EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1915 PAGE FIVE Meal Satisfaction IS GUARANTEED WHEN YOU ORDER ONE OF OUR SELECT CUTS OF "Pemeco" Meats MADE IN PENDLETON. "PEMECO" Young Beef Young Mutton Young Lamb Sugar Cured Hams Sugar Cured Bacon Pure Lard '-Hog, 8c pound SANITARY FRESH FISH Salmon Halibut Smelt Eastern Oysters Olympia Oysters Deep Sea Crabs Shrimp Meat HEINZ MUSTARD, PINT 20c KNIGHTS SWEET PICKLES, PINT 20c KNIGHTS INDIA RELISH, PINT 20c SERVICE QUALITY SANITATION The Central Market Phone 455. 108 E. Alta St. Mrs Q, M. KUe WM hostess yMtW day afternoon to the Indies of ih .South Hill Bridge Club, At 7:30 this evening the Associated Charities will hold a meeting in tho council room of the city hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Khodes have returned from an extended visit wilh hi.!.. In Minnesota. John Banister 01 wesiun i Mr. Alfred Blonviulst of Seattle. dleton visitor today. formerly Miss lva Hill, has arrived In the city to remain until after Chttst mas with relatives. Mrs. Anna Benedict left yesterday afternoon for New York to visit with relative. Mrs. Ben Colvln of Hitter is in Pendleton on her way to Portland. The Duplicate Whist Club was en. t rtalned yesterday at the home of Mrs. Una H. Sturgis. Pen- Karl Coutts of Weston was an elec lUon day visitor in Pendleton. U. OF 0, GLEE CLUB WILL BE IN CITY DECEMBER 28 SECOND CONCERT OF TRIP THROUGH EASTERM OREGON TO HE GIVEN H 101 IE FOR DAMAGES IN THE CASE OF JOHN SPAIN LOCALS (8b Advertising in Brief RATH. Per line first Insertion 10c Per Use, sddltlouil Insertion Be per line. r nniatb 11.00 No ,tiH taken fur less tats We. Cant tl erdlnsrjr words to line. Locals will not be taken over the telephone rural from East Oregon lau paid up subscribers. lost A black fur muff last Tues day, between here and German church tow) at E. (). office and re ceive reward. Bazaar By ladles of the Church of the Hedeemer, at home of Mrs. Jessie Fulling, Main street. Wednes day. December 8. All kinds of fancy work House and lot on north cash, including lumber bull I four room house, itreet. F.dmlstun barber Dressmaking, Mrs Bowman Phone I43M Dressed hogs. 8 cents pound, at Cash Market Nice -furnished room for rent. Ap ply 300 Tustln street For tale Good milch cow Inquire 124 Thompson street. A White Studio photo Is the mo.d acceptable and appropriate Xmas gift Wanted- Position a cook on ranch by competent woman. 7,12 W. Webb Fenland Bros.' transfer Co. have st.- ue warehouse Phone 339. For rent Seven room modern house Inquire 203 Garfield. For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. 121 Stonewall Jockson. Wanted--Woman to work on ranch. Address "H" this office. John Rosenberg, Court street watchmaker and Jeweler. All work guaranteed. For rent Seven room modern house with full basement 1310 W. Itadroud, For rent Furnished "ve room house, 1203 E. Court street Phone 477. For rent -Furnished housekeeping apartment. 311 Madison street or phone 38W. For sale--Second hand Chalmers Detroit runabout. Inquire Room 5. American Nfct'l Bank Bldg. Phone I4J For rent of gale Eight room mod ern brick house with garage, In good location. Inquire this office. Old papers for le; tied in bun lies. Good for starting fires, etc. 10c a bundle. This office. Very many people desire to buy lands In eastern Oregon What have sou to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Widow lady, 40, wishes to corre spond with bachelor or widower be tween 46 and 66 years. Address A Y., East Oregonlan. For sale 300 tons of grain hay Will tell In lots or will feed stock of any kind, horses, mules cattle or sheep R. B. McEwen. Athena, Ore Prompt automobile tail service, day or night Funerals to cemetery only 13,60. Phone 110. Quelle Res taurant. Car for country trips, phone 70 Carney & Huey Tail Co. Tile floors, walls, vestibules, etc, Installed at reduced rates while wo have our competent crew of mechan ics In Pendleton Address Orsfpn Art Tile Co., H. B Shofner, care Ho tel Pendleton. For rent-24 room lodging and boarding house, furnished, In good location and doing a good business and a money maker for the right party. .76 per month. Cox -Cord In vestment Co., Pasco, Wash For s;il side, $27i enough tc 101 Main shop. Itg acre homesteads In southern i iregon. rich soil, bunch grass, water ftom 20 to 60 feet, close to towns an 1 railroad, adjoining; road lanes. Land sells from (10 to 2ti per acre. We are established engineers and can lo cnte you right Will be In town this week ;it St. George hotel, room 2. from 9 s. m. to 8 j m. Johnson HI M l BCPREME COURT HOLDS ER1 l TESTIMONY NOT PERMISSIBLE. SALEM. Ore., Dec. 7. Justice Mc I'ride reversed the Judgment for dam ages for John Spain against the Ore-run-Washington Uailway and Naviga tion company. He held the circuit court should not have permitted evi dence regarding the effect of impris onment, in the aliened tmny nuni- ))(.r ,n her dutrM Inrton Jail. OB the stump OI Spain s r.rm which recently was amputated, .-pain was taken from t train to Jail because the conductor believed he bad been drinking. To Act a- Partners. "There was a time when the L'nit ed States looked upon itself as in j some sort the guardian of the repub lies to the south of her. " said the pres- I Ident. "Every thoughtful man of I America must welcome the altered i circumstances of the new das In (whose light We now stand, when 'there is no claim of guardianship or, 'thought of wards, but Instead a full I jand honorable association as part. I j ners in the interest of all America. I I We still mean always to make a com- I man cause of national Independence j i and political liberty in America. But, ithai nuruose is now better i stood." I Citing Mexican affairs as an ejeam ple of the new doctrine the president .continued: "Her fortunes are in her own ; hands. But at least we have pr i that we w ill not take advantag i and undertak 1 impress upon her ' our own choosing, befriend Mexico, b ONXVEJUUTf OF OREGON, Eu gene, ore, Dec. 7 The University of Oregon Glee Club leaves Portland December 27 on Its annual tour of eastern Oregon. The second concert on the trip will be given at Pendle ton on December 2J. Dean Ralph H. Lyman, of the Uni versity school of music, who directs the club, has been holding; rehearsals of the club dally for over two months with the result that the present ag gregation of warblers Is one of the best ever turned out at the state uni versity Music critics who have at tended concerts given already this year say that the club Is as good as last year's club, If not better. Corn petition for places was unusually strong this year and several old men were unable to retain their places. Sixteen new faces will be seen when the club appears In Its eastern Ore. gon concerts. The glee club possesses the distinc tion of having In Its membership a Chinsse, Ho-Sheng Huang, of Amoy. 'hina, who Is registered in the uni versity as u sophomore Huang slnga popular American songs in his na tive tongue. He appears in Chinese dress. At all of the concerts given thus far, the diminutive oriental has been Die greatest individual attrac tion. "Five Minutes of College Life," ly Albert Gillette, Hubert Langley, Carl under-' o .n wuir", a oiuci.e... on life in a college and Is proving one of the features of the club's program:. Leslie O. Tooze, student manager o' tli' club, leaves In two weeks on an advance tour of eastern Oregon. Les lie Tooze and Lamar Tooze, who is with the Ford peace party, are twin nt.i R I g S S An appropriate Gift for everyone on your list From grandmother, who is not too old to be enthusiastic over a pretty pin for her dress, or a silver case for her spectacles, to baby, whose chubby hands would just fit around a silver cup or tiny spoon. There are just hundreds of thinjjrs from which you can choose the "right" gift so easily you could do all your Christmas shopping here in less than an afternoon. Why not try it this year? And you will go home knowing that you have chosen the perfect gift the gift that suggests by its lasting qual ities, the continuity of love and friendship. Royal M Sawtelle Since 1887. ived sufficient proof t- all we seek no sovereignty or selfish con l-Yir sale. r Trade. One Holt Combine and Hoe Drill In good condition. Will sell cheap for cosh or will take livestock In ex change Inquire Oeorge Slangier, City Adv. AS THE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE DELEGATE OREGON MAN BEATED F1GH I (JOES ov OVER CHOOSING CONVENTION t i n . "The moral is that the states of Am erica are not hostile rivals but coop erating friends, and that their grow ing sense of community of interest, alike in matters political and in mat ters economic, unlikely to give them a new significance a. factors in in- TV, ,.K u-ill t-lv.. th f.ll.n-lne . Kovernment of ! ' 7 We will aid and;Concerta ln ea8tern Oregon: uecemner j ( tne uanes; jjeeemoer , Pendleton; December 29, M rande; December 30, Baker; De mber 31, Hood River. On its trip through the eastern part the stale, the club will troel ln private car and will be accompan- p will not 00 e ought to be America that I rjni llll Ward For mayor. Best, 101, Montgomery ?12; for treasurer, Moorhouse, 2sl Horton, 27; for councilman, Cox 111 Edmiston, 28, Oliver, 78. Taylor 192 for water commissioners. Strain 3 2." McCormmach 329, Strohle 279. Third Ward. For mayor, Best. 219, Montgomery 197; for treasurer, Moorhouse, 28 Horton, 37 228, Owen 1st precinct, Fourth Wrd For mayor. Best, 313, Montgomery. 194; for treasurer, Moorhouse, 337. Horton, 45; for councilman. Cole, 101. McAtee, 136. Penland. 250; for water ommlseloners. Strain 359, Mc Cormmach 306, Stroble 233. 2nd Precinct, Fourth Ward. For mayor. Best, 349, Montgomery, 99; for treasurer, Moorhouse 374. for councilman. Folsom, ; Horton. 47; for councilman. Cole 61. 160- water commissioner. I McAtee, 118, Penland, 253, for water Strain, 307, McCormmach, 226, led W. I special traveling agent of & N. , HER ELECTED. the ' ble 263. I commissioners, Strain 313, McCorm mach. 263, Stroble, 253. iillllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliMIIIIIIIIIIH Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby given that W. A Mumfotd and Italph Ham. doing bus- fight to Iness under (he name of Mumford A j tertalixe Ham. conducting the Perfection! Bsnati Dairy', has this day been dissolved by 1 f(J. (nt. mutual consent. Ralph Ham will continue the business, collect and pay all bills. W. A. MUMFORD. (Adv) RALPH HAM. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. Will H King was seated as Oregon's deletati to the democratic national commit tee, winning the contest with H. M Easterly. Supporters of the various eltlSi for the convention, presented claims throughout the day. The 11st McCombl failed to ma- Glto Your iHcttire! Do you realize that the finest and most Welcome Christmas present you could ever give your relatives or friends would be a nice photograph of yourself 'guide by one w ho has the best facilities and has had years of successful experience In making pic tures that show your true likeness. The same money you would spend for trivial gifts will here buy you hlghcFt class photos In the newest Ideas of today. As a gift they will be far more lasting and give you greater satisfaction In the end. Make the appointment today, before the rush. C, S WHEELER. (Adv ) Photographer. r Phelan offered lluO.WrtO lemOCratk national conven tion for Sun Francisco, others back ed him. Proponents of other cities pointed out the distance to the Pacif ic coast. St. touts, Chicago and Dal las, continued in the fight. St. Louis pointed to the democratic convention there as an aid In swinging Missouri lo the democrats. Dance at Vinson, There will be a dance at Vinson on Hutter creek Friday night. Decem ber 10, to which the public Is cor dially Invited and assured a good time! JOHN ROSS. (Adv., Da ncv Tonight. The Pendleton Circle. No. 527. Women of Woodcraft, will give a dance tonight, December 7, at Moose Hall. All are cordially invited, and I good time assured. Admission, 50a ladles free Adv. St. George Grill MERCHANTS LUNCH 35c Served dally, except Sunday, from 11 to 2. We are now receiving dnlly shipments of the aenulfte Original "Hof Brsu-Qnelle" Crawfish. Only first class house In Pendleton employing white ehef Ur Cater lo Your Appetite .1. E. ALLEN. Mgr. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the Dfparlct Court of tho United States, for llio District of Oregon.- In the Matter of Samuel' E. Willis, Bankrupt To the creditors of Samuel E. Willis, of Stnnfleld, In the County of Umatilla, and District aforesaid. Bankrupt Notice Is hereby given, that on the 2nd day of December. A. D. 1915. the said Samuel K. Wlilis, was duly ad judicated a Bankrupt and that the first meeting of his Creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned Referee in Uankruptcy, at Pendleton, I'matllla County. Oregon, on Decem ber 20th, A. D. 1915. at 10 o'clock a. m of said day at which time and place the creditors may attend, prove and file their claims, appoint a Trus tee, examine the Bankrupt and tran sact such other business as may prop erly come before the said meeting Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore. gon. this 7th day of December, A D. CRIPPLED OFF SHORE SAX FRANCISCO, Dec. 7. Marine nien expressedl the fear today that a fire was smoudrring In the holds of the freighter Minnesota, while the mutinous, crew prevented the captain from sending Information ashore. The Minnesota Is believed wallowing in a crippled condition off the Lower Cal ifornia coast. Despite wireless efforts no word had been received at noon today. tarnations affairs and in the political history of the world. It presents them as In a very deep and true sense, a 1 unit In world affairs, spiritual part- ners. standing together bcause think- j Ing together, quick with common i sympathies and common ideals. Sep- j arated, they are subject to all the 1 cross-currents of the confused politics ot a world of hostile rivalries; united In spirit and purpose they cannot be disappointed of their peaceful des-j tiny. No Spirit of Umpire. "This is Pan-Americanism. It has none of the spirit of empire in it. It I Is the embodiment, the effectual em. bodlment. of th esplrit of law and in-! dependence and liberty and mutual J service." The president then outlined his plea for national defense. "(ireat democracies are not bellig- j erent." he said. "They do not seek I or desire war. We insist upon secur- t ity In prosecuting our self chosen line? Of national development." Thousands thronged the capital a: on early hour hoping to get a glimpse of the president. Many women made i their way to the galleries earryinc lunch and knitting, prepared to stick to the last ftallery admission was by card only. Neither house planned important business other than the hearing of the message, liallery seats j Wore reserved for the president's 1 daughters and Mrs. liult The latter j was the center of attraction. (Continued from page one ) and was not decided until the ballot box was emptied. The following is the vote by wards; First Ward. For Mayor. Best. 21U, Montgomery. 163; for treasurer. Moorhouse. 24C Horton. 45; for councilman, Friedley. 177. Kirkpatrick. 1S3; for water com missioner. Strain. 297, Mc 'ormmach. :T.s, Stroble, 251 HAPPY CANYON TEAM WINS FROM THE FORTY-NINERS SALE of High Grade HairGoods THIS WEEK ONLY A complete stock of the best of hair to select from. BLOOM OF ROSES the great beautifier demonstrated. complexion now being Come in. MADAM ROOT AT " SAYRES" This is the eight year old son of a well known S resident of Umatilla county. His eyes were crossed from the time he was five years old till I fitted him jj with glasses, April 3rd, 1915, I Glasses will straighten cross eyes in nearly every instance when properly applied. My system is to s relieve the strain that causes them to cross, also to 5 develop good vision in both eyes. i DALE ROTHWELL Optical Specialist. American National Bank Building, Phone 609. fllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllltllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIl'. TONGUES IIKAKM MKSSAtJK. (Continued from pace one.) -In 1915. TH"S FIT. QBRAIiD, Refers In Uankruptcy. IMuu'o TonlKlit. Tho Pendleton Circle, No. 627 Women of Woodcraft, will give a dance tonight, December 7. at Moose Hall. All are cordially Invited and a good time assured. Admission. 50 ladles free Adv. commercial, or transporation word, national adequacy. Marshalling of the nation's roMUrc es, not for war, but to Insure peace, in a union of the Americans to main tain, secure from European interfer ence, American Ideas and ideals, was the paramount thought pounded home by the president. The address, of about 9000 words, was the longest ever made to con gress by the president. Scathing, scorching denunciation of hyphenated Americans "who preach and practice disloyalty," was a fea ture. President's. Recommendations. Among the president's specific re commendations were: Secretary of War Garrison's army reorganlxatlon war plan. Secretary of the Navy Daniel's navy building program. A naval advisory council of defense Uiws to deal with foreign plots am! conspirators. liovernnient ship purchase. Increased taxes, without a bond Is sue. Rural credits legislation. Conservation measures. Philippine and Porto Itlcan "Inde pendence." Investigation of railroad regulatlov and future development. In dedication of the new era 0 pnn-Amerlcanlsm and Its bearing tin on necessity for United StnteR "self sufflclencv and security" the pros' dent STiphionllv pictures the presen' and ftuie effects of the war. Last night the Happy Canyon team in the bowling tournament won from ; the Forty Nlnera by a score of 2300 to 2266. The H. C's won the first! game handily, lost the second by four pins and tied at 755 for the third game The highest single store was made by Baum. 2S4, and Book made the highest match score, 658. The following are the scores: Happy Canyon. McDevitt 213 192 221 626 Hnmley 208 140 168 516 Raum 234 19 178 611 McMonles 176 183 188 517 831 714 755 2300, Forty-Nlners. Book 21S 226 219 111 Barnetl 181 156 194 501 Mltchel 224 158 160 542 Hanavan 194 17S 182 554 782 718 755 2255 ' l lRST-t LSS ENGRAVING FREF. ON ALL ARTHURS PI RCHASED HERE. EVEMMiS I NTIL XMAS. K. WILL tll't N DULL SPLITTING A Ring, Diamond, Gold Watch, laiualni nr Qi uar WOVfVIIJ Wl VI WW The Gift Problem Easily Solved Here Y we help you solve the problem and put you in the way of doing our Christina.- shopping pleasure, satisfaction and economy. We take the liberty of making a suggestion rWnrtHnt the best time to do your shopping and earnestly urge you to do it AT OXCK Cams oarlt ,h,- II pick Is the choicest, avoid the cropd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from a fuH and o mplete assortment. Our stock Is known to comprise high-class jewelry and our prices are less than those found in MM majority of high-grade stores. M A IT.W SUGGESTIONS: SICK HEADACHE Dr. James' Headache Powders re lieve at one 10 cents a package. You take a Dr. James' Headache Powder and in just a few moments your head clears and all neuralgia and distress vanishes. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Send someone to the drug tore and get a dime package now. Quit suffering it's so needless. Be sure you grt Dr. .Is men' Headache Powders then there will be no disappointment. DIXMOND SECMiACES $6.00 to I7&.00 DIAMOND VND PEARL RINGS Sinnn to sum DIAMOND BROOCHES tie.OQ to SJQO DIAMOND M KMERAU1 RINGS I1B to shm DIAMONDS SB.XO (o sttiMt A MTV CASES SMS to S&YOO t VMF.O lilMiS AND BROOCHES MM to SIO DIAMOND PENDANTS Sio.oo to $loo DIAMOND STICKPINS SO.tw to $l.-0 BRACELET WATCHES, II JEWEL sn to $3. Dixmond AND SOLITAIRE Hl;s sio to smihi BRACELET MI X KR BEITS , PI RSES I INK BFTTON8 CM XINs Ull kl'l w n in s TOILET sin s CMBRELI -SC IRE tins PRs XN lVOItX Wm. Hanscom, S2.00 I.. S.iO.oo . $1.00 to $. (' $2 .".It lo if, oo . . 73c to $IOO M IMI to Ml H U S lo III IMI $l to $imi B on to SCI oo SMS to $,t.X oo ;:. lo S.VHMI j M to $IN on THE I Jeweler J