EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1915. PAGE THREE PARENT-TEACHERS' - 1 1 Alexander's Grocery I Pendleton's Biggest and Best Department Store J Dressed Chickens for Saturday s Trade j OF EASTERN OREGON A MEETING AT ECHO: TO MEET FEB. 2-3-4 T HE gift de-luxe for A MAN can best be obtained at this big store, catering as we do to the men who are particular of their attire and demand the absolute correct in style and the great est value for the price. It is impossible to select fur nishings and haberdashery here but what will please "him." I Bond Bros. Pendleton 'i Leading Clothien New-Way Wonder for Corns, "6ets-lt" I he Big Surprise for Corn Owner. It's Sure, Simple, Safe, Quick. Listen to tlii" wee story of "Cell It." tbe wnrld'i greatest corn reined; If snort mrr,- uoly about two feet, "Mary had a little (leu It,' anil corns upoii Uer toe; and an i time she put ou 'Ueta It,' the corn o"esr top Miner? and Embarrassment Ltkl This With simple, Eauy "(ieH-lt." ii tin Mire to go." Mary, like thoiiaumta Oft I otherr, uaed to be a heroine, suffering t martyrdom, using painful bandages, Irrl- tstlsg Mites, Micky tape, toe harneaaea, IiIihkI bringing raiora and aclaiora I Hbe . say now there'a no aenae In It. Use "Oeta-) It.' applied In 2 aeconda Kaaj, simple, acta way Just palnleaa roDiroou aenae M Millions are doing It. Never falla. You i an wear amaller ahoea now. You don't i bare to limp around any more, or walk M the aide of your ahoea to try to net ' n way from your corna ! You know for aure ! ' ' r. you uae "lleta It" that the corn or I alius la going away. For corna. calluses, narta and bunlona. Ueta It" la aold by all drugslsta Uc a tiotite. or aent dire t ny r. Lawrence a i o . I'hlraro Sold In I'endleton and rerom mended aa the world'i beat corn remedy by tvndleton lirug Co, and K. J. Donaldson. Prevents roughness during the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing skin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price SO cents Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best ,nTv First National Bank PENDLETON, ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For WAR SPIES OPERATING IN THE NORTHWEST TAt'OMA. Waah.. Dec. 10. More amazing (Ictiilla of the activities of war spies, in Tacoma came to ligl 1 when M J Malloy, a resident of Puyallup, Wash., told rirltlsh COttStl lur officiala In Tacoma that ho had been In direct communication Aitli fount von Heinstorff, Captain Hoy ed, military attache. Von Papon. Lieutenant Pohert Pay. also Known as Scholtz and "Captain" ;harlcg C t'rowley. Conferences between Mr. Malluy .ind "Lieutenant " Smith. "Captain" Crowls) and Lieutenant Fay were held In Puyallup early In May, Mr Malloy told the British officers. A4 that time. Mr. Malloy declares. Smith Pay and Crowley-represented them selves as British army officers, .seek ing; to purchase from him a self propelled mlssle that Tie hud Invent ed to lie used expl'ssly to destroy commerce. As a result of these conferee es and written communications witil Herman military attaches. Mr. Mal loy declares he has received anony mous letters instructing him in "leave the country Immediately." Mr Malloy declares if called upon hy United States officials, he 10 dis close the correspondent e that passid betWOM him and the (iermnn mili tary attaches. Palling Tree Kills Man. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Dec. . Henry S'lPP, (9, unmarried, was kill ed during a violent Wind storm b a falling tree while he was driving a disc harrow In the fields. His place ia in the VaUes Chapel vlelnlty, near Hudson Hay. He was passing beneath a dead tn-e just as an unusuully violent gust of wind toppled. It over. His neck whs broken and his chest crushed, iii .itli Mas instantaneous. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY DISEASES There Is only one medicine thai really stands out pre-eminent as a tcmcdy for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder lr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot stands the highest for the reason that It has proven to be Just the remedy needed In thousands of even the most dis tressing cases Mwamp-Kxot. a phy sician's prescription for special dis eases, makes friends quickly be cause its mild and Immediate effect 1 soon reallted In most cases. It Is a gentle, healing vegetable compound Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores In botUes of two sizes -fifty cents and one dollar. However, If you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N Y.. for a sample botle. When writing be sure and mention the Pendleton Dally Bast Oregonlan. OREGON It's Strength LARGE ATTENDANCE PRESENT; AND INTERESTING PRO GRAM IS GIVEN, I Work Begin on New Concrete side walk Echo MM n Attends Wood man Banquet at If ndleum Mrs. Klohard, Visit Htanflcld R. i;. Lewis Goes to Portland. (Special Correspondence.) ECHO, Ore., Dec. 10 The parent teachers' meeting was held at the high school auditorium on Wednes day night. There wag a good attend ance and an Interesting program rendered. Work has liegun on the new con crete sidewalk on iluekley which was lately ordered by the city council, i A, O. Carden went up to Pendleton. Wednesday evening on business per-1 luiulug to the wootman lodge. He remained over for the banquet and j entertainment given by that order j last night. Mr and Mis. Prank Brundagcr have returned from Gooding, Idaho, where the) passed lb summer. JaMM McLaughlin ami It. K. Mudgc. both telegraphers at Huron, Ore., spent Sunday here visiting with J friends and relatives. Mrs. Thomas Itlchards spent yes terday In Stanlield having gone down to intend the bazaar given by the lu dies of the Presbyterian church of Stanlield. Ed .Messenger of Pittsburg Land ing, Idaho, spent Wednesday hero while "on his way home from an ex- tended visit with his mother at Ho 1 ! River, ore. I John i'lagman who with his family 'spent the past summer and fall hero ' has returned to their home at Se ! t tile Mrs. I'lagman and children will follow in a short time. it H. Iwis left Thursday motr. I lug tor Portland. He says he may j spend the winter In California. ' Mrs. Almlra Shaw arrived here Wednesday morning from Union. . Ore She Intends to spend the winter here With her mother nnd sister. Mr--. , Mini A EMTker ami Miss Beulah E. I Marker. w it UPON pain: Pain is a visitor to every home and usually it i omes guile unexpectedly Hut rou re prepared for every em ergency If you keep a small bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy It Is the greatest pain killer ever discovered. Simply laid on the skin no rubbing required It drives the pain away. It la really wonderful. Mervln H. Bolster, Berkeley. Cal.. writes: 'Last Saturday, after tramp ing around the Panama exposition with wet feet, 1 came home with my neck -" atll'f that 1 couldn't turn. 1 applied Sloans Liniment freely nnd went to bed. To my surprise, next morning the stiffness had almost dis appeared, four hours after the second application I was as good as new,'' March. 1915 At Druggists, 25c--Adv. MEXICAN AMBASSADOR NAMED FOR AMERICA I WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. Ellsio ArredoniU, has been named Mexican ambassador to the i'nlted States. Announcement of Ihe appointment I was made here by Secrctar of Stato Lansing. Information of Arrendond lectio was Wired to the state depart-i 'l meat by Bpecial Agent Belt at Salt-IP'r steamahlp registering 1000 tons o vlle December 1. Appointment of the I'nlted States! ambassador to Mexico Is expected tnMAY rHII.DKF.N HAVE WORMS follow soon Henry H. Fletcher. Worms are a common childhood minister to chile is believed to have I ailment They make children irrita an Inside track on the appointment. ; hie, nervous and restless, besides rob although former Governor Folk ofihlng the body and mind of proper Missouri has been prominently men-! nourishment. Watch your child tinned. Britain Recognises carraiua, LONDON. Dec. 10 Announce i ment that the 1'arrnnia government in Mexico had been recognized by Great Britain was amade here. IJeutenant Oak lleslgas. MARE ISLAND, Cal, Oec. 8. Lieutenant E C Oak, T'. S. N.i former senior officer of the cruiser San Di ego, has been allowed by the secre tary of the navy to resign. His ac- luiltal of a charge or negllgenqe byjpUget Sound salmon fishing bltslnasl a court martial led to criticism o! wm tM, )Ui, llp 0J. Importation ot the court martial by Daniels. He is 1 now with the transport Ttuffalo final pM-al for Revi-nlt-. LONDON. Dec. 8 Lord Derby is sued a final appeal for recruits, call ing every eligible man between the ear. ages of 9 land 40 to express openly I This will result in nearly doubling a willingness to serve their country In' ihe work of the Pugel Sound hatch the field. I eries which themselves take from i.u.utiu.tiuil to 60.000,000 eggs a year. I The Puget Sound saimon run this A Simple Aid to Good Health W. A. lteese. Ie ljucen, Ark., writes: "For fhS past yeat constipation has bothered mo very ntiicli. but 1 rtnd Foley Cathartic Tablets are better than anything I have ever used and their action is pet feet. Not a gripe In a bottle and I will never be with out tbem." Constipntlon Is becoming one of tbe curses of our pesssnl day civilization, and Is especially hard on those not physically active. With Foley cath artic Toiilets on hand you can keep your stomach swci t. liver active and bowels regulnr. Tou can avoid the congested condition that causes lck headache, biliousness, nms. a, torpid liver ami bloating gases They cleans thoroughly snd are tnitil Im .i t!on. with no nausea and no costive after effects that make so many cathar tics undesirable to tak". Tney sra a SOU res of comfort to stout people who enjoy the light free feeling resulting Iron their use. Sold Everywhere. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXPERTS WILL TEACH ltoD BULBING. New Methods Will lie set Portli at La Grande O. A. C. Instructor Will Also Attend the Gathering Every Itoad Official In This Section to be 1 rged to Attend. All the county road supervisors ol eastern Oregon from sage brush and mountain districts alike, are asked to meet In La Grande February 2. 3, 4, when i'nlted States government road experts will be on hand to teach them advanced methods of road building and road repair, according to an nouncements made by Prof. Hetzel who has In charge the details of the Farm and Home Makers week which O. A. C. will conduct in La Grande early In February Mr. Hetzel an nounces that two government road and rural engineers will be here in addition to Prof. Skelton of n A. C, The college authorities and the La Orande Commercial club has taken the matter up with County Judge Phy as to the most feasible way to invite the supervisors from eastern Oregon. Much stress will be laid on generous attendance, and It will not he sur prising to see Union, Wallowa. Uma tilla, Halter. Morrow and several other eastern Oregon Counties well repre sented by both county judges and su pervisors. Catarrh Is an excessive .excretion, accompanied with chronic inflamma tion, from the mucous membrane Hood's Sarsaparllla acts on the mu cous membrane through the blood, reduces inflammation, established healthy action, and radically cures all cases of catarrh. Adv. hikes TXi'iM i) run smhi.ooo. t hit-ago ".windier (,ct Itlg Sum From Virginian. CHICAOOi Dee. I, HOW Chicago swindlers separated W. K. Stinnell of Newport Xews. Va.. from 166. '"in by the simple expedient of the wire-tapping game has become known. The lederal bureau of Investigation is hoi after the man who la said to operate the swindle. The swindle was directed, it Is be lieved. b the same gang which took 110,104 from the late Dr. William T. Kirliy. banker, and wrecked his South Side bank. The Stinnell swindle occurred in Springfield last June, but was kept sirret until today while government nnd prlvule secret service men have wiirked on the case. Stinnell. returning from the west, paid his "losses" with three checks aggregating lt,S00 and three promis sory notes for tlfP remaining $34,000 These were made out to S. H. Lam' Pert, who cashed the checks at the Central Trust t'ompani in Chicago. Henri Cfcsbaugh has charge of the case for the government and Iiw tence Kltchle. a private detective. Is working In the Virginian's personal interest. Just how far the investiga tion has progressed could not be learned. sank Tmk Destroyer, LONDON, Dec. 9. A Turkish de stroyer has been torpedoed ill tha Marmora sea by a British submarine, according to an announcement by the BHiSh admiral! i here. No details I were Included in the announcement. Examine the stools and at first signs of worms give your child a treatment of Klckapoo Worm Killer. They kill the worms act as a laxative and expel the worms and poisonous waste Tone the system and help resore your child's health and happy disposition Only 25c at your druggists Adv. IIATX-IIKIMKS IMAM IX.;s Paget Sound Kp1 to Place 8V 000.000 Next Veer, OLTMPIA. Wash.. Dec. 9 The eggs from the Columbia river and Grays Harbor hatcheries, State Fish Commissioner I, H. Darwin predict ing today that 35.000.OUU eggs will be taken from these sources to I'ugot Sound hatcheries within the coming eat was little more than 30 per eht of normal for an "off year.'' WOMAN. HH, CASTS BALLOT. Mrs, shi ah A .leffrlis. of Newport. VMM on Her Birthday. NEWPORT. Ore., Dec 9. Mrs Surah A. Jeffries, of this city, cele braleil her 88th birthday by walking to the polls and voting in the city election. Mrs Jeffries Is nn Oregon pioneer of '.'.:' and Is the oldest pioneer rest cent of the Yaquina valley, near was married to Oliver Jeffries and they moved to Yomallu valley, near Drain, where they lived for lv years. The husband, both sons and one daughter have since iiled but Grand KM Jeffries Is still hale and heart E cry nice day she may be seen walking from town out to the old home place and back without assist, unco She has made her own garden. CHEESE SPECIALS Oregon Cream Cheese, lb 25? Wisconsin Brick Cheese, lb 30f Limburgher Cheese, lb 30 Swiss Cheese, nice and fresh, lb. 45? Pimento Cheese, per package. .. 15? Bluehill Green Chili Cheese, pkg. 15 McClaren's Rocquefort, per jar. 30? Imported Edam Cheese, each $ 1.00 jg OLIVES W1 T r L..I1- - .14 i.arge yueen in ouik, pun Large Queen in bulk, quart 9 Make this store your Holiday y One mother. day. of the grea'est moral lessons father and daughter shmil d Amusements W hat the press agents say about Pendleton's pres ent and coming attractions. GIRL "SEES WRONG" M BLAME I All) ix MOTHER It was not Mary Ann's fault Ihai i she, had been led astray from "Ihe ! straight and Harrow path. True, she had answered the lure of Lon I don Town, but then her mother was I tc blame; she let her go with the ! curse of sex ignorance dogging her I footsteps. Advanced education now dares every mother who believ.s I In allowing her daughter to grow to ' i. omanhood with the "Stork fairy tale" endanger her purity In "The I Llindness of Virtue." which will be I shown here as i six reel BssSOAy feature In the Pastime theater on Sunday with Kdna Mayo and Bryant W'SJhbUrQ in the leading roles, moth ers will see Just why this belief Is ill Khn.i v 11 s ELOPEMENT. I Nephew of t aldnt OfftoSSI l ake. OUAOgO ,lii aii it- as Bride. 11EKKELEY. Cal, He.. St. Stuart T. Iine. son of Dr. Frederick W ' LahS, and a nephew Ot Fr.ink!tn K. i Lane, secretary' of the Interior, and Miss Florence 1 Klrchen. a Junior inj the college of letters and science at the university, stole away to Martinet i and were married by Justice Ol the I Peace Hayden. Ijxiw graduated with the cl is- liHo and expects, he says, to embark I in business in San Francisco. His bride is the daughter of John li Kirchen. a mining man in Totiopali. and .. meiulier 01 the Alpha Phi so- OKVICEH Ml si Ki -o Tacoaaa Mtertlve I without Paj l mil He JuiU But. TACOMA, Wash.. Dec. 9. -C'ty th tective llecob has been placed with out pay on the case of capturing his tflHr 'flHffBK ISKsm sieisr j aa I over 55 ever taught young glrlls. Every see it. Pastime. Sunday and Mon- son. He has the alternative of bring-, ing his sun to face a possible term, in the penitentiary', if found guilty, or! riving up his place. Recob was suspended on the alle-1 gations that he had allowed his son ' I to escape from home when other de- tectlves w ere sent to arrest the young ' i tmin on charges that he had made a criminal attack on a 14-year-old, i girl Tiro other young men were nr-l rested. Villa Threatens Mexico. DOUOLA8, Dec, 8 General Fran cisco Villa has posted printed proc lamations warning all Americans to leave Mexico under penalty of being shot, according to E. V. Whitefield. , an American, who arrived here from I his ranch at Bacereachi. Sonora If You Have Catarrh Reed This BREATHE HYOMET fXH'l! TIMES A DAY IM W ATCH KF Sl'LTS OTVK8 IMSOMPT BELIEF. The pleasantest. most convenient and most scientific method for the treatment Ol catarrh Is Hyomel Simply put a few drop of Hyomel in the inhaler that comes with every complete package and then breathe 'Is air for a few minute, four times a day. It seems remarkable that so sim ple i Sra) ot treating catarrh will ef fect such quick relief, but the most important discoveries of science hae always been the simplest. By breathing Hyomel In this way ever) particle of air that enters the air passages of the throat and head and goes Into the lungs ia charged with a healing balsam that kills the geniat and bacilli of catarrh and soothes and allays all irritation The first day's use of Hyomet will show an Improvement and In a shi.it time there should be no further trou ble from catarrh its action is rapid and lasting Y hi take no risk tn buying Hyo mel. A complete outfit Is inexpi n sive but if after using you can say that It has not helped you Tultman t Co. will return your money. What other treatment for catarrh Is solid under a guarantee like this? Ripe Olives, per quart 50c Ripe Olives in cans, each 15f 25 Old Fashioned Salt Brine Pickles, per quart .... 25 Dills, per dozen 20c Heinz Sweet Mixed, per quart .... 45 Heinz Sweet Midgets, per quart 45 Columbia Pork Sausage, per 1 lb. carton 30 Extra Fancy Dry Pack Sauer Kraut, per quart 12 Vj Headquarters BREAKS A COLD iN FEW HOURS TRY IT! FIRST IMmK. Of" P APE'S OOLD OOXPOt'XD RJOLnCYHH M.I, GKIPPE MISERY. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling: A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every' two hours until threo doses are taken will end grippe mis ery and break up a severe cold either in the head, cheat, body or limbs It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages: stop nasty dis charge or nose running; relieves sick headache, dullness, feverlshnese. soro throat, sneezing, soreness and stiff ness "Pape's Cold Compound" Is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only 25 cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience Don't accept a substitute. mission Marshall has been a mem ber of the commission since Its Incep tion. He was appointed by Governor West November 5. 1913 In an- nouncing the appointment Governor I Withycombe said: "I am reappointing Mr Marshall liecause there seems to be general satisfaction with his administration. My only desire Is to see the commis sion's work well done. Merit la the only consideration In the appoint ment." t Don't suffer! Got a dime pack of Dr. James' Headache Powders. Ton can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost magi cally. Send some one to the drug store now for a dime package and a few mo ments after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the hesd ache. neuralgia and pain. Stop suffer ingit's needless. Be sure you get whal you ask for. J. E. MULL1NIX, Lawyer Over Taylor's Hdw. Store. Pendleton, Oregon. Hong Kong Cafe M noodle raMAM Noodles AND Chop Suey HOT TAMALES 15c netslde Tray Order a specUlt Boxes for ladles and gswtlslsti OPEN DAT AND A LI. MOM . MKtUi lie H OP Special - Chicken Dinner Sundays. 548 Main Street Next to E O Hldg Pbona Ids STOPS HEADACH PI NEURALGIA