PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23.. 1915. EIGHT PAGES Penny Wise and The cost, cf living makes every woman look to see where she can save money, which, of course, ia sensible and proper if not car ried too far. In the case of food it would be foolish to attempt to substitute sawdust for a breakfast food because it is cheaper. Everyona knows sawdust has no food value and its use would be a positive detriment to the health. Koyal Eaking Powder, which is made from cream of tartar, adds only healthful qualities to the food. The difference in cost of a pan of biscuits or of a cake made with Royal Baking Powder as com pared with cheap alum or phos phate of lime powders is about, one cent, which s surely too small an amount to warrant the risk. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York BRITISH SUBMARINES OPERATE IN BALTIC COPENHAGEN. Nov. 23. Recent activity of the German fleet in the Baltic sea is due to the fact tnat a large fleet of British submarines, convoyed by destroyers, has succeed ed in entering the Baltic and will at tempt to blockade the Baltic coast of tiermany German squadrons search ed for them two days but were un able to secure trace of the submarine.--. Well Known Remedy Relieves Chronic Case IMPORTANT TO DISPOSE OF TASTE FROM THE STOMACH WITH KFXil'LAItlTY. People frequently attribute to fail ure of the digestive organs condi tions that are primarily due to in active bowels, and apply remedies that are more apt to aggravate thn to relieve the disorder. When the bowels act regularly the itomach is In better shape to per form :tc allotted tasks rnd can usu ally be depended upon. To keep the bow-is in condition there is no more effe?!ie remedy than the coi.-bin.'.-tion nf simple laxative herbs known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin which is sold in drug stores for fifty cents a bottle. Ttp ii.u.n iv.. i u:. i niunrii lias iiiwliiucu 11.11 remedy In his practice for over a quarter of a century and it is today j the standard household remedy in thousands of homes. Mr. Thos. De-! Loach, with the department of the interior, office f Indian affairs, at j Washington, wrote Dr. Calwell re cently that "Dr. Caldwell's Byrne ! Pepsin is the beBt laxative I have any knowledge of and the ( leaning up i FALT'S famous Fresh Every Day Served at our tables and sold to the trade. Wholesale t retail. SEA CRABSOYSTERS The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot in Pendleton for FALT'S sea foods. First National Bank PENDLETON, ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For Pound Foolish Won t Take orders Mann. WASHINGTON. Nov. !3. Inform eel that President Wilson will Invit him to discuss the administration's preparedness plan. Minority Leader Mann said: "I am willing to consult with the president but I don't pro pose to take orders from him. Most republicans favor a general policy of preparedness but the details will be the rub of the controversy In con gress " Burma is exporting orchids to the United States. MR. THOS. DcLOACH guaranteed by its use relieves every organ." A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin should be on hand in every home for use when needed A trial bottle free of charge, can be obtain ed by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 454 Washington St.. Monticello, Hi CRAWFISH OREGON It's Strength '( raws "" RBI M I I I) TEVTOJi AL WHO ORDERED sHootnra of xdiWi This is the latest photograph to reach this country of Gen von Bias ing, the German military governor of Belgium, who, it is reported, has been called to Berlin by the kaiser to explain in person, his reasons for refusing to grant a sufficient re prieve for an appeal of the death sentence imposed upon Edith Dwell the British nurse, executed as a spy. Definite Probe to Be Made. WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 Further indications that the department of Justice is contemplating criminal prosecutions against Consul General von Nuber of New York and other alleged Teuton agents were seen in the announcement that the depart ments investigators hereafter will deal with probes of pro-German ar tlvities In the United States. Any evi dence obtained by the treasury de partment and secret service officials will he turned over to the justice branch. In announcing this central Ization of the investigations, both departments denied there was any friction between them over the sub Ject. Portuguese ffcbtnet Resigns. LONDON. Nov 23. The Portu guese cabinet has resigned, according to Lisbon dispatches. One account said the resignations had been ac cepted Another that the president rejected them temporarily because parliament was not in session. It is expected the new premier will be Al fonso Costa. Bullmoohers Are Uncertain. NEW YORK. Nov. 23. Whether the bullmoosers will reunite with the republicans depends upon the latter. Medlll McCormick announced before leaving for Washington following a conference with Roosevelt. Many bullmoosers. he said, will vote for Wilson rather than Root, whom the republicans appear to be grooming as a candidate. "The progressives do not intend to support the men who helped 'frisk' them in the last convention." he said. Coffee You have small chance to get good coffee if you think that high-priced cof fee is pretty much alike! There can be exception ally good coffee, you know; and it needn't be extravagant! You will never fin i it packed any other way I than in airtight tins; ' eveniv around: with the j bitterish chaff taken-out. The economy of Schil ling's Best is in its extra strength --makes more op of sood Schilling's Best it ! COUPLES FROM ALBA AT DOUBLE WEDDING CEREMONY TAKES PLACE IN PENDLETON u. POPULAR PEOPLE. DBDOC iiiui iwsket Supper I'lamicd for Friday F.vcning at Homo of Joe 7.IHT New Ilirllutv is Plac ed in siiool Mouse Temperature Reaches m m i ktah. (Special Correspondence. i UKIAH, Ore., Nov. 22. A double wedding occurred In Pendicle;! Wed nesday, the contracting parties being from I'kiah and Alba, when Tom Ledgerwood u,.d Mabel Pern and Ed I.edgerwood and Clara Morr'i were united In marriage. AH are well known and popular young people In this community. There wiil be a due" and basket "oer at the home of Joe Zirrer "Iday nlgit. J. D. Kirk l on the sick list with da grippe. m From the number of turkeys end geese around town there will be Thanksgiving dinners In many of the homes. Mr Ewing. father of Mrs Hynd. leaves tor Portland in response to a Mn mat nis oaugnter there is seriously 111. Dr. De Vaul was called to Alba1 Monday night to attend Mrs. Reh-irs' who was seriously ill. Mr. Fisher of Alba who was ert- S ously hurt by a horse some time! sirce. is now able to he around, His! recoverv Is slow, owing to his ,id-! vanced years. Arthur Footer has purchased the UtterbaoK farm from Mr. Utterback of Pilot Rock. Mr. Ewlng was in I'kiah Tuesday' from the Hynd ranch. The school board has had a furnace put In the primary roor. of, the school here within the last few I days. Leslie Doollttle doing the work i One was placed In the main room1 last year, and now the sciool build ing can be made perfectly comfort able. John Carter of La Grand1 p-.ssed through Uklah Wednesd.-.v nit rplng on his way home from Pendleton John Doyle of Hidaway w is in town Thursday oh business. A Thanksgiving dance will b? giv en at the Kirk hall Thanksgiving night. Mrs A. MeKurate is 111 at her home l.i Uklah. Henry Lazinka returned to I'kiah Monday, looking after his interests here. Frank Simpson has built a house on his homestead and has tken up his residence trrre. Antone BcheSil returned t: a few days ago to Ive on hi stead. J. W. sturdivant ... d son left for Pendletoti VVodnesda Ukiah home- Cnyd. his i:ig Mr. Sturdlvant goes to hi .'es treated. Leslie Doolittle is In Uklah foi a few days 01 business. again Elder Rippey vlsi'cd at the Hynd ranch Thursday The temperature went down to b zero point lav Ftiday night anl sleighs have taken the place of wa gons for a time. J. H Utterback of pilot Rotk, came In Monday evening with a load of t'reieht for th CUi,.h lf'lt K. G. Clark and Ll yd Clark left Sunday for Pilot Kock with a hunch of beef cattle. The Adventists meetings have tlis t.' and the tniu down and shipped back to College Plat.'. MIsse Vesta and Irene ivirk have gone to Bridge creek to spend vaca tion week with their sister, Mrs. chllson Ed Hanks passed through I'kiah Monday en route to Pendleton with his wife, who goes to get medical treatment. , K. G. Moore left lor Pendleton Monday for freight. Mr. and Mrs Ed Ledgerwood re turned from Pendleton Thursday. The I'nited Artisans met Wedm-U-day night at their regular meeting and lifter the transaction of buslncu a royal time was hail by all- Supper was prepared by the committee and served in five courses, after whit h games and dancing were indulged in till midnight. Charley Lorenz and wife . reported III at their homt Uklah. Mr- It. G Clark received from her son. Luther Hug! both near word for- merly of i'kiah. but now In Oallfor-I niii. of the birth of a son on Novem ber 13. William Warden returned Wedne-I day after an ahsert'.-e of a month "is itlng with relatives. Will McLaughlin and son of were In Ukiah Thursday on Ini 'ilba, pea defeat l oni' d-. LONDON, Nov. :; Following the example of Lord North's papers, oth er papers, including the Olobe. whic h reappeared after two weeks' supp.e. slon, announce', they would refuse Henry Ford's auto advertisements te- ause of Ford's opposition to the re tent allied loan in America. Tney did not print the news that the Ca nadian Ford Company had subscribed a million to the Canadian domestic loan. Of the elder Htatesmen of Jaonn who have for the last 30 years con stituted the principal conservative forcOCS In that Country, only four are left. They are all men of great age, including Field Murshal Prince Vn miigrnta. who If II; the Marquis Vat sura, who is Fit 1J Marshal prince fiyiima, who Is 73. and the pre nt Prime Minister Count okuuui a, v.-ho Is mors than M. ( II VRD'S I. INF I'M St. I K . US As i Harvai right remari pr.tctic mate lor King, the If back. Boles, the been showing some plunging ability in BRIDE-TO-BE GIVEN SURPRISE BY FRIENDS Miss ANITA KIRKPATHU'K OF WESTON RECEIVES HhAl -III I I. PRESENTS. (Special Correspondence ) WESTdN.. Ore.. Nov. 23. On last Saturday evening a miscellaneous shower was given at the home of the Misses Anlce and Dorrls Barnes by the young ladies or the Xcedlecro't Club in honor of Miss Anita Kirk patrick. Many useful and appro priate gifts were received. Including silverware, cut glass, embroidered linen sets a dainty and delicious re past was served. Mrs. E. M Smith, who has been visiting her daughter Miss Norma Smith of Walla Walla, returned home Sunday. Mrs. James Compton. who has :iem visiting relatives in Walla Walla during the past week, has returned home. Will Healy of Portlund was the guest of Mr and Mrs. E. 0. He Moss Sunday. Born, in Weston, November 19. to the wife of Die'; Hush, a daughter TAKE THIS MAN'S ADVICE TRY THE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY It always gives me pleasure to rec ommend anything that Is right ;nd so I feel it my duty to herald the praises of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-K iot. For years I was troubled with kid ney disease and It was so Intense that I was bedridden for days at a time I gave up all hope and doc tors, for miles around gave me. no help. Incidentally I tried scevral pat ent remedies and at last tried Swamp-Hoot. From the first It gave me relief and it was no time before I was able to be up and around and now I am perfectly well and able to work as I used to before by teriille sickness. So now let me thank you for your wonderful discovery and take this op portunity to recommend It to all who sufferer from kidney troubles. Yours very truly, WALTER SHIVER, D17 N. Main St. Hope. Ark. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 25th day of March. 1912 A V. WAKE, Notary Public, Letter to Dr. Kilmer 00 lUiigliunitoii, . Y. Prove Wliat Swamp-Hoot Will IKj Fur You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. T., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, bv sure and mention the Pendleton Daily East Oregonlan. Kegular fifty-cent and one-dollar izo bottles for sale at all drug stores L E Dr. James' Headache Powders re lieve at once 10 oenta a package. You take a Dr. James' Hsadar.he Powder and in just a few moments jour head clears and all nsurslfiia and distress vanishes. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve rucking. Send someone to the drug store am) get a dime package now. Quit suffering it's so needless. Be sure you get Dr. James' lleailsrhe Powders -then there will he no disappointment. mm wsw SICK HEADACH jib"' vl i-01I(Tl J puLkn F KQ & AVcrjciabtt'RtpgrafionKrAs ntfi a similaiuigitefManifRrtula W'M '"ifillic SiomadB audOowdsaf Promotes ffifonflwrM ncss and Beatrontalnj netta Umint.Murphinc nor Mineral Not Narcotic. hrfrtrakUkaHEnnsa JbsJtmm JkMtrSOs- MaM 111 lyi 7W. Annfi'rl Hemf dv rorCoitsfte Hon , Sour StOBBdi.Dlariwi Worms ,f ohntiIsioiis JflWta nessusSQfSlgH. hcSiiuik Sijnarurt of Tiie Centauh Com?as NEW Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mr. and Mrs. John McRae and daughters spent Saturday In Athena. Mrs. L R. Vanwlnkle and daugh ter, Crertrude, spent Saturday In Pendleton as the guests of Mrs. A. W. Paubner Mr. and Mrs Alexander Klnnesr. who recently sold their farm adjoin ing Weston to W. A Barnes, has moved to Walla Walla. Their grand daughter, Miss Ethel Lane, will ac company them and still continue her music and studies by Immediately en :erlng school. Panama-Pacific International EXpCSStiOfl San Frantisco Closes Dec. 4th READ THAT AGAIN- Then go now The opportunity of your life, Cali fornia at her best, the greatest expositions you will ever see in their prime, and low round trip fares via many different routea DON'T MISS IT. You'll be sorry! Today's the day you can go if you will. Phone T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent. R. BURNS, District Freight & Passenger Agent, Walla Walla. OREGON- WASHINGTON Railroad & Navigation Company UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM and your travel wants will be immedi ately attended. Ask for your copy of "How to Go and What to See." It's Bll entertaining sixty-four page book. We pay the postage. Burn THE CHEAPEST FUEL FOR HEATING. ORDER YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY NOW AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF $5,00 PER TON IN FIVE TON LOTS FOR THIS OFFER FOR Pacific Power & GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Alweys Bought Ait Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years James Lleuallen and Thomas Mc BrMt disposed of a lot of hois Bit urday by shipping them to Portland Dr 0. H. Smith removed the ton sils of Ralph Tucker's little glrll Frl day and she Is reported as doing nicely. Mrs. f. C Hopkins has taken her little boy to Clarkston, Wash., to consult a specialist for kldnev trou ble Mrs James McDanlel. who teach M near Adams, spent the weekend at her home on Weston mountain. imi.i'B -Itll-llSl Coke CASH AT GAS PLANT. NOVEMBER. Light Company GASTORIA