PAGE SIX H 1 TT V 19 A OT SrT7t- AT a . csausnsal. . " .umiy rciuu,iuiN, UKmiUW, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1915 JIIIMinMllltllHlllllllHtllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini.. : i- rssr . , ' BIGHT PAGES MANY SPORTSMEN AT (THE 6000 JUDGE HEARS THtstTMMNQ Of BOVHOOD PAys) TURKEY SHOOT HELD AT THE RHEA RANCH tllM.REMEMRER WHEN WF ryeS.BUT WE Mt MEN NOW. iNH TMEBBK A LOT Mftltr WAS BOVS HOW WE CHeWEP 6UM WHEN WE WENT I "V mHTN2p sfX'. SATISFACTION IN W-B CUT BE PUT IN SERVICE THAN THERE EVER WAS IN STOP THINKING ABOUT IT ITS REAL TOBACCO. ""'""""""Hiimiimimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitf! y jy BRITAIN MAY 'WAt tC GUM coal bins. All stuns point to a hard cold winter. Fill up your bins with our Rock Springs coat and do your thinking in comfort. Order lodav. AMERICAN SHIPS COULD UK ITII4ZKD UNDER THE RIUTISH FLAG. Rumor of Intent Circulate.! stirs Washington lr Soot) Vlnn oir ried Out it Would Rrlng About Vor Grave Situation Not uelicv. Ml Knglmid Would Dare B. L. BURROUGHS, Inc. Cor. Webb 6 College Phone 5 """"""""'"'""""miiHuiH iiiiiiiii iiiiiiMiiiiniHiiiiiMMiiiiiiiHiHiHiiiinMiiimmiiiiiinmiiHiiiiiiiil HEAD AND NOSTRILS STUFFED FROM COLO fc, raw york ma i. 1.1 dispatch to the New fork World from Washington savs the .t.i. ...,.,, Imwtl has tieen advised unofficially S that the Hritish government Is pre- paring to requisition American shias seised on the high seas and force Brora is UIVEN ust siM, iv AND IVKRYHORY HAS A good no, Out or Town People Attend , CMipete for tile Birds sad wMies and Coffee Are gaa, , Mm. hi, at NtwoManv 1Uni4 Are vn b (be Duatemnnta I'vi'irs COU) xrrorxri" fm ooui OR UlUfPK ix nn BOOM Tour , old will break and all grippe ..-.n and after taking a dose of " Rape's Cold Compound" every two !i urs until three doses are taken. ' It promptly opens ctogged-up nos irlle and air passages In the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run ring relieves sick headache. dull ness, feverlshness sore throat, sneet ins. soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up. Quit blow mg nnd snuffling: Ease your throb bing head nothing else In the1 world gives such prompt relief .-.s ' Tape's Cold Compound." whl-h osts only :s cents at any drugi store It acta without assistance, nstes nice and causes no lnconven-1 'ence Accept no substitute I ioui ociiisn service, pending ac- X Hon to Brittlh prize courts. Officials or the department appear to be unwilling to believe th,.. ia. UTNAMIIt PLANTED AT ARCHBOCD ESTATE Z - " iijiiriu ;us auwseti o a rankinc ofricial of the department that auch information has been lodg ed ' th him. The departnient has received no of ricial confirmation of the report, and therefore officials would make no comment for publication. In the event that th,- iiii..m.-i.ii .!. i 1 1. es anouifl He verified or any at j tempt made on the part of Gnat Britain to use an American vessel it is believed much more gruve than any that has confronted this govern -menl In its dealing with Downing The law experts of th,- department are not acquainted with any prece dent or any theory of law or rasnon that would support such a course. Thej appear to believe that Great Britain is pressed for ships just at present and that she would be assist ed greatly by using American Y Paso's I lending the adjudication of their &shiii a : iinaaw.iKMv -"w . .,;::rxsmJi mri The turkey shoot Clu I t. i ... ,v. . - ownon at the ranch of Mr. and Mrs Waldo n Rhea on Butter creek was successfu! ..w, particular. There was large attendance, many out-of-town people being present to compete for birds. Sandwiches and coffee were served at noon by Mrs. Rhea. The following are the result of the shoot: Earl Coutts (Weston) 2 turkey. , gees; i. Sheridan , ;.'... iHermlston. 5 turkeys, one' goose; hnsroot of Walla Walla. i goose Templeton, turkeys; Asa B. Thom son. 7 turkevs. geese; Gardner I "y, 1 goose; Berkley, turkevs. hen spencer (aged 12) 1 goose; lark Ware. J turkey. Malonev of I matilla. 4 turkeys; Art Spinning I vw .lacKson of Pendleton J turkevs; Marti,,. t turkey; oibson I turkev; Koy Norton, I'matilla, 1 ' ; turkeys; Arthur Means. Umatilla I Wyi frva Oardner. turkevs;! Hugh llhea. turkey; .'all Ithea i I turkeys; ; ,j Monkman 4 iuikos J. Thorn, t turkeys; P Tlllson j tllla, 2 turkeys. Ladles Mrs Hieston Moore tur keys; Mrs H. Q, Monkman. : turkevs Miss Neva Rorrest, 2 turkeys; Mrs ; W'aldon Rhea, 1 turkey. NEWS FROM GIBBON Mils. BAKER BACK FROM visit IV WALLOWA COUNTY OTHER ITEMS. BkM L Mint! ft t UiLtn Jl--J ft- vvi; wuiuiuuiij UK'ir wuw inhiij men vvihj lire KIHU x they gave W-B CUT Chewing fl quality test. Their chewing is more of a comfort to them now than it used to be. And they use only about half as much tobacco. W-B CUT Chewing is rick tobacco so a mall chew satisfies. Get a pouch. "Notice how Um uk briao rt Ik rick tobacco testa" t WITIIAH-BtUTOH COMfAWT, 5 Uaiaa Saaiia. New Tam Cttj Mr. and Mrs. Dolfin Thamnaan I were in Rendleton Wednesday. Jesse Powls went to Weston Wed nesday to visit his mother Mrs. Sarah I fowls. Gue Seibert went down to I'endle- ' ton. Miss Brtlya Meagor was unable t()J teach today on account of illness with! lugrlppe. Harry Sayer was called to Browlju rtlle last week on aeeount of the! serious illness of his aged father. i Mr. and Mrs. l)olfa Thompson will j leave for Weston to soend a few riavn I with Mrs. Thompson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hyatt. Turley Walter went to 1'endleloti Fridav. a to (.el Dirigible. PORTSatOUTH, . n., Nov. 2. Work on a dirigible war ballOan fof the IS'aVy will beKiu at the nu.aril here. The airship will be ITS feel long and it feet In diameter. It will cost MO.SOO and naval engineers es timate the work win be oompleted In li month. The trials ill be held in this vicinity. There are MOO dOn cattle Ion. suit xgatiM GoveeTUtketil Lost. V7A8HINQTON, Nov It The su. preme court affirmed the action of the court of claims, which dismissed the suit of the Cramps, shipbuilders, bo damages from ;he government fT delay In furnishing armor for the old battleship Massachusetts, tieurl 25 ears ago. Dynamiters who sotieht tho H. ,,t I alU u His DeaUi. !i,,hn r, .P,K. 7, lne llve!' 01 . v . v- -, . . 1 D' Ar0hblo. president of the AN f- KAM IMO. al., Nov. 30.- standard Oil Company, and Mrs. etn.,rrt Meyer. . vears old, inmat- Archboid. planted four sticks of dv f the Relief Home, fell while chas- , ramite In a rut in the drive of -he me a goat from the stairs of the main Archboid home at Tarrvtown The bulWitur receiving a fracture of the oil man and wife escaped death .-Lull from which he died at the em- which must have followed when their -rcescy hospital. automobile wonM t,ii, .v. , i .luuiioooiie wouia striae the explo sive, only because they did not drive forth in their car. Their gardens! found the dynamite while raking away dead leaves with which it bad teen covered. DON'T SUFFER WITH WINTER ECZEMA i This irritating and exasperating malady can be relieved with s. s. s. Winter Kcxema. sometimes called TETTER, is one of the many varie ties of the irritatiing and tormenting disease known as Eczema. A deep--eated blood disease that is so often onfused as a Skin Disease. Don't 'hink that you can rid yourself of it by washing with medicated soaps or medicated lotions. You ill save both vour time and money by leaving them alone Winter Ecrema is seemingly dead during the hot months, but with the advent of cold weather it comes 'o life with renewed vigor. The head, feet and hands are the parts most of- en attacked, though it sometimes ap pears on other parts of the body, the skin hardens, cracks open and bleeds, while the itching and burning is at time- almost unbearable Scratching inly makes it worse, sores and scabs forming where the skin is broken. In this form of Eczema brownish white crusts sometimes form which cale off in fine particles, leaving the skin raw and inflamed It is especially painful and severe when confined to I the hands, which often become so i badly affected that the sufferer is un able to perform the lightest work. This, like all other types of Eczema, is due to the acid poisons in the blood and not to local causes. The trouble is more than skin deep, and washes, soaps, powders and salves nor anything else applied to the sur face cannot possibly do more than soothe the burning and itching or re lieve temporarily the inflammation and pain. It is the acids thrown off by the blood and which are forcing their way through the pores that cause the skin to harden, crack and bleed, and produce the irritation and soreness. 8. S. S. neutralizes these acid poisons and cleanses the blood of all irritating substances and humors, and does It promptly and effectually Beware of imitations refuse substitutes. S. S. S. purifies and invigorates the thin acid blood, and builds up the entire system; then the unsightly eruptions heal. the skin becomes smooth and soft, and all signs of the Eczema disappear. Get S. S. S. from your druggist, and write for our special book on skin diseases free. Write the Swift Specific Company. Medical De partment. Room 17, Atlanta, Ga Postmaster May Die From Wound Made by Bullet INSANE POSTAL CLERK VI VMI LAND THI N l si s GEN ON ' HIMSELF. ASHLAND. Ore, Nov. 3D. Believ- ed t.i he insane. William Greenfield a Postal clerk, shot an I seriously wounded Po--tm .ster E. J. Kaiser, then placed the revolver to his own mouth and tired It i belleveu j 'ireenfield will die. i 11 is understood that duOng Poat-I ..aster Casey's 'minis': at i u. Or.'en field was examinee, b. Puttcfflcc ex aminers for i tental ailment.-, that one : ' 'pec-tor recci .1. mended his dism.s- sed, but ( asey asked that he be re-1 , tained when he showed Improve- j ment. It was also reported that I Kaiser complained to the ! 1 department because or (Jreenfield's ! j alleged anarchistic views SECRETARY 6AKRIS0N IN STATEMENT SCORES TAFT - CRITICISM Ol I'HII.ii'l-iNK POL H B EX-PRFSIBENT Is KESENTEI). MOTHERS, WATCH IRRITABLE CHILDREN 1 That fever, paleness, grinding of teeth while asleep, anil coated tongue sre indications that your child had worms in Its system. Klckapoo Worm Killer quick!' gets rid or these para sites It is perfectly safe for even the most delicate children It is pleasant to take, has three effective medicinal iiualitles acts as a laxa tive, t xt'els the wnrnis n...t t,,... .... the sstem Hegln treatment today and eliminate the cause of irrltable ness. 25c Adv. Potai saiings Increase. WASHINGTON. Nov. 3ft. Postal savings deposits during October in creased 17,150,000 over the preced ing month, giving, according to post al officials, "a clear reflection of the great tide of prosperity and commer cial activity that is sweeping over the country." Savings on deposit on October 31 aggregated $71,500,000. and the indi vidual depositors numbered 5(3,000, Public Opinion Indorses this family remedy by making its sale larger than that of any other medicine in the world. The experience of Kcnerntions has proved its great value in the treatment ot indigestion, biliousness, headache and constipation. BEECHAMS PILLS re icve these troubles and prevent them from becoming serious 01 by , Mv cltaring waste, and poisons out of the digestive system. I bet Strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the Iwwelb. Mild and harmlc.-v A proven family remedy, unequalled For Digestive Troubles Un nt ot An, MadWae in the World, bold .,k.,e. ln bo,.,, 10,., Zaa. WHEN YOU GIVE SOME ONE A BOX OF Delta Candy IT FULFILLS ITS MISSION. H prows tha recipients that you want them to have the best. Ddta candy is uarantcei to he pure, fresh und sat isfartorv 620 Main. WASHINGTON. Nov. 0. BecrY I tary Garrison, of the war department issued a formel statement sharply ar i ralgning ex-President Taft for havin,; j lent his name to what ne termed i statements mendacious in character and mischievous in intent,'' with rel-: ation to conditions in the Philippine1 Islands under the present administra. (tea, Circulation of these statements Mr Garrison charges show plainl "that the republican politicians are attempting to lay the foundation tor) campaign material with respect to the1 Philippine Islands " Particular attention is given by the: secretary to articles written by Garfield Jones, and nubllshe.l ! California newspaper and later ri published In pamphlet form andi the title '"Unhappy Conditions in th Philippine Islands." with an Intra dUcUon by Mr. Taft. The Introduc Hon attributed the conditions descrlb ed to the "blind and foolish pdlicj President Wilson and Qovembr-Gen I .ITI'I SAW I.KARKIt WIS. Prescribed by doctors I t twenty years (Special Correspondence, i OIBBON, ore., Nov, Mrs. Al len Baker and children returned Sat urday from a six weeks visit in Wal lowa county. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson spent the week end at Weston with Mrs. Thompson s father. S. G. Price. Mrs. John Hager and children have gone to Ui Grande. Ore., for a two weeks visit with Mrs, G. K". Tower). Mrs.- George Hrace has been ipilte ill at her home here the past week with lagrippe. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson are spending a week in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Richmond of Tro. Wallowa county, who have been visit. Ing the San Francisco fair, stopped off here on their return and are visit ing at the home of their daughter I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker. aim Give your Child Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs and Colds. Dr. King's New Discovery is a Doctor's Prescription used for over 45 years. It is pleas ant and children like it. You cannot use anything In-tter for your child's cough ami cold than Dr. King's New Discoverv. It tl prepared from Pine Tar mixed' with healing and soothing balsams. It does not contain anything harmful and is slightly laxa tive, just enough to expel the poisons from the system. Dr. King's New Dis covery ii nnti-ieptic kills the cold germ -raises, the phlegm loosens the couc'i and soothes the irritation. "I have ttsod Dr. King's New Discovery for the past three )enrs ami uw it con tinually m tuy family. Mr children sre very fond of it for it keeps them frrt from cola. I Ctnt say too much for it. and take nice lire in t . . . -1 1 . , . I - -, . it friends." Mn.A.B.Bahm. rYaamsfi v H Don't put olf treatment. Coughs and colds often lead to a chronic cough, pneu monia and other serious lung troubles. It is also good for adults and the aged. Get a bottle to-day. All druggists. 1 "V. Heal ytFur skin with Resmol NO matter how long you have been tortured and disfigured by itching, burning, raw or scaly skin humors, just put a littleof that sooth ing, antiseptic Resinol Ointment on the sores and the suffering stops right there I Healing begins that very minute, and in almost every case your skin gets well quickly, easily and at little cost. by a I drusgiiU Prescribe J (or t) years. S The Early Bird Gets- HiMrifMippiasi iiuj Been BajtnotM tn Pixs- Defense Plans. MERIDIAN, Miss. No. ll. Rrp. resentative Wltherspoon of the Fifth Mississippi i ongreKsIonal district. died at his home here. Mr Wltherspoon was stricken with acute indigestion several days 'tgc and Ills physicians said the attack af fected his heart. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 Through-1 out his service In congress II aflf Stall tative Wltherspoon was one of the' most active of a group or democrats! opposed to Increases of the navy. He I was a member of the bouse naval af-1 fairs committee ana had been ex pected to play a considerable parti in the fight some of the rnlnorlt ! members will make at the coming esslon' against the administration's i t.iil defense prog, am. vi RF DDFDADPH I POPULAffiMECHMCS AlAGAZIND 300 ARTICLES -300 II I IKTDATinwd JEEP Informed of the World's Progress in I.. ..' "3 v "'"-i fines mm invention, rorl father and Son and All the ramilr. It aripeald koine throughout UM wrM. Our Koieirn EU VLT" Sgf IWlsjltSSi Ihn ...(, 1 - iwrwnB( a : 1 11 la I Written So Van fm rf..a J III.'. ShOD MotM D.D.rtni4 I O t I irru-llal II1U PHunp Vrk aVI. i ',u f,.r thj iiavmnn en n,.a .1 . t. BfSfaT WiiSwit. (17 rsaaal f ,r th. Bees n. OJrlal,ol.l(.-i1ii,,1,,ot'1i.., h.l,,,. l....l..u ! ami . l-'rai,h Outfit l LI ... Ef 5" YtQ siNott sjoMtn. is. wax kaa rf wmtmff a..M, aw . km., f.(l-n.lj C11, w.M h.. . ... . m POPULAR MECHANICS M AOAZtrtrJ . amni i, cnr.nt;i) 25, In the case of the early Christmas shopper he or she gets choice of larger fresher stocks, better service and a great deal more comfort. So the moral is "Don't do your Christmas shopping early, DO IT NOW." Begin today. Glance through the advertising in the Daily fcast and see how it teems with holi day suggestions. Make out your list. Go early in the morning. And you will make Christmas a 'season of Peace and Good Will right in your own house- GO TO SEE THE TOYS Age and grouchiness have certainly laid heavy hand on the individual who does not want to look at the toy shops at Christmas time. There the holiday spirit finds full vent. There childish laughter makes merry music tor the heart. If the youth of your own family has not yet dragged you to Toyland plan a trip yourself. S3 Take this issue of the Daily East Oregonian I-ook at the advertising. Note where the toys are to be seen, and go and see them. lif: ' '"'