PAGE TWO EIGHT PAGES Parfi Dresses Are you prepared for the com ing Social Events. WE ARE SHOWING A SELECTED ASSORTMENT OF PARTY DRESSES ALL DE SIGNED ACCORDING TO THE LATEST MODE AND SHOWN IN EXCLUSIVE COLOR INGS AND MODELS. ALL ARE REASONABLY PRICED AT FROM $22.50 to $35.00 SPECIAL NOTICE. This store will be closed all day Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 25th. Please buy accordingly. NEW LINEN TUBING A shipment of new linen tubing to match linen sheet ing we have. Comes 42 and 45 inches wide. Best quality round thread flax, permanent finish. The yard ' $1.25 and 81.50 LYKLINEN And Organdie for waists and collars. Lyklinen can be used for baby dresses as well. 40 to 45 inches wide. Comes in white onlv. Launders better. The yard 25f), 35c and 65. NEW PLAID SILKS An express shipment new plaid silks of blue, green and red. A number of the very best combinations to be used for trimmings, waists and combination dresses. 36 inches wide. The yard $1.25 to $2.00 BEACON BATH ROBE BLANKETS Nothing better made. Colors are sun proof and tub proof. Beautiful designs, some floral, some Indian. All shades. Just enough for a bath robe, including cord, loop and tassel, one in a box. Each $2.75 FANCY BRASSIERES FOR EVENING WEAR Our stock contains a large variety of styles in this most necessary adjunct to your party gown. "Just any brassiere" will not do. It must be designed with a view for which it is intended. Our prices range from SI. 00 to $5.00. LIGHT COLORED PETTICOATS We are showing a very choice collection of light col ored petticoats in taffeta and crepe de chine, for even ing wear $4.95 to $7.50 LACE MEDALLIONS Cluny, valencinnes and imitation Irish crochet me dallions, suitable for trimming waists, underwear and linens. Price, each 5 to 50 LACES Laces one to two inches wide in shadow, val and cluny patterns, just what vou want for caps, linens and towel ends. The vard ' . . 10 12' .. and 150 INFANTS' SILK AND WOOL HOSE Very best quality infants' silk and wool hose, black, white: sizes 4 to 6U. Price pair 35 INFANTS PURE SILK HOSE Come in white onlv, deep lisle hem at top ; sizes 4 to 62. Price 50c This is the Store for Overcoats Values the equal of which no other store will offer you. Styles that are full of smart individuality. Qualities that will give you unexpected wear. You want to be warm and vou want to look well. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX COATS hold their own anywhere. They have style, looks, class. They're up-to-date. They're the best clothes made today for men. We can show you anything you want in overcoats. The smart new VARSITY SIX HUNDRED STYLES The big warm ulsters. The silk faced 42 inch coat The latest top coat, or even fur coats. You'll agree, that our prices are right. POPULAR CHRISTMAS GIFTS This year many of the most popular gifts will be articles knitted or croched from yarns. We have prepared for the unusual demand and you'll find in our Art Department the greatest assortment of yarns ever shown in Pendleton. We also have instruction books with directions for making sweaters, shawls, scarfs, slippers, infants' wear etc. Come in and 'let us show you the completed articles as well as the yarn from which they are made. "T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE Every express brings us more good things for your Thanksgiving dinner. JAP ORANGES, PERSIMMONS, PO MEGRANATES, JONES' DAIRY FARM SAUSAGE, TURKEYS extra fat and fine. Florida Grape Fruit, full of juice, 2 for 25 New Crop Dates, pound 15c Golden Custard Canned "Pumpkin" 3 cans 50c Ripe Pineapples, full of sunshine and sweetness, large ones, each 35C California Head Lettuce, solid and crisp, each IOC Spitzenberg Apples from Hood River, box $1.35 to $2.50. Glace Fruits, new crop, extra fancy stock, 1 pound box 65c; 2 lbs $1.25 Sweet Potatoes, extra fine large sweets. 7 lbs. 25C Oranges Sweet and juicy, dozen 60C, 70c. 80? The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE LiUUililIlillllUiHiW Additional Social and sonal News on Page Per-1 e 5. M rs Will Moor was hoat v.... terday afternoon to the ladies of the WhUt Club. Duplicate The N meeting Of Mi ingtor, rth ide Bridm riuh Is this afternoon at the home (illbert W. 1-h.lps on Wash- street. Mrs. mil hostess this al't- stess ( the ROttpao The f the fternu M iss upon dren. latai the .Mr u me ladies of the Mai 'I I'lub at her home, 620 n street. Parent -Teachers' ussocliitlon Lincoln school met yesterday n at the school building ami ln.v interesting program L. Nason. librarian, spoke ubject, "Hooks for fhil Mr.-. W. 1 Mc.Yarv iruc ,. report of the convention of the state teachers' association held at Oorval U. C, P, Strain, member of the board, spoke upon the tax uuestion and Mrs. John Hailey, Jr.. rend a I paper on "The Influence of Qoodl Heading I pon Children" and demon-' strated good leading by pupils fromj her room. Irene Hhea gave very! creditable reading of the "Chamber-1 ed Nautilus" and the school children sang a number of songs. . A special meeting Of the Kredda! Seegrus Kci of the Preshyterlcn Church " ill be held tomorrow after-1 Got Your Eye Did I? Please give us just one minute of your time to look over the following prices. Better still, come in any time and look over our line of merchandise, as our prices are lower than elsewhere and your saving will be worth while. Ladies' shoes in gun metal or vici kid, sizes 2 'a to 7; others ask you $2.50 for these shoes; our price $1.05 Ladies' julietts. don't pay $1.50 when you can buy them here for only OfSc Mary Jane and Baby Doll shoes in plain toe, low heel, patent and gun metal, cloth top.. $2.05 Ladies' patent leather, cloth top, gun metal vici kid shoes, others ask you more, our pr. $2.S5 Boys' shoes, gun metal calf button or lace at $1.40, $1.65 and $1.95. Children's shoes, big as sortment of styles, only the pair 95C Men's work shoes in tan lace, heavy oak soles, the pair 12.45 Men's heavy work shoes in tan or black only $2.H5 Men's dress shoes, gun met al, button or lace $2.95 Men's kid Korn-Kill shoes, regular $4 50 values, our price "iiiy . $:i.or Men's high top shoes at 93.85, $4.25, $4.95 Boys' high top shoe, two buckles, sizes &V to 18, our price $1.85 Ladies' high top tan lace boot, our price $IS. 15 We carry a complete liivi of rubbers and overshoes THE HUB 23 Sample Stores. 745 MAIN ST. the home Miss l'a u lino1 Jem st r progr Hlstor tho cleta Invited MANYNEW BOOKS ARE ALL CHILDREN LOVE "SY8UP0FFIGS" FOR , i i V in SHE Ml ST II I 25,00fl RMl TO I l I ON LIBRARY BY DONORS LIVER AND BOWELS jjjj I il'Kinin Itllloo mm jj York is onl sixteen IB year. I1H wmwwmmfflmm vm i i rki i r i it i TOM N KECVHE8 I IJTEKATI UK. PHOJKCI GIVE IT WHEN PSVEKUUI, CROSS Ml l Ml MM g POR BAD BREATH tilt IM It BTOM II (inert rr Kcci'lvcd li) IJbi.irv I k at the tongue. Mother If Hoard Iti'trc-hiiM-iu- rv Scroti .ilel, it is a sure stun that uiir Ut- I I u Him the , After Which tl one's stom gi h. liver and bowels HueaU Present rbcir ipok. wincii need gentle, thorough cleansing tX rc l ifted b 1 1 ii l.iiiraritin. I Special Correspondence. HKIt.MISTiiN, ure. Nov. z the list of books at Ihf local may be found many additions umes of valuable suit of the hook the llbrar) Krldi As the guests received bv the literal recepl .ince When peevish, cross ItxtlefB. pale lOMn't sleep, doesn't eat or act nat urally, or Is feverish, stomach -our, breath bad; has stomach-ache Wl diarrhoea, full of cold, give i teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Klgs,'' and In a few hours all ' h foul, constlputed wnste. utulU'cMcil food and aour bile gently moves out uf Its little bowels without gripping, md you have a well, playful child Mi their freahmenti bj the three board. Mrs J. T. Hinkle Iteees and Mrs. Thus Hit As the donors nave they were listed by th Miss Fannie Todd. A number of books reived from Mlfs N'a brarlan at Pendlet so catalogued. The rest room-., in which brary Is located, is being pop more each week as the people le rn the reading tables, with late miiKa- weri which K it. i Vou needn't coat rick children to tike this harmless "fruit laxative; ' I ksithey love its delicious taste, and It rarlati. j alwavs makes them feel splendid. Ask votir druggist for a 50-cent Um re- bottle of "California Syrup of pig ," nty II-1 which has directions Tor babies, chll ere al'dren of all ages and Tor grown np plainly on the bottle Iteware of the ll-l coiintrfeits sobl here. To be sum larizcd you git the genuine, ask to see 'hat It is mad by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any ottier kind zines are acc essible m the evening? with contempt. as well as the day ti frooTliLLi Last Game of the Season JEFFERSON HIGH OF PORTLAND VS. PENDLETON HIGH THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday, November 25th ROUND-UP PARK ... A 1 F r ailed at ) p. m. Admission j Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton's pres ent and coming attractions. HEADLINE FOB UDKVH.I.I. Till: AI.T THEM i: Itussell CO. SI the feature attraction, with "The Harmony Duo" of novelty Instrumentalist and Misses Sten.l- man and Mtrrttt, bfed as the iisss- ! iest singing act in vaudeville. The Jeanne Itussell I'n. will be (.well remembered from their appear ance here two years ago when thej ; tilled a week's engagement at the Alta. This season the personnel of ' the company Is exactly the same but j the plays and vaudeville are all new and right off one of the big circuit. ' The skit In which Win Itussell Is ap pealing is a merry, mirthful, coined) singing and dramatic playlet, "A Star by Mistake," lull of ginger and one of the greatest laughing playlet' ever seen in vaudeville, y of New ars old. but than I25,0U0 iyi, And the I much old- than tr.'Ki'i a The gill's lather and mother were Lueifania victims. She was saved. Thev left her $1. 000.001). The guard ian has gone into the court with a requcri that the child be given $ l r. . -Ooi) a year from the estate anil fSOOt a yur from the estate for herself. In her list of expenses in her affidavit, the guardian showi how JSO.oiiii a year may be spent Kent "t Park avenue apartmen tfiouo; si hooi. music. laiuf'tage" books, etc . ISSOO; maid's urate, JSOO; three servants' wages. 1:'00 ' I and household supplies. Si ' Clothing, $:!.'iun, doctors, dentists, etc. etc. 1500; upkeep of auto and chauf feur's wages, $2000; recreation and amusements, $.',00; summer vaca tion and traveling expenses, 13(401 insurance and storage charges. 1100; incidentals. $1000; wages of guar dian $.',oon- total for one year, to.- Flree in Munition I SOUTH BETHLEHEM, 23. Two small fires were In one of the projectile i of the Bethlehm stel w were extinguished withoii Anti-ally plotters are beli responsible. In nl. I Right and Friday, Italian soldiers i iptured Austrian position, between the Monte San Mb-hele. third sum mit and tne Unaao rlvei i ild a war oifice tateinent, Diea of InjuruieH. WABHOUOAL, Wash . No Ii Wing, secretary of the ton state grange last year injuries sustained in an a accident. China lrofo- - Igtiotan. c WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 The I Chines legation prnfewwd Ignorance ! of reporta that the entente powers ar seeking to have t'hlna Join them prcsumabl) 0 that the Chinese sit i uatlon may not conflict with Japan's unnlvln the allies with munitions "Nothing offb ial has attention," said the I looks like mere talk " ime to our itlon. "II Italian- Make rjalft. ROME Nov 21. fighting violent y throughout Thursday, nhutsda SEVERE RHEUMATIC PAINS DISAPPEAR T?lieittnaiicir. d(pnag on nn grid In the blnorl, whieli gffeeta ll nraseiea ntul jniats, pradueli g in (lattiinalion, nllffneM and pain. Tin. acid ntt in'o the Mood through seme ilefeet in llie diggltive pr -. Hood's Sanaparilla, the old-tiros hlnoii lonis, is verv mgoggaftil in Ibsj treatroenl of rhsnmatiscn, h ,1 ; directly, with pnrifjrinR etlVct. on the blood, and Imnrove the i: - tion. Don 't suffer, (let HotulV ' J. E. MULLINIX, Lawyer Over Taylor's Hdw. Store. Pendleton, Oregon. 1 1 1 ti I HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD T Says Cream Applied in NoatriU t IIm.u Ate Saiiiam Klffht I n Sa Mi W, I Game C 1 1 ! J Instant relief no waiting. Your I nostrils "pen right up; the air pa-sages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, head ache, gey MSB, No struggling for breath at nuiglit; your cold or catarrh disappears. t a small bottle of Ely's Crean. Halm from your druggist now. Appl a lit'le of this fragrant, antlsepti'. healing . ream In your nostrils. It penetrate,, through ery air passa ge of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and re It's lust fine Don't stay stuffed- tor the.-e two nights the manage has seemed the much heralded tro feature picture. My Madonnn dramatized from one of Hubert Service's poems from "The Spell of the Yukon." and other verses. In which Miss tilga PetroVSJj the world's greatest emotional in ress. will af pcar. The big double attraction will he offered for IS and .'3 cents. Tw shows nightly and a special matinee for Wedne-duy. Ml miurdlai "As ii father and mothf herself at sixteen ant and formative Home Celebration of Wonder Interest Tatt nbfg leinouMa, WASHINGTON, Nov, 23 Back in the haunts where on,., he held sway lorinei President Tsfl "took a crack at his atilent enemies, the demo ctats. "I have recently returned from a trip aero the continent." he slid "It seems to me American, business .-even one iwoflting from 'war pros perity' Isn't satisfied with the dem acratic program and the democratic achievements The trend is hack I) republic atom." He l.uah'd baartll) In denylnt he i i presidential candidate. the loss of I er r the Infant flrds the most Import period In a young girls lite, ahsolutelv alone In the world, with few friends In New York, as "he has spent the greater part of her life In England, and with only a small number of relatives. She his two uncles on her mothers side and two aunts and two milli on her fathei's side, and with none of whom she could live satisfactorily, "It Is very Important therefore that she should have a nice home of her own In which she could receive and entertain friends, and that she should have every opportunllv to make friends and have good asso ciate- The arrival of a baby In the household" completely change the entire aspect of j the rut ure. But In the meantime during the j anxious period of ex- j pectars-y, there is a t .pleoilid remedy known i as "Mother's Friend" that does wonders. It Is for external use, re- I 1 1 eves the pain of muscle expansion. soothes and quiets the nerves, extends its in fluence to the Internal organs and removes to a great extent the ten dency to worry and ap prehension. It Is a natural treatment, safe far the mother, has no drug effect whatso ever and for this reason must exert a most beneficial Influence upon those functions dl- wlll help her In her social rectly connected with motherhood. In a , She must therer live a 3H m' M ' .7 . . discussed and a copy will he mailed free to rording to her Station In llle. an t n experfant mothers by Bradfleld Regulator after a thorough cotislderatli f tin Co., tot Lamar Bdg Atlanta, 0a. Oct a matter ihe petitioner Is of the opln- bottle of "Mother's Friend" today of any ilri,l.t 1 Jla-J 1 111 o . I till il lll II. O be HUSH Hi e l i..- ,1 lu tt and should I gl f why mothers for nearly half a century have used and recommended this splendid aid to motherhood. Their letters are messaees tit cheer, that tiresUie comfort lu every word, BARGAINS! Real bargain in LADIES' SEAL AND LEATHER HANDBAGS Any handbag in the store J2-PRICE. Less than wholesale. Tallman & Co. Lending Druggist! e