EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1915. PAGE THRKK DEFECTIVE BABE IS ALLOWED TO DIE IN THOUSANDS OF CHARMING DRESSES ARE FLEEING BEFORE The first impression of a man goes a long ways and is pretty hard to change. The man who wears Bond Clothes f 15 to 130 creates an extra strong first impression and one that never needs changing. Your suit is here. I For Street and Evening Wear IMIYSIMW KKCEIVK PRAISE AM) BLAME FOR NOT xV INc. CHILD Would Muic Growl up ( ripple awl a Borden ui ItM'ir ix-uth Been l Be (be Wkj and vxiJng in Dnl l.v Doctor ici save Its Life Mother of Child i- 1rm. MOXASTTK IS BEING ltl'lliY EMPTIED OP PEAR STRICK KJi PEOPLE. Stories of Atrocities Have Tcrrorlwd IrihahltariL- Young (.Iris Mistreat ed by Invading Hosts, Take Id-fugr There and Vow Han- to flee gaiu IVom the IVe. BOND BROTHERS Pendleton' Leading Clothiers. CHICAGO, Nov. IN The BolllnfSr baby, a defective mite, whuse mother on professional advice decided it should not undergo an O PC rati m which probably would nave Its life, died last night at the German-Am?r-lcan Hospital hire. The subject of the propriety of ths sacrificing the life of the Infant that it not KT.iM in TBI TO VLY TO M W VOItK si lt K.HT litOM TOHONTO PORONTOi Can.. Nov. IS. "Flying alone in an eighty mile an hour ma chine, Vector Carlslrom will try to flj from Toronto to New York," nays tin Toronto Sunday World. "The distance Is over 3r.il mile. He will take advantage of the first fine day." I'arlstrom Is one of the Instructors at the t'urtlsH school at Uong Branch, and tin' machine he will use Is an PURE RICH BLOOD PREVENTS DISEASE Rail Wood is responsible for move ailments than anything else. It C4UISM catarrh, dyscpsia, rheuma tism, weak, tired, languid feelings .1 irolM troubles. II t'l S.irsaparilla lias been wonderfully successful in purifying and enriching the blood, removing scrofula una other humors, and building up ihe whole systeui. Take e it to all Ihe family so as lo avoid illness. (Jet it today. R-l, a type supplied In big qua ntlttet leee)44d) to the two llrltlsh uir services, and. 9 made in Canada, except for the en NOTED ;i :is REPORTE glne. The aeroplane ha a spread of IBHOAD TOttMSDOED forty feet and 1 T'l horse power, and AVCtlXA is especially e'iippel for long dls-a tan OS work. i'arlstrom will carry fifteen gallons of guKollne. enough for eight hours, and expect to land at (iovernor'a Is.! land. If successful in getting to New ' York It Is not unlikely that he will essay the flight back. The flight." said J. A. I1 MoCurd of the curtiss company, "wUl be made J to fully satisfy ourselves that this type of machine I capable of this extra-' ordinary effort. As a duration no stop across-country trip It will ;.ip ail ! the records made on this continent," I The best duration flight made OH this Side or the Atlantic wag that of W. i ! Itoblnson. who flew from ls Moines. Ia.. to Kentland. Ind , on net IT. 1HU he covered t miles without a stop. lip a burden to It' menace to socle' Of widespread dis- e i) I BARGAINS! Real bargains in LADIES' SEAL AND LEATHER HANDBAGS Any handbag in the store o-PRICE. Less than wholesale. Tallman & Go. Lending Drugfiiti Steamer Is Destroyed, r U.r.MKT. Mich.. Nov. It. The steamer Alfred P. Wright, wheat la (b n from Duluth was burned to the water s edge In the portaut- entry to RafUge Harbor. The crew Jumped t" the dock and loosened the lines, set ting the flaming ship ii'lrirt In the channel where It parti) blocked truffle. I STOP catarrh: open NOSTRILS AND HEAD . Says Cream Applied in Nostrils J Relieves Head-Colds at Once. . . , i m iit t kiii t . , If your nostril arc clogged a your head is stuffed and you c breathe freely because of a cold catarrh. Just get a small bottle Bty's cream Halm at any drug sto Apply a little of this fragrant, an epttc cream into your nostrils a let It penetrate through every passage of your head, soothing I healing the Inflamed, swollen ii cous membrane and you get insta relief. Ah! bow good It feels tow n trlls are open, your head Is clear, more hawking, snuffling blowin no more headache, dryness or stru flint, for breath Ely's Cream B is Just what sufferers from head and Catarrh need. It's delight. ty, was the subji cusslon I'liv-irran- I nnioved by critics Dr. H. J. Haiseiden on whose ad vice the mother acted, was visited by many medical men today and tele phone calls alternately aceussed and I praised him. He remained unalter I ed In hia conviction that death was the greatest blessing which could be hoped for the Infant. J The principal physical deformitle I of the baby were the closure of the Intestinal tract, paralysis ft the ner I vee of the right side of the face, the I absence 6 the right ear. blindness of I one eve and malformation of its shoulders Dr. Haieslden. who offl- iated at the birth noted the absence Of a neck. The brain he found o lbs only slightly subnormal, but the cranial nerve were absent or un-1 i nline oi Min, i I ndctcrmlned "If he grew up he would be a j hopeless cripple and would stiffen from tils." said the doctor, before the child died. "Would his mind be clear1.' Would I his soul be normally alive?" one of I he visitors asked. "That do not know, but the chances are against it" and physicians and professional men . and women, Including several clergy men, generally took allies with nr. j Halselden. Hut his critic were Just as numerous. e t.ui i m(. vi i t BED OP , PHOFKSSIOX.UJSM BY WILLIAM SHEPHEKD. SALONIKA, Nov. 1 7. Thouands of Serb in the Monastlr region are fleeing before the Bulgarian. Mon astir is being rapidly emptied of it populace. Throughout the region the people are terrorized by the stories of Hulgarian atrocities. The prefect ol Prllep telegraphed that hundreds of girls have taken refuge there after being mistreated and that the town Is now about to fall again into the Dulgars' hands. Monastlr can hold out for a day. Then she is doomed unless the allies arrive. I have Just come from there after witnessing the most pathetic sights among the terri fied mountain women and children. They are trying frantically to leave the Investigate Seattle (.ambling. SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. Ik flam-! I ling conditions are being systemati cally gone into by the King countt grand Jury, in the hope of finding the, reason w hy open gambling Is being permitted in Seattle, and the person I or persons upon w him to fix the j blanie. By every express we are receiving new designs in dresses that are different, different in design, different in materials and cheaper in price than you would expect to pay for garments show ing such distinct style fea tures. Slip into one of these dresses and let our mirrors show the charming effect. ALEXANDERS rHIS DOES NOT MEAN VOL NEED WATCH EM Distress of the Stomach There are many people who have1 a distress in the stomach after meals. It Is due to Indigestion and easily; rtmedled by taking one of Chamber Iain's Tablets after meals. Mrs. Henry Padghan, Victor, N. Y.-! writes: "For some time I was trou bled with headache and distress In my stomach after eating, also with Constipation. About six mor.ths ago' I began taking Chamberlain's Tab lets. They regulated the action ofi my bowels and the headache and other annoyances ceased In a short. time." Obtainable everywhere. Adv. I . X 1 1 3iS EGGS IN 343 lYS. Tro stumr SUB, snhniar ild while o NVw Y. On Saturday, November 20th MR. LIPSCHUTZ Custom Tailor and Designer Will be at the Hotel Pendleton With Models and Materials Suitable for Tailored and Novelty Suits Automobile and Sport Coats for which he will take orders. An Invitation is extended to The women of Pendleton, to meet Mr. Lipschutz and acquaint themselves with the latest fashions in Afternoon, Trotteur, Traveling Suits and Coats. oLuwutri ivRnxc Sd Co. C Merchandise of cJ Merit Only" i- lb PmKBL I i f Pennsylvania Rival t Lad! Kjnun line Vouched for by Owner ' CARLISLE, Pa., Nov. Is. With his pet Minorca hen. "Queen Elizabeth." I W, S. ileremeyer claims to have beat, j en the world's eep laying record re centlj established by "Lady Eiilan-j tine" at Delaware College. "Queen, Elisabeth," he asserts, laid 343 eggs In 343 consecutive davs. The best I "Lady Eglantine" did is put at 314 eggs In 36." days, ileremeyer and his ivife certify to the correctness of this' count. "Queen Elizabeth" is said tS I have begun laying on Nov. 4. 1914. DENVER. Nov. 18. "Loud colors attract attnetion. and that Is why the fair sex wear them in their stockings Such was one of the dicta, uttered by Frank Alvah Parsons, president of the New York School of Fine and Ap plied Art. In his address on clothe and colors before the Colorado Teach ers' Association. .Some others: 'The least decoration is the best taste in clothes. When in doubt omit everything." "When a fat woman wears red she commits a crime against herself." "Y"ur clothes should be a back ground for your face, and all back grounds should be gray or sober." "Clothes with intense color back grounds and mild touches are like advertising signs and sometimes Servo the same purpose." "i irange is the loudest and crudest "f all colors. The person who wears orange clothes enjoys living under an elevated railroad." "Hrown on the other hand, is a symphony; a chord of all three car dinal celors combined." master Burkitt of Wlnnetka. Illinois, who was removed because he criti cized the president's engagement as being too soon after his first wife' death. Assistant Postmaster Ceneral Roper telegraphed Postmaster Kloep fer to reinstate Purkltt immediately. SafeTltUk Infants ana Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for all Ago Rich milk, maJterl grain, in powder form. ' For infants, invalid mi growing children Pure nutrition, upbuilding d whole body. Invigorates nursmg mother mi the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Unions you say "HORUOtTS" you may got m muumtltutOm Reinstatensenl i nnaliftci WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Through Postmaster General Rurleson the! White House unqualifiedly ordered I the reinstatement of Assistant Post-j and stopf an egg a ".her fa said to ha time. "Queen il." small bir lack Minorca strain with a trace tost Ha say Warning Given 'ASHINGTON, Nov. It. Asert unreservedly that the Anacona warned, as required by interna al laar, before an Austrian sub in sunk li'r and that no shits 1 fired after the vessel finally pel the Austrian government rted tn Si eretary Lansing re ling the request fur information :h destruction of the ship f S iSffiW Does wmm 4..-J W J. E. MULLINIX, Lawyer Over Taylor's Hdw. Store. Pendleton, Oregon. Not Rub Off, Lasts 4 Times at Long Others, Saves Work. Get a Can Today Dr. Edmund B. Haslop OSTEOPATH Kxpert in Diagnosis. Graduate of Osteopathic College Post Graduate of Harvard Med; cal School. Success in treatment depends M finding the cause of disease. Judd Bfcfff. Pendleton. Ore Office phone Res. phone MS If :VA atenient entch rnins shut and i :lie. neers have disc DO YOU FEEL HEADACHY? LOOK TO YOUR STOMACH Wwk sii,, , rrrOVK FILM XtVA m unustntl thing for B drujg letl medicine under a guar-j refund the money if it does! Yet this Ii the way Tailamrt! ne pupular druggists are sell- I te a number nf customers tell thine that a medicine has been sti -cesful aa with sll-o-ns. people who a few months ago looked like walk ing Skeletons have put on flesh and toduj are ruddv and vigorous with sin cling or makito: suffer on account of i.'. Mi-o-na can always b I noon The percentage of Mi git. a that there Is little n Immn .V CO in gtj tranteeing to rc u the money if the merlcine do. s s"!ioi relieve Ami thev stand A to h eg without any quae to minus the Tolol pure iroun t . Il pubiii claim profe has ' .. utiwr, who nail tromiHnd ..II fOTBta of liver trouble io Canada is the latest stmon helped by Mi-o-na. A few ; mateur to m attacked on treatment should show eoaafds iV of proiealonalim. Bill Par-' K:li m health while a complete . oil tlntf wilk.r, according l often follows rapidly, be. I re orts. Is the man wh I ' to love proof Qouldlng " sslonnlbun performances an I i.iii i('ii, i mi mis to pr, ding ia; that Par 'ii QoaMnla and Monogram Stationery ron ms ;iht. w. e. smith & ca. WEDDING AND v18ITlNa CARI A Shrewd Man always has hi in before the Are you oiu Have you g the bins? vi tei Coil supply Id snap arrives. if these men? YOUR SUPPLY ii The comfort and satisfaction to both you and your family are coal facts on a warm subject. If you have not bought your a. yet order it today. We sell the BEST QUALITY at the LOWEST PRICK and ffttaran tee you full weight and prmp ' liverv. Telephone 8 Oregon Lumber Yard A. H. COX. Mir. J