small bottle of Ely's Crenn. Halm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, sntlaeptic, healing crenm In your nostrils, it penetrates through every air passa ge of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and re lief comes Instantly. It's Just fine Don't stay staffed, up with n cold OT nasty catarrh Prevents roughness during the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing skii. tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cent Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best