EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1915, PAGE THREE 0. OF 0. AND AGGIES BATTLE IN SEA Of MUD; LATTER MEET DEFEAT By SHE OF 9 TOO PORTLAND POLICE AT I WORK. ON MURDER 1 "If a man can write a bet ter book, preach a better ser mon, or make a better mouse trap than his neighbor, even tho he live in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door." Emerson. I WIDE SKK( II KfclM, m.ik nut H MAN HUM 1 1 I (CO An GEO .5 BARTHOLOMEW. That's why Bond Clothes SIS to S30 are so popular. There's one here for you. Bond Bros. Pendlelon'i Lending Clolhieri Aii oDDrnm I.ON'lKi.N It hav lieen .elKKeiited (hat a Ivt liu! ital be built in L don in memory 0 Killth Vavtll, t British nurse executed by ihe Oi I lam in Ileliiiiiin LONDON Shrapnel from anti aircraft nun rii l certain nlnht In a certain locality of London hil Into a certain hiulne8 office and Mined i tarit.- oil painting of Mr John French. LONDON Lord Kitchener has rd In tempiirarlly releas- certain mldlera from the army 0 ihey can he'p farmer at plowing N'otorloun ( utile Thief UYCated BAKER, ore, Nov. 22.- James ChUdera, a notmiouji i attle rustler Who I is boon arrested many dries ami escaped the penitent lar, except for DM short term, is i aaln in cus tody, charged with hoNe steitllng He was arretted at Vale tVsdnStdl J Al'h four horses stolen near Onion, In hi? j'cssesslon. Catarrh a Blood Disease S.S.S. Drives It From Your System lWau.se Catarrh affects the none and throat, causing sores In tho nos trils, stoppage of air -passages and gathering In the throat. It has been ComMM practice to treat Catarrh by loliniis, washes and sprays applied to these parts. This niode of treatment Is entirely wrong. It cannot give per manent relief, and It Is liable to Irri tate and aggravate the trouble. Ca tnrrh cannot be trifled with. If al lowed to run on It will disease the bronchial tubes, settle on the lungs, the stomach Indeed It 1s a very se rious disease. Don't treat It locally. The fact that It rausea headarbes la proof that It la caused by Impure and diseased blood. The one treatment that has proved effective In the treatment of Catarrh la S. S. S., It Is the greatest blood purifier and blood tonic known. It relieves the cause of Catarrh by the process of n noorlahlBf the blood, reuewiDg ita ItrtBgtll and vigor, giving new life to Ihe red blood corpuscle and stimulat ing the flow so that It baa the vitality to throw off the poison and germa from the system. It Is literally a Mood bath. You quickly feel results. Headachea disappear, the gathering in the throat stops, the nostrllt heal before you hardly realize It you are well. S. S. S. la a natural blood tonic and has proven effectfve In the treat ment of all Mood affections. Eczema, tetters, rash, Scrofula. Get S. S. S. at your druggist's. If you need ape clal advice write the S. S. S. Co., At lanta, lis Kt.'OENK, ore., Nov. 22 With the field a sea of mud and a deluge of rain from start to finish, the Oregon university eleven outplayed the Ore gon Agricultural college team here Saturday, the store being to 0. In the neighborhood of 7000 peo plle witnessed the game, which Is conceded to be the hardest fought and best real football that has ?ver been seen on Kincaid field. The Aggies, fresh Horn their victory over the Michigan Aggies, met with the surprise of their career, for Oregon had their number, and was at no time in danger of defeat. Johnny Beckett and Lloyd Tegert were the Oregon heroea. The only touchdown was made In the first quarter and then Oregon played u defensive game throughout, blocking every play attempted by Abraham, the Aggie fullback. O. A. C, tried line plays, forward peace but could make no headway, except in the last half of the fourth car ter, when the pistol prevented a touchdown. More on lllis ked Punt. The famous ( iregon "jinx" appea r ed alter H minutes of play when Te geri Mocktd Cole's punt from behind the line and scored the first touch down, Beckett kicked the goal Two minutes before the end of the second quarter Oregon opened its first real offensive t'p to this time lhe had played an entirely defensive game. Bectttt punted Into 0, A. C. territory time after time on the firiii down. In 'the laat half of the gome the ball was practically always deep in O. A C. territory, Several times Hlilie was forced to punt from behind or near his goal line. The Aggies made considerably more yardage in the first quarter than Oregon, but the advantage of a touchdown gave new life to the Eugene men. and in the second quarter thev made a total of 61 arils on straight plays to half as much for Ihe Aggies. The second half saw the O A. C men clad in dry uniforms. Beckell I kick. .If rolled only a few yards and Oregi u recovered It. The third quar- period tor the Aggies. Huntington for Oregon tried a place kick from the ;s yard line but the ball went short and was caught by Jilllie who returned it five ards. Decked a Bopartor, Tin yardage from line plays i" tn second half was slightly In favor of the Aggies, lull this could not by any me.ms discount Beckett's superior elded to add more points If possible by a place kick This was about tne only bit of luck the Aggies had dur ing the day. They were in on th ball and blocked It, Hoerline recov ering. "Hungry" Booted Low. The Aggies threw the line plung ing to the winds and "Hungry' , Hmythe waa tailed back to kick. He hooted a low ball that none of the I Oregon men touched as it crossed til ; line of scrimmage, making It a free- foi-all affair. Montleth allowed himself to be outfoxed on two successive occasions Thinking the ball was Oregon's, Mon telth did not touch It, and Anderson fell on it, giving it to the Aggieo. Smythe Immediately punted again and once more Monteith failed to touch the ball, allowing it to roll un til It came to a stop He failed to take Into consideration that Smvthe was punting close up the line and Abraham was 'n side, giving him a right to recover the hall If possi ble Abe was right on the Job and When the Oregon safety did not fall on the ball, the o. A. C man did. ISgte Given null By this time the ball was only a few .cards from Oregon's goal line. The Oregon contingent protested loudly against giving the ball to the Aggies, but Before Varnell was ob durate. The Aggies then executed a forward pass and the ball was on the tWO ard line. Both teams were fighting desperately. The Oregon forward.- charged before the AggleB put the ball In play and that drew another penalty, half the distance to the goal for offside play . With the Lemi'ii and Yellow fighi ing doggedly In their last trench, the Orange and Black signalled an as sault on the line, preceded by their well known backfield shift. The I til probably went over the line, but the eagle eye of Varnell detected Substi tute Senter Anderson passing the ball before his backs came to a complete stop In their shifting process and . hlstled nffside. Just tljen the lin ers fired the platol that brought the game to a close, without the hope ol It was a disheartening day lor the promising Stewart team, the team that beat by 20 to 0 the noted Mich igan Aggie, WWch nnly the week be !'rc had crushed the famed Fielding v.'s-t and his University of Michigan eleven, 2t ti. o. The lineup and scores: Oregon (t) O. A ('. ("I Mil. In ! Hecket WHEN YOU GIVE SOME ONE A BOX OF Delta Candy IT FULFILLS ITS MISSION. It proves to the recipients that you want them to have the best. Delta candy is guaranteed to be pure, fresh and satisfactory 620 Main. 2 HAVE US WIRE YOUR PLACE for electric service. We use Iho best Rrnde wire, the best IntUtatori, buttons, switches, etc Ami we do the wiring skillfully and ijulcMy. We shnll be Bind to Klve you B price for Wiling your place. You can de pend Upon it being reasonable. J. L VAUGHAN puntittftr. The fourth quarter waa not 0V1 r a minute old when Mitchell and put log came together after Beckett punted tn the Aggies doorstep Alt er the two players had left the field, Captain BlUIt was compelled to punt from his goal line The pane from Anderson was had By the time the Astoria lad had righted it. Tegarl and Itisley were on to of him. and their combined velocity and weigh', crushed him to Ihe ground bevor. 1 the muddy white line. A safety, an unusual thing In Oregon-Aggie foot hail, was recorded Kven though the Corvallia men had made a touchdown and kicked gnal in their last desperate effort, they would still have lacked two point neceasary for a tie acore. With the game four minutes to go and the ball on the Aggies' It-yard line, the ( iregon strategy hoard de- "uiy Li; l: Klsley ITS C. . . Bpellman 176 ItUL. . . Anderson 1 7 1 Bartlett 1 76 . . KTL Smith 1S1 Tegert 176... KEL . Schuester IBS Huntingtiin 1 74 yB Hillie 11 Monteith 16. . ItHL . . Abraham 174 Malarkey 166 LHR Allen 176 Bibgee 177 FB Locey 17S Officials' George Varnell. refer! ; Koscoe Fawcett, umpire. Substitution O A. C. Uissett for Hofer. Anderson for Teaaxar; Aleerth for Dutton, Locey for Anderson, Ab raham for Locey, Hoerline for Allen, Byce for l!Lsett, Anderson for Schu eater, Thorn peon for Clark. Oreson Titer, k for Mitchell. FOR SALE NORTH SIDE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Seven room dwelling, with modern built in conveni ences, first class condition, seven blocks from Main street. Can be bought for $1800 if taken at once. MATL0CK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE LOANS .iMllllllllillilllllltllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliriiiiii. I NODDI ES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES I KWONG HONG LOW 116 Writ AltaSt.. Upitain, Phone AM TntiiiiMiiiiinuMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiih: GOEY'S REMARKABLE CASE of Mrs. HAM Declares Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity. r-hamrock. Mo. "I feel it rr.y ilutj to tell the public the condition of my neaiui belor' using your medicine. I had foiling, inllamma t: n ami congestion, female weakness. pnins in both sides, , backaches and bear- tag down pains, was short of memory, nervous, impatient, j passed sleepless niphts, and had neither strength nor netfj. There was always -i fear and ; dread in my mind, I had cold, ncrvour, weak spells, hot flashe over my body. I had a place in my right side that was j so sore that I could hardly bear the ! weight of my clothes. I tried medicine j and doctors, but they did me little pood, 1 and 1 never expected to get out again. I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ('(impound and Blood I'urifier, and I cer tainly would have been in grave or in an asyium if your medicines had not saved me. But now I can work all dav. sleert well at night, est anything I watit, hnve no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells. All pains, aches, fears and dreads are gone, my house, children and husband ere no longer neglected, as 1 sm slmost I rntirely free of the bad symptoms I harf I lelnre taking your remedies, and all is pleasure and happiness in niv home.' I Mrs. Joan Ham. R. F. D.'l, Box 3 Fh.imrock, Missouri. If voiMvmit sie luladvie' ,VI .(,, lordta R.Ptakham Misdldao Cot, vcoutiacu.ti.il) Lynn, Mam utrru mtixtjs i'amk nn DANCING AND ;M1I e LOOKS WIN BRIDE. Wkf 4sPa. .fPP f Si 1 d Mi this ISS ANN tIEANY dancing nnd BOOu looks have w bride for BrnaM DeXoven Lei well, the noted Arctic explorer, Tannin Mr tefflttfwell will Miss Ann Meanv. ilauahter ol Mini Mrs Joseph C Meanv of city. Leffltlgwell and Miss MeM) met at a dance In WiMMngton where Mis' Kenne) ha visited her ancle eral tuontis iiurlna the past three winters The) will live In t'allfor- nlt "He 's so haniUome and hroe ttrit 1 to not w.tnt him to run the risk Ol losing his life " mijit Miss Meanv - in explaining why Leffttiajefell ' hsd polni regtoi laurels and remainder o lleil "He , the North 1 the South I have found ii reel m his life them for the she contln Coontrj miii He comber for Atleg&i Comitaniou of Victim l nlea r rost Is Made Soon TcSeffrnn rc Sent in Many Directions Other (nn - Working on Qllgt PORTLAND, fire Nov Every effort of the Portland police depart ment is being expended to effect the capture of George Bartholomew companion of John Linnd. victim in the "Green Trunk' murder mystery. Telegram have been Kent lar end wide along the line of railroads and navigation lines leading out of Port land and every avenue of egress from the city ig being guarded closely. Eventually, unless there is a speedy arrest the search will become nation wide and will include as well Mexico and Canada. Bartholomew Positively identified. Bartholomew has been positively identified by two persons, one of whom is Conductor R. E. Veach of Southern Pacific train' No. Id and! the other Is Mrs. Jesie Althoff of 405 Statk street, as Llnnd's companion. MrB. Althoff states that she law Bartholomew, whom she Identified by a photograph lert in the room at 407 Stark street, lemoving the trunk from the latter address. Conductor Beach yesterday posi tively identified to Detective itoyle the body of the lead man as that ol a man who. with a companion, cam into Portland from Salem on his train a week ago yesterday, He further identified the plctcre of the other man as that of Llnnd's companion. Linnd. he said, paid transportation for both and on the way made in quiries of the conductor as to the price of land along the route, staling he intended to purchase 30 or 40 acres and start a chicken ranch. Armed With Bartholomew' Picture. Detectives Price John Moloney. Tichnor. .Mallet, Hoyle. Cahill, Hill' and Howell are armed with pictures of Bartholomew and are making in quiries at all Stations of transporta tion linee. Out of town police officers are taking a keen Interest in the hunt, as indicated by the flood of tele crams asking for further details which cam into police headquarters yesterday. . I Great Sample Line of FURS on sale and display Today and Tuesday We Invite You To See This Wonderful Display ALEXANDERS iiiiiiH Bartholomew is described as fof llows: Weight, 185; height. 5 feet, 6 to x Inches; age, 25 to 28 years; when last seen waa attired In a blue suit Having a fine white stripe run ning through the cloth; is described as having a heavy jowl, or "pig faced." and has small bead-like eyes ITiink Held by an Kddv. The murderer was unfortunate in taking the trunk to the fot of Flan ders stree'. There Is a small eddy at that point which probably frustrated his hope that the trunk would be carried quickly dow . the river. Another piece of luck, from the standpoint of the police, waa the la-.'t that Hartman happened along the river front at that point wilhin a few hour of the time the trunk was dumped into the stream. It devel ops that Hartman was there largely HOW emtM AN M K IT.S5 VKAIt MAIBE BKRKCLEY, Cat Nov e A high school girl with a knowledge of sewing can make her year's wardrobe for (78.65 while it costs the girl withoW this art. 242. au r.itn t es- 4 timates of Supervisor Bertha (.' Prentlse of the household art ) and science department of the local high school Miss Pren- ticc believes her sewing course tends toward democracy. hv eliminating both shapplnes-- and jO overdressing. 4) I eeeeeeeeeeeeeoe lish merchai of 18. 31(8. 33! (tlasgow has the world's vanide factory. largest Grand duchy of Baden now has l,U2,It Inhabitants. - V. . pill gl Packed Nt Gather it in ! Ml Hi. V. ... Light a PIEDMONT and see for yourself why they hold such a record for sales. Men wouldn't be going after more and more and MORE PIEDMONTS if they didn't find them exactly what we sary they are. PIEDMONTS are made of all -pure Tobacco Dienaea in a way to give them an iirmsnallw Si gooa taste, v ' i r W i ,W SB am W v bbbbbbbbsw m t w j Ciqarxdte of Coupon in Every Package -"Tackle It" Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES i; HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON CARNE SPANISH STY I LUNCHES COFFEE Kvervih nu clean and up-to-date FIRST CLASS BBRVICK TEA 5c Pack e Under State Hotel BARGAINS! Real bargains in LADIES' SEAL AND LEATHER HANDBAGS Any handbag in the store PRICE. Less than wholesale. Tallman & Co. Leading Drugiiti Now Open Hong Kong Cafe NI WOOD LSI PARLOUS Noodles AND Chop Suey OulMtde Tri ilnlcr. Boze fur ladies j4 Se)tlajtl OPEN PAT AVI) Al I M ini Ni iis ise w n vr BnilSll TII Lliftnar Suinlavi 548 Main Street Next tn 1 ii h.iIk It)