EIGHT PAGES Advice is good especially when it deals with' such an im portant subject as your clothes. You want the best and enjoy the privilege of getting it. That's why we advise you to wear Bond Clothes 115 to 130 SUITS OVERCOATS We have a size of man. Bond Bros. Pendleton'i Leading Clolhieri 25 CENTS DESTROYS STOPS FAILING HAIR SAVE YOUR HAIR! MAKE THICK. WAVY AND HEAt' TTFl'Ir TRY THIS! IT Thin, brltlle. colorless and acragfy L.iir Ik mute evidence of a neglected scalp; f( dandruff -that awful acurr. Then- In nothing ro destructive c the hair an dandruff It robs the b.ilr of its luatre. Its strength and Its verj 1 1 f. : eventually producing a fe vi rlshncs and Itching of the acalp. which If not remedied cauaea the hair rood to rhrlnk. loosen and die- then he hair falls out fast. A little Dan derln tomght now anytime will sural nave your halr. Get ent bottle of Knowllon's 1 nchrlne from any drug store or toilet counter, and after the first ap plication your hnlr will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which Is n h .1 utlful. It will hecome wiv and fluffy and have the appearance i ' abundeMtce, an Incomparable gloss ,ntl loftneea; bat what will please yog must will be after Just a few weeks' use. when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy hair new hair growing all over the scalp. initial) miii on Retreat BERLIN, Nov. 30. With the Turk I rsulni the British are still retreat ing from Bagdad. Constantinople re. I ' rted Prevent roughness during the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing skin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cents Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES CS,;,: HOT TAUALES CHILLI GON GARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Kvetvlhitut clean and' op to date Kilt ST CIJVSH IBRTICI TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and CoRonWOOd Sis. 1i"i,i' (17, I'erelleton. Ore. YOUR DANDRUFF AND DAILY suit for every THREE STEAMERS SUNK BY GERMAN SEA DIVERS LI M IN Nov HO The French steamers Algcrlcn and Omar ami the British steamer Tanls were subma rined anil Mink Twenty aboard the Algerian are missing. The Tunis crew was landed. One corpse and eight nun were taken from the AI rerlen. Iivwm from Snow small. GBAND PORES, N. D., Nov. JO Snow haj burled a part of the grain : crop In the weatern part of the state, but losses are small, according to ad vices reeeied from points widely scat tered in that district. The grain partly rovered by sm.w Is only from 3 to 6 per cent of the total Held Kail plowing operations have been bated and marketing of grain is ex pected to be more brisk. New Hi-it on Sot urn. BA L'fTMOBE. Nov 10. Utim the 6'i-lnrh telescope at Mount Wilson observatory, at Fnsodsns, Cat, the InrneM Of Its kind In the world. Dr. ltobert Wood, professor of physjos at John Hopkins university, has obtain ed remarkable results In photograph ing the moon, .Saturn and Jupiter b means of ellnw light and by ultia vlolel and red rays A new bread blade belt was obaered on Saturn Onntrilwuium for potes, ROME, Nov 10. Contribution! in all Home churches Sunday Were turn ed over for the benefit of Poland's population made destitute J the war. si'Imsi to Prevent corner, NEW York, Nov. 10. Canada! I ommandeerlng of wheat as In the interests of Great Britain to prevent i orin-1 In the commodity. I British Official told the I'nited Pies- asking thin his name be withheld Here's Nature's Own Remedy For Catarrh Ill 1(1 x ATI fUCs OWN REMEDY KXMt CATAJUIH I . : "'.n "K I v , ,",, " " "" has agreed to ado,,, h " h , , I Not until Hyomel wn. discovered, "J'Pt the child. . has it been possible to truthfully say that a real remedy for catarrh was HW.IKXIC MAS M 'ANTED. Known. l Hyomel Is an oil and Its air te ""ina-wltr- iMimr Win, M H MMthed ihrough a small Inhaler Medico Evauilnatlon furnished with It for a few minutes four times a day. and during that YOBK. Nov 30,-Hvglenlc 1 time every particle of this Hyomel- h"''cma ds are to be feature of ,;. '"" "r ,"ken ,hp alr Passages "est ic life In Montclair. N. J. DnlM land lungs is impregnated with a BOW-1 " n puss an examination, fee lerful germ killing and health-giving;"" FJ" be under the nan of th antUoptlC, Montclair board of health. I Bpmyi ind lotions often cause dls-1 Action to this effect was decide I orders of the reaplrutory tracts or "I"'" W the hoard of health after cling cn some other diseases and never m ike a permanent . .ire of ca- larrh am when the lr ol Myotnel 1 pi in tt alcs to the inmost air cells ol the luiigj and enters the blood with the oxygen it not onh kills the germ In the throat and nose, but kills tn. i bacini in the blood, treeing the mn- cons membianes trom poisonous mi crobes an i giving perfect health, a complete outfit is Inenpennlvt and lin ludei an Inhaler dropper un sul 1 1. icnt Hyomel for several weeks treatment. Tollman s Co have so much faith In the merit of Hyomel that thi-v agree to return the money to anv purchaaer who Is not thoroughly sat fti .1. HARLAN, 2 In. CORTLEY. 2 In. Arrow Tv&cl COLLARS I Inr 75 c-nll Cluttt. Httttl A ft.. Im. Mlltra EAS1 OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, IBTMOI Til HiESIDKXT BI'slGXs I'D ACCEPT ( ll.Vlli VI VIII. PKOF, E.F. NICHOLS. HANOVER, N H Dec. 1. - m trustee, of hurimmiih ,-..o , . . nave epic, With reluetam-e ih. natlon or Dr Ernest Fox Nichols president of the college, who win c- ept n i halr In phxsical science at Yule. Prof. Nichols' resignation will not take efffct until June 30 lais He has been president of Dartmouth for six vears and I half. an, during rune iui the school Up,, a 80ni, basis financially and otherwise. I'roi Nichols is widely known for his research work In phyalcs and it " '" , lk" BP this wrk aKttn th.lt ne has given up the i.rcsldeii.v f rv,.-i mouth RELIEVED THAT GREECE REFUSES SOME DEMANDS ' : -; TO MOTE til M i lls r . ''IV ERED OONTEXTtj IR1 NOT GIVEN oi i ATHENS, Nov. 30 The Creek re Pi) to the allies' I.UM handed the entente minister Sunday announced wnal m)(e stat.-d was not made public, n is ,,. "eve.l that while conciliatory ;h, message fell short of r.,,i- ... . 1 1 - " lot- ;i- demanda, ATHENS, Nv. 30.-(5r.., to accept any terms the allies niav impose In connection with the Bal kan campaign as long as Greecian neutrality i not U.u - m. ntiuiuiIlK an authoritative source. BABE HOT TO Br: DEPORTED Immkratlon IVrnii,,, iipm... I'lian o stay In America. or- WASHINGTON. Nov ll.,MnM ' M-months-old Belgian baby girl "" "'"l brought to New York K . r " HI be permitted i ;i'"m;l"' lh" l-nlted States. u ' a decision by th, lmmlKralj(n 1 bureau overruling deportation order' bj its officers at New York. The cow was brought to the bureau' cbunwej for Mrs. Per.v Procto, I lormeily Baronex. ,-.. . 'nnei I, Baroness u,.,.. . '"'M ianUK!f u no Lutur"Wl witii members of the Housewives' League and the Board nf "UOMlon, . I1AHSON RANTS () MIA. ,,,,,, iceetMa If pwrb is .i , , ' 1 " - . -'I MCH. NCINNATI, Nov. 10, Rower w sly k ' flBRlP ! era ne,. nenrj pore that he accept- tore of Its quallflea penetrate Imme ed the Invitation to take the trip t., dl..tel to the sore spot. Hon t keen urope m the interest of peace Mr lufferlng. Get a wotUe of Uloali' B.ibso,, i attached the condition, how- I.inimei.i line It, n means Instant ever, thai the i,arty be made p :, relief, price IScand HOC. fl U'l 0 (bottle holds six times as much ai lite The women have been to Europe I 2ic J dv In the peace cause. Vow let the men try It Is mi opinion mat woman il Held In higher esteem and has MOM miiiience In America ,han In Kl- Ope." said Mr fh boon BED ( Boss MAY I K. Hi BHii-h ReernJter Would 1raw o Orgnnltation for soldi, is LONDON. NOV. M In his effeit to iiugmeut the British arm without reoortini to compultion, the Karl of Derb) plans to draw on the Bed Cross for recruits in a lettci to the iiritisi Bed Croat I'oclrty he crged the necessity or re- Ifailni vouni. active men of irllltar ti- wn- eniittment and repjaclng th.-n b?" men ii for mllltari etrvld TIMBERS IN OREGON FAIR BUILDING ARE BOUGHT FOR $1 520 LOGS HILL HE USED l MAM'. KACTtJRIKO M ITCHES IN C.U.II OMNIA. I'rtoe h Bcganlcd a Good a Major ity of structure ai I'anamu-I'a-if1- Wr Arc Going for Wreckage Booth.-. In Palace of Agriculture l-o to 11' Hold. OREGON BUILDING. . EXPOSI TION GROUNDS, Kan Francisco, Dec. 1. Bids on the Oregon building logs were opened yesterday, ihe highest bidder iieing p. e O'Hair Company who offered $151'0, which was ac cepted The loka will be largely used 'or making mulches The next bid was $965. As most of the slate buildings are dotal for wreckage, this is consider ed a good offer. The great log budding of the state f Oregon has attracted much amn ion and has been the resting place f many tired Oregonlans and thou mds of others who sought cos Hir ers beside the big fireplace and rest d weary limbs in the big easy chairs i what was acknowedtted bv all to be the most comfortable restroom in the whole exposition. On account of the massive con struction of the building it will cart large sum of money to remove it. j It stands on government pro pert) Wd, under the contract of the exoo sltlon corporation, must be remove within a certain time, and th LTound unobstructed, lurm-d over t Uncle Sam. In addition there will be sold Hit booths in the palate of agriculture which C. L Hawley. Oregon slate oommtaaloner, says will bring the te lurns up to about 12000. BAKER Y. M. C. A. SAVED BY GENEROUS FARMER; BAKEIt, Ore., Nov. 30. Stepping in when it looked as though the ba ker Y M. C A. building would be turned into a lodging house after a fight Of three years to maintain it. George L I'handlerin. a pioneer tat tleman. put up $11 hOO to clean up the 16.oou bond issue. His action puts the Institution on a sound fi nancial basis for five years, and plans for greater activity to insure per manent MCUfity are already being started Mr ('handler's representative. V. II Slrayer. turned over to a syndi cate composed of 31 business men. the check for tll.soo today to ru the bonds and mortgage hebl by Mr. and Mrs s. A. Underwood. Don't think because you have taken many remedies In vain that your case is Incurable. Hood's sarsaparilla has cured many seemingly hopeless cases of scrofula, catarrn. rheumatism, kidney complaint, dyspepsia and gen eral debility. Take Hood's Adv RUNNING FIGHT ENSUES WITH GANG OF BANDITS BVANSTOy, 111.. Nov r After binding the watchman, five automo bile bandits, blew the street railway company's safe here and escaped with the contents not heeding a po liceman's shot. Authorities corn mandeered a passing automobile and kept up u runniiiK fire in pursuit the robbers. whos- cat was Eolmz miles an hour. The bandits barel; Crooned the Chicago river bridge When the draw opened llioVs TO BE CAKED IXlB Wives anil Chilllrcn of Victims Mine Disaster to ties S70.77K. OI.YMP1A Wash. Nov ;I0 Twenty widows f coal miners killed In the llavendale dlaa-ter. their II IlvinK chM alld tw ,,,, are provided for by the Industrial In- itirmnce commission, which has de- tcrmlned upon 7MI U the sum noceosar; to be set aside as reserves to guarantee the payment ol theil Pensions lor life Tile peDfJoiM Will rante iron, 0 to 3i, n month. The reserve and additional to pnj funeral expenses for all jl victims of the disaater will be raised by a special assessmeni upon the coal minimi Industry, 'A rXMt nVEEEREIUi. Hi results from injury or con- IWJtlon Be it neuralgia, rheumatism lumoago, neuritis, tooin.iciie. aprain, brutsi ore stiff mua m a pain yon have i. Ids to Sloan's l.'ni-ment- brings new. fre.-li bio,.,!, dla aolvea ih- congestion, rellevei the lh- jur pali MOM IX I.I TTKIt WltlTEU )t'HT liv i i i NEW YOBK. Nov 30 -The police sought a woman "poison pen writer ' believed to be paranoiac, who has written re- cently letters to :.i tirides cham Ing their husbands with Immoi- allty All the brides addressei'. are women whose weddlnsa 'he fiewtpapera dtocrlbad at length. The poatmafkj of the letteis e Uullcatf the author was an In- W mate pf some 1!enns lant.i h a,ine as Uijn. DECEMBER 1, 1915. ft w 1 The 'A to doroitr CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Christmas Suggestion i From COLLARS BAGS GLOVES SILKS BOUDOIR CAPS SWEET GRASS BASKETS JAPANESE BASKETS SILK UNDER WEAR SILK HOSE m i BATH ROBES, SMOKING JACKETS, TIES, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HATS. SHOES, SLIPPERS, ART NEEDLEWORK WAISTS, SWEATERS, SILK SKIRTS, FURS. ALEXANDERS G3VERN0RAND MAN HE ! i In vJHEP-iv JMfw 1 A ft . - i 4 against II proteetatiom joe Hillatrom, d let him no inn Hoi PLEASANT ROOK PARTY GIVEN BY ADAMS FOLKS MR. M MHS II Mill ll I N 1 1 l l OTHER NEWS Ntll Ks i'l IIMMs W'itlt their relatives The Adams band met Monday nvg nln lor then nwwl iracA1c. The are improving vers much. Mr. and Mrs Dave M ne were ii Adams ftttttdnyi Mr. and Mrs dteton were in Mr and Mrs l .l. Roger ,d i ma Sunday. Frank Krebe v tdatna Sunda. Miss Eleanor Rtockton and Ml Welder of Kerndalr returned to then .vir. and .virs ,i w, Btocacon A Rook pal tl Wdl held I Ihe hopti of Mr. and Mrs i D ip.irr.ih. Thus, l resent were Ulaaes Esther Reed ,. , , , .. , ' i FeU la h Ppencer, J.s-.e i hranut, Doriaj Chesnttt; Messrs otis Ueunllen and j I-I..U,,, ,.l.l..r f..lL. No Matter Where You Shop BENEFIT BY THE LARGER STOCKS To mjBA I FROM THE BETTER SERVICE WE CAN RENDfci YOU. SHOP EARLY AND HELP LIFT THE STRAIN FROM THE SHOULDERS OF THE SALESGIRL THE Christmas WE URGE YOU TO COME IN NOW AND MAKE YOUR GIFT SELECTIONS WHILE THE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE. WE HA L ENDEAVORED TO PUT THE USEFUL AND PRACTICAL GIFT IDEA INTO OUR BUY ING AND WITH THIS IN MIND WE OFFER YOU MANY USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. REFUSED TO PARDON President Wilson ommunicated with lh mws. " .ion but Hillstrom " "LT-T death for he chose shooting over Hanging, an option which the I law gives to murderers lh ik ' .... Ji r. ami .Mrs. rUUrV) Wore in Ada mi Sunday. Otla l.icuallen return, d in Walla Walla after Rid of the Torment of Rheumatism twend me Foley Kidney Bills. I am badly done up with rheumatism ami they are the enlv Blind that help me A J. Walsh. Sneffils. Colo. ltlieematipm Is stubborn aa a nrale It tiants en iike a teeeh wear out your s length worrka you with iam draca n your Vitality depress. your mind eJteeU your health! Don't let It bang on ynu! Don't givv up to It! Don't overlook Foley Kid- n. y Pilli .' tl ' work direct!) en - -tcne up aid Otroanther, tl-. kl It 1 pertcct action tl.at k. , ps out of the blood nd clears awa - . tic ciu e ir rb hag'i ami MS, swollen, achln fin now, today, and ,;' ' v "' ' !"" ', " Mr. Walsh winds ut lis latl DT saving: "l caoatdsr Vole) Pills the seal l have aval u 1 llS.' Ii'1,,1 K. t. i ll itifer.- Trf--6ew--m mm i r Mill ilJilBMenjoomwset PAGE THREB Shop Early s Store 1 in RUB LUMB460 OK PAW FROM BACK RUBS STIFFlfESa AWAY WITH NMAI.l. TIU.M, BOTTLE OK OLD. HKNK1 RATING -ST JACOB'S on..- Ah; 'Pain la gone! Quickly ? Yes. relief from soreness, stiffness lame ness and pain follows a gentle rub bing w ith "St. Jaooha Oil " Rub this soothin r.t..or.- , . n right on your painful hack, and like magic, relief comes. -si t.k. OtT' is a harmless i h. i-,,k.. go and sciatica cure which n.vr Mm. appoints and doesn't burn the 'km. Straighten up! Quit complaining! Stop those torturous stitches " In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back, because It won't hurt or be stiff or lame. Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old. honest "St J.irnh. mi - -. . . , your druggist now and get this List Ing relief. tHs HOTEL l HCORTHI n Bla1( i,a. v.,., (, 1I1L1, U) M.. ry In W asliiiurton dtv. Camas , th( v m!is owi WM by fire, which from an overheated stove in th. h..li The hotel whleh I. i ... . , erated by Robert Stroller, w.n a frame structure three atorii in height All floors that were ao tut by the flames were WWlemnki ; C Hadley was Injured, being 'it In the arm. SHbP EAR IV OUCH! BACKACHE BARGAINS! Real bargains in LADIES' SEAL AND LEATHER HANDBAG Any handbag hi th- ttorv 1 i PRICE. Um than ffkolUe. Tatean & Go. Rlld Ml"! J P ,,li's,;"- U1 -t S4ld iriwlitrr