PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PBNDLHTON. OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1915. m EIGHT PAGES 8 8 8 8 8 Daffy Christmas Undermuslins We have just received a large shipment for Christmas trade. Night Gowns, Envelope Chemise. 1 This store is a great treasurer house forXmas Shoppers j NEEDS. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE SAVES ON EVERYTHING, EVERY DAY, AT ALL SEASONS. , - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 8 8 i 8 8 8 8 Your Xrnasl WITH PHOENIX SILK HOSE Great Sale of Men's Overcoats We are offering some very great reductions on our Over coats. Every Overcoat in our stock is reduced. All styles, short and long, big loose boxy coats, long ulsterettes, dressy coats and warm coats; all must go. We have all sizes and can fit you satisfactorily. Give us a look before buying. CARDS, BOXES AND "FIXINGS" FOR YOUR PACKAGES Our offerings of Christmas Cards and "fixings" for your holiday packages are more elaborate this year than ever and more space has been given to their display and sale. Experi ence has no doubt taught you the advan tage of supplying all these needs early. Did You Ever Hear a Housewife Acknow ledge She Had Lin ens Enough? What could possi bly be more appro priate for a gift to the lady of the house than a cluny or a maderia center piece, or scarf? Come in and look over the ex cellent assortment we are showing. You will find the oualky the best and the prices reasonable. Our holidav stocks include.hnndrw' nn on hunHrs of desir able articles which will make most at tractive rf for men, women, hw', p-irls. and the little ones. Our 'Ivertiemnt Knt hint at wht awaits you in this reat store. A gift of one of these dainty gar ments would cer tainly gladden the heart of any woman. mm The night gowns are full and long, made of silky nainsook, trimmed with beautiful lace yokes and cap sleeves in empire and straight ef fects, also several styles with hand embroidered sprays and scallop ed edging. The ranfre of price is from ?1.95 to S5.95. The envelope chemise are full and wide with the desirable circular cut. They are lace trimmed with panel inserts of em broidered organdie and some are trimmed at the knee as well as the back and front of yoke. They are priced from 98? to S4.95. VEILINGS Why not give HER a veil for Xmas. Daintily wrap ped in a folder or holly box it will make a dainty gift that will be appreciated. The yard 35? to $1.25 EMBROIDERY ING FLOUNC- For the baby, a da.inty. embroidery flounce for dress or petticoat. Full length flounces, the yard 75? to $ 2.59. "T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" THE STORE WITH THE XMAS SPIRIT. 3 PHONES, All 15 Every day new "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" arrive here; never have we shown such wonderful varieties of high grade table supplies; its well worth your while to come and see our PURE FOOD SHOP. You'll find here the CLEANEST, BEST EQUIPPED GROCERY in the city. 2 BIG ROUSING SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY'S TRADE. HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE, sold regularly for 25c can, our price Satur day, 5 cans ?1.99 CALIFORNIA PEACHES Extra fancy quality, regular 25c can, our price Sat urday, 5 cans $1.99 BOYS' $5.00 NORFOLK SUITS WITH 2 PR. OF KNICKERS Wool cassimeres in a wide range of colorings and blue serge. Norfolk coats and knickers, made with belt loops, ages 6 to 16 years; pants are lined, patent buttons and patent waist band. Only ?5.99. T. P. W. MA LASSES The highest grade money can buy; candy recipes on every can. 5 lb. can 65? 10 lb. can ?1.25 CHRISTMAS CANDIES You know we always carry the best and larg est assortment in Pen dleton. Buy candy now. NEW NAVEL ORANGES Ripe and sweet, the dozen 49? to 69 T. P. W. SPECIAL The best 35? coffee on earth. GLACE FRUITS in 1, 2 and 5 pound beautiful boxes, the pound 65? Glace Cherries, Figs, Pineapple, Plums, Nec tarines and Kumquats in bulk, pound 69? and 75?. FRANQUETTE WAL NUTS, pound 39? GIFT SUGGESTIONS from our crockery dept. STAR CUT GLASSES, set of 6 65? to 81.19 ELECTRIC PERCULA TORS, $7.50 peculators T. P. W. special price 5.99. 42 PIECE SETS DINNER WARE, packed ready for delivery, set $5.99 NEW CALIFORNIA FIGS Equal both in flavor and looks to the imported kind, pound 25? Heinz Dills, Sour, and Sweet Pickles, Chow Chow and Pearl Oni ons See our sanitary method of handling and delivering these goods. RAISIN BREAD Freshly baked, large loaf 19? APPLES Hood River Spitzenbergs, the box $ 1.25 to $2.75 EXTRA FANCY JONATHANS Box $1.90 LEOPARD SKIN CLOTH Make yourself a cap and scarf of our Leopard Skin Cloth. Easily made and very nobby. Comes in brown and black, 56 inches wide, takes Vi yard $1.66 SPECIAL LOT OF FANCY SILKS 43c Consists of several different kinds of silks, all colors, neat patterns, stripes, etc, 22 to 27 inches wide, worth to $1.00 yard. Special 43c FIGURED BATISTE A fine wash fabric, sheer ef fect with small floral designs, for fancy work, boudoir caps, aprons, etc, 30 in. wide, fast colors. The yard 20s" NEW GUEST TOWELS Of finest quality linen huck, space for monogram, the regu lar guest size, hemstitched by hand. Each , 59C The Bargain Basement LOOK OUT Saturday is to be the Big Day COME EARLY What WU1 We Do For $1.00? HERE'S WHAT WE'LL DO. Saturday We will sell 20c, 25c and 35c wool mitts and gloves for 9? Saturday We will sell 20c Initial Handkerchiefs for 5? Saturday We will sell 5 pairs Heavy Wool Sox for $JL00, or one pair for 22? Saturday We will sell $1.75 men's Winter Caps for 69? Saturday We will sell $5.75 Black Fur Pieces for $2.98 Saturday We will sell Hose for the whole family for fV Saturday We will sell one lot of Boys' Overalls for 19c Saturday We will sell Women's Patent Leather Shoes, high heel, cloth stop, for $2.45 Saturday We will close out $2.00 and $2.50 Wool Dress Goods for 47? Saturday To keep the little kiddie in good humor while you shop, we'll give every one you bring to the basement a Present Free. PENDLETON'S GREATEST ij DEPARTMENT The Peoples Warehouse WHERE if PAYS TO TRADE Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 5. 1 One Of the most enjoyable enter tainments of the yeur In the frater nal world was the Joint social session last evening of the two Women of Woodcraft orgs niuit Ions, the Penllo ton and Daphne circles. The affair was held In the Moose Hall and was presided over by Mayor-elect James A. Beat. A most entertalninir nro. gram was followed by refreshments and an hour or more of danfllng A feature of the program was th work of the W. O. W. drill team. captained by A. O. Carden, who camo up rrom Kcho especially for the oc casion. Though the drill team ha I practiced only two nights, the ma neuvers were perfectly executed tad much applause evoked when thi' uniformed men spelled out In turn the letters v. O. W., D C, and P O Their manual ut arms was also per fect. Another feature of the pro gram was the reading by Miss olive Uwlnn, Pendleton's clever and tal ented young dramatic reader. Rev. J. E. Snyder of the Fllll Inllll church made a splendid address, vo cal numbers wero rendered by Mis. Mao Puulson, (ieorge Phelps and a Juvenile guartet, and recitations were given by little Miss Joerger and Utile Miss Oliver. Instrumental music wot played by Mrs. W. D. Humphrey and William lioedecke. The affair was the culmination of a successful membership campaifn conducted by the two circles. It was a very pretty party which Mrs. James Johns. Jr., presided DVtf yesterday afternoon at her home on Garden street as a compliment W Mrs. N. It Messerly of Tacoma who Is a house guest of Mrs. Dean Ta tom There were eighteen guests present. The afternoon was nlea.s- antly spent with needlework. Before j tho serving of refreshments the ho.i-l teas wheeled In a tiny Christmas tree aglow with candles and to which was tied a favor present for each guest. Each gift carried with It a request for the recipient to perform some task and the subsequent perform ances formed a very unique enter tainment. (Juests of the party In cluded Mrs Messerly, Mrs. K. B. Aldrlch. Mr.'. Charles Bond. BUM Sophia Bowler. Miss Alice Butler, Mrs. A. O. Hampton, Mrs. Lester Hamley. Mrs Kdmund B. Haslop, Mrs. Merle It Chessman. Mrs. James Johns Sr.. Mrs, F. It. McHeynolds, Mrs Lyman O. Illce, Mrs. Osmer E Smith, Mrs Koyal M. Sawtelle. Mis. Jesse Tryon. Mrs. James H. McC'Jck and Miss Wilson. Miss Rtvi Kupers entertained a few friends last evening at an Infor mal dinner party at her home nn Long street. The dinner wa a very tasty one and the evening proveil very pleasant t" the guests. Dt. and Mrs. C, I Terpenlng en tertained last evening at their home, their guests numbering about forty A short but very excellent program was followed by dancing, after Which the hostess served dainty refreshment". SALE of High Grade HairGoods THIS WEEK ONLY A complete stock of the best of hair to select from. BLOOM OF ROSES the great complexion beautifier now being demonstrated. Come in. MADAM ROOT AT " SAYRES" GIRLS! Ml WAVY. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF s i: vol it II URI Dot BLB BEAUTY IM A I I v no Ml NTS THY THIS! If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable soft ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne. Just one application double the beauty of your hair, besides It im mediately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nice heavy, healthy hair If you havo dan druff, tils destructive scurf robs tne hair of its lustre, its strength and Ira very life, and If not overcome It pro duces a feverlslmcss and Itching of the scalp; the hair roats famish loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and Is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a I5-cent bottlo ot Knowltons Dunderlne at any drug tore or toilet counter; apply a little as directed and ten mlnulea after you will say this was the best In vestment you ever made. Wo sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that If you dslre soft, lustrous, beautiful hair nnd lots of It no dandruff no Itch ing scalp nnd no more falling lialr you must use Knowlton's Danderlne. If evcn'Uslly--w hy not now? IMS Serbs captured. BERLIN, Deo. I Victorious en gagements In which the Teutons cap tured 1 300 Serbs from Isolated sourc es southweHt of Mltrovltza were re ported by the war oiflce. How to Cure Colds. m aeorge nartman left y Avoid Exposure and Drafts. teirtiiv for Portland to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother, flt Right. Take Mrw. H. I) J. uray. bitter mist bk mheu:d. Stamp Ililre! at Time of Sate. Nol at BeM of si. -rage Period. PORTLAND Ore. Dec. Bu'ter In cold-storage mure than SO days doe not have to be marked "storage butter." decided circuit Judge Qan tenbeln. answering a presentment by tho Multnomah county grand Jury. The butter must be so labeled before It is sold but not at the end of 0 day la tho cold-storage plant, ac cording to the declaion. The question arose as a result of a dispute between the Union Most Company and J. D Mlckle, state food and dairy commissioner. Mr. Mlckle demanded to see records of the com pany to determine when butter had been placed In storage. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In U se For Over 30 Years Always bears jff s,( nature of AID OFrTCKED DOMINICANS. U sited state Would Supervise Fl- nnmwa If Askd to Do No. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 Amerl Iran Minister Russell at Santo Do- mlngo has been Instructed to ascer tain whether the Dominican people desire the aid of the United States I In rehabilitating the republic's fl ' nances through a plan similar to that put Into effect In Haiti The proposal contemplates supervl-; ; slon by the United State of the fl-; j nam lal branches of tne Dominican I government and rehabilitation of the little republic's finances through a : 'orelgn los.n of 15,000,000. Adoption of the proposal for su pervision depends entirely on the d i sires of Santo Domingo. Defectrees to Be Trained. PITTSHl'HO, Dec. 10. William M. Davidson, superintendent of the Pitts burg public schools, has announced that three "cottage schools' will be established, where special instructions lll be given children whose mental development has been retarded. "Through these schools we hope to retrieve about 500 children who, If the school system did not try to help them, must, In the end, be sent to state Institutions," said Superintend ent Davidson. He also said that a clinic would be established for the study of these children. The schools will be opened early next year, and will be under the direction of Dr. H. H. Iturns. director of the department of hygiene. Superintendent Davidson. In an an nouncement plan for the "cottage schools." said that he also favored special Instruction for "overnormal." M especially bright children, and would later urge the local board of education to take up this question. AMERICANS AFTER Negotiations for Hallways In Hrazll Arc I'ihI'T Way. NEW YORK. Dec. 9. Amerl.-an : interests are negotiating to take over the leases of the Brazilian otate rail ways from French and British com- panics, says the New York Evening Post. (ierman Interests In Brazil, accord ing to the article, are encouraging the Americans 0, Mackenzie, who was denied regls : try because she married a subject of "ireat Britain rrriZKNHHip bar ithkijv Bnprerrie Court Approves Expatria tion of foreigner's Bride. WASHINGTON, Dec The su preme court affirmed the decision of the California court interpreting the federal expatriation law of 107 as constitutionally applicable to women who continue to live in the Ottftod States after marrying foreigners ns well as those who marry foreigner and live abroad. The case was brought by Mrs Btfce) liorxrai to tiet HoIHiays PORTLAND, Ore., Dec (.Nut only are horses In the street-cleaning bureau to have vacations hereafter but they are not to be worked every day while In the service, as at pres ent. Superintendent Donaldson, o: the bureau, has arranged things so the horses In service will be worked four days straight and then he iriven Ltwo or three days', rest. The vacation plan has been made possible by replacement of horse- drawn machines with motor driven flushers. TIDE BRINGS OLD XTE. Holtlcil HASSSUre Pound Near Mo clips ARct 16 Year. HOQl'IAM, Wash., Dec 9 After floating about in the Pacific ocean for 16 years, a bottle containing a note probably written and thrown over board by one of the olflcers of the schooner Transit was round on the beach by un Indian, Bob Wayne, near Moclips. The note was dated August 10, 1899, and was perfectly legible, though the writing and the paper were considerably faded. The met sage reads as follows; "Schooner Transit, August 10, jd99. Ten days out from Honolulu, H. L., bound to San rancL?co. Weather calm and baffling wind All Is well. LaL 39 degrees 4 4 minutes north, Ing. 156 degrees, 7 minutes west. J. Peterson." Mrs, Wayne, wife of the finder of the bottle, brought the note to this city. Wayne found the bottle on ihe beach after the record high tide ol the winter, which followed sever. 1 1 days of a heavy-off shore blow, which brought In a heavy surf. Sheepmen to Meet Dec. Ifl. BAKER, Ore., Dec. . Plans are blng made for a special sheepmen's meeting In the circuit court moms December 16 to 18. The event will be under the auspices of the Hakei Commercial club. One of the main features will be a series of lectures on Improved meth ods of wool marketing and cross breeding for wool production, which will be given by Oran M. Nelson, Ore gon Agricultural College sheep speci alist. Other plans will be announc ed soon. Dr. King's New Discovery. Your Cough and Cold begin to get better as soon as you take Dr. King's New Discovery. It it prepared from Pine Tar, healing balsams and mild laxatives. Dr. King's New Discovery kills and expels the cold germs, soothes the irritated throat and allays inflam mation. It heals the mucous mem brane. Search as you will, you cannot find a better cough and cold remedy than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its use over 45 years is a guarantee of satisfaction. "From exposure I had a cough and cold combined that nearly put a finish to me. While looking or something to east the irritation that bothered my throat and lungs, a friend advised "Dr. King's New Discovery." I bought a bottle, the first dose helped and before the first bot tle was need my cold wss well." 0. B. 9pmm, MtMaja, Ark. At all druggist. VoswIm Crash In Hay. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 8. The steamer Edna, formerly the Mazat lan, often called a marked ship, ran true to form when she and the steamer Daisy Putnam collided In the bay. The Kd tin's damage will prob ably reach several thousunds. COUGHS AND OOIDH ARE DAN GEROUS. Few of us realize the danger of coughs and colds. We consider them common and harmless ailments. However statistics tell us every third person dies of a lung aliment. Dan gerous Bronchial and Dung disease follow a neglected cold. As your body struggles against cold germs, no hot; ter aid enn be had than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its merit has been tested by old and young. In use over 45 years. Oet a bottle today. Avoid the risk of serious lung ailments Druggists Adv. BARGAINS! Real bargains in LADIES' SEAL AND LEATHER HANDBAGS Any handbag in the store tt-PRICE. Less than wholesale. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists I