PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1915. EIGHT PAGES in i 25? 6 in a 75 Holiday Sale THE HUB LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS F.imv embroidered initial handkerchiefs, box, the box ladies' fancy embroidered handkerchiefs box. 11.26 value, the box ! adiea' pure linen handkerchiefs 10? ; 3 for 25c LADIES' UNIONS Ladies' wonted unions, sizes 4 to 9, real values at 1.50, our price 98f Ladies' all wool unions, short sleeve, real values worth $3.00, our price $1.95 TOWELS One line of linen finish Huck towels trimmed with red border, large size, only, each 10 Turkish Towels, big line to select from 7t to 250. HOCKY CAPS For boys' and girls' 25c Spoil caps ... 45C to 65C Children's black jersey leggings, 11 button, worth 7Sc the pair, sale price 49C MEN'S SILK TIES Men's 75c ties 45? Men's "iOc ties 35C Nice assortment of men's ties 25c TRUNKS Buy her a trunk for Christmas, new shipment just arrived, priced $4.95 to $11.95 They will please. Ladies' sateen petticoats in popular colors.... 98c NATION-WIDE MOVE IS ON FOOT 10 GET 1 CENT POSTAGE LAW MY EJUS OF LA QRANDK GIVES REASONS FOR HAV ING LOWKIt HATE. A SECOND HELEN KELLER Determined Uglu will lie Made in Congress Tills Winter, He to (iot the Reduction One t out Kate Will Pay Association term ed to Further (annsiign. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES e HOT TABLES CHILL! CON CARNE SPAVIMI STYI.i: LUNCHES COFFEE BlUltaf clean and up-to-date FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Coi Ph id CoMonwt Pendleto USE CASCARETS 'FOR LIVER AND BOWELS WHEN CONSTIPATED HU 1HIJOIS. HEADACHY. Ml'K. TOR sOflt STOMACH, BAD BREATH, BAD COLDS. Need a Laxative? Don't take a violent purgative. Right the sluggish condition with the safe, vegetable remedy which has held pub lic confidence for over sixty years. BEECHAMS PILLS reat S le of Aar Mdicln in the World. Sold Terywker. !n boiu, 10c., 25. Get a 10-cent box. Take a (.ascaret tonight to cleanse your liver, stomach and bowels, and jou win surely reel great by mom ing. You men and women who have headache, coated tongue, a bad cold, are bilious, ervous, upset bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stom ach, or have backache and fesl all worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascareu or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile I from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter and poison ) from the bowels. J Remember, a Cascaret tonight will ! straighten you out by morning. A I 10-cent box from your druggist 1 means healthy bowel action; a clear i nead and cheerfulness for months Don't forget the children. "Letter postage users of the I'nlt ed States and particularly those who have a large volume of letter mall ore clearly entitled to a one-cent let ter rate, and a determined fight will bo made in congress this winter tl secure It" i U Myers, of La Grande, mad I . V. - 1 . , . . . . I i me aoove statement yesterday, ao I eompanying it with the information that the business men of his city ate joining the ranks of the National One Cent Letter Postage Association, for the purpose of securing a one I cent letter rate j He declared that already the as I sockitlon has strong and represent:! - tioe menil'Orsnipi in every city an'1 town throughout the flitted States, and that every effort Is to be direct ed toward securing action on a one cent rate at the approaching ses sion of congress. "The time has arrived." he went on to say, "when officials at Wash ington should take cognizance of the,' demand made by the users of first j class letter mail for a readjustment Of rates so that ordinary letters. I which are now being charged two cents each shall be carried at cost, i or about one cent each. "It has been amply demonstrated by statistics and actual investigation I that a one cent letter rate through-' 1 out the I'nitetl stavs will pay and 1 ha .K-. ,Va av,., Kl.. . ... i .in c.iuii ic-iil out, vcoiq demanded for the carriage of a iet ter is nothing less than a tax. "The I'nlted States post office de partment was primarily organized tor the carriage of letters, and in the early days the charge.' made on a ba sis of actual cost of transportation. When the department was organize I transportation difficulties were Im mense, and a high rate had to be charged. Years have passed, Won-1 ROtM BaklngPowder AbsolutelPure Insures the most delicious and healthful food NO ALUM -HO PHOSPHATE terday. to visit the Williams family. Mr and Mrs. Leo L. Fix of Alkali, to learn that John C Williams with Hpent Sunday With Mrs. Fix's parent', his bride, had gone to visit him inMr and Mrs o F. ttteU, Missouri and John will be as greatly The Rev. C. F. t'unnlngham of surprised upon his arrival In Mia ' lluldman. filled his regular appoint sourl to find that his brother-in-law, menl here Sunday to a small congre- Mr. Webb, Is here Joe F. Fisher visited the county seat last Saturday for the first time In several weeks, owing to his being confined with a severe attack of the KTlp. gallon, ii sickness. rig to bad weal her and it has been demonstrated that once In a while a fat w nun can have a mean disposition. Kaihryne Kriek the girl replies in words that ring out Kathryne Frlck of Harrlsburg, Pa., clearly and that are marvels of enun- deaf. dumb and blind, has Just celc- elation, considering that she is totally braird her .sixteenth birthday by glv- deaf and has not heard a word Ottered ing a party to her little girl friends, since her baby days. "1 am sixteen years old." she said Kathryne Frlck is above grade It, very plainly, "and I am going to i;ive many of her studies. She speaks and) my friends a treat." writes batter Kngltsh than most oftliel The words were actually spoken, children in the highest grade in the I they were not mumbled or chatteie l. I school. She is a wizard with her Thev were fairly clear and clean cut, fingers. Her latest accomplishment and they carried with them the joy j is running a sewing machine which and insatiable l"ve of life of a not - she does with accuracy and dispati h. mal girl. threading her own needle. Seven years ago. when Kathryne I She can knit and sew. crochet, Prick entered the Pennsylvania In-1 weave: she is an adept at using lonui in. .10 ions nave revolution! 1 gutute fnr tne Deaf and Dumb, at typewriter and seldom makes an er he transportation business and thai If aunt A lev she could not utter alror. She has read manv of the clas- syllable She made unintelligible ales. She knows the big facts In the MOnda, her body was frail. She hud Kiiropean war. She can traee the no noise no .-tahllltx nn direction: warring countries on a raised map which is the present chargf. .,,,. m-arcelv walk alone She has a Rood ground work of his- the United State)' Today she Is n well developed, well toric information She delights in about the W.n nf sixteen, with a keen I COlOT. though she Is virtually blind most perfect working machine therj ' intelligence shining in her and can only dimly discern the bright L in the business world. When youlal.e that reflects the working of ao reds and blue In a strong sunlight consign a letter to the postof'ice, youi ..hv, brain The girl s marvelous development have almost definite insurance that i , ......,.,,.., in ih. ulun ! Is ,m.. to ti... infinite tint ienc and language the questions that'are spi ll-1 pains of her teacher. Miss Mabel P ed into her hand or that she gathers i Whitman who has brought her mind with her delicate fingers from the! out of its original chaos into a state lips of her iinestionev or from the vl- of preparedness for any Information hrations of the throat of the speaker that may come her way. SNOWFLAKE SODAS are baked right here in the Northwest. They come to you fresh and crisp. Aak your dealer Take no other PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. PORTLAND, OREGON cost of carriage has been lowered un- j til now it is known letters can be call lad at one cent instead of at two "Mechanically ostoffice department lib-. Brief In Railroad Case. WASHINGTON. Dec. 8. The de partment of justice filed a brief at Salt Lake City in the government's suit for the separation of the South ern Pacific and Central Pacifio railroads. y HOUSEKEEPING HELPS for Christmas Gifts ELECTRICITY Is the cleanest, most convenient, safest and most economical in the end, for Heating, Cooking, Lighting. Power , e hr an electrical gift and make her happy. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. Telephone 40. it will reach Its destination. On the other hand, the methods used for de termining charges on different clash es of mail are ntupiated and unsci entific, and seems certain that a general revision of the postal rates must be made within the next few months. "There are many reasons why let ter users are entitled to a one cent rate. Among them may be mention ed: "Because the government is mak ing about 100 per cent profit on let ter postage. "Because the department was es tablished primarily for the distribu tion of letter mall. "Because It was never intended mat letter mail should pay a profit. "Because one-half of our letter postage Is a tax. "Because this tax I nut used for the general expense.' oi the gov ernment, but utilized as a subsidy for other classes of mall. "Because It is wrong to tax on class for the benefit of another. "Because on equalization of our 1'stal rates will provide bciter scr "Ice. "Because we have teen entitled to one cent letter postage for the pa-t ten years. "For the pnrpov of crystalizin? throughout tne United States so that this reform can be brought about, there has been formed the National One Cent Letter Postage Association of which Charles Wm. Burrows, Cleveland, Is president, and Oeorge T. afclntoch, Cleveland. Is secretary treasurer and manager of the cam paign. This organization has been In existence for a number of years and has been steadily working for a one cent letter rate. "I feel certain that we can pre sent this matter In a proper light, so that our representatives at the na tional capitol will be sufficiently Im pressed to support this work. I V TellMetheS Btttifdl Vessel is Shelled. LOSDOK, bee. v. The British ves sel. Japanese Prince, was pursued five hours by a submarine and heavil;. shelled. It escaped. HELP voi it i.ivkr rr r.YS When your liver gets torpid and your stomach nets queer, talte !r. Our school Is closed until the epl- demic subsides. Thomas Kerr made . business trip to the Holdtnan OOUtttfJ Sunday Mr and Mrs. Jess Craig and D. V. Davis were Pendleton traders last I Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams went! to Pendleton last Thursday where j zcrei 'Mt King's New Life Pills and you Willi they witnessed the marriage ceremon' find yourself feeling better. They j of their sun. John C. Williams, of purify the blood, give you freedom : Nolln. to Miss Amanda c. Price of from constipation, biliousness, dlxxl-j Pilot Kock The Rev. Snyder of pen ness and indigestion. You feel ftne-- dleton. officiated Only a few of the Just like you wsm to feel. Clear the I immediate relatives were present complextion, to. :'5c at druggists. The groom is a hlg rarmer in this Adv. I vicinity, having control of 12!M ;icre. ; I of wheat land, besides he owns lfio : acres south of Kclio In the Teel inl- MANY NOLIN PEOPLE ARE ILL FROM GRIPPE II AltltLY I'AMILY IX ME 5f.k;itbokii(oi has ESeWF.1 DISKASK. (Special Correspondence.! NOLIX, Ore.. Dec. 7. The grippe epidemic has struck ua and struck us hard. Hardly a family In the neigh- gat ion district. The bride was liorn and raised m ar Adams and Is the daughter of Mrs. Mary K. Price of Pilot Rock, who has valuable holdings there, besides "he OVnl 160 acres of wheat Istnd near the town Of Adams. Following the marriage ceremony. Mr. and Mrs Williams left for south west Missouri, Mr. Williams' former borne, to spend their honeymoon, aft- borhood has escaped the malady. , Pr wn0h they will live on the Nolln Among the latest victims are Violet ranch. We wish them happy Jour- nejr through Bfe and hope that each 8hlpley. Mrs. C. f Connor, Mr in I Mrs. J. K. Hendricks. Mrs. R. 8. Aus tin, ill the Steele family. Ella Kerr, J. T. Williams, Prof and Mrs. R. ft Bixby. day will add to the demestic Joys of Mr. Williams and his estimable wife. K M. Webb of Kaclne, Mo , was surprised upym his arrival here ye.;- Obex r May Testify In . V. NEW YOKK. Dec. 8. Franz von Rlntelen, a Herman spy. reported sen fenced to die at London within a week will be reprieved If he furnish ed evidence for the trial December tl here of Paul Meloy, a broker accused ot aiding him to obtain a fraudulent American passport. Over Id witness es, many of them from the Pacific coast, have been summoned to testi fy in the case. The government ex pects to link von Rlntelen' activi ties with Oermaa propaganda on the Pacific coast and Mexico. Remedy Prescribed by Many Doctors .'iliMilliltlllilHilllltllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1llllllllllllllllllllirillllii: I HOOP' ES. CHOP SUEY, CHHU DISHES I rnrY'Q kwong hong low 1 i JVJE- 1 W 116 Wett Alts St.. Upltsiri. Phone 433 5 awawsaMIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIinilinillllllltlllllHItllfTfTr"""""'"" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II llH Rat- Would Co I'p. ST. UOUIft Mo . Dec. S. Separation id the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific, as sought by the government. Would eventually lead to an Increase In rates from the Pacific coast, ac- rding to Peter Dunne. special Southern Pacific counsel In his clos ing argument here He pointed out that the absence or disgruntled ship pers Is an Indication that the merger has not cost them anything A rul ing In the caBe la expected thi- FOB could put all the I'nlted States xcept Alaska In Hrazll and huve lao.HI mmn miles left. co-xmi m or eutPLfg i-amtivk hhhk prove8 moot erti- ii:t. Dr. W. A. Evans, writing for the Chicago Tribune, makes the asser tion that practically everyone, at some time or other surfers from con stipation This applies regardlegH of age or condition in life. The congestion .,r stomach waste in the bowels is oyidenced In various j ways; bloat, eructation of foul storn- ach gasea, sick headache, languor, all I Indicate constlpalon. and call for prompt attention, not only to relievo ' the present discomfort but also to ! avoid possible disease that follows ne- I uliw-t ,.r Ihlu ltt,r..,l tmm llilll riurjin ciuiarucH and violent pur : gatlves should not ne employed, as these afford only temporary relief, while they serve to shock the entire , system A mild laxative such as Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is far pref ! erable and is now the remedy gener ally used and prescribed by many doc tor. It I free from opiate or nar cotic drug, acts easily and pleasant ly, without griping of other pain and Is a safe, effective family remedy. Mr. chas Schell, 132 church St.. Grenada, Miss., writes that he four.d BM inch deli- I ctoul al una Jit ct'oof rmffim) Mine are alwayt to dry. on I use K C Baking Ponder. Mine And if I make toiler Ihin thty Jail. alxav) I irn ml well, to II must 4c Urn Hou) do you Jo II?" baking pomJtr. " It 1 the baking powder. Ti make muffins, cakes and pastry rich and moist, yet light and feat nary, a modern double acting baking powder must be used one tliat will give off leavening gas in the oven as well as in the mixing bowL ! Baking Powder is really a blend of two baking powders, one of which starts to raise as soon as moisture is added. The other is inactive until heat is applied. This sustains the raise until your muffins, biscuit3 or cake is done. K C Baking Powder costs less than the old iashioned quick acting kinds, yet you need use no more and it is superior to them in every way. u Try a can at our risk and be convinced. FOR SALE NORTH SIDE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Seven room dwelling, with modern built in conveni ences, first class condition, seven blocks from Main street Can be bought for $1800 if taken at once. MaTLOGK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LOANS Mlt. 1l s. gCBEU. relief himself by using Dr. Caldwell' Hyrup Pepsin and nuw keep It on hand for family use A bottle of Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin Hhijuld have a place in every family medlolno client A trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W H. Caldwell, i . Washington St . Montlcello, Illinois. g!lttmiIpMMli UNITED STATES Examiners make a thorough inspection not less than H fur ,'co na,V, Irani. f. n.l.l.'i: 1.. 11 ' m t jai. in ouuuitui u) miH nve (o) sworn statementi are handed to the U. S. Government every year. Grasp these facts and you will realize what a liiirh degree of SAFETY AND PROTECTION we give every customer. Glad to have you come and see us. The American National Bank OF PENDLETON