BIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OftEGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1915. PAGE SEVEN PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public AUTO REPAIRING BOTTLING WORKS ELECTRICIANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING I'ordn a Specialty. Ford Accessories S. E. SMITH AUTO REPAIR SHOP shop Phone 208. Res. Phone UIJ 839 Cottonwood St., Op. City HcJL 232 AMI Court Phone 17? I'AMll.Y T RADIO A HPKI'IAI.TY Quick Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Work$ Paul Hemmelgarn, Prop. MKKIt AND ALL KINDS OK SOFT DRINKS AND SODAS HOTTLBD. oijmpla Oyster Cocktails a Specialty ALLOWAY & MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Estimates Furnished. Phone 636, 11 1 W. Court St. J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery D. D. PHELPS I'M IMBING, HKATIXfi. And Sheet Metal Worker. ItS E. Court St. Phone 443 The Lymen NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. Furnace lieat and batb. Kith good tattle board at reaaonable rates. 621 Willow St. Telephone 305 IF IT'S .4 sH.N WE MKE IT KEM SIGN CO. 800 Cottonwood Street Prion 172. Pendleton, ore. Phone 536 Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MODBItN CYLINRBIl ORINDBB AND OYBR-H1ZED PISTON AND KINGS liHOPND Phone 71. S eagle's Blacksmith Shop. AUTO SUPPLIES TIRES M) ACCESSORIWI Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL. NO. 1M. CIGAR FACTORIES FEED YARDS SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Havana filled 10c. Straight and Perfect o Nliapea. Manufactured in PKXDI.KTiiN CIGAR FACTORY. PIIUNK MS THE ALTA FEED YARD T03 Kaat Alia St. PEED AND BALES STABLE. HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid for 2nd hand goods of all kinds. Rubber, Auto Tires, Brass. Copper, Hacko and Raits. HIRES. PEWS, WOOL & FURS. 206 W. Webb St Telephone 662 Phone M 1 Ilea. 500. Agent for I'KXIXSI I.AU FCItNACES. Wocaege & Ard ey PLUMB I NU AND BKATLNO. Tinning and Itepalr Work 108 W. Webb St., PKNDLKTOX, one 70'J K Alts St. Telephone 447 Moderate Rates. White Help Only P.tnplojed The ALTA HOUSE Mfn. J 8HKPAKD. Trop ROOM With or W.rhotjt Board l'ndr w V . -: SHOE REPAIRING E MEND RUBBER HEELS Pendleton Shoe Hospital C. L. 1 L.YL Pr.m SHOE REPAIRIXli ON 81 'I ENTI Kit PRINCIPLES We call tm and deliver Phone 337 n,; Main St. CLEANING-PRESSING FLORISTS INSURANCE Went of Hotel Harder Shop. Phone 470- ask for Pressery. PFNDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Indenoa & Stronahan, Props Cleanlnu. PresslnR, Repairing. Day or Night. Work Called for and Delivered. Hooker's Flower Store On Main Ht . nnt to Happy fin j on l'HONK :!. BXORAL DESIGN B, rLANTS AM) Ageul Portland Journal. Open KTinlnipi. PHOTOGRAPHERS ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone 338 It. mm 7, Schmidt lSldg I.K8SON8 IX CHINA, 011.8, WATKII COLOR, TAPESTRY. LEATHER TOOLING. Rraaa and Copper Crafta. BEAUTY PARLORS FURNITURE I am an expert at cleaning WHITE l i lts PHONE 885 1(1 DD. the Tailor anil Dry ( leaner 310 West Webb EXPERT WELDING Beauty Parlors I1A1B DREMIMO, MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAiiE. SCALP TREAT MENT. SIIAMIWIINO. Pepalai Price Telephone S'i'i Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS IP a eld all klnils of cast iron, nhinil num. MM), C0(l pat '""" ,be M.slcrn oxy Act v lene Proceai DOD'I "nl f Repair's. Let Ua Weld It. 7JII ,11 HI N S( IN ST. Koch Furniture Store i HAS KOCH, Prop. BARGAIN I V SLIGHTLY USED PIANO 117 W Webb St. Phone 355 W MANUEL FRIEDLY INSUR NCE Automobile. PI RE, Burglary, Plate Class, Liability, Accident and Health. Bonds. f Telephone 604. E. O. Bids. LAUNDRIES RUGS CLEANED Electric Studio 214 E. Court 8t Portraltl made day of night, raiD or shine, (lire us a call. SATISFACTION Cl'ARANTEED J V Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON RUG AND MATTRESS WORKS Upholaterlng and Furniture Repairing. All work guaranteed. Prices reaionable Located 103 Water 8t. Phone ". vr SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private for Ladles' Shoe Shining At Minerva shoe siilninjt Parlor. Also we Clean Soft and Panama Hats I2 Main St. Pendleton. Ore. ALEX. Proprietor. TROY LAUNDRY Phone 179. ROUGH DBI Tc PER LB. Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter BOWMAN STUDIO 0IU Main St.. Tel M0-W, HICill UEADE COMMERCIAL AMt PORTRAIT WORK l'"M ''aid Photos $1,00 Ioz, Amateur fin .Bain p. Ausro Supplies. STORAGE BATTERIES , MTUJSAUE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE. Thev need the beat of care through the winter let CYRUS BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood St., care for them. TAXI SERVICE C. and H. TAXI CO. Phone 110 UUELLE ItRSTl! BUT Prompt aervl'-e. day and night Foneral serrlce 13 .o GROCERIES I. B. JOHNSON & SOIS Groceries, Confections anil Rakers' Good. Cash paid for Bu'.ter. Eggs and Poultry. 202 W, Webb St. PfaOOC 61 MEAT MARKETS THE RAYBURN MEAT MARKET IIS W WEBB. Pleniy of Turkeys and ChlckeuB for Thanksgiving. PAINTS-WALL PAPER Hale & McAt e WALL PAPER. PH TI RK MOII.DIM, GLASS, DECORATING. PAIXTIV. Job tvork Promptly Done. IOT Main St. Pendleton. Oregon WATCH REPAIRING . KHllAI I.INi; AND AL REPAIRS. SERVICE Uri ' STATION L 684. Cof. Main aud Water Sts John Rosenberg Watchmaker All V,,rk Guaranteed Corner Coort and Cettoawoad. RECORD OF DEEDS AMD OTHER INSTRUMENTS IN HOGS; MARKET IS s4ili-fnoDiMi of Mot'tgag , mortgage executed y Biani hen ta Una H Sturgia, not, i. .I i0o, i smtWIad, i I i.i r i ' I ortKage. A B. Wisdom to A. A. Uoh V rows. I bull. 4 steers, ft h row and farm machinery, ten Alex Hchrtlnor to Conrad tier. 114" I horses harness. Seattle. Alaska & Anthracite Coal Co. to A K. W ide. $3100 The N wagon, l o SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR for 1M6 on certain describe I H. Lofensen to Ernest Klnni". All nn interest in Crops to Lc ltd in 1HI6 on the s 1-2 of I. and SI 1-4 of nee 10, T. :. 30 E . W M. J. K Phillips to H. D, Smith trus tee. Mln.lS My 3-4 Interest on 11 crop, in be harvested in Mllfi on .E 1-4 "f sec 4. T 3 N. H 30; also 12 head horses and mares, farm machin ery and tools. Mortagi, Weatherman to Karm- niXXEII id XOBI.E I'lil.l BEST STEERS GO IIP TO 1125 IN MARKET AT NORTH PORTLAND Stephen C Savings Hank. J500. isn acres in I, T I N . It. 37 B. W M. Stephen H Cummtnge to A C Hampton. 16Ti acres In sec. 1. T. 5 N It 31 B W XI IMnd, W. 11 and B. Glenn to Bnrekn I Lod No .'i;. I. 0. O. E.. Il A par 11 (ilLAXDMOTHEU'S lll'cil'E , ,., ,,, ,,,,, Ut ,., K In HItING litis ioi.i'C l LI BTHK Tt) HAIIt. I laura WOOdWaTi ward. II A tract acriptlve. I M i Carney to Hank. ItMt, A tri mild X- RtUey'i udd W Ml ound" a hi bottl Tea He !eo H. W .iiil- of land, title de- Flrst National, o I of Innd In Ar litlnn to Pendleton. ; i, DaOraw, lis . addition to wc- j ii i, u'iIk. in. $L md. title ilescrlp- i (Couriesv The Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore-All records were smashed for hog arrivals at North Portland for the month of No vember. There was only a small run report ed in the ards over night foHowl&i the record showing of Monday, yen eral trade conditions continue steady, with tope quoted at !. r.10. the former range. There was a showing of weakness In some of the leading eastern hog markets durinv the day. with price"1 lower. General ho; market Kes- light f.05O(;I0 Medium light l.tOOt.ODI Oood to heavy 5.704JS.II Rough tu heavy 5.00OI.i0 There is a very stiff market beltUI , rjBOted for cattle at Ni.rth Portland, with full prices paid Honda offer Ing again! but there wgi nothing good eilnllgh available tu bring the top. ire I; oil in Idsrttur t anal. died with the discovery '"nib on the bank of the ie Montreal Hlanket com THE OLD RELIABLE1 IKEMEDYFORMEN.I 1 AT YOUH DRUGGIST. 'I'lllLAXG. Ore.. Dec. leclal i North Portland cattle j fe' ry. rket took a sudden jump this mor g and (rent to 17.25 for best steers. - market tl fully 10 to lie higher I . HOW'S THIS, same quality stuff as last week j We "ffer ,)ne Hundred Dollars Re offerings were sold and for thelward for an-v "( Catarrh that st part weighed before noon The I ar"t be cured I . Hall s Catarrh rket has a s rong tendencv. 5i 09 ot ti llORS. be outdone b1 ittlc five cent advance this af oing to $6.1 j and finishing Eighty-six hundred head the scales, the largest single pis ever marketed a: North I ure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers ror the past ; I thirty-five vears. and has become! I known as ihe most reliable remedy1 for Cat irrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure SCt thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pi ison from the Blood and healing the dlMtttied 1 arm Wm mm o z M M v J. E. MULLINIX, Lawyer Over Taylor's Hdw. Store. Pendleton, Oregon. Richards hag been applied. Those whiwie hair becoming faded, dry. i hi u hai. surprise turning grav, Kraggl) .inn iwalting them, In tne big eastern markets. o;i I prices were generally quoted lie I during the morning. Ceneral cattle market ranfte: Rest hay fed steers $7.J04i ' Oood to choice 7.uft'n W AR I'ROUII's UONSEltVET, HKHWIiN. Mil .in - me leocrai !(,M r,,ws (tmnell hits adopted a preliminary ,Jo(1(, ,( prinlP bill for taxing the war profits Mgttecl bulls jolni slock companies iml corpora-j Fancy ,)ul, lions The measure does not lev a or,iinarv bUlU tax. This is left for another bill af'.- Hest calves el the war v ...... ' - .", .iihi.oi .iii,"".. No arrivals of mutton or lamb Were shown over night at North Port land and yOU II be delighted with noiii supplies and invest tnem separatciv dark, handsome hair and yottl youth- from the ordinary resources, holding I ill sppearani e w ithin few das them In readiness for final decision becnti e after one or two ippllcatloni the gr:i hair vanlahes and your locks become luxuriantly dark Md beauti lub all dandruff goes, eeajp Itching and tailing hair stops. This Is the age of youth haired. nnattrncthe folks aren't The preseni wanted around, so get bus with that companies 4.1,01 " no 4.H0I 4.2.". 4.00(rT 4.2T. ..fiO fa 3.0" 7.il0i 7. :n i Prof. Theodore W. Harvard has just been awarded the .Noble Prixe for discoveries in the ato mic weight of chemical elements This Is the firs; prize to be given an American lor chemical research. One each in phyaioa and medicine had oted to Prof. Michelaon of Chi cago and Dr, Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller institute in New York Two Americans. Theodore Roosevelt and Elihu Root, had been honored lor services to peace. b. 2 heifers Jininiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'aiiuic: HOODIES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES I GOEY'S KWONG HONG LOW 116 WeH AJU St., Up.tairi. Phone 4J3 E AMlliiiiiiHnititMtmn "TIHinnilHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIggi (rely retfinrt M renerves hMI Trend ,of the trade COQtteilM ex-tfetriel- NfOng with full prices being offered fnr qualit. The lnek of real IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS sYs BACKACHE Is M(iN YOU II , KEEN BATING Tt h MUCH MEAT. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS HAVE US WIRE YOUR PLACE for sCtrlC service. We USe ihe best grade wire. Ihe best Insulators. burtorfs. switches, etc ml we ii,. the wiring ig voilr plnce, Toll can de UOdtl il being reasonable. J. L. VAUGHAN good stuff Is painfully noticeable in Ihe local trade. Ceneral eastern, trade for million and lambs was steady to higher dur ing the morning. fjehefS.1 mutton and lamb prices: select interior lambs $ 7.r,n 'M'dinarv Interior lamhs. T.tftHT.SS Willamette valley lambs. 7.!t4t7.!o Wethers 6.001 Select ewes, light S.SSttB.St When nm wake up with back.,, be and dull misery in the kidney region it gene rail) means ,,u have been eating too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms urh acid Which overworks the kidneys In their effort to inter u from tin blood and thev become son of ... JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite poetofflce. Funeral parlor, twi funeral cars, c'alls responded to dav or night. Phone 75. J T BROWN S rURNlTURE STOR1 Funeral director and licenced ent' Salmer Most modern funeral par. lor morgue and funeral cars Calk Main and Water streets. Telephone II FEE 4 FEE. ATTORNEYS law Office in Despain build' AUtTIOM R CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEY'S at law. Office in rear of Amerl- JAIfl ES B PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law-. Office over Taylor Hardware man that orders at MISCEI I N4 n s. relieve bowels INSURANCE YND LAND BUSINESS weather twinges I Of seiilli FOR SALE NORTH SI DE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Seven room dwelling, with modern built in conveni ences, first class crthditirtn. seven blocks from Maiji street. Can be bought for $1800 if taken at once. MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LOANS lugglsh m. lik Tliesiliiv Livestock Slllpv'rs, lions John P Thorp. Hliss. Idaho, nous W t loads, H, W, Knox. Mountain. Ida- sl''k he ho. 1 load: C. 1 Ferguson. Rooee- stoinacb velt. Wash. 17 head, by boat: Oscar when tl Van Hoy. Magic landing. Wash, M rheUWtnl head by boat: J, S. Swan. Aldcnlale. cloudy, lull ot si With . 53 head ' n get sore. Wag Mixed stuff J. D. I'avis. Ridge, obliged to seel field. Wash . 4 cattle. I calves and '' limes , luring (h hogs by boat. Eltbei i onsuli , physician at on i, . i pharmacist about lour mimes ol Jad Bl New Liner off for Isles. . ,, , , , ' r Salts; take a tahlespoonful in a glass SAN FRANCISCO, Nov, II. -The , WHl,r f(ir a (w ( iner vtrwi nuriiirni '"Vii ,HV iin, ,,,ur kldlievs will then here with a passenger list of 400 on ft,,,.. Thi, famous satt.s is made fl her Initial Irip to the Hawaiian Is- ,.M f ..... ,,,... , lands to establish a four and one-half combined with lithla. and has Ix-ei "Hv service between there and Pa- ,r S(.ni.rHillns ,,. .U., .., r. W l.ASSEN. M D. V Ml a sllninlate sluggish kldnevs. also n Ihe neutralise acids in the iirlns. mi ii i rltates, thus ending bladdl m gel i In, relia i from vo vank Phone 404 II MARSH. Se KVFINOWKI! j Main Ids ciflc coast ports She will l.os Angeles and llilo. T. H. vovuge 10 llouolulu. but will return i,,, oireclP from Honolulu 0 San Fran- weakness rl"C"- .lad Sa The new schedule shortens bv a dav , !ar meat the customary time required for thr cannot In v ovate. lefferveici VITKRIX YRY SURGEONS, Oi'NTY yelerlnsrian Residence telephone 17: office telephone. 10. A TTORXEYS. lie Silver lor i-egl It Is inexpensivi makes a deUghtf II -,... -i drink at law. Estates settled, wil deeds. m.vngages nnd contr n drawn. Collections modi Boon Schmidt block FREDERICK 111 W BR ATTO ney at law. Office in Smith -era rdrd building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY A ? counsellor at law. Office in 1 Spain building SECONn H tvp ih.I I RS V. STROIILE. DEAI.KB !N NK and second-band goods Cl Paid for alt second-hand ... bought Cheapeat place In Pend TRESSPAS season c ery descrif prices at have a flm ecriptlon for conn court. Justice court far sale at glast Ore gonlan make tlon sale bills. We can furnish adrertislnr con you of having RALEY RAI.EY. ATTtMtNEYS VT too to buy household law. omre in Americas National a (,r our price Bank Bulldibg. ,tr, ,.hnllt ::1W flH . fPC bnsinVLB LH