DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENOLETOS, OREGON, "WEEKESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1915L PAGE SEVEN PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY nwfiiwwmwaim asswrn vrmlmMIL t '! u vl L'( m m iff w a m ui ra sjt isa lox yjn.i. AUTO REPAIRING BOTTLING WORKS ELECTRIC! ANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING lords a specially. Cord AceeSSOrlos S. E. SMITH AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop PfcUUI '102. Res. Phone 61IJ 614) Cottonwood St., Op. City Hail. SSI RaSt Court Phone IT." FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY xrab'k Delivery. Pioneer Battling Workt Mi!1, Hemiseigarti, lrop. RKKB AND Al.l K.IN1IP OF SOFT DBINKI AND SODAS BOTTLED, niyuipla Kj -! ('.sklRll n Hfteelaity , ALLOWAY & MILNE ELECTRICAL tXSTKJkCEMM Estimates Furnished. Phone IM, Hi W. Count Ht. I W. DYER AT East End Grocery D. D. PHELPS pi t Manna, m mm. And .Sheet Metal Worker. 21 S K. Court Bt Phone 44 2 The Lymen H I I. V FURNISHED BOOMS. igMH heat and bath, with good table board at reasonable rates. 621 Willow St. Telephone 305 II IT'S sD.N m M ' i, f I r KEM SIGN CO. IM6 CMBMNMOi street. Phone Iff, Prndlciot in Phone 536 EIGHT PAGfCK Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MM !: rVMXDKH (WINDER AMI iiYF.lt SIZED PISTON AND UINUS IIKOI'.NR Paw 71. Neagle's Ilia, ksiulih Shop. AUTO SUPPLIES VOOU WD cessories Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. 1TIL. NO. IS5. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone 338 Ip.oui 7. tekJeMI UWg lessons IN CHINA. OILS, WATKH color. TAPBSTBY, I.KATHKH rooi.iNO llrau and Cipier Crafts BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors ;. MANP I R1NO, HI Al.l' TREAT IMPOOINQ I .'U-phon.- B2il MEAT INJURIOUS TO THE KIDNEYS TAKE TABLESPOON PL7, OF RAUn II BACS Hi Jtrs on Itl.ADDKK BOTHERS, Wi a nation of meat enters and our blood is filled with uric acid, myi a well-known nufherlty, who warns authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kid ney trouble The kidneys do their utmost to free Ihe blood of this irritating acid, but become areaS from the overwork; they get .'lugglsh; the ellmlnatlve tis sues clog md thus the waste Is re tained in the blond to pniion Ihe en tire system. When your kidneys ache and ircl like lumps of lead, and you have si nging pains In the hack or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or ihe bladder is Irritable, obliging 50U to seek relief during the night: when you have severe headaches, ner m.us and dliy spell, sleeplessness, acid stomach "r rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; lake a tableepoonful In gla 0 water before breakfast oach morning and In a frw days your kidneys will act fine This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Julie, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations la flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neiHrnl Ire the acids in urine so It Is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is Ineipenslve and can not Injure; make a delightful effer vescent llthla-water drink, and no li, d .an make a mistake by taklnf a little occasionally to keep the kid neys clean and active EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR SOU OAM BRING RACK OOI.OH AND LUSTRE WITH SAOE TEA AND SUIjPHITR. When you darken your hair With Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing Ihls mixture, though, at home Is DIUSBy and trou blesome F.-r 50 cents you can buy st Buy drug store the ready-to-use Ionic called "Wycth's Sage and Sul phur Compound." Yon just damp en a sponge or soft brush yvltlt It and iliaw this through your hair, taking one small strand nt a time. Hy morning all gray hair disappears, and Hfler another application or two your hair be, omcs beautifully dark ened glossy and luxuriant. You will nbo discover dandruff Is gone and hilr lias slopped falling c.tav. faded hair, though no dis grace. Is s sign of old age. find as we ,11 desire a youthful nnd attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and look years younger. ' THKOLPRBLIAssLaV- REMEDYFORMEN. I AT V0U1 DRUGGIST. CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Havana mint IOC. Slraiiilil Had lfrl.ru. Him pro Manufactured hy PENDLETON IIUAH FACTORY. CLEANING-PRESSING West of Hotel Harbor Shop, i'hone 4 70 -ask for Pressery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY ilsfkrtnil & Slranalmn. Props. Cleaning, Ptvsslng, Iteimlrlmr, Dav r Sight. Work Called for and Unllvered. i French I) 'le fi SI. .Ml oi- press illtae huh for club iai.K per in on tfa (1.50. Yonr dollies will look better and hang fetter when bj-ssss hy a tailor. PIIOftE MS III DD, the Tailor and Dry OtMMf 110 West Webs si EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop l API ill WELDERS W. weld all Mad of Ctttl iron, alouii num. steel iupii titnl bras hy th.' CATTLE STRENGTH STILL PRONOUNCED BUT RUN IS SMALL (Courtesy the Journal.) PatBTXiAND, fire, Strength In the ,attle market continues at North Portland, although there were no toppera available for the trade todS to lean extreme nuotatlona. Oa tin- basis of latest sales oi Monday nllernoon. the considered steady. Seemingly Ihe big i this quatttj situation is dairy stuff is er and this one tif the most hopeful signs in tile pri Sent trade General .attie Inod to choice . marked rang.-: . 1.100' lib . icsinifi 7.un 5.niiib6.2,"i E.6U . tsoesoo 4 0004.25 t.004.'tll 2.5003.00 7.00 1l 7..'." Hesi cows .... C,,ol lo prime Select bulla . . . Pane) buiiis . . i irdin.n liiiils H turn kiujkct htutdr to struiuf. Traile Itl the hog market at North Portland wis quiet during the day, Following Ihe favorable run of yes terday, offerings during the last 24 hours were not heavy, being of vol ume similar to that shown every Tuesday. As a general rule quotations in the swine trade are considered steady to strong. C.eneral hog market range: Beat light ieO60e.Hl Medium light 50 0 6.0-1 Vr PtCWES THAT IT 15 L. : ' d) 'sf Mull If.. - -nsanstanar FEED YARDS phone i THE ALTA FEED YARD 701 leant Alia St. ki:i:d and hales kiaklju FLORISTS Hooker's Flower Store on MhIii St . next to llii . ' i i ... I'HONE itl FLORAL DESIGNS. PLANTS At.lt SEEDS. Ages) Finland Journal Optl Evenings. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store rUAS Kuril. Prop Dealer In .Ml Kinds of RtajM I'nrukb Iuk Bpeclll pili .' "it Be mill maisl hand Heaters 117 w Webb St. Vtom tA4-SI GROCERIES I. B.JCKKSON&SOrS riMcrli-s, Confectlona ami HaUrrs' QoodA. ish paid for Honor. Kegs and Poultry. 3 W. Webs st. piiouc ;i Mood to heavy 5:?05.St) Hough to heavy r,.00i ' .58 j Mutton Market nniSiSifrt Aside from the big killers who pur- rtiund direct from the country. oinl time ago. stocks of mutton and ; llamba here are limited. Overnight I lltere was only a very small run and , eneral market conditions are con-1 sidere.l extremelv favorable. 1 General mutton and lamb prices: Select Interior lambs . .. f 7. CO Ordinary interior lambs .. 7.f&ff7.1A Wethers 1.00 C 1 M Select ewes light S ISA 5.S0 I i' - la, Livestock shippers. Hogs C. loads; .1. C load. Cupp. load: i. W Cattle O heail by ho Sheep O loads. K Radleaton, Berger. z Flint. Junction "ity. l rie & Perry, jefteraon, l Byre, Salem i load. Stern well, Dallas, i I F B r . Mixed Minnille. stuff Ree.s A Loop. Mr 1 load calves, hogs snd sheep; Joe Dadoursk. Sheridan. 1 load cattle and hogs. SUDDEN MUSCULAR ACHES AND PAINS NEED NOT BE! Thst Is If you use the right rJB edy. Sloan's Liniment is a real ne- cessity In every home for young ard old. Its merit is praised In doxens, of letters. A stiff neck from colds. children's sprains, those aching mus- cles. that sharp neuralgia pain these find guaranteed relief In Sloan's Lin- Intent Every home meets with sud- dc-n aches and accidents. Your home needs a bottle. 25c, 50c and' $1.00 Adv. submarine Is sunk. BOMB. Nov. 24. Franco-Italian torpedo catcher! were reported to have destroyed an Austrian subma rine In the Mediterranean . . - N LOIE ATfmrsrWT. nf; Oregon rticnt-T tilnt, Vrrmhri HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Hi8int cash prices paid for 2nd hand goods of all kind. Rubber, Auto Tires. Draw, Copper, Sacki and Hans. HIDES. PEWS. WOOL a. TORS, IM Wehb Bt Telephone 062 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY TSSTRAIVCi: AutoWSWSi FIRE, Hurglary. Plate t;ian. Liability, Aeeident and TTiinfMsS BonaV TelephaM oi. E. o. Hide. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 179. Koi t.H MR 7i PER LB. Ke)p away fr.mi the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAYBURN MEAT MARKET v 9 . EVKSITS OF VVAB. Germany'! request for an ar- inistice in the Arg'.iines Was refused. England threatened further steps to protect her In- tereatfl if ihe I". S. didn't curb Ecuador s and LOlomota a wire- less stations' activities in -on- neetlon with the Oermans Kui-cr Demands Vction. LONDON", Nov. .'4. A dispatch to tile Times from Petrograd gives a story told by Herman prisoners of a meeting between Emperor William and Field Marshal von Hindenburg. at which Ihe Emperor insisted that another attempt be made to take Riga and Dvinsk at all cost. The field marshal is reported I" have de manded reinforcements, which the Emperor refused on the ground that the men cod Id n-t be spared fr..m other fronts. Then, according to the st..r. Von Hindenburg announced his readiness to resign should the Empei "" th capture, nl Riga Dvlnak. Death Cuts Romp short, soi'TH BEND. Wash.. Nov. 14. Only I few hours after he had guided ;l Northern Pacific train Into South I Bend. James Foster, with the roa mote than 10 years, and one ,.f the host known locomotive engineers in u,e northwest, dropped dead In the Kentucky hotel here. He had been playlim with ihe chil dren of th- proprietor of the hotel; jusl a lew minutes before. The only complaint he had made of ill-health was of rheumatism. He Is survived by a family in Ta-. rt Phone : Ilea. r,(is Agents for PENINSf'LAK Kl IINAI KS Wodaege & Ardrey PLUhtBINfJ and beating. Tinning and Uep&ir Work. 100 W. Webb St.. PENDLETON, OKI: i PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 K. Court ftt. PottrtJta mailt' day or nlglu. raia r rtblnp. filvr uk a all. SATISFACTION OUAstAHTMBD. BOWMAN STUDIO ll Main St.. Tel. 32 W. Kill GRADE COUMBBTIAL AND POBTRAIT WORK !"Kt I'ard I'hotos l.oo Dor. Amateor ;nu- . . Ans.-u Supplies. PAINTS-WALL PAPER Hale & McAf e WALL PAPER, PierCBK MOULDING, GLASS. DECORATING. P.MNTIMI IDAHO SORORITY TAKEN IX. Omega pi Notified of idaaMon to National Kappa Kappa (;anuna. j I'NIVERSITY OF IDAHO. Mos , cow, Nov. 24. Notice was received by Omega Pi, a local sorority organ ised in February, 1911, that its cam paign for a charter In Kappa Kappa I Gamma had been successful. A telegram from Marv P.hodes ' Lephart. grand secretary of the NA I tionai sorority, announced that the new Idaho chapter was to be Install 1 ed In the near future. , Poineiiiv see ( it Ruins PARIS, Xov. 24 President oln care visited Pont-a-Moiisson. which has sustained 17S bombardments since the opening of hostilities The town virtually Is deserted. The president Inspected the devas tated quarters and left $400 for the poor who remain In the town. He also examined the defensive works and the winter quarters of the troops in the Le Petre forest, which is al ready covered with snow. Jitney Regulation peada. OREGON CITY. Nov. 24 The cityj council will make no effort to reg-1 ulate jitneys operating between oro-j gon City and Portland until the su preme court makes its decision in th;-! case appealed from the ruling of Cir- cult Judge Bagley Judge Bagley j held the ordinance unconstitutional, j l oloin Calls Out 10.000. CAPE TOWN, vvia London. Nov 24. The government recruiting com mittee has called for another 10.000 CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FUNERAL DIRECTORS, JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite poetoffice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J T BROWN'S FURNITURE STORK Funeral director and liccm-ed em balmer Most modern funeral pai lor. morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 6;i INSURANCE IXD LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county Buys and sells all kinds of real estate Does a general brokerage business. Pavs taxes and makes Investment!" for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent nsurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pics 0 H MARSH. Sr. RENTI HY & LEFFINGWEI.L. REAL estate, fire, life and accident In surance agents. Sit", Mam Street Phone 404. V PTERIN RY SURGEONS. W LASSEN. M IV v.. COUNTY veterinarian Residence telephone 7; office telephone. 20 ITTORXEYS RA1.EY It AI.EY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National i'attk Hiiildmg. FEE law FEE. Office ll ATTORN 1 . yh AT Drspain building "02 K. Alts 8t. Telephone HI Moderate Rates. White Help Only Employed. The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J flflKPAKD, .'r-.p. Koonu 1 1 h or Without I nl l.'nder New Manage meat. RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON Ufa AND MATTRESS WORKS t'phobuering antl Furniture Repairl iit All work guaranlee.1. Prlrea reasonable. Located 101 Water 8t. Phone (171 STORAGE BATTERIES STOHU.K BATTERIES ATIE EX PEN8IVE They need the best of care through the winter let CYRUS BROTHERS 711 Cottoawood St.. care for them. Service n-taranteed. Phone US. LING AND i.ENER- SERVICE STATION It tade at the request of the British government whose available troops are now so ful ly occupied that It could not be ex pected to provide men for campaigns the world over. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach i the diseased portion of the ear There is ! only one way to cure deafness, and that la by constitutional remedies Deafness bt UJ ail .Ulldiueu COUUIIIOU OI I Ue tUtt- eons lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling toned or Imperfect hearing, and when It la ! entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, and I imless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal cnndl tun, hearing will be destroyed foreTer ; nine n-es ,,ut of ten are caused bv Catarrh.' which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition j of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for say case of Iieafness i caused by catarrh I I that eaaael he cured by Hall's Catarrh i ture Send for circulars, free F J. CHENEY A CO . Toledo. Ohio. BeM by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 4 Si a z 68 -a1 rtast CARTER & SMYTHS, ATTORNEYS at law. office in rear of Ameri can National Bank building. JAMES B PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware' company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4. Smith- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. will practice In all stale and federal courts Rooms 7. s and 1 Despain building ; GEORGE W. COUTT8, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled win. deeds. mortgages drawn. Collections 'Schmidt block and contract; FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law Office in Smlih-Craw ford building S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office in De pain building. SECOND 11 Vn in i i rs V. STRORLE. DEALER IN Nl B) and second-hand goods Cash paid for all second-hand goc 1 bought. Cheapest place In Pen, P. 'on to buy household ro.-tt. . and get our prices. Ill E Court street Phone 271 W MIM Ml NI ,11 - LADIES MAKE SHIELDS home, tin for too Work , prepaid. No canvaaatns stamp tvmnhoe m la - - st SHOE REPAIRING WE MEND HOLES RUMMER BEBU A SFFi IALT1 Pendleton Shoe Hospital C. L. I I.M. nan, SHOE HEPAIKINli ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES We rail tor and deliver. Pheoe 337 Mb Main St SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private for Ladies' Shoe Shining At Mlner Shop shining Parlor. Also we Clean Soft and Panama Hats. 12 Main St. Pendleton. I 're. ALEX, Proprietor. j TAXI SERVICE C. and H. TAXI GO. Phone 110 QCBLLB BESTA1 KANT Prompt serTice. day and night Funeral serrl. e M WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker Dr. Edmund B. Haslop OSTEOPATH Expert in Diagnosis. Graduate of Osteopathic College Post Graduate of Harvard Medi cal School. Success in treatment depends on finding the cause of disease. Judd Bldg. Pendleton. fre. Office phone 7.'. Kes. phone 245R. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES c?ee HOT TAMALES CHILLI GON CARNE SPANISH siYl.t LUNCHES COFFEE Everjthin clean and qp-:o-date FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel por Webb and Cottonwood st. Phone 567. Pendleton. Ore. AUCTION sOERS. COL. W. F. YOHNK-V. AUCTION' eer. makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "Th man that gets you the money t.eav orders at East oregonlan office. MISCELLANEOUS, NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDER! tice is hereby given that the be an annual meeting of thi holders of the BJaat 01 llshlng company on vVedneedn cember I, l I, sj i o'i lock P the office of said -. tn v i-i p ton Oregon, for he ing affleera or thi S. Jackson, prealdi ul L secretary. odle ! ' AUCTION SALES THE BAST OkTk gonlan makes a specialty of aav -tlon sale bills, cards and advertlslngi We can furnish au tloneer. clerk and advertising aiplete that will a.surt you of having a successful sale.