PAGE SRVEN EIGHT PAGE DAILY EAST OREGONIAH, 1FBNDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, WVEMJEE 26, 1915. km m w.i i m m a.t in m w mint mmnmaMi m iai iMMMW mm ra Monti mt mi ra m iai iai aw mi km pu ui m ua tat 1 a im mi ai m an .-a ..- a 1 PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING AUTO REPAIRING BOTTLING WORKS 1 ELECTRICIANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING Fords a Hpnclalty. Cnrd Inmnoriw S. E. SMITH AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop Phone 203. Res. Preene I1IJ 630 Cottonwood St., Op. City Hall 222 East Court Phone HI PAIIH.Y TRAWE A 8FKCIALTY Qui ifhihviM.v Pioneer Bottling Work$ Paxil Hemmalssru, 1'rop. BBBR AMI AAA KI.XUH K BOKT I il! INKS AND HODAR HOTTLKD. itlyinpla oyster Canklalls a Hpeclalty ALLOWAY 1 MILNE ELBfTICH ML KIVTItAI TORS Estimates Furnished. PlMif R36. 118 W. Court St. J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery Dl D. PHELPS I'M;, HEVTlXf; And Sheet Metal Worker. HX K. Court St. Phone 4411 The Lymen X l ELY V KNISHER ROOMS. Furnace heal and bath, wltb good table hoard at - la . . rates. 621 Willow at Telephone 305 IK IT'S MO WE MIKK IT KEM SIGN CO. 8416 Cottonwood Miwt. Phone 572. Pendleton, I 're Phone S3 Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MODKKX iraiMfflK OTINDER ASK OVRRMZBD PISTON MD RINils MM. Phone 71. i-hiIi''h lUsitkimtth Shop. AUTO SUPPLIES nines f x 'IW8OBIH8 1 Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TKIi. tt it. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone 338 ltm 7, ! "ii'!' Ulda LHMWNR IN CHINA, oils, W ATKU TO LOR, TAPESTRY. LEATHER TOOUNO llraaa and Copper i ratta BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors HAIR KRI'-HHIN'J. MAMt 1RINO, FACIAL MAnNAOK, BCtVP TRKAT MKNT. SHAWWMIINO. Iv.pulnr Prlet Telephone TAKE THIS MAN'S ADVICE TRY THE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY it tjwaya ki me ,.h to rao- oinmrnd anything that Is right rd o I feel ii my duty to herald the pralaes "1 Ii Kllmer a S amp-Itont. Kor years I was truublnd with kid ney dlaeaae and It waa ao intense that I as bwlrldden for dnj" at .i lime I gave up all hope and ,ilov tore for mllea around gave mc M help Incidentally 1 tried vevral pat ent remedies and t '' lr'"11 Swamp-Root. From lh rlrat i' gave u rellei ami II was no tlm' U fore I KIU ahle to be up and around and now 1 am perfectly well and ahle to work as I used to before by tcrrll le sii kneaa i niia let me thank you (or 1 1 IH wonderful dlaioverv and take lW op ;.urtunltv to recommend it to all RrBO sufferer from kidney trouble Yours very truly. WALTHR 8H1VEB, 111 N. .Main Hope. AlV. alia rllie.l and sanin to belore me this llth day of March. 1912 A V. WARS, Notary Pubiii. lajtier to Br. Kilnu r A 0, lUucttnmtnci. X. V. Prw What Swamp-Itool Will Io r You. Kend ten cent to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hliujhamton, N. T., for a sample site bottle It will convince anyone. You will alao receive a booklet of valuable Information, telling about the kldaeya and bladder. When writing, be aure and mention 'he Pendleton Daily Egat Oregnntan. Itegulnr fifty-cent and one dollar sire bottles for aale at all drug atores J. E. MULLINIX, Lawyer Over Taylor's Hdw. Store. Pendleton, Oregon. .1 1 1 OREGON'S LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF LIQUORS MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF LOSS We must absolutely dlspuse of our taggft stock of Fine Whiskeys, liners Wines. Ulna and Cordials hefdre January 1. 151- Wo will do it if low prices and quality goods have anything to do with It. Hook 91 this bhr sacrifice price on fine old "Lyndale" bottled In loud Whiskey. 4. full quarta of famous Lvnfliilo bottled In bond $4.00 whiskey 12 full quaMg1 ''I only $10.75 . . . . 15.75 a full ounrts only Express preald to any point in the Northwest Write for our free catalog on all finds of llqUOn at less than whole sale This is Ihe greatest sacrifice ..f Fine, old Liquors In Ihe North west. NATIONAL WINE COMPANY Portland, Oregon CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Havana filled 10i'. Straight mill Perfecto Shapes. Manufs.tured by I'K.XDUCTOK ClUAIl FACTORY. CLEANING-PRESSING Went of Hotel Barber shop. Phone 4 70 ask for Pressery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRI SSERY Vnd.-rmm Jt Naranalian. Props. Cleaning. Incasing, ltoitalrliuf, i ii. r Night. Work Culled for and liellvered, i an tan expert at cleaning WHITE II RH PHONV 111 I1), tlw Tnllor ami ! ( leaner ! j 1 Weai EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WBDDEB8 We weld all klnda of easi Iron, nliiml num. steel, cupper anil nrass by thP Hodera OtpAeatyhM Proceai rinn'l Wall ;.i. 1' l i Weld it. 7J .H)IIXM1X ST. PEACE PLANS OF THE VATICAN GIVEN BLOW si hi: mi so BADMf MUDDLED " "Him ROMK. Nov. it- The Vatican s' peace plans for consuleration 111 the December conslatory are believed to I have met with a cheek Cardinal Men ler has abandoned his trip to Home for fear, It was reported, that j Oarwan) would pre.ent him from rc timing to Belgium If he parilcl-ates j Itrpiirta. too, aav, that Cardinal i Hartman of Cologne, has also abab doned the n ip here, though hi act i uall siarled and is now In I unsul- latlon with Prince von BMloW and the Prusslon representatives ..I the ' Vatican in Swltxerland IHplnmatlc ! circles doubt that Cermasi would ! CO rudder It expedient to liar .Mercier 'and. In fact, Berlin announced ;r I many would facilitate bis ji.nrm Ijr, Th- aituatliin ..- ao muddled '.but al i present It is difficult to predict the ' outcome I paiio Mull- Cnuars Salt ' prTTRBCRO, Nov 25 - a balk) mule in mine Is a defendant in a 'suit filed In the di-trhi rouil hen. Joe Dlmario, of Franklin. Insists 'thai a coal company pay hhn I4'ij j hecuuse of Injuries received la mine when Ihe mule refused to do his duty Three cara oi coal vvi re j being hauled. When Ihe mule st. p . ped a timber was put Under Ihe wheels of the car. Final I v the drivel got the nu'e ill the notion of going and told Dln.aroo to pull out the timber Mlmnico did so and was crushed so badly v the car thai he cannot work an imtc iiisl nrtnV .sks Il voice BAKER, Ore., Nov. S -Thai she murrled William T. Patton laat Sep tember then he was a paroled pris Why's "Gels-It," for Corns, Like a Kiss? Because llntylaaly Tries It. Every, body Like It- It's Painless and Takes But a Moment to Apply. "Oets-R" l the wonder of the com pestered world. Millions say so. because minimis hare used It. That's what makes II the lilnircst selling coin remedy on eartli 'reT" "Never In M. Life Saw Anylhlng el Ra QiOrklr oel ''agleally as '(lets-Ill today, "ilets II" will sni. lv get that corn or callus you're liaen trying fur a lung tltue In get rid "f. lake II right off clean ns a whistle" Apply It In 1 see.. nils, put yuur stocking and sh.s' right over It. Both Ing to stick, nothing; to hurt. You needn't fuss with thick tisndnges tlist make a package out of your toe. Xu knives, rnrors and sclssiiis. no tape, no trouble It's almpllalty itself, sure, quick, pulnlees Try It also for bunions and warts. "(lets It" Is sold by all drjiggista. lot! a bottle, or sent direct by K Llwrenre A Co. Chicago. 8oM In Pendleton snd recom mendeil as the world'a bast corn remedy hf Pendleton Drag Cb., and F J Himabhina Tans' Jam FEED YARDS I'HOXK 54g THE ALTA FEED YARD IVCi I...M Alta St. FEEIU ANI HALBS NTAI1I.K. FLORISTS Hooker's Flower Sfoie on Main ttt., next In Happy Canyon PHONO Vi-l. ItaMUft. HFSii.NS. PLANTS A.M IERM. Agegl Portland Journal, open Evenings. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store CHA Pagli i in All " HAH KOCH, Prop. I Male r In All Kinds ..f HoOM Furnish . in.: '17 W. Webb Inft flpadai pnec "ii new ami second- liHinl llentert Plume ISB M GROCERIES I. 8. JOHNSON & SONS finovrk--. CorteottalM and Itakcrs' Good-. Cash paid for Batter, Keb and Ponltry. wi ', -hh st. Phone 7i oner from the Salem Penitentiary, without knowledge, lire Bra Patton, t f Huntington, filed autt for divorce and asked for the restoTation of her maid an name, Eva Thayer She also says that three days after 1heir mar uaae ub forged (heika and was re turned to Salem. She says Patton represented hlm sellf to lie a physician bef.r their marriage. SUDDEN MUSCULAR ACHES AND PAINS NEED NOT BE! That la If you uae the right rem edy. Sloan's Liniment Is a real ne cessity in every' home for young ard old. Its merit Is praised In dotens of letters. A stiff neck from colds, chlldren'8 spralns,fthose aching mu des. that sharp neuralgia pain theoe find guaranteed relief In Sloan'i Lin iment Every home meets with sud-; den aches and accidents. Tour home needs a bottle. 25c, 50c and $1.00 Adv. lint".' Cornerstone i- i-aid. OKLAHOMA CITY, okla., Nov 25. ! Laying ol the four-ton corn! I stone of the new state capitol hre i 00 the eighth annlersary of oklaho-' ma's .-tale hood, was attended by elaborate eexercises and the lull Ma-; sonic ritual Uovernor Williams and Chief Jus-, tlce Kane delivered the principal ad-1 dresses. A parade, headed by throe. Companies of the Oklahoma national! guard, preceded the ceremonies. , t , M." Receiving Pensions NEW Y'l'RK. Nov. 25. Pensions I amounting to $674,000 were distrib uted to 445 professors or widows of; professors by the Carnegie Pounda- Hon in the lust year, according t.. n report made at the tenth annual meeting of the trustees. The general endowment fund BOWj was reported to be $14. .12. 000 and ; the Income for the year $712.1)00. Twenty -eight allowances were lermi nated bj death nnd 43 were added t the list "j IMHI Arabs Join LONDON, Nov II According to reports from Herman sources, lor warded lroni The Hague bv the Cen tral News. 12.000 Arabs have Joined with the British arm ataaopotaw- la. This army la said to have P' proached within a few miles of Bag dad. (o)iiU'- Kill Corn Count sheep. BANDoN. ore, Nov. 25. For ihe, first lime In many years coyotes al I becoming numerous In the open country in northern curry county and klllug the sheep in great tu.m-j ham. Thousands of dollars' worth I of damage alramd) haa been done, ind man.' ranchers have killed oft and sold their entire flocks to avoid I Inas l Oilers al e hlinginc on IS lollR I as possible on account ol the high j price o wool. Sheepmen ate 111- irfife i. iceouni for the influx ol Inel iinlmals, hut It Is thought that in early and severe winter Is driving them out oi ihe mountains .1 NOTE I l Ml RED IX BERLIN, t.crnian Picks Omits Comment on; Ainerlinn Prolivt to Britain BERLIN, via London, Nov. -a Silofl iummary of the American note ! Ufea) Britain, published here, con tains the leading features of the note a.' transmitted by Renters Telegram I company, Another ..t the afternoon paper displayed ihe note as the feature oi the day'l news under such headlines a- Ann i lea for the Rights of Neu trals." There was no comment OH the ubject however. HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash price .puld for 2nd hand Bonds of all Muds. Rubber, Auto Tires. Brass. Copper, Sacks and RafA hides, pelts. WOOL n us. 206 W. Wehb St. Telephone Ml INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSI RANl P. Automobile. FIRK. BMatafK Plate illaas. Uabilitv. Accident and Health. Bonda. Telephnne 604. B. O. Ride LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone ITS. POVGH DRT PEH LB. Keep away from the washlub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAYBURN MEAT MARKET 118 W. WEBB Plenly trf Turkeys and CkMmH for ThanksglTlntt I , ATE WILD OATS XOltM M College profcaaor Explains Phenom ena of Dcfcm'd lloacUon. ST Lolls, Nov. 25. The pay. etiological phenomena which make it poaaible lor a taid old daacoii of hitherto unimpeachable behavior "to sow his wild oats" after passing hl- 60th year was explained to 130o del- j egales at the Missouri Sunday achoo: convention here by Professor W 8 Athearn, of Drake t'niversity, Des Moines "A man in the harness of dail work finds vent for his surplus en ergy," Professor Athearn said, "hut when one gets old and rich enough to retire from active work the roll ing off of the cares of life are apt to lirlng on a reaction." Woodmen Rates Argued, CHICAGO. Nov, 25. Argument ..n the petition of Isador Hrown. who Is seeking to have the Woodmen of the World, a fraterna! Insurance or der, restrained from increasing its rales, were made before Judge Wi'i des in the circuit court George it. Miller, attorn ej for rue SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS YAK KT TOO Mi l II .MEAT WHICH CUMIN KIDNEYS, THEN THE BACK III UTS Host folks forget that the kidneys,! like the bowels, get sluggish and i clogged and nee.l a flushing occa sionally, else we have hat kach'- an 1 dull misery in the kidney region, se ver) heada. hee. rheumatic twingea. torpid liver, acid stomach, sleepless ness and all sorts Of bladder .ii-' .r dera. You limply must keep your kid-' neys active and clean, and the nu -i mem you feel an ache or pain In Hie kidney region, get about lour ..unci's of Ja.l Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespnonful in a glass of water baton breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act 'Ine This famous Btlla is made from the add of grapes and lemon juice, combined, with llthia, and is harmless to flush rlogge I kidney and stimulate theni to nor mal activity, it also neutralises lv acids in the urine ao It no longer h mates, ders Ja.l S makea t In -water a is harmless); inexpensive; lellghtful effervescent Ittlt drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their l;ldnes clean, thus avoiding serious rompHMttonH, A well known local druggist fciys lie sells Iota of .lad Salts to folk' wb believe In overcoming kidnev trou ble while It is onlv trouble. Thousands Take this mild, family rcmedyto avoid illness, and to improve and protect their health. They keep their blood pure, their livers active, (heir bowels regular ami digestion sound and strong with BEECHAfIS PILLS Phone 32: Ilea. 509 Agents lor PENINSULAR rURXACM Wodaege & Ardrey riXMIilM. AMI HKATINC Tlunlujc ui Hilt V WM Sr I'tiiulriK mid lOhalr Work. I r..MM,I.TO., mil PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio MMH 1h shine. Qm r Bifbt, uk a chII. KATMrjH TIQX l r 1 A RANTEKD BOWMAN STUDIO Hi Main Si.. Tel Kt-W. BtUfl UHASB COMMBBCIAL AN PORTRAIT n'ORK I 'oat Card Pkutua ll.iai Loz Amuli'tir flnislilni; Ansi-.. Kiipplh. PAINTS-WALL PAPER Hale & McAtee WALL I'Al'KK. nCTtTRH M(H LIMNU, 'JLASK. I f-WMATIMi, PAINTIMi. Job Vvort I'romptlj Ione. VT Main St. I'endletou. ( ircgou organization, asserted that higher rates were noceaaary. "The outstanding insurance." said he. "Is $970,000,000 while the sur plus totals $24,004,000, and although the order Is in no immediate danger the rates are too low to perpetu ite the organization." Woman Pioneer of IS51, Die. SOUTH BEND. Wash., Nov. 20. Mrs. Sarah A. Hunter, resident of Pacific county since 1864. died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. E. A. Seaborg. here after an illness of sev eral days. Rami net Guests Are UI. NEW YORK. Nov. 25. Six chem ists of the board of health began an alysis of samples of chicken sand wiches served at a luncheon given at the American Museum of Natur al History to guests rrom unlversi'bs throughout the country. John A Kingsbury, commissioner of charities, and his wife, and Dr. Deafneas Cannot Be Cured by lis'al applications, as they cannot reach tiie diseased portion of the ear. There is ouly one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies, lieatness is caused by an luriamed condition of the mu cous lining of tlie Kustacldan Tube. When tins tube is Inflamed y.iu have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and wbeu it is entirely closed. Iieafness is tbe result, aud unless' the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its ncrmal condl t Ion. bearing will be destroyed forever; nine i ases sat of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. IV i will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Iieafness (caused by catarrh! that cannot be cured by Hall's Catatrti Cure. Send for circulars, free. K. J. C1IKXKV k CO. Toledo Ohio Sold by Druggists. 7-V. Take Hall s family Pills for constipation CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL rector and licensed embalmer DI- OP-1 posite postoffice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J T BROW N'S ri'RNlTl'RE BTUKE PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR Funeral director and licenced em-, neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith balmer Most modern funeral pa.- Crawford building. lor. morgue and runerai cars, i ans responded to day or night Corner Mam and Water streets. Telephone 13 INSURANCE xd i xi in -ixi ss HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all Inn da in Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real .estate. Doe ! a general brokerage business. Pays laxes and makes investment! for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, anv , bonk In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pre C H MARSH. Sec BKNTl.KY & LErriNOWELL REAL estate, fire, life and accident -tn-1 surance agents. SU. Main itreei Phone 404 YETER1X VRV SlTtOEONS, C. W. LAMasN, M. D. V . CI H'NTY veterinarian Residence telephom l7; office telephone. 20. ATTOR XI V R I RALEY RALBT A1TORNEYS AT law. office In American National Bank Building. FEE ' law A FEE. ATTORNEYS AT Office In Despain building 702 K. Alta St. Telephone Iff Mode rat Rates. Whit Help Only Rmployed The ALTA HOUSE Mm. .r i(m:vAnu Pre K or ma Wit h or W 1 1 h ou t Moa rcl T'uder ew M am .." in- rr RUGS CLEANED "x Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the I'F.XW.F.TOX Kl'O AXIi MATTRK8S WORKS I'ph'.lsteriDft and Furniture Repairing All work tfuaranteeil. Prirea reasonable. Located 1"3 Water St. Phone 678. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES IRE EX PEXSI I The need the best of care through the winter let. CYRUS BROTHERS TJx Cottonwood St.. care for them. Service guaranteed. Phone 645. A! Tu oVF.ItHAIT.INI; A NT I liKNKR AL RF PAIRS. SERVICE STATION Tel. 684 for. Main uud Water Stm. Ira S Wile of the board of educa-' tion of New York, became ill with j ptomaine poisoning, physicians aav, as a result of eating chicken .sand wiches at the luncheon. HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG NOBODY CAX TEfjj. WHEN l' DARKEN ;rat. faded HAIR WITH SACK TEA Urandmotber kept her hair bem . tifully darkeiifd. glossy ind abund-j , ant with a brew of Rage Tea and Sul-! I phur Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded .r streaked! appearance, this simple nixture vcie' . applie 1 w th wonderful effect. By j asking at any drug store for "Wy- j I eth's Sage and Sulphur Compound j j you will get a large bottle of this , dtl-time recipe ready to use. fori about 50 cents This simple mlxfre ' I can lie depended upon to restore natural odor and beauty to the hair and la splendid for dandruff, dry. ' ; itchy scalp and 'ailing hair A well known dowrtrwn druggist ' j says everybody, uses Wveth'e Sagxt and Sulphur, because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can ! tell it has been applied -It's so easv to use. ton. You simply dampen a I comb or soft brush and draw it I through your hair, taking one strand J at a time. By morning the gray hatr 1 disappears; after another application or two. it is restored to its natural Ooior and looks glossy soft and i abundant. CARTER SMYTH E. ATTORNEYS at law. Office iin rear of Amet l I can National Hank hntldhur . JAMES B PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. DOUGLAS W RAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal , ourts Rooms 7, s and 9 Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and con tracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17 Schmidt block FREDERICK STEIWER ATTOR ney at law office in Smjth-Craw-ford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNKT counsellor at law. Office in AND De spain binding. si i OND HAND DEVI ERS. V. STROHLE, PEA LER in NEW and second-hand goods tti paid for alt second-haid good bought. Cheapest place In Pend ton to buy household goods and get our prices. :ij E street Phone 171W MI8CE1 IGNEOUS LADIES MAKE SHIELDS home. 110 for 100 Work prepaid. No canvassing stamp Ivsnhoe Mfg Ci 81 Mo SHOE REPAIRING WK MEND SOI.KS RI7BIIF.K 1IKKI.S A SPECIALTY. Pendleton Shoe Hospital C. L ILM. Prop SHOE KKPAIRLXCi ON Si HINTIFIl PRixcin.Kg. We rail for and ilellrer Phone .137 UI Alain St SHOE SHINING r SPECIALTY Private (or LAdiea' Shoe Shining At Miner a shoe- Shinint; Parlora. Also we i 'lean Bofl and Panama Hats. 611 Main St. Pendleton, Or. U.K.V lrorletor. TAXI SERVICE C.andH. TAXI CO. Phone 110 yt'KLI.F ItKSTAI I: A XT. Prompt servre. day and nlahr Funeral serrb e :: Mt WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work tuarnntml Corner Coort and CWtaawotA I am unable to wcure desir able office location in this dt. and my residence is not cen trally located. I will call at the residence of anyone interested in Chiropractic, and give ex amination and explanation tree. DR. GEORGE J. KJNZ, Licensed Chiropractor. Phone 170. Cod Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES cS'r HOT TAMALES CHILLI GON GARNE -SPANISH STYI I LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date FIRST CLASS SERVI'TS TEA 5c Packaxe Under State Hotel Phor.i Pendleto AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. ACCTION eer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales "Tha man that gets you the money " i.eavt orders at East Oregonian office. Mist 1.1 I Wi lli s NOTICE TO STOi'KHOI.DKRS X tice is hereby given that there v he an annual meeting of the ,t. holders of tbe East QlaiBllllu Pu lishlng company on Wednesd. D cember 1, 1915. at 4 o'ctoek p. in. the office of said company In Pendl ton. Oregon, for the purpos. e. t- lng officers :'or the enl S. Jackson, president . f ) In.ik secretary. AUCTION SALES - THE EAST ORB gonlan makes a specialty of aa -tlon aale bills .. ring Wa can furnish auctioneer, rlerh and, advertising rnmplala that will vaure you of having a eucceseful aale