East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Foretast for riKlcrn Orcgtin h ihr
I nltrd stales Weather (AMM
I v rtbn i
The Eaat Oregunlan.liaa the largest palo
clrculatluti o( any paper Id Oregon, eaat of
1'ortland and over twice the circulation In
I'etidleton of any other newapaper.
ruin "r snow.
NO. 8677
VOL. 27.
Wireless Clicks off its Appeal to
Belligerents From Ford's Ship
Which is Now Nearing Europe.
ttunertloo i- Hade for UamMU
truce Pending Discussion Ont
.w...ss,.idlcr- should If Sand
rr.. ' ..wither WlnUT in Tmii'lKiH
.. . ... - ...i..
1W (tn He Made Minimum)
NEW VOHK, DM. 13. The wire
less aboard Ford's peace ship clicked
Ks peace appeal today to ull the
crowned heads of Europe. A wireless
10 the Tnlted nm tim Ford, told
of the appeal which prayed the rulers
to halt the slaughter and prevent oth
er wives and mothera from bereuve
mMt It suggested an Immediate
mi,, pending mediation and dlacus
alon in the Ford peui e court to nave
ihe soldiers from "facing another blt
i, i winter in the trenchea" It de
..i..p.i uiir had been tried lor
Id months, but was unable to solve
the problem. Therefore the rule-s
.-hould try peuce It said a reconcil
iation was poaalble because all the bel
ligerent are fighting for the aame j
ob)CU, love of country and national
Phii (ail- for POMO.
In part the message said: 'We
, in this time of trouble, not tj
add o your burdena but to help you
lift them. Not to consider which Bu
tton! are moat to blame for the disas
ter which ha befallen Europe, but
to -nd the strife Not to Intrude our
selves upon your national life and
i,lc but with an earneat desire to
understand them Love of country.
for which every duy tens of thousunus
. ., irt,.a it ! the tcime
ol lives are uuv.".v. ...--- -
, even. land. Your nation, like
..... ,...ll.....r.,,l.: l flKhtlnit for til
" ----- -;.
iiinial existence
aim uhj.i -.....
1 . . . . l..ut . , -i t 1 I . II I
u.idltlons. Therefore there are no ir
reconcilable differences, sucn lueu'a
niile differences, sucn laeais
sre,y must afford . -s to estaMlst,
miinannnv.. - '
Cmuiati blood has
been anea. agony
endurad and destruction wrought.
Illoodslii'd should Stop.
fh time has come to stop moon-
shed and save further slaughti
keet. civilisation from anarchy
all I
l ain. Has not the war been tried for
It months? is It not proven that war
cannot solve the problem, but lea'N
only to loss and misery? Must more
iv.- and mothers be bereaved be
Cora we recognise that Europe l
bleeding to death and that the Wound
must be atiiunched? The rising deslr
.., the oeoule of neutral nations to
convert barren dlslnterestedno.-s
.,-tlvi rood, has prompted Ho
ot America to sail to Europe with the
. . purpose of joining European
neutral! In an organised effort to help
lestore peace on an honorable and
Oa1 basis We neutrals are about to
,, i a plan which we will wlthom
debt form and submit to OH and 'he
.,t her belligerents in the hope that
our proposals will be a basis for a
discussion leading to a final settle
mint Therefore we earnestly en
voiir rulers and the rulers of
,.th..r belligerents to declare
an Im-
madiata truce.
tsrl the armies stand where
Then let negotiations pr
t at
cad i
thai the soldllers may be dellve
irom another bitter w Inter In
trenches and sent back I" their
bora and firesides. As there Is
nthal w.iv to end the war except
mediation and discussion
why waste
another precious human
life for the
ake ot humanity ?
(Signed.) RBNRl
Lansing Denies
Austrian Asks
for Passports
WA8BIN0T0N, Dec. 13. That
V ling Austrian Ambassador Zwlede
MCk ha- asked Tor his passport was
r( ported, following his 20 minute
, nnferehCf with Secretary lousing
Later linBing denied the diplomut
had asked for his passports.
i.t.UMtll'. OF THE
DALItAS. Ore., Dec. 13. Ap- tj
parently shot accidentally by a 4
Chart from a sholgun which 4(
caught on a gate, ex-Warden f
Henry Brophy of the Salem
penitentiary was killed.
Judge Lowell in Answer to
Fee Attack, Challenges Best
Forces to Open Poll Books
December 11. 181S.
To the Editor:
The writer holds no brief for any
person or any Interest Involved In
tat lute iiiunlclii.il election, or in Ita
unfortunate uf'ermath, but his at
tention Is culled lo an intemperate
and without consideration by one of!
Hest's supporters, which appeared in
geni e c
tesy of
evening' edition of the Pen
Tribune, therefore the Indul
if your columns and the cour
the public Is Invoked at this
time, (1) because I do not possess
sufficient grace to lubmll tamely to
the unjust, false and baseless attack!
which are being made upon the men
...i. .. . . I.... ... I. , .,( IK..
who were active in behalf of th
Montgomery candidacy, (2) because
I pray that the Almighty will never
allow me to tail to espouse the
cause of the "under dog In the fight "
The communication referred to la
probably not of a type which car
iles great weight In ihe public
mind, but there are some things In
it which merll attention. First, lta
.insertions as lo the moral and polit
ical Issues involved In the campaign
are wholly mistaken l was w. irking
In ccoperatlon with the men who
managed the Montgomery campaign,
and speak with knowledge. Second,
HI lGAlU.VNfi XNNliill.Vli TWO
mm mi IMA psioNs. s,s.
BERLIN, Dec. 13 (Wirejess
Sayvllle i The Teutonic conquest
,.m,,lele The Anaio
Frem b have been
mpletai) driven
The Itulgariana
..,, ,u ,.,
lll'lll til' iijsiii,-
.,,... fn.u hi.iI.
nae amiiiiiniie.i io wniwn .,
Until In Ihe Lake Doiran region, the
- .
; " , Mucp.
.. ... ,irf,,.i rer, said Th.
, laSl isergltll reguiais imte iim i
I llhnla :,n,i ihe Ilulgars are olan-
. ... wn i ih,.m flu 11 ii:i and
"COimii r.s. wrm -
Serbian guerrllas. no hoatlle trooiia
remain in Serlnan territory to Darw
eiitral allies'
ivvllla) Tetiti
1.1 (Wireless
submarines 1
a total ton nag
war began. It
HIT. sc. since
officially annn
LONDON, Iiec. 13. The 2800
is British vessel. Plnegrove has
n sunk by a submarine Twenty
i of the craw were, saved It Is un
0WT1 whether any were lost.
LYONS. Krancr. !ec 1.1. -Lieu-ten
mt CandrOn, his brother and me-1
chanlcan, were killed when a new
aeropUuM designed to carry many
i .i-scngers. fell.
WAdHINOTON, Dec. 13. Senator
Chamberlain of Oregon Introduced a
bill today udvocating compulsory mil
itary service lo raise Ihe citizen arm
1 which the administration advocates.
j He proposed that tvery one. not ex
Icused for physical, religious or other
specific reasons, be obliged W sine
between the ages or II snn .-.i mom.
12 to 17 years would be organized into
a cadet corps. Those Is to II would
form the citizen army. Between till
ages of 12 and h Chamberlain ad.
vocates calisthenics without
14 and 15, rifle training and
thenles; 111 and 17 the sunn
days annual military camp.
wtth i"
The cit
izens arinv would serve 21 dais aniiu-
I ally In a training camp or drill, in
A i groups divided geographically,
7 Persons having the equivalent "
i the proposed training, either from
. .......... a mmIh,
school, miniiu or iiiim.,..-.. ..........
Hons will be exempt.
INirtlaml Batcher strike.
PnllTl.AND. Ore.. Dec. 13. -More
than 100 butchers of five retail es.
tahllahmant struck for a ten hour
day. The manager of one shop an
nounced he will bring strikebreakers
from Seattle.
Its Intimation that the midnight mob
was composed of the fathers, hus
bands uml sons of the women of
Pendleton In not borne out by :ha
testimony or disinterested observers.
liod nave the women of this city if
that conglomeration of swearing der
vishes were inmates of tlielr homes.
Th"u' " lh.e '
tloii disorder was caused by the a' Is
of the Montgomery people If without
ha-Is In fact. They at least knew
the law. and kept within it. Fourth,
the plea that Dudley Evans was
without legal authority to interro
gate vtders is not sustained by the.
law. The writer of that IMtOf
knows, or ought to know, that the
judges of election are supreme In
their respective pleclncts. They may
either examine voteis or permit ol.i
orn to do ao, They may call outside
r .Idem e, il they desire, to, determine
whither a vote It legal.
Neither atreet orators nor news
paper writers, however, can settle
the vital questions Involved, and the
sponsors id James Archibald Best
are now publicly challenged to name
a single illegal, dishonest or dlsrepii.
table act on the part of Mr Mont
gomery Of the men who conducted
(Continued on page four.)
Sunday Schools of
City to Celebrate
Thursday Evening
In order not to conflict with th
municipal Christmas exercises OBIod the
Christmas ee. the Sunday schools of i points.
the Christian. Methodist in
tlst churches announcid tod
the) would hold their exen
Thursday evening. Vhty i
the idea of the municipal
mas tree The following is
id Mao
ay that
ises on
the an-
nouncement which they ipuK
We. ihe superlntendent.
Chrlstlaii. Melhodlst and
Sunday schools, wish to
that the Christmas exerci
schools will be held on
evening of next week. Wi
ticed the scleral atinoum
have I
the papers concerning the municipal
tree to be given on Friday night and
heartlh approve the idea.
Christian Church
Mi iWKT.
M E. Church.
Baptist Church
First Picture of Ancona
OGXrV OF JiMCOtfi Kuceivrrfc; FJiST Food
The large panel shows Ihe crew of
the Italian liner Ancona. which was.vors in i
torpedoed and sunk by all Austrian . members
or Herman submarine In the Medlt -
erranenn, getting their first food aft -
At Several Points Advance Guards 'Chief of Police Manning and Patrol
ReportedtoHave Touched Frontier man Stephens Held Under $750
Course of Greece Uncertain Bail on Charge of Assault.
French and Britl-h Are Hourly Ev
noted 10 Make a Ma ml Against I
invaders (reck Authoritli -
Watch Situation ei ( lo-cl in
a -i I in I j ii- Oram ltoiiiMlurt
SALONIKA, Dec. 8. A sail.
factory agreement bun isi-ii readi
ed between the etiteuu' silica and
Ureece for the free movement of
uh'ml troop betgreeu salintka ami
ilic frontier ami tin one through
m in. h tin allies must retreat.
As a part of tin- agreetnent the
allies tisik iiier the Salonika cus
toms house. A Greek division Is
now a few miles northeast of
Salonika bin will Id- transferred
lo a point KltMd M miles of the
Bulgarian frontier.
ATHENS. Dec. 13.- The allies :e-
ported evacuation of Glegvell and
Ltka Dorian In southeastern Serbia.
was Confirmed today. The liulgars
are n ported within five miles of the
Unit, line Since Saturday the al
lies have been retreating into
Qreece. They expected to make i
stand hourly.
The Bulgarian advance has reach-
(Ireek frontier ' at several
The ureek authorities an
closely wat. hlng these force.--, but M
official statement is obtainable re
garding the probable course in cas;
the Ilulgars cross the boun 'ary.
prisoners have be
Austrian invaders
west Ipek. the
3 six tnouaaro
H taken by th'
of Monienegrr
war oi l ice claim
Greek steamers Delayed,
ATHENS. Dec II. Several Greek
steamers have been detained In al
lied ports, according to the newspa
per Hestla.
storm lie- lip Traffic
CHICAGO. Dec 11. The first sleet
slorin of the winter tied up traffic
throughout the lake region and Ihe
northern Mississippi vallev states.
Lake shipping has been abandoned.
landing with a Ira
s In a small Italian
if the BUrri1
port. The
worked for
people from
ol the crew
j several hours rescuing
'the sea.
Charges tie Preferred bj E, v. M--
( onitts and Arc Result of Trouble
Lust Monday Nisid Humored That
Counter Charges Will be riled
Prominent Men go on Bond.
This morning at 11 o'clock
Police Alex Manning and
dinar Stephens were bound
'hief ,,f,
i iff leer j
iver to I
the grand Jury on a charge of assault ,
I with a dangerous weapon preferred
by E. W. McComas. prominent grain
j buyer w ho was clubbed by Chief
.Manning during the election nignt ri. ;
lot last Monday. They were arrested j
and arraigned laie Saturday after
noon and this morning waived preli
minary hearing.
The affair grows out of the trouble I
ot last Monda night. McComas I
swore out the warrant for the arrest
Lf the officers last Friday but it was
Iim served by Sheriff Taylor until!
,,oruy after 4 o'clock Saturday, inj
i hP meantime a orouosal had lieeni
made to Chief Manning that if he.
end Stephens would resign their of-1 salt Lake City, is In Pendleton. For
fees at once, the prosecution would! three days, December 13, 14 and 15.
be dropped. To this suggestion the Mr Rltch lectures under the aus
chief refused to listen. pices of the Oregon Agricultural
At T, o'clock Saturday the officers College. The first of these meetings
were arraigned and released on their was held this afternoon. These
own recogniiam e hey appeared this' meetings are of special Interest to
morning at ll before Justice of theithe sheepmen of this locality. The
1 1 ace Parkes. City Attorney Charles j following subjects will be discussed:
H Carter represented them. The iit of Subjects,
stale was represented by Prosecuting Modern Shearing Sheds; Construc-
Atiorney KreitericK sterner ana James
A. Fee. with whom McComas
teen advising, appeared with
complaining witness.
When the hour arrived the district
atlornei announced that the state
would want three days in which to
prepare its evidence for a showing bui
the city attorney Interrupted with the
Blatemeat that the defendants would
waive a preliminary hearing and con
sent to bcinar bound over to the
trand Jury.
Justice of the Peace Parks at first
ttaied that
fendants oi
and to this
ease the de-
their own
the district attorney con-
(Continued on pace five.)
At the left Is an insert of Capl.
i'ietro Massardo. commander of the
vessel, while at the right la an In
sert of Chief Engineer Carlo Lom
berti, who rescued Dr Ceclle Orel!,
the American physician.
Shelling of Ancona is Declared tolHave Been
"Barbarous"-Act is Denounced in Protest
Sent by the United States to Vienna-Diplomatic
Relations in Danger of Being Severed.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. The. Act IK-uounceil s iiarharou.
text of the American note to Austria- N "ote arraigns the shelling and
, ., - torpedoing of the liner as "Inhu
Hungary regarding the sinking Ot LJ -barbarous' and a "wanton
the Italian steamship Ancona, made j giaut-nU!r. of helpless men. women
public, reveals a formaf demand by : and children."
the I'nlted States for prompt d'- In official and diplomatic circles
nuunceme'nt of the Illegal and inde- i the communication Is regarded as be-
fensible" act, for the punishment of
the submarine commander and for
reparation by the payment of indent-
nity for the killing and injuring of
innocent American cttlzen-i.
The demands follow a statement
, informing Austria-Hungary that "the
good relations of tne two countries
must rest upon a common regard for
law and humanity."
Wool Expert Here to Talk
to Sheepmen on Live Topics
W. T. Kltch. wool specialist from
ti.m ana Management
has) Systematic Crossbreeding of P.ange
the i. Sheep
Merinos. Australian Types.
How they Have Been Developed
Komneys. old and New. Kent and
New Zealand Types Compared.
English Leicesters, and Their
Special Advantage.
Corriedale Sheep. Their Particular
I'se and Their Special Advantage.
British Breeds of Sheep. Correctly
Classified and Briefly Described.
Black Sheep, How to Avoid Them
j an,i How to Obtain Them as Desired,
Controlling the Sexes of Progenv
In Breeding Range Sheep.
Fleece "Locking' and 'Trim
, ming. " Should the Practice be Dis
! continued.
Astonishing Progress of Sheep and
! Wool Production in South Africa.
Cooperation In the Wool Industry
I of Australia and New Zealand
Eight Weeks in a Freeiing Works
l and What I Saw There,
i Lack of Lustre and How to Cor
i rect it in Crossbreeding
Light Shrinking Wool, and Hov
to Obtain It.
Advantages of Scouring Locks and
i Tags Before Shipping.
Advantages of Sun-dried Over
Mai bine lined Wool. A new and
j Profitable Industry for the Western
! Stales.
Autumn Crutching and Its Special
1 Advantages.
.lapan has found valuable deposits
ol coal on an island in Xagaskt har
bor arid close to its Sesebo naal sta-
(jeans al.
stem note Is st ilt Ausiria over sink,
lng of nmiiu. lainsiiur denies, that
ii-tiiau ambassador aks for kis
isirls. Ford flashm peuV nn-sage ad war
ring nations.
Bulgarian- arc within few nilbs. of
the (.rook frontier.
C4kt( Manning ami Officer HttoaahcM
Imonil over to grand Jury on chargt
pivfcrrcil b) Mi-Coma-.
.ludgc Ismcll challenge-. llct forc
es tti i- n Nlll IsHiks.
LiH-al negro pnivos to N virolc
O. A. C. sheep cvnerts talk on
timely todos.
Churches, will hold Christmas exer-clses.
Ford Needs Peace Envoy to
Settle Trouble on Oscar 2d
VtniARP THE OSCAR II. by wire
less to I.inds-End. Eng.. Dec. It.
War has broken out aboard Ford'a
peace argosy. Several Melegates are
reparing to quit the party at Chrts-
i lng the most emphatic declaration to
I come from the United States gov
i ernment since the beginning of the
European war. No attempt Is made
conceal the fact that unle the
, demanda are quickly compiled with
I aininmatlc reJml
et ween the two
Janger of
being severed.
(Continued on Page 1.)
Keds or "Sheep Ticks" and Their
Astonishing Tenacity to Life.
Cruel and Careless Shearing, lit
Depreciating Results on the Growth
of the Wool Fibre In Its Various
M suges
Comparative Spinning Counts of
Every' Description of Wool that tho
World Produces. How to Obtain
Higher Standard of Quality of Scl
i entitle Breeding
i Itapld increase of Pulled Wools
and Their Influence on Shorn Wool,
'Shoddy and Its Uses Some Erron-
in,l'eous Impressions" Explained
Adulterated Wool Fabrics anj
How They Can Be Detected.
"Dead" Wool and Its Uses.
"Pie Wool," What It la. Where It
Comes From. Where It Ooea.
What Becomes of Second Cute.
Their I'nexpected I'se and Least
Suspected Destination.
Wool Brokers Stores, Their Intri
cate Ramifications and Their Ines
timable Value to Woolgrowers.
Auction Wool Sales and How
They are Conducted In Australia
and England.
The plan is to have the audience
choose the subjects. There will bo
two lectures each I
Wednesday, one at
the other at 2:30 I
Mr Rltch to a n
experience, having
Tuesday and
30 a. m and
connected with the wool industry of
the Cnited States. Canada and Aus
tralia. During the last few years h
has been interested in the wool In
dustry of the western I'nlted State.
He has lectured In the principal wool
centers of al! the western states The
wool interests of eastern Ocegon are
fortunate to have Mr. Hitch lecture
at Pendleton.
All meetings are held at the Pen
dleton Commercial (Tub rooms. Ev
erybody is cordially invited.
Wheat is Higher in
Portland and Chicago
Pi'HTLa.vd. Ore., Dae.
(Special I- Merchants Ex. hai
es today, club. 2-;. bluest
I .. .
prb ,
Amertea r
is no 1 1
.nils the Lr .-i " I
l.luiiW run n mt i .nil
lumbermen p!eulel befora
eral tra le commission ,.;
mit the irust to trul th
markets. Joseph Teal or
submlttei voluminous
treme pacificists it. the pint b.i..' .id
"prVil an insulting attRud Inward
their comrades n, Wilson'
preioTedneas program. Ford la try.
lng to prevent an open bre-ik. A
serious spilt Is leareU.