PAGE SU DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1915. EIGHT PAGES Better Cake In ail receipts calling for baking powder, use Royal Baking Powder. Better and finer food' will be the result, and you will safeguard it against a possible dangerous compound. Look out for adulterated bak ing powders. Do not permit then to cone into your house under any consideration. They nay add an injurious substance to your food, destroying in part its digesti bility. Doctors will tell you this and it is unquestionable. Housewires are sometimes led to use inferior baking powders because of deceptive foaming or boiling tests or apparent lower cost, but there is very little difference in practical use, about one cent for a whole cake or pan of biscuits a mere trifle when you consider the vast dif ference in healthfulness in favor of food nade with Royal 3aking Powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York CANADIAN WOMAN ENDS HER VISIT AT WESTON iSpeeu; rorrespomlence. WESTON, Ore.. Dec. 4 Mrs Mo-! Court of Cornwall. Ontario, who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. John McRea for the past three months, left on Tuesday evening's train fur her home in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Schumpf. whoi PURE, RICH BLOOD MADE BY HOOD'S Pure blood enables the stomach, liver and oilier digestive organs to do their work properly. Without it they are slutrsrish, there is loss of appetite, sometimes faintness. a de ranged state of the intestines, and. in general, all the symptoms of dyspepsia. Hood'-; Parsaparilla makes pure blood, and this is why it is so very successful in the treatment of so many ailments. Get it today. The Man's Xmas Gift and Biscuits Portland on their weddlr r returned home. I Miss Lucile Cogswell, teacher in the Weston high school, spent the week end in t oruana wun ner parents Mr. and Mrs W S. Payne were in I Walla Walla during the week. Joe Lleuallen made a business trip j to Pendleton the last of the week. ( Henry Waddingham visited rela 1 tives in Walla Walla Saturday. Miss Lula Simpson of Walla Walla Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs James Price. Mrs. Richard Morrison has gone la Baker City to visit relatives Word has een received from Min nesota of the death of Prof. G. R Robinson's father Joel Davis, former teacher of Wes ton, but now of Prescott, Wash., spent Thanksgiving here with his parents. Mr and Mrs. J. O. Hyatt were Athena visitors Tuesday. Earl C'outts has gone to Hertniston nn a goose hunt. Flour made from the kernel of the cotton seed after the oil has been ex tracted has been found to have much food value. It is not such a hard matter for a woman to choose a suitable gift for a man as some im agine. Men's tastes run pretty much in grooves men's goods are well standardized. Certain brands carry their hallmark of char acter and quality to the masculine mind, be cause made familiar by advertising. The advertising in the DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN will be particularly helpful in guid ing your steps in the right direction. And a goo dtime to reach a settlement of this little holiday problem is NOW. Christmas Gifts For the Home Here is a happy idea for the holiday season. Have the whole family contribute for some article to beautify the house. Perhaps a new rug, or a piano, or a piece of furniture. Maybe new rurtains would be just the thing. It is something everyone can enjoy, some thing all can share in. The stpres will be glad to give suggestions along this line. And the index to the desirable stores is the advertising in the DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. WOMEN TRYING TO SAVE PATTERSON 0RAT0RJ(jj fjfjjjf fjf Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. orator of the I. W. W., who was Indicted two years ago on a charge of inciting to riot because of a speech she made In Paterson. X. J . now has the support of many well-known men and wom en, among them Mrs. O. H. P. Bel mont and Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes Miss Flynn is pretty near an anar RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Chattel Mortgage. F.' L. Giles to Portland Cattle Loan Co.. 12815 66. 61 head steers. Carl and E. Saltmarsh to Ameri can Xational Bank, J4200. All hay. grain and straw sown, grown and harvested on behalf of first party during 1916 and 1917 on 640 acres leased on reservation, also stock and farm machinery, wagon, tools, etc. Joseph F. and John G. Fisher to American Xational Bank. $3100. All the hay, grain and straw sown and grown and to be harvested on behalf of first party during seasons of 191(1 and 1917. on W 1-2 of E 1-2 of sec. 15. S 1-2 of S 1-2 of sec. 22. T. 2 X.. It. 30 E. W. M. (820 acres! croped In 1917 on E 1-2 of sec. 24. T. 2 X.. R. 29 and X 1-2 of sec. 17. T. 2 X., &J 30 and 3 50 acres leased from Smith chist, while Mrs. Relmont is an ar dent suffragist, and Mrs. Stokes is a socialist, These women, with many others, believe the Paterson police are trampling on the right of free speech in trying Miss Flynn, and thev propose to make her case of nation al moment and curry it to the high est courts. L. S. Co.; also work horses and mules, stock, farm machinery, wa gons, tools, etc , 600 sacks feed bar ley. 40 tons hay. Mortgage. Ltal u. Calvert to F C. Hesser, T. 4 N., R. 12700. 33 E., SW 1-4 of sec 1 W. M yult claim Reed. Xellie M. Richmond et al to Lial R, Calvert, tl The SW 1-4 of sec. 10, T. 4 X.. It. 33 E., W. M Dead, Wm. K White to J. H. Gray. $10, A tract of land, title descriptive. Alladln Land Co, to J. L T. Jonis land. $850. XW 1-4 of WW 1-4 of SE 1-4 of sec. 1, T. 4 N., II. E., W M. Monteasorl'a Father Dead. sax francisco. Dec. J. Having received word of the death of her father in Rome. Madame Maria Mon tessori is on her way east to leave for Italy. Madame Montessori. who has been introducing her education al system at the exposition, left yes terday, first cancelling all her en gagements here. Author Has st-cre Offlpe. IXDIANAPOL1S. Dec. 3. Mere dith Nicholson, the author, has a se cret office somewhere in the business district. He follows a rigid business schedule in his bustness of writing He Is utterly unavailable during bus iness hours. His closest personal friends do not know where he works. Wireless telephone may drive am bassadors out of business. Mis. I Tank I ease. Mrs. Frank Pease, the young wom an who as Mabelle f-oster Abbott, was the discoverer or the famous "Dick to Dick" letter, alleged to havs I been written by Richard H. Ryan, n j promoter, to Richard A. Halllnger, ' secretary of the Interior in the Ta't , administration. Is going Into court In ! an action, the trial of which may ' throw some light on that famous i case. She Is suing I street railroad company for Injuries. It was Mrs I Pease, then Miss Abbott, who Inves I tlgatlng for a weekly publication, I said she saw the "Dick to Dick" post script to the letter In some wav II f I mvaterliiitiiK' it Ixano-:, re.i from thp In terior department files. "DICK TO DICK ' IX COURT S t 44444444 ADAMS ELECTS ITS OFFICERS FOR YEAR Mils. IKUA KR1RS lis CHOSEN NOBLE GRAND KOR THE COMING v i: Alt. Other Offlivrs Are Named Adams IVopl.- Attend lti'U'kali Lodge at IVimIUhoii Masqnerudo Skating Party Is Held Other Xows Notes of Adams and Vicinity. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS. Ore., Dec. 7. L L. Lleu allen and Guy Mayberry motored to the county seat Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. T. A. l.icilallen mo tored to the county seat Tuesday. Mrs. Carl Chrlston was a visitor at the county seat. Miss Jessie Chesnut returned home from her school in Pendleton to spend Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Wnodwnrd were in Adams Tuesday to attend the tweeting which was held in the city hall. John Adams attended the meeting which was held Tuesday in the ciU hall. Mr. and Mrs, (1. M. Morrison mo tored to the county seat Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hales and Miss I'ffie Curglll motored to Adams Tues day to attend the speaking which was held jji the city hall. lialph Wallen and mother motored to Athena Tuesday. Miss Eleanor Stockton DM of the teachers of Ferndale returned home to spend Hunduy with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stockton. Mrs. .1. D, Hurrah and sons Don ald and Vernon were visitors at the County seat Tuesday. Mrs. Celia Krehs motored to Pen dleton. Otis Lleuallen returned home from his school in Walla Walla to spend Sunday. The Adams Kebekah lodge met Thursday evening, their usual meeting night, officers were elected for the coining term Mrs. Cella Krebs was elected Noble Grand. Mrs. Lucy Ros berry. Vice Grand; Miss Pearl Wil son, secretary; Mr. H. Rosberry, treasurer. A large crowd was pres ent. Bert Kirby motored to Pendleton today. Among those who went to Pendle ton Friday night to attend the Re bekah lodge were Mr. and Mrs. Krlbs, Mrs. Harrah. Miss Wilson, Miss Ethel Peringer. Miss Nellie Durr and Jack Mayberry, The O.-W. R. & N. depot Is hav ing some carpenter work done, also I papering and painting. Mrs. J. W. Spencer is confined to her home with lagrlppe. j Mr. and Mrs. Pearson of Pendle ton were visiting at her mother s Mrs. Ella Simonton Sunday. J. D. Harrah was at Milton Satur. day on business. Rex Payne was In Adams Saturday night to attend the skating. Miss Eleanor Stockton returned to her school in Ferndale after spend ing Sunday with her parents. A. H. Kirby has purchased a new Dodge. Clifford. Harold Holman and Siegal Parlett of Pendleton attended the masquerade skating Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. (',. M. Morrison and children were in Adams Saturday to attend the skating. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward iind little daughter Delphla attended 1 53J I Alto packed for 10c ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVtgelaWerTcparailonrorAs stallatirgtorftoMIteftfr iintluStomacltsandlJCTsuf PronwtesDiltonflitftfii nessandltambtnstrthr Opium.MQrphiiH' nor Moral Not Narcotic. JbrjxafOUZkmXLmaB Anifv Stea" JUSma AnerftdRflnedv fnrCortsfltt 1 ion , Sour Stoiaach.Dtarrboa Worms .( orrvulsmts Jtnsi- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Sijjuature of Tub Centaur Compak NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. the masquerade skating Saturday right. Ralph Wallen was In Adams Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hales and dau ghter Reta were visiting at his moth ers. Mrs. Kirby. Joe Payant was in Adams Sunday. Will Holman was a Pendleton vis itor Saturday. Miss Jesse Chesnut returned to her school In Pendleton Monday morn ing. Jess Kopp .and Earl Slmunton at tended the dance In Athena Saturday night. Ralph Wallen and (iladwyn Spen cer motored to the county seat Sat urday. The Adams band met Monday fnf their usual practice. TRAFFIC ORDINANCE PASSED IN LA GRANDE LA ORANDB, "re.. Dec. 4. La ''-ramie's traffic ordinance. over which automobile club committees ! and city officials have been working I diligently more or less regularly for some three months, hus finally been passed. The vote was cast last night and Commissioners Russell. Palmer and c.ardner voted for it. It Is to lie over 30 days for referendum, and t the end of that time automatically be. comes a law if not referended. Several changes were made at the last moment but the essentials stand as originally inserted. It is based en tirely on the state law and the Port land ordinance, and on the whole sat isfies the city and the auto owners. Connect with this fast one! Don't let their "record-making taste" get by you. PIEDMONT Cigarettes are going faster in sales every day. Simply because men find that here's a Cigarette that does more than promise it DELIVERS. All-pure Tobacco put together in a blend that smokes as mild and mellow as a whisper. Some shooting, boys, when you get ft coupon in every pack! Eh? CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMI MTAUH COMMMV. HI. TONS OtTT. riftocn Mile- I Unit The speed limit us the ordinanco was finally passed Is II tulles. The fumous tall light clause was so ad Justed that leeway Is given the police. If a driver customarily observing the law, Is caught with lights blurred or out, allowance Is given for accidents In the matter. However, persistent ylolations is prima facie evidence of guilt. Right of Way Some. The right of way remains on the right for all vehicles, and not only autos but all vehicles must observe this rule. . Turn Anywhere. The mutter of turning In the cen ter of blocks Is optional and It Is not necessary to go to the Intersections. If the driver turns to left he must rnlse his band as u signal for those behind him, and If there Is an acci dent the driver, must be held respon sible, accidents being prima facie evi dence of neglect nnil carelessness. With Another Into, KKWAXKK. III.. Dec. 6. When Miss ElUabath Pentham and her fi ance. Piter Conrada, of Matbervilis III., were at the depo; here waiting for a train to take thm to Mather vllle, Rowland W. Fairbanks drove up In an automobile while Conrad was buying tickets and Invited the young woman to take a ride, and they disappeared. Miss Hentham's friends say she had not been delighted of late with the prospects of marriage. Fairbanks' relatives say the young man's action was simply to bring her happiness. Ait AY aW u Ciqar&tte or