East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 25, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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The But Oregonlan haa the largest paid
i Ircnlatloo of Buy paper in Oregon, eaat of
rortlaod and oyer tlio the circulation In
I cudleton of any other newapaper.
1'oreeast for Kasl.-rn Oregon by the
Jolted States Weather observer
it Porttaud.
Haln tonight and Frldic
tonight, fresh southwestern
wind j.
VOL 27.
NO. 8662
- ' - . . . , alb
Rancher Poisons 3
Children and Then
Ends His Own Life
, ...
Royalty and Battle Genius Dine Vont
tDBJ NOTE LKl T says i i
1VONG pi.Xi;i.
Agreement Reached Whereby Movies
Will be First Passed Upon in
Portland and Seattle.
RAKBR, Ore., Nov. U. Calling
hl three daughter)!, aged 4. i, und S
yeurs old. from their mother, (Jeor.'e
L. Huffman, a rancher living three
mllM south of Prairie City, took the
children to the bedroom, sat iht-m
In a row on the bed and gave euch
an elght-graln capsule of cyanide of
potassium. Then he took the fourth
pellet himself, and when Mrs. Huff
man leuclud the room the four were
an the last agonlea.
The districted mother thought ah.'
saw signs of life In one little one and
tried to restore the last fleeting
spark out Without success. Kh, Ian.
I mediately called for hel ii in.i i ii i
Belknap, of Prairie City, went to
me nine. Home but all four were dead
when be arrived.
let Planned tot leai-.
Huffman left a note addressed to!
a Mister in Union saying thai a vary- j
it...... i . .... .1
"" gone ugiiufi mm, ana mat
he had planned the act for years. It
Is believed he had no family trouble, j
had caus-
i n. Hi Theater Ownera Name lie.
Suydt-r and Judge Lowell as Adrift-
on Monbtn in iimiHS'iiii pro-
aVMMI Will Work Toward QOBeeal
Iti to rment of Kutcrtaliiments.
Instead of having their pictures
cn-cr, d by a local board of censors,
I'endlc oil's picture playhouses wilt
ha. In in censured In rortland and
Seattle, Ihus avoiding the expense,
trouble and Inconvenience of main
taining H local board. When mem-
' r of the local branch of the social
hygu ioe socict.v and the city council
begai. to work for a board of picture
oannort, the motion picture men pro
poned the substitute plan which was
at citable all around.
He the plan, us outlined last eve
i nif-- to the city council by Attorney
I 'an P, Smythe.' representing the ex
h J, iters, the four playhouses agree to
accept and exhibit only such films as
have been approved by the rortland
a ud Seattle boards of censors. The
Proprietors of the playhouses have
formtd themselves Into a league the
' fflcere of which, together with two
' lot ted citizens, will inspect all plc
tur programs to determine whether
or net they have been passed by the
I'lirtl-nd and Seattle boards. Any
violation "f the agreement is pun
ishable by a fine levied by the league.
The local exhibitors object to a lo
fa beard, not only because of the ex
PonM unvulved. but because such a
l'oard would prove a serious handl
'.i' Many times their films arrive
"illy on the morning of the day they
are to be exhibited. All advance ad.
VortsMaaOsn has been done and. If a
local board would condemn the pic
ture, the playhouse would have to re
main dark for the day. Both Port
land and Seattle maintain i oinpetcut i Huffman's brother, Professor C
boaro of censors and the acceptance kneels, is now teaching school
"f only such films as approved by
thorn insures the i'endleton public
and that business revers
ed his despondent-
He went to (Jrant county frottt
Union last fall and took a ranch In
partnership with George Thomas but
they separated a few months ago and
nurrman sought a ranch of his own.
He went to Prairie City yesierdt-y
morning and bought a doxen of the!
cyanide capsules saying he wanted to;
kill coyotes. As this method of ex.'
termination in common there audi
Huffman was so well respected that1
there wus no thought of his plans audi
the poison was given him.
am ill liaaajBaaaa.Baaaaaaaaaaj I Waall I I . . .eataan a st' aofaaar- a
mmMkt4mmMmMSf , jkLt.. XLtit -
i iiiwi hi mp Mi mm ii.tt.fi iiipraMr if i
m i i i i ill m ii ii u ii mil i
i Hit ' &M : C.V.. .. jl . : torm.e., lo, J i
FIXED AT 9 1-2
Crisis is Passed and Allies Will be Ordinance is Passed 8y Council at
Allied to Transport Troops, Meeting Last Night-No Protest
Without Fear of Interference. is Made by Taxpayers.
Heavy Artillery Bombardment is
Progress as an Aid to tile Serbi
an in the South Central Part 1
Hulgar Ke,rted Defeated In :
Southwest: with tug banana,
in l our Tenths of Mill for Ijhrarr
I'oi-I- . - and srirn and One T.iuh
for (.one rat Purim- Inn) Will
Hrodmt- About im ihhi vMwdl
aluatJoii Over ",.Tihi ooo
Pendleton's tax levy for lsld Is
i nine and a half mills. At the meet
ing of the council last evening, an or-
I 'in int.- his recent lslt
Italian army, Ceneral
basket and their i, u.u.
Joffre took alalmakla u nft i .
It..... ......I I.. . -.1 ... .......... ... . ..... "' - f"-"'c luiirn
n , u-m u. . inn,, iimi neon witn Kls victor Kmmaii
II I",,, .. .1.. .l -U. ,l..,.
hwhwu me nine stris I "i 'tr neio. i ne ale troni a inspection
from school on a slight pretext, but! '
,11,. I , U .. . 1 . . . .. L I I "
....... ,,i inree ooys to go lo tneir j a
studies. A little after 3 o'clock, when I lV fYD tt fmflmih'n1
- - - " v w m mm mfr i uvillg
the French military genius,
standine. while ih.
The Incident took place on a tour of sitting .. k. ,
ilong the Austrian line. food from
(Continued on page five.)
Mrs. Huffman was In the kitchen s
called the girls to the bedroom and
took their lives and his The coroner
was notified but It was decided thit
an Inquest was not necessary.
Huffman was about 40 years old,
a large man and the picture ol
health, with apparently no troubles.
He wa well known In t nlon. where
nls wife has many relatives Mr.
Riverside Drive to
Begin Immediately
council for permission to alter ind
repair his brewery bulldlna on last
ind the permission was grant
i 'otirt
Application of K . r for per-
mission to install a gasoline filling j
station was referred to the street
John D. Coffey of
Portland to Speak
at Elks Memorial
Lo.VDO.V, Nov. 25. The Grecian!
crisis seemed today to be at an end
'ireece has satisfied the allies and '
! Will not interfere with Ih.m nn.la
any circumstances. The allies think : dlnance filing that as the amount of
she has yielded sufficiently to guar- lhe 'vy wa tn're ing no
antee the safety of their expedition j P'0""""1 ' an taxpayers, (if the
Into the Blakans. An Athens mes-'total Wvy tK" ,nl"s wll r street
sage to the Exchange Telegraph said ! purP088 ""ths of a mill for
"Greece's reply is friendlv and meets "brary Purposes and seven and one
the allies demand and gives all guar-lUn,n for aTWaOtnl purp-ses.
antees that are considered essential."' The nine and a half mili levy wlU
other press reports declared that , P'oduce about 1,-,4,'oin, providing
I ireece had agreed to allow the allies 1 'here is not much loss in collection,
freedom of action on Greek soil, and j Tnf assessed valuation of city prop
particularly not to disarm or intern erty Is something over $5,700,000. The
any of the allied forces yvhlch might total estimated expense of operation
be compelled to retreat across the i during 1916 is Hi.t7l.tl, according
Greek boundary from the Balkan 14 the budget and this does not take
fighting. In turn the allies, it was,into consideration any betterments,
stated, agreed to restore any Grecian The only large betterment planned is
territory they might occupy and re- a septic tank for the sanitary dis
imburse Greece for this occupation Posal of sewage and the 110.000 which
subsequently. ; It is estimated this will cost, will be
. : raised through the sale of sewef
AMSTERDAM. Nov. 26.-Hoping to j j?""8 .V""d "eVeraI yea a b ,hn
relieve the pressure on their Serb corn-1 '"PW1"8-
lades. French artillerymen are! Tl1' fixing of the levy at 9 1-2 mills
pounding Prilep heavily, in south ! brinT8 " within the amount prescrib
ed oy the Hingham act should that
act be Interpreted as applying to cit
ies. The act specifies that the in
crease shall not be- more than six
loriland, and was formerly principal
of the Prairie city high school. He
Is now on his way from Pottlsnd to
lhe scene of the tragedy.
Local High to do its Best
to Defeat Portland Visitors
ABORT i;ho.o.
German Uarsliips .Moving
' LONDON. Nov ft. A dianst.-h 'r.
r- the Kxchange Telegraph Company
With the letting of the contract for from Copenhagen, dated Wednesday
paving of Itiverside Iirive last night gives a report that a flotilla of :5
to the Warren Construction Co., German torpedo-boats and u Ma
work upon that long-waited for IBV. HfUIOOl passed Helslngborg.
provement will begin at once. Pupt. southwest coast of Bwadoa
i-onergan staled trfat he would have, m.. proceeding at hluli speed nortn.
KXKlit lSKs Wil l. BE HELD Sl.V
oitEGOX thktt:h
offey. prominent Port
been chosen to deliver
The Une-up.
JelIrson. Pendleton
Wheeler HEL ItobMl
Curry RTL ltus , ii
Wiley BOL Mlms
Morris C Calluion
Bnory lor
Ilendrtckaon . I.TR. .
average about 14s pounds which will
give It an advantage in weight over
the locnls. The rain this morning
was unwelcome to the local team
which Is relying upon open work to
win However the rtel.1 la in ,,,..i,
Powlr better condition than last Saturdav
Badleyi Wh,, vii u-aii !... i
Mick. on LKR Case ' ' '
U'dell Q iirlch (c) L. , -
801 CC) RHL .Snyder I p " ninke possible the of
terus. ocr i '
Wolfer LHK
Booeh F Kerrick
At ; o'clock this afternoon the Loot
ntersi holastlc football battle of the
eaoon Will begin at Hound-up I'ark
With Pendleton high school and Jef
ferson high school of Portland as the
contending elevens All of the dope
i w is the 'I'oitlanders but the locnls
will enter the game with the best
line up of the season find with plenty
of light.
The Jefferson high boys with Coach
Homer Jamleson arrived from Port
land on the morning train and will
return on the midnight train. Coach
Jamleson states that his team will
MIM t.ll: OltSKKVLS 4
NKW WKk No It An-
drew I'atnegle, the father of the
steel Industry, the millionaire
who said It Is a sin to die rich,
Js so years old today Mr. i'ar-
DOfhl despite recent reports to
the contrary, says he is strong
und well and expects to live
many more years.
a crew on the Job tomorrow morning j Ward
and w ould rush the w ork to "comple
tion. The total cost nf paring the
drive from Main lo Uush streets and
Bush street up to Raley will be about
Indications are that tbe improve
ment of Monroe street will also be
commenced soon Only one hid wa"
received lost evening, the Newport
Lind & Construction Co, agreeing t,i
do the grading and building of the
retaining wall for 1 2 0 S T . 2 r. . The
street committee asked for a week to
con; ider the bid. J. Be Mullinlx, one
of the property holders interested
requested that no undue delay be
caused as a great deal of private im
provement was waiting upon the
street work.
An ordinance levying the ajaaaga-
... . , ........ ... i ,. i.
menu or me improvviuwui "i
son street Horn Blaine to Hay wis.
passed last night. The total cost of to bonus in city
the improvement was 11417. IS, j Elks to hold memorial services Dec.
William Boooch petitioned the 5.
;re-v accepts allied
Balkan warfare.
t'nltcd state-, troops on MexIcOu
border drawn up in battle line.
John D. t
land Elk. has
on thejlne annual memorial address fot
at 6 p. Pendleton lodge No. 2SS. H. P n ir
at the memorial exercises to be held
a week from next Sunday, on Dec
The committee in charge of the
program, of which Clive Cheshire la
chairman, has selected Mr. Coffey
and he has accepted the invitation.
The memorial services will be held
in the Oregon theater and the public.
usual, will be invited to attend
The committee has not yet completed
the lull program but promises somj
exceptionally good musical I'eature3.
central Serbia. They have with
drawn from Vardar enough forces to
enable the southern Serbians to move
r.orUiward. It is believed the BuL
gartans will stand on the defensive pPr cent' over the preceding year,
until the central allies can come tol1' Kn 'he city tax was nine mills,
their aid. Farther southwest, the The cit wi" lose about 115.900 rev.
Bulgars have been badly leatenenue from liquor licenses during the
with enormous losses.
What the Serbians, nearly hemmed
in on the plain of Blackbird, are do
ing is a mystery. Sofia dispatches
said these forces are so badly disor
ganized by recent captures and the
fighting during their pursuit, tha:
there can be no great battle. Re
ports from Montenegrin and Serbian
capitals, transferred to Scutari are
taken to mean the forces of the two
countries will consolidate.
next year. The revenue from other
licenses will amount to $2000 and
from fines It is estimated not more
than $45"0 will be received. Judging
from the way the fines ran during
the other dry years.
The Pendleton school district lew
has already been fixed at S mills and
as soon as the state and county leva
is fixed, local taxpayers can figura
the amount of their taxes for next
Pendleton lax lev'
m lis
Loearl pktnre uooaca
only fllnv. censored in
l"Vlng ol Itnor-id,
jr ii ut once.
O.-W. It. ii X. will deliver haam,
fixed at s
"111 act
Portland or
lric Hill be-
Rainbow Uniform Only way to
Make Troops Invisible When
on the Field Says Officer
i United Press Correspondence.)
IXiNDON. Oct. 13. (By Mall.)
Khaki, field grey and Oerman green
a Invisible colors for armies are dls
ni.i I failures. Fourteen months
should be dressed in a combination ol
soft toned colors. Either scheme,
says me orncer, would enable an
entire army corps to merge Incop.
I splcuously into , any background
,r Like the Scottish kilts, the olive
war In the field has proved that the I drab khaki of the British army to
ninst Invisible army of all would he! day la based on custom, not science,
one whose soldiers were clad In mod- he declared. Khaki originated In the
ela of Joseph's coat. British Indian army and later got to
.-nib at least Is the verdict of a .'England The European war has
high British officer, who In months . shown that It Is far more satisfactory
at the front has made a study of the on the Indian plains or the African
im I' iblllty of colors.
In rlOthlng an army, the highest'
point of invisibility he says would DO
obtained by garbing each man in i
different color: one tn green. th
next In blue, another In grey, one In I
red and so on alterntely. tCCOrdlf,
to the color expert's scheme If tblsj
proved Impractical each ntgtl
veldt than Untied against th
scape of France or Belgium.
tihservors unanimously have re.
ported that against the snows of w in
ter or the green tollnge of spring or
summer, the khakl-iiad Tomnn Is a
COmploUODO target. The same l de
clined i, i I,., true of the greyish green
of the tleriuan uniforms
I W aC
5! mtv" Cm. v-t wl
AfHVMI VeT The n.,i rly Day Sta,iins" wa the titk 1 of 'h be'nK from Deer Lodge to
vjnr.. .. .o . ... ine nuig. I of a. very interesting paper read before i Helena; mines were booming tn that
avni huve occupied Pristtna in east- the Umatilla County Historical So- ; locality also, and a common shipmen;
em Serbia, near the Montenegrin eiety Tuesday evening at the meeting ' of gold dust overland, seven days of
border, it was officially announced iln ,his elty- Tne facts were 'urnloh- the week, .was from 2100 to :m
ed by David Horn of this city, one of pounds: it was taken la the San sv.m.
the pioneer stage drivers and hotel Cisco mint, there converted Into cois
keepers ol this section. Mrs. Hoy T. , and placed in circulation: so large
Bishop wrote the article and It was were many of these shipments that
read by Mrs. A. L Schaeffer. The the middle seat of the stage roach
yyould be removed and a large trunk
placed therein which would accotn-
i entire paper is given here below:
In the year 1SS0. with a freigh!
team loaded for Walker Bros. Dry
Qooda Co. of Salt Lake. David Horn
one of I'matilla County's most re.
j spotted pioneers, left Atchison. Kans
as, on his first trip Into the great
wild and sparsely settled west: seven-
1 1 -seven days w ere consumed in cov
ering the entire distance of twelve
; hundred miles an excellent record fo
that time.
During the six years following.
staging took Mr. Horn into a still
I more rugged country Carson City.
Nevada and Sacramento. California;
the rittte war was on In -Vevada. and
I the overland stage experienced any
thing but smooth sailing while handl
ing the mall: five hundred sixty miles
lot desert wus a part of the overland
route between Carson City and Sail
I-ake and this particular run. as well
as one from Dry Cheek to Sulphur
Springs, found the veteran driver
handling the reins. Many men after
wards of state and national promi
nencemakers of history, so to speak
were then taking their chances with
hundreds of others in the gold fields
of Nevada and California, and fre
ouently were passengers of Mr. Horn
among them being Mark Twain, then
secretary to James Nye. governor "i
Nevada; the experiences gained dur
ing those days h Mark Twain Intel
constituted his Interesting ralumi
Roughing It '
From this section of the comIi
Vr. Horn Journeyed lo Montana
vhere from 1S6S to i s r I h dri ve ;h
module from one to two gold dust
boxes one box being all two men
could handle. One of the coins
much used In Montana during this
period was a two and a half piece of
it' ll!, about the slxe of a nickle. aK.
there was then In circulation i threi
dollar gold piece, as well as a fifty
dollar piece, the latter being an un
usually pretty coin octagon In shape
Officers of the army and gowrnin. n
officials were often sent west on rati,
cui commissions and frequent!)
were hauled from one post or town
i" another by Mr. Horn General ,.u
field, shortly after the close of the
Civil War was one of sio-h pg
gers. going from Helena lo l'r
Lodge. Amongst others Mr Horn re.
calls to memory were Schuvler CoMal
one time vice prenldent, and a. re
porter for Horace Otooley'l Tribune,
named Richardson, who mis cm
mlasoned to look for a suitable routs
for the railroad both In M m in. i and
The autumn of 174 eonelnao
Montana staging days for Mr Horn
and on the 15th day of September
that year he ,-ano t,, Pendleton I
W'alla Walla, the town as f.url
young, vrrv prosperous and is report
ed as far surpassing Canon Clt n
glma City, or anv of the tribal wil l
west loans, as to bring wide .
and eery rough Pendleton w., , ri
tributing point for eattlt niei
overland stage on various runs
(Continued on Page Eight)