East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 16, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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IT takes impression on your part to make
foot-prints in the sands of success. A
strong, favorable impression is always part
of the man who wears
Bond Clothes Suits and Overcoats
115 to 130
Pendleton' Leading Clothiers.
Time It! In five mlnute all -tun,
ach distress will go. No Indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas acid, or eruotlons of undigested
food, no dlxxlneas, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Dlapepatn Is noted for iln
speed in regulating upset stomach.
It Is the mii. -t quickest anil most
certain Indigestion remedy In the
whole VTOrid, and besides It la harm
Millions of men and women now
oaf their favorite foods without fear
-they know Pape's Dlapepsin will
save them from any stomach misery
Please, for your sake, get a large
fifty-cent eaie of Pape's Dlapepsin
from any drug store and put your
stomach right. Don't keep on being
miserable life Is too short you are
not here long, so make your stay
agreeable. Eat what you like and
digest It: enjoy It, without dread of
rebellion in the stomach.
Pape's dlapepsin belongs In your
hone anyway Should one of the
f.imllv eat something which don't
frc with them, or In case of an
itt.n k of Indigestion, dyspepsia gas
tritis or stomach derangement at
daytime or during the night, It Is
handv tu give the quickest, surest re
lief known
(ienuaiis on Defensive,
LJ'NDON, Nov. 16 Once advanc
ing vlctorloualy. the Austro-Gerniuns
alOM the eastern front are now on
the defensive. The Russians have
dealt them heavy attacks In the
Hlga. Dvlnsk and Volbynla regions.
The gradual collapse of the Oermans
Is attributed to the withdrawal of
troops for the Halkan campaign and
poHlbi) to Inadequate munitions
Mail) Killed In ItaM
ROME, Nov 15. The pope tele
graphed the Verona church authori
ties to do their utmost In behalf of
the victims of the Austrian air raid
i here. Thirty were killed and many
wounded No military damage was
, -j. i j
mm H
Oregon-O. A. C. I.UUX- November 20
May He Seen by io.OOO It-rsnnti.
gene. Nov. 16. A statewide home
coming and reunion that is not
merely for alumni but for all citi
zens la to be a feature of the Oregon
O. A. C annual football game. No
vember 20. Ten thousand Invita
tions are being sent. Fifteen hundred
O. A. ('. rooters are expected. Spe
cial trains are to be run from Portland.
Comparative scores In northwest
conference games this year presage
a close struggle, although O A- C'a
20 to 0 victory over the famous
Michigan Aggies gives Its team a
great Initial prestige. Ten thousand
persons may lee the game
Kugene's business district will be
decorated; so will the campus and
the fraternity houses. A luncheo l
will be served to the alumni on the
campus at noon and a dance to
which they will be admitted free will
hi given In the new Eugene armory
ufter the game. Governor Wlthy
comb. Congressman "Pat" McArthur.
Presidents Campbell and Kerr and
other notables will be in the receiv
ing line.
( liimhlll V
tlo- house of conini
n lilamc,
15. Addressing
Winston 'hur-
blll, first lord of the admiralty, de
iared he had nothing to do with
ending, a Hrltlsh force to Antwerp,
ne of the so-called "follies." recent
publlOly criticised. He denied the
the Dardanelles expedition
"half cocked." He explained
the expedition was "profoundly and
maturely considered." Crowds
thronged commons in anticipation of
a sensational explanation from the
cabinet to go to the western front.
I started
( an t Gram Injunction. ,
PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 15. Be
c;:iise it takes three federal judges to
hear argument and make a decision
in eases involving the constitution
a lit ow luws. Judge WolvsrtOfl of the
federal court said he could not grant
a temporary Injunction against the
' PS ration of the Sunday closing law.
He did not know when three judges
cottld be present.
Kaiser in to sofia.
LONDON, Nov. 16 The Copen
hagen correspondent of the Daily
Mall reported that Kaiser Wilhelm
has passed through Hungary en
route to Sofia for a visit with "zar
Ferdinand, after which he will visit
Constantinople. The kaiser plans to
lnapect the German front in the Ral
kans, it was said.
Eunice M unlock. With the Vin Moore Co., at the Altu Theater
Nearly 90 per rent of Norway's
4 50 dentists are graduate! of Ameri
can dental colleges or have taken
post graduate courses In the t'nlted
DENVER. Col., Nov. 16. -Juvenile
Judge Ren B. Llndsey was adjudged
guilty of ' wilful und malicious eon
tempt" of court by District Judge
Pern and ordered lo pay a fine of
1600 and costs.
Judge Llndsey was cited for con-1
tempt for refusing to testify what
Neil Wright, son of Hertha Wright. I
tried for slaying her husband, had
told Llndsey regarding the ihootini
( hristlnn Scientists .uill.
Berlin. Nov, 16 After sensa
tional proceedings lasting five days.
I Rerlin court ha.i found the Chris
tian Scientists who attended the fa
mous actress llutze von Arnauld.
luring her last illness. guilty '
The Christian Scientists were sen
tenced to six months In prison.
Steamer out or Fuel,
I SAN" FRANCIS 'i i. Nov. 15. The
I steamer Mackinaw- was reported in
. dit tress off the mi
I bla, is out of fu
' stiitemr nt of Floo,
i It was denied th
mechanical Irouhl
, Hath it eras s aid. is carrying l I and
applied tu the Mackinaw
Hh of the Colum
. Recording to I
brothers, owners.
ship experienced
The tug Go-
Hundreds of girls go to work day
after day. afflicted with some ail
ment peculiar to their sex. dragging
on ("nt wearily after the other,
working always with one eye on the
clock and wishing for closing time to
nine. Every such girl should rely
"ii Lydla E Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound to restore her to a normal
healthy condition, then work will be
a pleasure For forty years this fa
mous niot and herb medicine has
been preeminently successful in con
trolling the diseases of women. Why
don't you try it" Adv.
Musical company Ha Been Hailed
as ureat Entertainers by Audiences
Wherever Members Have Appear
ed Local Music 1 overs Win Have
a Treat in Store.
The Oxford company, the first
number on the lyceum course for
this city, will be at the school audi
torium Thursday evening of this
week. The company Is rated as be
ing one of the best groups of enter
tainers on the lyceum stage
Appearing on the great Interna
tional Lyceum Association's model
Chautauqua program, at the mother
Chautauqua, at Lake Chautauqua,
on the evening of Tuesday, Septem
ber 8. the Oxford Company set a
pew standard of musical excellence
Director Hallun, who has charge of
the musical activities of Chautauqua
Institution, pronounced the concert
of the company the most finished
production seen on the platform of
the mother Chautauqua in a dozen
years. In view of the fact that the
talent chosen for appearance on the
program at Lake Chautauqua has
been chosen with an eye single to
artistic excellence, to be acclaimed
the best by the man best qualified
to Judge, is ahigh honor Indeed.
The personnel of the Oxford com
pany is most engaging, consisting of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ogden. Miss Vera
Ross Coburn and Mr. Harry A. Lelter
In the singing company, and Mr.
Harrison W. Burch, accompanist. All
four of the singing artists have won
places of prominence In musical Am
erica, and Mr. Burch is one of the
most brilliant young pianists on the
platform. They give a program with
a popular appeal yet always satisfy
ing to the most critical. The opera,
"Mikado," has been especially ar
ranged for their use and has all the
charm of the original production In
f?ct. It Is questionable if the opera
has ever had a stronger cast. The
unqualified approval of American
music lovers has been placed upon
the work of the Oxford company.
Every member of the great organiza
tion la a solo artist, and in ensemble
numbers the company stands with
the best singing organizations of the
Every Woman Should Know
There are three entirely dif
fer ant kinds of baking powder,
(1) Cream of tartar, derivaU
from grapes ;
'2) Alum, a mineral aoid; and
,3) Phosphate of Lime.
(1) Baking Powders made of
Cream of Tartar add to the food
the same healthful qualities that
exist in the ripe grapes from
which Cream of Tartar is deri-'ed.
(2) Baking Powders made of
Alum add to the food some form of
Alum or Aluminum, a heavy metal,
wholly foreign to any natural
article of food.
(3) Phosphate of Lime is made)
from rock or by burning bones
which by chemical action are
changed into a white, powdered
acid. It is used in baking powder
only because it is a cheaper
A Crecn of Tartar powder never contains
Alum or Phosphate.
Every housekeeper should read
the names of the ingredients
printed on the label and know
what she is using.
New York
Steiner Re-elected.
SALEM. Ore., Nov. II. An
nouncement was made by Secretary
Goodln of the state board of con-
Sailtags Are Cancelled
NEW YORK. Nov 16 Of flees of
the Italian line closed without anv
further word having been received
trol, that the board had re-electea regarding the sinking of the liner
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner. superintendent Ancona by a submarine,
of the state hospital for the Insane The only messages received today
for a four-year 'term beginning Jan-! reported cancellations of the sailings
uary 1, 1916. In this connection of the two steamers .Yrr-rlca and
it was stated that Dr. Stelner's re-! Athermo. plying between Naples and
election was due to a desire on the New York. Both are now In Italian
part of the board to express appre-, ports and it is presumed they have
ciation of the excellence of his seer-, been commandeered for use as troop
vices during the eight years he has ships by the Italian government,
been superintends.
The action was unusual. Inasmuch Sent $US Too Much.
a3 heads of Institutions have in the; SALEM. Ore., Nov. U. a Port
past served at the pleasure of the land man sent Secretary of State Ol
state board of control. This Is the cott a check for $1500 In payment
first case In the history of state in- for a $5 automobile license. The
stitutions located here that a head secretary of state returned the check
has served eight years and been and suggested that one for IS would
elected to serve another term. ; be more acceptable.
Trenton. Mo.. Makes the Tributary
Farmers Mcmlwrs of clnb.
Fee Find (food Time-.
san FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov if
I Returning from a "swing around the
i circle," Passenger Agent Charles S.
' Fee of the Southern Pacific', reported
business optimism In all parts of the
country and particularly In the
southern states.
i I I I I i; to WRESTLE
Skin Sufferers-Read!
s of ( best i nknown.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 16 Intimat
ing gently that the president preler
red not to publish his chest measure
ments, Secretary Tumulty has refus
ed Information sought In a tailor
who wants to make President Wilson
a wedding vest.
Fraternities Vre Spartan.
TVe want a!l akin anfFerera who have
suffered for many years tha tortures of
disease and who hava sought medical aid
In vain, to read this.
Wc. as old established druggb ts of
Ibis comnitin tv. wish to recommend to
you a product that has given many re
in f and may mean the end of your
i.inny. The product la a mild, simple
wash, not a patent medicine concocted of
various worthless druirs, but a ScitntMta
m pound made of well known antlasjptle
i ledleots It Is mnde In the D.D.D.
I hi stories ot CMoaifO .-' Tl Is called tho
C.8.II I Freacrlptlon for Eciantai
This Is a OOOtorN stecl,il prescription
ie that hat effected many wonderful
cures. I
The effect of D. D. P. Is to soothe In
stantly, as aoon as applied: then it Dana-
Nov. 16
will be pr
Fraternities at Stanford
hi'. Me, i In the future from
t rates the pores, destroy and throws
off all diaeatce geimr, and
skin clean and healthy.
We are so confident Of the mrtrvolous
power of 1). D. D. that wo have taken
nnvr.ntoee of the manufacturers guar
antee, to offer y-'U n futl-ulso bntilo cn
irlnl. You are fu Judcre tho merits of
the remedy In ynur own particular caso.
If It docsu'i help you, it cosis you
P. 1. D. Soap Is tuado . f tho ramo
healing Ingredients. Ask US about it.
bulldlni: new bouses
leave, the ! -S.0no. according to
passed by the board
osting over
i resolution
f university
liritlsb ship sunk,
London, Nor. 16 -The
steamer Sir Richard Awdry
tons was sunk bv a submarine.
whs owned In tin ".kin
and was registered :,t th
't la 4
syndic its
port of
First national Bank
Known For It's Strength
The symptoms of kidney and blad
der troubles are often very distress
ing and Icuac the system in a run
down condition. The kidneAs seem
to suffer most, as almost every vic
tim complains of lame buck and uri
nary troubles which should not be
neglected, as these danger signals
often lead to dangerous kidney trou
bles Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which
soon heals and strengthens the kid
neys is a splendid kidney, liver and
bladder remedy, and. being an her
bal compound, hus a gentle healing
effect on the kidneys, which U al
most Immediately noticed In most
cases by those who use It
A trial will convince anyone who
may be In need of tt. Better gM a
bottlo from your nearest drug jtore,
and start treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Bingham. N, Y,
for a sample bottle When wrlt.ng
be sure and mention tho Pendleton
Dally East Oregonlan
,A. Jt a
L ' '
l Mm i
gene. Nov. 16. Every farmer with
in 15 miles should he asked to be
come a member of the town com
mercial club, and the club should
see that as many of the farmers as'
possible participate In the club's so-
clal affairs, says George E. Hardy
the new executive secretary of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce
who spoke to the commerce students
of the State University recently
Trenton, Mo, has a commercial
club that sent delegations to all the
farm homes of the tributary terri
tory. The farmers joined trie club
hen the commercial club had a so
cial evening and it saw that a good
many were held farmers stopped
work a little early and came.
"Mall order business has beei
practically driven from the Trenton
territory." said Mr. Hardy.
Accurate appraisals of land for
newcomers, under commercial club
direction and with commercial club
guarantee, was another innovation
suggested by Mr. Hardy.
An Ideal Remedy
lor Nursing Mothers
Rcc'sion Pleases .Iaian.
TOKIO, Nov. 10. The Japan
Times editorially rejoices in the de
cision against the Ariiona anti-alien
law. Although Japans interests in
that state amount to almost nothing,
the decision of the supreme court,
says the paper, diminishes the possi
bility of an Individual state discrim
inating against foreigners. Increases
the power of the central government
in enforcing foreign treaties, en
hances the principle of Justice and
tends to remove a long standing
source of irritation between Japan
and America
Here is Good News
for Stomach Victims
Constipation is a condition thai
affects the old. young and middle
aged, and most people at one time
or another need help in regulating I
the action of the bowels. Harsh ca
thartics and purgatives should not oe!
employed to relieve constipation :is
their effect is only temporary while'
they shock the system unnecessarily. I
A remedy that can be used with!
perfect safety for the tiniest babe
and that ts equally effective for the
strongest constitution is found in the
combination of simple lxatlve herbs
known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin and sold in drug stores every
where for fifty cents a bottle. Tills
U an ideal household remedy and
should be in every ramily medicine
Mrs. F. t Barsolow. 18 Leslie St..
Holyoke. Mass . wrote to Dr. Cald
well. "Syrup Pepsin certainly is fine.
I gave It to my baby, Evelyn, and al
so took it myself. It Is the only
medicine I have been able to take
without affecting baby In the nurs-
I i .1 i
ing. I have used It for all four chil
dren and It is fine: they like it and
ask for it"
A trial bottle of Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin can be obtained free of
charge by Vriting to Dr. W. B. Cald
well. 454 Washington St.. Moatlcello.
CHICAGO. Nov. U. Charles Cut
ler. the popular wrestler, haa ac
cepted an Invitation to participate in
the huge wrestling tournament to
be held at the Manhattan opera
house In New York and will start for
the metropolis next week.
He will probabl) meet Alexander
A berg, the Kuss.un, and Anthony
Jirsa. the champions wrestler of Austria-Hungup
Some very remarkable results are'
being obtained by treating stomach, ',
liver and intestinal troubles with
pure vegetable oils, which exert a
cleansing, soothing and purifying ac
tion upon the lower bowels removltur
the obstructions of poLonous fsCS.1
matter and gases and preventing
their absorption by the blood. This
doaS, the food is allowed free pas
sage from the stomach, fermentation
i eases and stomach troubles dbtnp- j
George H. Mayr. for twenty years
a leading Chicago druggist, cured!
himself and many of his friends M
Stomach liver and intestinal troubles:
of years standing by this treatment,;
and so successful was the remedy he
devised that It has sine been placed i
In the hands of druggists all over the'
country, who have sold thousands of
Though absolutely harmless, the
effect of the medicine is sufficient to
convince any one of Its rearkable ef
fectiveness, and within 24 hours tho
sufferer feels like a new person.
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is sold by
leading druggists everywhere with
the positive understanding that your
money will be refunded without qua
tlon or quibble If ONE bottle falls ts
(tv you absolute satisfaction.
Pendleton's Greatest
Sale of (
Men's Suits
Is now goiny, on, offering our en
tire stock of Fall and Wint. i
suit at greatly reduced prices.
Right now is the time to secure
your new suit for the Holidays
Our mirrors will bring "ut all
the little details which gv t
make up the Stein-Bloch suit.
Have a trv-on today.