EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1915. r Chicken Cayenne A COMPOUND OF CAYENNE PEPPER AND CEREALS, GOOD FOR YOUR CHICK ENS AND WILL MAKE THEM PRODUCE MORE EGGS. 6 ib. Can $ 1 .00 Gray Bros. Grocery Co. "QUALITY" Two Phones. 28. 823 Main St. Hospital IMirynwn HI. J. ). Travelstead, head dairyman at the Kasiern Oregon State Hos pital, is conrined to his bed with a severe case of la grippe. Mercury IVown to 24. The mercury In the official ther mometer fell to 14 last night. This Is within one degree of the minimum recorded so far this winter, a heavy frost gave Pendleton Its whitest coat of the season last night. Recovering from Injury. Terrance Orosaon, one of the at tendant, at the Eastern Oregon Stats Hospital who some time ago suffer ed a fracture of the leg, is able to be about on chrutches now but is I still unable to attend to his duties. HI With TonsUlUs. Ktvtn l.impkln. who has been ill for several day. with a severe case' of tonsilitls. is reported better today Another lCirtppe Victim. Mrs. A. C. Hampton, wife of th city superintendent. Is confined to her bed today with an attack of lagrlppe last Day for Census Kcturns. Today 1 the last day for the fil ing of school census reports with th county superintendent, according to the law, but as yet there are ml of the reports not yet received Ik-fault ,lu!i;iient Taken. A default judgment for $1250, at torneys fees, interest and costs In the case of Frank Stanton vs. Chin Stanton, has been signed by judge Phelps and the lien on two lots in Helix is ordered foreclosed for the satisfaction of the judgment. Bishop Mayor of lltm.lri, O. H. Bishop, well known youi.g attorney of Freewater and law part- A: ner of W. M. Peterson of this city. I EC was elected mayor of Freewater 15 without opposition, according to news W received here. Bishop Is also pre.1- j JE dent Of the Freewater Commercial ..t Club. I K I If Its from the Golden Rule Store its Cor rect in Price and its Correct in Quality. THAT'S JUST THE WAY YOU WILL FIND OUR HOLIDAY GOODS PRICED. YOU WILL LIKE 'EM. Ladies' felt slippers in leather, felt or creap-a- way soles in most any color you may wish at it, mt, fl.49. Children's and misses' house slippers, so soft and comfy on the feet and only 39f, 49f, 98t, fl.49. House slippers for the men folks, you just as well save 25 per cent on these at 69, 98f , 91.49. . Furs for the little tots as well as the larger girls and all priced at half you would be asked to pay elsewhere 91.79, 91.98, 92.98, 93.49 and 93.98. Ladies' separate muffs in black or brown at 92.98. 93.98, 94.98. 96.90, 99.90. Ladies' separata fur neck pieces for those that don't care for the muffs, $15, $20, $25 and ISO valties at 99.90, 911.00, 912.50 and S14.75. Ladies' fur sots, muffs and nock pieces to match at S4.98, $5.90, S9.90, 912.50 tt Ae--V K Practical 5 I Holiday m nil - ft MerrnK a Kitner Returning. Representative U. W. Ritner, who has been in California during the last lew weeks. Is returning home, according to Sheriff T. D. Taylor, who arrived back from San Francisco last evening. Mr. Ultner was to have reached Portland last night. Hack from ltrmer' Convention. Assessor C. P. Strain and V Harrah returned home at noon day from Welser. Idaho where t attended the convention of the Ida ho Farmers' Union as delegates from the Umatilla county union They report a splendid meeting A. R Shumway of Milton was also anions the county delegates In attendance. You can do 5 better at 8 White Studio PHOTOS are the most acceptable and appropriate Xmas gifts Special Holiday Prices See our work, get our prices I tuatilla Men (in Falonts. Among the list of Oregon invent ors receiving letters patent from the IT. S. Patent office recently appears: the name of Roy H. Irwin of Stan-! field and Cyril G. Brownell of t'iM tllla. The former received a patent for a filing device and the latter for a control for a buck rake. sheriff Rack Willi Duke. Sheriff T. D. Taylor arrived homo last night from San Francisco with Charles Duke, the young Italian con tractor wanted here on a charge of Issuing bogus checks Duke was ar rested in the Bay City on a similar charge but was released to the local ofifciaU. To Hold Meetings at llellv Rev. H. H. Hubbell, pastor of the local christian church, will leave to morrow for Helix where he will con duct evvangelistlc meetings for two weeks at the church there. Duiing the two j Sundays he will be absent his pulpfc will be filled b) Ret, Mi -Cormack of Helix. , 'J.C. PenneiCojnc J sloiiin,' I If r5erru Practicol Holiday! 9 We Lead Other follow V Trial ta loKtNned. The trial of Belles and Qelnger In the Pilot Rock justice court on u charge of hunting quail, set for yes-, lerday afternoon, was again post- i poued and Januur - is the new date set. The defendants demanded; It Is providing a gently smooth, hard beach The total losses In buildings and land will reach about 133,000. Plans for rebuilding the destroyed amusement places are well under way. lturview next summer will be as ready us ever for the vacation crowds, and with accommodation for all. Hut always there will he Ihe attraction of the coast life guards the busy little donkies pulling their long trains out Into the sea. the fre.-ih Crab, and clams, and dips in the surf. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE 1100 acres nf nice Wheatland, water, and short haul. 130 per acre. 1(0 acres on the Reservation. 40 to SO bUBhel land. 165.00 per acre. 320 acres, good Improvements, orchard and alfalfa. 150.00 per acre. ISO acres, close to town, house, ham. orchard and alfalfa $65.00 per acre. 240 acres, 68 acres set to alfalfa, good Improvements. 154. SO per acre. I have resided In I'matlll. county over 30 years. No Inflated values go with me, K. T. WADK. ViHITE STUDIO ASSOCIATION BUILDING Lie lion Jiulcs Got Pay. j Instead of receiving pay for two, days as stated yesterday in a local i paper, the. judges and clerks who I served Monday in the city election are drawing warrants only for one I day. They are each being paid i three dollars. The total election . expense was (180. trial by jury and it will be impos sible to pick such, a jury as they de manded until after the first of the year. r PENDLETON BOWLING TEAM DEFEATED BY WALLA WALLA Treasurer's November Heport. The November report of Tressur er U. W. Bradley shows that the bal ance in all of the county funds shows on the books at 377,756.88 However, this is not the actual bal ance inasmuch as there are a good many outstanding warrants. The amount In the general fund Is shown to be 334,289 71. GIVE HIM A HAMILTON WATCH. i The product of our most skilled watchmakers and a dependable time piece. John Rosenberg Court Street Jeweler Hamilton Watch Agency. New Steel Being Delivered. The O.-W. R. & N. Co. has begun the delivering of steel for the 104 milej of track replacement ordered a few weeks ago. according to word received here. Of this new track age there will be 10 1-2 miles be tween Echo and Yoakum for which seven miles of rails have been deliv ered, there will be 22 miles between Pendleton and Gibbon and rails for which have been received and dis tributed and 11 1-2 miles between Gibbon and Duncan, the work be ing now actually under way. The Pendleton bowling team lost u match with the Walla Walla team last evening on the Walla Walla al leys, winning only one out of the three sanies played. The Walla Wallanj scored i'Wi pins In the three games find the Pendlatunions -648, both scores being high for those alleys. Adolph Molltor of Walla Walla, for merlv of this city, was high roller with a score of 574 and McDevltt of Pendleton was only six pins behind ."'laughter of Walla Walla who made the highest single score, 212. The following are the scores: Walla Walla. Molitor 211 189 Wheeler 175 196 Slaughter 212 151 McAle 157 .196 Lee 161 165 I 174574; 159530 185548 t 202555 176 502 916 897 89 DALE ROTHWELL Optical Specialist. American National Bank Building, Phone 609 McDevltt Monovan Fggers . Hoover Book . Pendleton. 202 181 157 191 181 151 14 160 171 190 185-192-161-205-175- 2709 568 -497 -512 -567 514 882 850 916 2648 I1AKKR SCHOOL OPENS HANK. Adults 15c. LAST CHANCE, THEDA BARA IN "CARMEN" Children 5c COMING SUNDAY V. L. S. E. Big 4, Presents Edna Mayo and Bryant Washburn in Hooks Taken Out l 50 Young IK jiosltors on I'irst Day, BAKER. Ore., Dec. 10. W hen the Baker public sc'i ol savings sys ter.i started City Suprrintenent A. C. Strange made out books for 50 youthful depositors In the BOUth Ha ker an-i Central school .. Xetrly 150 was plo.'il on Bc.uc.tt, but Mr. Strange feels : .ghly encour aged, as It developed that a larsre n.i'rtber of student i..eady In., ai -count, at the pottof fice, or at the lank. Mr. Strange expects a total of 200 depositors from the four xhools. Nickel deposits were the cm iHest r..i.de, also anions the most numer ous. A thrifty girl n tlie third grade Mailed the largest account Willi ? lb. TEMPLE 5c THEATRE BEAUTIFUL Today 10c "The Brink" FEATURING FORREST WINANT AND RAE MITCHELL, IN FOUR PARTS. How the powerful head of an organized system of robbery meets defeat at the hands of his "catspaw." 5c Coming Saturday Only 10c "The New Ad&m and Eve" A MUTUAL MASTERPICTURE FEATURING GRACE VALENTINE SOME PICTURE. WHERE IS HE? WHO? FATTY ARBUCKLE? TRIANGLE Tanker sailed Wednesday LONDON, Dec. 10. Lloyd, an nounced that the Standard Oil tank steamer Communlpaw, which was variously reported as unk, captur ed, shelled and uninjured, tailed from Alexandria Wednetday. Panama city has two breweries. 4 The Blindness of Virtue" The great morality photodrama, is attracting universal attention because of the wonderful lesson it carries to young girls. It presents a moral every girl will under stand. Indorsed by churchmen and sociologists. Moth ers do you tell your daughter-, all they should know? This great picture abolishes ignorance in such a way that no one is shocked and good taste is not violated. BAH VIEW STILL ON MAI. RnlfcKng Destroyed iy 'lldiv An- to Be Replaced. BARVtBW, ore.. Oec. 10. While everything outh ol the Jetty and on the outside of the trackt ha. been demolished by the waves, this con stituted but u small part of the aviill- .Me property at this place, there be ing left a long sirl, of territory east of the track.. This property In safe now, thunks to the Southern 1'iulflc, In hulring .1 neawall to protect their tracks. There L a considerable stretch of smooth sundy beach outside this wall at ..an ilrlfM now and it Is thought that with the lower .ummer tides this will provide a better beach than lever Beside, this beach sand Is.flll, I ing In back ut the Jetty and theie SI. tm BAl SAI RAl IAI Wm WKl Mil SAt .Ml ffftl .At wm am .mi SAl SAl SAl SAT .AT .Al OAl .At .Al BA1 ..l ..I ! ! ! ! mr, ,, Ik. flwj iff 1 ALTA -- EM Today PAULINE FREDERICK Tomorrow In a magnificent picturization of the great immoral drama, her great triumph, "ZAZA" w. v. M. A. VAUDEVILLE 2 GREAT ACTS 2 Bajokek Bros. "CHARLIE GHAPLIN & the GOP AGNES KANE, CHARACTER MUSICAL COMEDIENNE Special Matinee Tomorrow. SUNDAY-MARY PICKFORD BlWHBI Mi M iW. bmi n U w m