EIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1915. 1 Make Yourself at Home When you're in the neighborhood of our store it will benefit you to stop in and see our newly arrived outfit tings for Fall. NOT INTERESTED IN ANYTHING JUST NOW? THAT DOES NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE. STOP IN ANYHOW if you have a few minutes time, or if you are waiting for someone, make arrangements to meet them at our store. l CU NEEDN'T BE BACKWARD about coming in to look. That's just what we want you to do, but we know that the ruperiority of our merchandise and the very courteous service you will receive at the hands of our sales people will leave a very "at home like" impression on your mind. RICH NEW FURS We are showing a great stock of the newest effects in drape and animal scarfs, melon and pil low muffs in best quality skins of French coney, opossum. Jap mink, beaver, fox, eastern mink, Hudson seal and other good wearing furs. Separate scarfs from $2.95 to 9100. Separate Muffs from $2.95 to $125. Complete sets .... $5.95 to $275 WOMEN'S WARM FLANNEL GOWNS White outing flannel with high neck, long sleeves and button front 9&C to $2.95 Colored Slipover Gowns with short scolloped sleeve and yoke at $1.75 Colored Outing Flannel Gowns, button front, high neck, long sleeves 79 to $1.49 Children's Outing Gowns, come in both white and colors from 49 to $1.25 WARM, WOOL SWEATERS $3.95 TO $7.50. A most complete assortment here for your choosing. Fine or coarse weaves with large "Rufnek" collars in various shades of red. grey, green or brown. One es pecially attractive sweater that we are showing is red with collar, cuff and sash made with alternate green stripes one inch wide, it is very effective at 36.50 Cap to match SI. 50. HUG-ME-TIGHTS Warm knit "hug-me-tights" to wear under your thin suits. Come in red. grey and white. Spec, price $1.25 TOQUES AND CAPS This season we have a great showing of knitted toques and ca'ps. Just the thing for auto drives and outdoor sport ... 35 to 95c The Peobles VISIT OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT. WOMEN'S NECKWEAR All the newest and daintiest things in neckwear are to be found in our fancy goods section. Made of or irandie. voile, net and lace; many of them hand-made; styles to suit your fancy and your purse. Price 250 to $3.00. HANDKERCHIEF SPECIALS These are the very newest and most attractive things to be found ; white with colored edges, colored with white, all white, hand embroidered. 15c Handkerchiefs, our special price 11c 20c and 25C Handkerchiefs, our special price 14C 35c Handkerchiefs, our special price 23c 75c Handkerchiefs, our special price 49c PLAID SILKS AND FANCY STRIPES These can be used for waists, dresses, trimmings and in combinations with plain colors, of very best quality and newest colorings. The vard $1.25 to $2.00 BROADCLOTH One of the season's popular fabrics. Can be made up into suits, dresses or coats, finest quality and fin ish, 52 to 56 inches wide. All shades, the vard $1.50 to $2.50. SOMETHING NEW CARD TABLE TOPS These are made up of butcher's linen to fit any table embroidered in colors, scalloped edges, cut corners with tie strings. Each 75c BARGAIN BASEMENT BARGAINS This is the quick selling department. All the broken lots, short lines, odd sizes, slow sellers, etc., are put into this department. Marked at before un heard of low prices. Here are just a few of the thousands of bargains that await you here. $4.25 "Rufnek" sweaters, all sizes S2.79 $3.75 "Rufnek" sweaters, all sizes $1.98 15 yards heavy Outing flannel $1.00 SI. 00 to $2.50 Wool Dress Goods, up to 56-in ... 47C Guaranteed Stockings and Sox for the whole family, per pair 12' .. $2.50 Men's Heavy Wool Shirts, all sizes $1.49 50c Boys' Heavy Underwear, only 17C 40c Men's Heavy Suspenders, onlv . .. . -7 Etc. Etc. Etc. Warehousi WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. r Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 5. This evening the girls of the high school domestic telenet department will serve a dinner to some of the Instructors who an speaking before the teacher's Institute, This evening the first of the win ter iyceum numbers, the Oxford company, win be in Pendleton and Wti present varied program si the high school auditorium. The Oxfords have a reputation In the lyeeum World for proven worth and all press I ommenls classify them as one of the highest class troupes of enter tainers on the platform An effort was made to get the hest talent pos sible for the first number because of the fact that the teachers of four counties would be here and the Ox fords flu the demand in every partic ular. a This afternoon at the llickson hame, If South Main street. Mrs. J. R. Dickson, Mrs. W. C. E. I'ruitt and Mrs Westbrooke Dickson are en tertaining at their second large bridge party of the season. iPv ' ' O U-l u . I , ' . .- 113 niimt-ro csici-. day afternoon to a number of ladles' ki iici noine on mauison street. The North Side Bridge Club spent1 a very pleasant afternoon yesterday! at the home of Mrs. John K. Robin-! soti. Bssldss the members Mrs. Hob. 1 Inson hail as a guest Mrs H. H. Mat-' ten Honors in the play were won bj Mrs Wilson E. Brock. Mr ami Mrs. W. I.. Thompson last evening entertained members of the Evening Bridge Club and other frtendl at their home on North Main street. There were abotlt forty gUSStS present to enjoy the occasion. Bridge was played and high score honors Here won by Mrs Willard Bond and John K Robinson. Mrs. Thompson was assisted in serving refreshments by Mrs Bond, Mrs. tiilbert Phelps and Mrs. fjeorge Strand. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W Vin cent, of the Villa St Clair, are ex-, pecttng the former's parents, Mr. ami Mrs, P. w. Vincent, sr.. of pend-1 leton, on Sunday, who will pan Thanksgiving with them. The junior Vincents win give a dinner party or: in covers in their honor Portland iregonian. Notice to Teachers It will pay you to get our prices on shoes, rubbers and furnishing goods before you purchase, as we buy direct from the manufacturer and save you all middlemen profits. This means a big saving for you. We also spe cialize in drummer samples, which are better than regu lar stock and you can save more than one-third on your purchases investigate. Children's hovkey caps at 25 and 45. Children's knit bonnets at irc and .V. Men's and women's hock ey caps . 25s to H5C Sweater coats; don't pay $2 and $2.25 for the grade we sell at $1.45 $2.50 and $3.00 sweaters in all colors, ladies' and men's, ruff necks and V necks, our price . $1.95 Our entire line of $11.50 sweaters all go at only $2.45. Ladies' and men's $4.00 sweaters in red, grey, blue, our price .. $2.95 All $4.50 and $5.00 sweat ers in lavender, green, red and mixed colors, our price $X45 Roys' jersey sweaters, ma roon, blue and gray, at only 15c Men's jerseys, assorted col ors 65 95C, $145 and $1.95. Boys' heavy fleece lined union suits, size 4 to 16, the garment I9C Ladies' wool mixed union. $1.50 values, our price 98C THE HUB 23 Sample Stores. 745 MAIN ST. Mrs. J. T. Richardson Is over from Pendleton the guest of her son Bar ley, and to visit former neighbors and old-time friends in Brands, Mr. anil Mrs. Richardson recently moved to Pendleton. La Grande Observer. Ty Cobb" i- Suggested, WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 H. --Secretary Daniels recently received numer ous amusing suggestions for names he should give new naval Vessels, Oiie admirer, a baseball enthusiast, urg ed that one of the ships be designated the "Ty Cobb," another the "Ham Hooper." and the third "Walter John son." It was argued that champion golf ers should not be omitted. Mr. Dan iels said that he was "strong" for the perpetuation of men of baseball fain, but he had no Interest in golf bsotUSJ It took tip too much time and cost to. much In club dues and expense for various kinds of brassies. . woman suffrage advocate dc manded that the women who hail fought for equal tights should not be overlooked. "That's a good Idea. Mr. Secre tary." said Richard V. Oulahan, cor respondent nf the .New York Times "Call one of the ships The Dread nought Carrie Chapman Catt." The secretary laughed. EM WITHOUT FEAR OF INDIGESTION Beware of cheap Substitute. In these days of Keen competition It In Important that the public should see that they get Chamhet Iain's Cough Remedy and not take substl-i tutes sold for the sake of extr t prof it. Chamberlains Cough Remedy has stood the test and neen approved I for more than forty years Obtain-j able evereywhere -Adv. UMATILLA SPORTSMEN ON SUCCESSFUL TRIPS buslnei imidentlv Shanghai GO TO iRIjIXGTON It MS .KI-:-K WD HAVE (.(Kl I.KK trrit KRH SEWS Noll S i lion is thi (Special Coi respondence. ) UMATILLA Ore Nev IS. Mr. an Mrs c (i. Brownell were Pendleton visit. its Saturday rmatllla's population is still en creaatut: two families moved In ttv first of the week. i Mho Maloney. the Tuni-a-lum man returned Monday after three or """ "I ", 7" WSS seen toting t U J'ouim nas oeeu "muaujiK .iim.- Tunwi-lum office. I' J Follen made the trip to Pen dleton Saturday to see the ballgima Miss Miriam Hlakeley made a hus ' - trip to Hermlstun Friday and gfltwfda i Several and night. This rain of the Fall The uprights of the new water! .tower are in place but the bracing Is j not all in. The rain the first .. thi week delayed the work. Mrs. h. It. Hall is on tin- elck I . i There ale but two days of school this week because ..!' Teachet - In i stitute at Pendleton. This pleasing to the pupil--, i; !a vacation almost equal to Chi vacation. K. E. stan-her Mayor of I n, being Children tre Cul Off. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 18. FoUl sons and two daughters of Martha A Coward, late "f East Moyamen-.-mil: avenue, are cut off with $r. be rplests by the will. The major portion of the estate, Valued at IflOOO, goes in equal share., te the Philadelphia Home for Incurs- the Pennsylvania Retreat for mutes and Aged and Infirm persons and the Methodist Kpi Orlioanage, in a codicil the des. Alaska Missionary Hies. 8 BATTLE, Wash.. Nov. is. Alex ander R. Mackintosh, for several veurs a missionary for the Presbyter ian church at Haynes. Alaska, dad at Seattle Hernial hospital, following a short Illness with which he was stricken when aboard the sieamship Humbolt. returning from the north. His wife had been In Seattle for the past rear, and he had come to visit her. A daughter, who taUgh with her father among the Alaska In dians, died a year ago, Four sont I survive, one in Georgia, another in Ohio, a third in Alaska, and a Mucin in Lol Angeles Mr. Mackintosh was born in Scot land 77 years ago. He came to Am erica as a young man and in the civil war served thre years in the tlniot ! ,iTn i v . For 10 -ars he was manager J of an Iron foundry at ronton, Ohio, ' He .Ult a successful commercial ca reer to devote his life to missionary I Work among the Alaska Indians. INSTANT RELIEF! "PAJPE'S ll PEPSIN" ENDS STOMACH TROUBLE FOREVER. Wonder what Upset your stoma I which portion of the fool did t ' ,i . ,. . ., . i . . . .... i itrAn i .. i .1. o.'oiaHi u.i ..on WWII. UUK I iiuiii- er. If your stoinmih is in a revolt; '.: sour, gassy and upset, and what yr.i Just ate has fermented Into stubborn lumps, head dlssy and aches; belch base- and adds and eructate und gested food; breath foul . tnng u -coated -Just take a little Pane's Dli pepsin and in five minutes you won der what be. une of the indigestion nnd distress. Millions of men and women tod i know that It Is needless to have had stomach, a nttie ris pepsin oc casionally keeps this delicate orgs-, regulate! and they eat their favor lie foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't take gars ol your liberal limit without rebel lion; If your food Is a dsmage In stead of a help, remember the quick est, surest, most harmless relief I" l'ape's D Is pepsin which costs only 60 cents for a large case at grog stores. It's truly wonderful It di gests food aud sets things straight' so gently and easily that It Is real! astonishing Please, for your sakv don't go on and on with a weak, dis ordered stomach; It's so unnecessary thi Mil g 40U iward liter In-la the Cmatilia sportsmen , around Monday evenln ; sumed some gportsffiat him from Arlinton. The Steamer Twin ' here Saturday on its j down the river. Mr. Basset! brother anroiivcr Men Irrewtcd. NCOCVKR. Wash.. Nov. It, ..; a d With v iolating the local op-j aws in Camas, Louis Popageorge I iek restaurant keeper, and Frank a paper mill worker, were sr. have made successful trips to ton Ka. i i part) returning wi or more .-ese. Mr I Mrs. A c, Means Pendleton Saturday primari Aliing- ;h one Brown has mi PANAMA SLIDE S HOLDING UP SHIPPING Russians Capture RSOfl. PETROQRAD, Nov. It, The offl. Clal communication asserts the cap tare by the Russians of s.'ain prison ers as the result of a surprise attacl near the village of Seiniknvltre, on the Strlpa River, BERLIN, Nov. is. (By wireless d Puyvttle, n. v.i The Austro-Qernuut forces in Qalicta are said by the war office to have won a further Victor over the Russians in the fighting al ong the gtrlpg river. The Russians were thrown hack tin- old positions on thi' east hank of thi elver. In the recent flghtlim there "i" officers and C0OO llussian have been captured. French Horse llnyer at VVcnatctH W K.N A TCI IKK. Wash. Nov 1 C. I Downs, of Memphis Tenn here to bU) horses for the Krei I government. The present contra o I for 11,000 bead. .Mr Down- and . soetates already have furnished nun animals to previous contracts. A Baby's Birthday. Bsby's coming is anticipated with great joy, snd it is of the utmost im portance thst grest csre is taken to make this important event a happy one. Mother's friend, applied external ly end to be hsd of all druggists, is of the greatest vslue for it robs child birth of its sgonies and dangers, .makes the mother comfortable and helps make baby strong, healthy and vigorous. It is effective and depend able and has been used successfully for many years. Definite instructions are furnished with each bottle. n ed to grasp hold of the dead to paradise. ANDBttUWULLlKETHiS I It'i in MJl TJ Pertlsnd, with s de trips outside, will give you an en Joyabls ociuslon. Make the Multnomah vour headijuarl ers. Service better, rates con. a reogM BSf dST f 1 (K) ini meats wttt bith. psrggg JH loo reesM wltb bath, per dj '.' isi '.'on lm'ir iMtrslile rn..ms. twili per la. gjg 0ft. r a f. w da der lew you . i Harfii.a Appl! strand of your I. too. JuM at 1 h healthy rent h I !:i5flC:(lM! i owViYourPipes? ro veather will soon be here Remember, people the pressure on your Ijlpes, now with the BeW water system, la now much BSUVW than be-or. Pteeslng time Is right on us and old ptpcl tr, give you ill kinds Save money and trouble by having us look tin in o and make 'hanucs NOW SEE US BEFORE THE FREEZE! Beddow & Miller DGGrj Cur SLOC IN Cut a rendeloti' Only l :clu-iv c Plumbers. Iges shown! digging out Corner W T'leph. I I Ml). I lN hi. i ti ( O.