East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 24, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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l'nrerat for i:-nin Oregon bj the
nlled States Weather Ohervee
I Portland.
The East Oregonlan has the largest paid
circulation f anjr paper In OrKou, eaat ot
rortland and over twice the circulation In
I'endletoo ot any otber newspaper.
VOL 27.
NO. 8661
I i itxoav ,itkiivus5uavi
Definite Attitude of Hellenic Nation
Toward Balkan Affairs is Demand
ed by Ministers.
Noat to Grecian premier Is tim 1ml
In Term Again Which No Op
poelUou can Develop King Cou
stanttlno intimate That mvorablo
RaWilj Will lie Mule.
ATHENS, Nov 24 Ministers of
the allies have handed Premier Skou
loudi of tireece an urgent request
for definition of Ureece'a attitude
toward the allies In the Balkan op
eration. The requeat U couched In
friendly terma. It apecltled no defi
nite period for a reply, but empha
alsed the need for promptness. There
la no request for Greece to partici
pate In the war, but the note de
manded aaaurancea the allies may
crosa Greece to attack the central
aJllee and that in the event of a re
pulse of the alllea Into Greece, the
latter will not attempt to disarm or
intern them
Whether a demobilization of the
G ret Ian forcea waa asked waj not
announced. King Constantlne inti
mated the terms make a favorable
reply possible.
1 Bandit Meets
Death in Raid
on Frisco Cafe
-AN FRANCISCO, Nov. 24. Fol
lowing a daring raid on the Clare
mont cafe at the outskirts of the
town, in which Kd Schlff, one of the
proprietors, and Tom Smith, a bar
tender were relieved of 1200, while a
climb, r of patrons were held at baj
with rt culvers, a running gun fight
Mhich lasted a score of blocks en
sued One of the bandits. James Ross
v. . t;-- shot from the running board ot
an automobile, while Police Corporal
h'rtderlck Cook. In pursuing the car
as wounded In an exchange of shota.
How Inter died at a hospital. Four
highu.a men. participated in the rob
In rt The highwaymen also robbed
aatroaa of the cafe of about $;oo
.tutl a quantity of Jewelry.
Bod of Man Is F'Untl.
K11DEKN, Nov. 24.- Thc body
f C H Shutt, president of the
Orgy Harbor iogglng company,
who dlaappeared Thursday, was
Itnind In a log-book where he
tlentl' fell
Judge Fee Makes
Answer to Story
Criticising Him
The follow Ing statement relating to
I,, suirgls fund and the library con
iroverayM btM submitted by Judg"
J. A Fee
i;uote t iirrectly. If you quote at
is gdbd advice to the author of
.-: .iK;.s Will Says Income to be
Spent." which was published In Mon
tliu's Tribune
I' tiagraph II of the will reads: "I
give ami bequeath to James A, Fee
anil ICtlward 1. Boyd, as trustees, the
sum of $5000 In trust to be Invested
b fhem and the annual Income de-
i Lt iefrom to be used by them
foi the benefit of the library of the
Commercial Association of the City
of rendteton, Oregon, but if from any
cauat said Commercial Association of
tin Cltl "f Pendleton shall cease to
tint for a period of three years, then
all of said t shall revert to my
t "title and become the property of my
wile, Una H Sturgls, In fee."
fhe author seems to think the lan
guage "The annual Income derived
i herefrom shull be used by them for
the benefit of the library" as eni
1 tailed In that paragraph is equiva
lent to "The annual Income derived
t herefrom shall be used annually for
the wneflt of the public library" by
ilit livening Tribune, or by those who
furnish the Inspiration for Its attacks.
I have no doubt such a construction
v ould be appreciated by the Tribune
l: is probably like the democratic
politician, who was Informed a cam
intkn fund of fifty thousand dollars
had been received In I'matllla county
to W spent by n local politician. The
Dm0Cfa1 whispered to his friend thai
In would like lo get I3&.000 of It be-
(Contlnued on Page I.)
Another Deformed
Baby Case Before
New York Doctors
N'KW YnltK, Nov. 24. New York I
l.ua a deformed baby cusc, parallel- J
ing in many raipecta that of baby
i ingt i or nicago w nolo purentH
"nil doctors allowed to die rulher
Ihiin permit an operation. The .New
York baby was bom last niKhi to
.Mr. Joseph Roberts. It has club
feet, distorted knees and paralyzed
lean, while a spinal ailment Is expect
ed to prove fatal In the course of a
ft w hours, uccordlng to Dr. Juliut
lioldmnlth. Moth the parents and the
relatives of the child oppose an oper
ation and want to allow nature to
ti.ke its course as II did In the Hol
llr.ger case. On the other hand, Dr.
Goldsmith, ualike Dr. Haiselden ot
Chicago. Is desirous of operating. He
has urged the parents to agree to such
I course in an attempt to save the
child. In this case the prospects are
for physical, rather than mental or
mural deficiency, should the child's
life tie spared.
Allies tall for definite statement
from tireece as to her attitude
Italians and Albania lo aid the
Serbs. I
Ship fltlng American flag wtipliei
German raiders at sea.
Pendleton makes ready
Thank solving.
Provision to le made
In him this winter.
for nig
for coffee
hlstorlml I
Inu-riMting meeting of
blankets will he present
to !
president and bride.
in-star grain- looioau
Coffee House and Reading
Room May be Opened in the
City for the Winter Months
has been started In the city ,
lo open a coffee house and reading
room here during the coming winter
such as was ronducted last winter by
I he Chic Club through the help of
local citizens The matter was pre
sented yesterday afternoon to the W
C, T. I', by the ministers and will la
taken up also with the Civic Club.
Brother and Sisters
U-ft to right. Cllbert. aged 4. Ida.
aged (, and Margrette, aged 2 the
three perfectly normal children of
Mrs. Anna llollliger. whose defec
tive Infant Dr. H. f. Haiselden. of Ihe
Herman-American hospital in Chica
go, left lo die :lt the itg" of six dns.
' llnnnn
Will Move at OnceAcross Mountains
to Strike at Austro-German Flank
in its Southern Drive
Difficult Nli.-u.li of country Over
Mountain Panne will Be Cromed
hy Italian In order to Give Re
lief lo Sprli Who Are Trytnjf to
Turn Invaders.
LONDON. Nov. 24 Italian troops
are now landing in Albania and will
go directly to the aid of Serbia, ac
cording to Swiss advices They plan
to strike at the Austro-German flank
and it U expected the Montenegrins
will cooperate. To reach Serbia the
Italians will have to cross a stretch
of from 40 to 50 miles but this march
Is of extreme difficulty owing to the
maintains and the absence of roads.
LONDON. Nov. 24 With the
Austrian capture of Mitrovltza and
the Bulgar capture of Prlntlna offi
cial lj reported, ' the central powers
"ow "re 'ace 10 Iacp wltn ne Serbs'
nnrherii army A final fight is ev-
mently at hand A 20 mi.e gap be-
tween the towns, at the enl
f the
historically famou.; plain of Blnck
hlrd, are entrenched the indomitably
courageous Serbians. Whether the
Invaders ara In sufficient force tf
I ttack immediately Is unknown, but
It is believed a derisive battle will
be delayed but I few hours if the
struggle continues long, the Serbs, It
Is believed, must Inevitably be cap-
Graase has 60 perfume factories,
employing 2 SOS persons.
tlon. Associated
Charities and Individual citizens.
The purpose of the institution is to
provide a place where homeless men j
or men seeking comnanionahln can
find light, heat, baths, cheap meals. !
reading tables and other c.mvenlenc- i
es. A wholesome substitute for the i
Saloon as a poor man's club Is what
ize it.
f those interested character-
of Defective Child
because he was convinced it would
grow up an Imbecile and probably a
Criminal. 1 1 is refusal, with the con.
sent of the parents, to perforin sm
pie operation which probahlt would
have saved the life of the child, cre
ated much comment all over the
No Progress is Made at Portland in
Murder Mystery Which Has Thus
Far Baffled Detectives.
Money UeJt of Victim Is Pound
Search tor Bartholomew still Goes.
on But Han Has Completely Drop,
iwri from sight and No flew to
Ilia Whereabout- Pound.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 24. No
progress was made today In the trunk
murder mystery'. The aearch for
George Bartholomew. the alleged
murderer, continues, but he has
nopped completely out of sight. The
police still believe the murdered
man's name was Jokjn Linnd There
was never a more mystifying trag
edy In Portland The police had
many eluea but one by n ie an inves
tigation dissipated them.
PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 24 Dis
covery of strong circumstantial proof
that the motive for the crime was
robbery, minimizing the possibility
that the murdered man was Harry
Hogers. and discrediting many ru
mored appearances of the murderer
in the city since Friday night were
local deveJopmenls yesterday In
Stark-street trunk-murder mystery.
monrk' belt, dyed with spotches
of blood, and with ends raveled
showing that It probably had bees
torn from the body of the murdered
man. was found yesterday among the
effects of the murdered man at the
morgue, where It had been overlook
ed in previous Investigations It was
damp and of cloth and had been mis
taken for a strip of underclothing in
(Continued on Page Three.)
Wheat Some Lower
in Chicago Today!
CHICAGO, Nov. 24. (Saecial) At
the close today. Dec. $1.03 1-4'; May
(Special i -Merchants' Exchange pri-i
cee toda' cluh 92 bld- 94
hluRt'' 9 bld. asked,
LIVEKPOOU Nov 23. Wheat
Spot No. : Manitoba 12c 6 l-2d:
I No. 3. 12s 4 1 -2d : No. 2 hard winter,
I old. 12s 4d; No. 2 Chicago, new. lis
I 2d.
in American terms the highest
price now quoted in Liverpool is l.t(J
per bushel. 1
Wounded Ctniuui- Drartod.
LONDON. Nov. 24 Wounded.
, lame and deaf Germans have been
redrafted for serlce at the front ac
vlres reteived here from Amsterdam
Bar View Hotel is
Washed Into Sea
by Immense Waves
FIXED T $100,000.
BAR VIEW. Ore.. N,.
sweopiruj in from the
higfl wind at low tide
24. Waves
j wewptni in irom tne sea MtorO n
wnshed the
Bar View Hotel, a number or ram-1
mer cottages and other building i
along the waterfront out to the st l 1
and dltl damage that some have es-
tlmated al 1100.000
No one was Injured when the
huiltlings were lifted Irom their i
foundation ami washed out along I
the shoie. The high waves wtrt j
seen from Ihe shore and cottager8
and residents at the hotel fled to
higher ground.
leiepnone and telegraph lines are
down In many places and the light,'
itl., ., 1- .. i ...... , - -' ' l... . k - ... i
''"ii . i t-,-o i , -1 1 i 1 1 i iij no- why-
l-r. wtT iff Slot litllll.UK nixnlu,
uutl other t-ottages are being under
mined by the water, among them 'lie
S1S0O log cabin belonging to Captain
The hotel
. . : L
wise Among other DUlIOUIgl dam-
aged are the l.akerv. owned In Mis.
Tobias: the residence bowling al'f
and billiard balls belonging to R. S i
Jackaon and several small buildings ,
the loss of which will be slight.
A large dance hall near the shore
was not damage I. '
Gets Cross
raine. the actor-aviator, well known
in America has received the military
cross for gallantry for attacking a
German Albatross at a distance of
fifteen yards.
Capt. Loraine brought down the
Jt'erman Albatross after It had dived
from t,000 feet to escape his fire. The
I British airman swooped down after
his enemy until they were only 600
feet from the ground. He came
within forty five feet of the German,
whose pilot was wounded.
Robert Loraine Joined the Royal
Flying Corps as a second lieutenant.
Mi. uh.it it, tha Inner u t .ar ue-n
while flying at a height of 4.800 feet, , ,
, - . .
but returned to the British lines with
the shrapnel bullet which hit him j
cnught in his clothes. A month later i
he returned to the front.
Churches of City
Will Hold Special
, , ,
3tiiiVC I nftinrrnill
a VlftWSf VWi
Having enjoyed a year of bountiful'
nessings ana wnn anowier tear w
prosperity in the offing. Pendleton j
will tomorrow celebrate a real
Thanksgiving Day
Practically all business will be sus-
pended for the day. the churches will
hold special services, big dinners will
be the order of the day, a football
game will occupy attention in the af
ternoon and during the evening the
dance halls and picture shows will be!
the scenes of holiday gatherings.
Spetial Thanksgiving Day pro-;
krami will be given at local churches
tomorrow in fitting observance of the 1
occasion. The congregations of four :
churches, the Presbyterian. Christian,
Methodist and Baptist, will Join in a I
union service at the Presbyterian
church commencing at 10 o'clock.
Rev. H H. Hubbel. pastor of the
(Continued on Page Eight )
Love's Young Dream
Spoiled by Officers
111 S Ai t ol PLE FROM .
TODl IV cm".
Love's oung dream was
by a rude awukeninx last
followed I
"hen Deputy sheriff J. A.
took into custody Charles
and Ruth Maxfield. a runaway
fiom Gardena. Wn, Today
couple I
eput j
Sheriff C, E. Anderson of Walla Wal
la, accompanied by the fathers of the
elopers, arrived and
eorted them
'',,'k lh,,lr homes,
Deputy Sheriff Blakel
noticed I
them last evening as he
was return-
ling on the train from Milton. A
I lrvlin nl han wen Mn'
"'n during the oay. nan oecome sus
I'icious of them and directed the at
tention of the officer to them on the
train, tin arriving in Pendleton he
took them to the sheriff's office
where they confessed to their slope.
mem. The girl, who is under Its
statetl that she and the young man
hn la ah, mt ID n.in.u , .1 1 I . ? , -
night after attending church
.,..-. V.inHin tl-v w.nl (ft
I Milton, according to thelf story, and
the young man went on to Walla
j Walla where he arranged with a
1 friend in Touchet to send him some
A-.monev to Pendleton. Thev were re-
turning here to wait for the money
and expected to go on to Portland to
get married.
Communication with the officers at
Walla Walla brought the information
that warrants were out for them and
their return home this morninc pa-
! Man at Head of Recruiting in Eng
land Flays Members Who Criticise
Policy of the Government.
Defense Is Made of Sir John French',
Staff at the Front Threat Is
Made of Conscription Uniem En
listments Become More Frequent
Titan In the Past.
LONDON. Nov. 24 Announcing -VEW YORK. Nov. 24 Weaving a
that he could give the He direct to net of evidence about the operatic na
Lord St David, and Intimating that,,0' Naval Attache Boy-ed of the Oar
Lord Ribbleadale should be classed ' man embaasy, and Hamburg-Amerl-a
a spy, or a traitor. Lord Derby, ca line officials, the government put
In charge of recruiting, advocated a on the stand today Captain Fritz Fal-
I censorship of the house of lords and , kenburg, an alleged lde in the plot
hinted at conscription. Derby'g ut-j to supply German commerce raiders,
terances were made during a recruit- Falkenburg teatifled that Hamburg-Lo-
Ing speech. . American officials chartered his
"I can give the direct He to Lord eamer' Brwlnd- auguat, 1I4.
St. David." he thundered, referrim! ,or an "nknown destination, directed
to the latter'a recent arraignment of . tne defendant. Adolaa Poppln,
Slr John French's staff as Incompe- j tUMt Ostensibly the vessel cleared
tent, his complaint that women wete for Bu4n08 Ayres. On August 24
present at headquarters and that of- tBe Berw)nl sighted the raiders Cape
fleers failed to be up early morn- Trafalgar. Santa Lucia, Alice Woer
ings because of being tired from j mer ,nd Lorenza off Trinidad
bridge playing the previous night. "w transferred our sugpliea to
"I am In a position to do so, for I themi" ld Faikenburg. "when the
visited the staff personally and 're- Btlah cruiser Carmenla hove in
quently. No gentleman would have W't the German ships scattered,
said what St. David said and no 1 After a ""inlng fight for two hours
gentleman will believe him." the Trafalgar sank.'-
Then he turned hts attack on Rib-
I . . .
i - I.. , i "v i , i B irtxui l.llt-
iclam pf the government's war poU-
i claa.
"A man Who Sives the enemv in.
formation, goes by an ugly name,"
he said significantly, "and this ap
plies as much to a man giving In-
lormauon to tne enemy through a
(speech In the house of lorda."
Apropos of Rlblesdaie's and St
David's speeches, he suggested a;
..... .1,!, r ,k. i. ... . , - i
VIIUUIOIH Ul IHC :itiuDC VI I1 nils ,
The conscription threat came in an
. . ....
i . i ' . I . V 11 i' : . It; 1 .II'." II1UBI Of 1 ' ----- ' " -
big increase in enlistments in the ain plan8 to wiw n of the 1 1 Ameri
next three weeks If this stron; 0,n Trans-Atlantic Company's steam,
measure is to be avoided. rr" cn the ground they are German
I owned. President Richard Yagn. r
,.. . , , jdeclared. The British have seized the
hills Burglar in Dark. Kankakee eol 1H. l. v. rf..,.
r ignting pistol duel with a suspc t-
ed burglar in the dark lobby of the
Houser hotel. David Thomoson. nro-
prietor of the house, shot and killed;
th, bandit, who was identified
! Louig oonzales of Trona, Cal
; ,L
rin ntwn 11
tfltlLI UATo IIH
The earl days of Umatilla county
I were lust evening recalled in a most
j interesting way by people who have
I first hand information of those times.
I It was the occasion of the annual !
martini ot the Umatilla Count; His-j
torieal Societt in the Commercial
prub rot
ms" and there was a big
to enjoy the occasion,
i program of papers
Short '. ilks. a social session w as t.
Joyed, old songs were sung, refresh -
menu served and conversation en-'ty
Joyed. During the program J. M.j" ' 01 Athena on the san,. sul
I Ajhworth of Weston played some ofM"01 res- Judge Iie read
the old familiar tunes on his fiddle
evening and they Were received enthuslasti
iakel Ically, A male quartet of this city al
Wataonjatl contributed several pleasing selec.
tlona Mrs. G w. P helps and Mrs.
VV. C. E. Pruitt also contributed se
program was opened by rem
iniscences b;
of this city
Mrs. Nancy E. Despaln
tnd they were told In a
most entertaining w ay
Mrs W. B.
recalled the
Mays In a brief pape
eurl days t
vicinity. A.
pioneer Weston and
W. Nye was unable to,
Pendleton and Jefferson to
Clash on Gridiron Tomorrow
Tomorrow afternoon the Pendleton,
high school football eleven will giv.
battle to Jefferson high of Portland'
In the last interscholastlc game it '
the season. This Is the first time In
eight years that i Portland team In
vades Pendleton anil the local b. -hope
, to duplicate the Cefeat atlmlr
Istered tn Portland eight years agn
when thev beat them 14 to o Si io
of the hoys will see their last Kmi
of football mil Intemt making 1 1 tr
Vessel Flew the American Flag While
Transferring Goods to German
Commerce Destroyers.
'Tot Sa'tl to Have Been ft
Mrred bT
German Natal Attache la Brana;
Unravelled by Government Hamburg-nKTican
Officials Are m.
Oried in tin- on-pinn-v.
Britisher did not attack the
tterwlnd for she flew the American
XLKt.l JTslAT GROlNBei Will.
; XKW YORK Xnv ?i.,Sr.r Mrtt.
to Buenos Aires, the third to thus be
taken in custody. Another vessel
lies at Buenos Aires in fear of the
aam rt. w..., -- - -
test to the state department against
as i what he regards as high-handed
methods on Britain's part.
be prese
ier by him on
"f early times
letter from Mrs.
A. B. Meacham.
C. Hampton
D was one of the
unty tn turn ia
: "Little Happeni
"w fwu as wa
Ulough. daughte
by the prcsldenl
w. m. Blakeh
men in the
wneat raising, and Henrv J. Tavlor.
' am,ther retired faVmer. soke most
i "iieresiingty ot the beginning ii
i n,aklni: this ll"' greatest wheat t oon
of thr state, and a paper by c. A
' " " reel Ot Kch
the subject "f ear',', raisinit of alfal: .
"The Beginning of Umatilla." writ,
ten by ex-Governor Moody and pub
lished seeral months ago in this pa
per, was rend during th.-
e fin n 3
i.rs. A. L Sthaefftr a boa)
Major l-e Moorhotis.- .!,,, ,,M.
early da Indian agents, told
agency school when sin u n
and the last paper of th. M
"Stage Coach Drtvini IB Eai
by Dave Horn was one ul :h.
. exit a memorable
! ll to be called at 1
ne The
The UM foolba1 r,n ,
will he held tonight for the BUM
morrow The r.tlh 1 1. i,-, ,-,i,,..i
in charge of Myt-r- ,ii Winter ..
two bovs who mad sut h sin .
with the first rally bald this ...r
A large bonft will be i i
hill at 7 o'clcuck, after whlck Inei
will ti.' a parade UttWatn tht n
streets of the towr . ..,. ,