EIGHT PAGES DAIL1 EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1915. EN Prevent roughness during the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing skin tone Boon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price SO cents Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best Events In the War One Year Ago Today The Germans utt. irked furl- uUHly aluiiK Ihr Whole I I, Iml 4 were rapulsed, Francs aaid. 4i Ths Germans claimed eon- ! sldcrablc general victory. Russia olainod victories in East Prussia hicli were only ' parti) tented bj Germany, ! Kenic- Report t Penoa piam MADRID. Nov. 4 Denial ofTe ports that Prince Von BUsiotN Inten 1 ed to discuss possible peace terms here was forth' omlng from the Ger man embassy. Prince von Unelow is expected to arrive at Corunna shortly on the Dutch steamship Tu- beattt. Deafness Cannot Be Cured in iiHsi sanlteinses. u,rf eawst nsck tile diseased IMirllun "f the ear I'liere l a OM aj te iire gtafaSSS, nnil that ia by coaalltutlonal remedies Oeafneaa ia liiuaeil tiy an Inflamed condition ol He' imi "lli, lllllnit 'if tin- Kltatn. Mini Tut"- Wlien tlila tuts- la Inflamed SOU linve a mml'llns ssead r iiniM-rfi'et hearing, mid when it i entirely . loSSd, Deafness la tin- rSSOlti and nnleaa the lnflatiimatl"ti rss Ik- taken OSi and tlila tills- restored to It leiuml eoodi liOB, bearing will ! destroyed forrrsr; ninr rsass -in of ten are esosed Iit Cstsrrb, srbleb ia notliiiis tint an Inflamed eoBdltioa f tbe mucous anrfaiea We will sire on Hundred lMHra for any ease of lieafneaa (casnsd by rstarrbl that esaael l 'ttrnl SJ Rail'! i atarrli Cars Send for elnulara. frw K J fMKNKV k '" T.ili-d.i ntilo Sold til llmgslata. 7.V. Take I la Us Pamlty lllla for . oastipstlss Dr. Edmund 15. Haslep OSTEOPATH Suite 18, Judd Rldg Telephone 72 Itee. 300 S. Ma'a. Telephone 2IS-R J. E. MULLINIX, Lawyer Over Taylor's Bdw. 'tore Pendleton. Oregon. Lights Go Out Panama-Pacific Exposition ON Saturday December 4 Are you interested in Ml N INC ART AGRICULTURB SCIENCE HORTICULTURE MANUFACTURING The lfttes development! in all industries can be seen here. Yon cannot afford to miss it. LOW FARES for exposition travel are in effect until November 30 via the Shasta Route Write for our booklet "Wayside Notes" or secure Information from local agent. Southern Pacific John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon TOP HOGS ARE OFF TO $6.50 IN NORTH PORTLAND, Or. There wan a rr heavy run of hogs In the North Portland var'lH today, the showing of I supplies being one of the heavies; known here for any other day than Monday, when the hulk of the wvk'a1 run puts in appearance. l op Iii,kx were down to $6 50 at i Ninth Portland thlK morning. TIiIh Is in reality a loss of lo from yeHter-1 day, when a small suppy went at M tO although the hulk Of the stuff went it 6. fin then for the boat avail-1 able. However, yesterday's j u a u 1 1 1 y I win not U good as today's 'On- p.l Of Idaho stock sold thin morning In the yards at $6 HO, i Weighed off the cars, which means II. to on the nil. The mem went direct to Seattle. Genera hog market; Hest light I stadium iikht real shl I',.:, 0 MO I 6,U0ift 6 21 j 5.UU4I (.fit I timid to heavy ltouKh to heavy (little Market Quiet There was a very qoiet tone In the cattle trade at North Portland, only a small run was shown overnight and general sentiment of the trade U SOT) similar to that shown Monday Good stuff continue In request around extreme values. General cattle market range: Hest hay fed steers 16.5040. 75 irdlnary to fair 5.00 'n r. ! irdinary to fair l.OflfJ b.ll Beal cow 4.75t 5 oo Hood to prime 4.1004.60 Select bulls 4. 0004.25 Ordinan bulls 2.5002.00 ne"st calves I,907,tf Huttoa oosbm Direct, With the exception of a very lim ited supply, all mutton arrivals at North Portland went direct to kill en toda The (Jnloa Meat com pany drm e In 7 ' r. head from a near by feed lot and its sheep liuyer. Ar thur Hohoskey, drove In 826 fiom TroutdsJs. The market In general is consider ed ste.idx to ttftn for both mutton Mid lambs Qanaral mutton and iamb prices: Select Interior lamlw ...17.25073'' Urdlnan interior lambs . 6.50ji ;.oo Today's Li restock shiii"-r. BOgl Batter City Packing C, Dakar, 1 load; orover Hros. Ootaris, 1 load: Nyssa. 1 load; New Ply mouth, Idaho. 2 loads; W. H. Rtn Parma Idaho, l load; t'laude Wal don, Watoer, Idaho. 1 load: Tim Lrdston, l load; F. goldiars, 1 load: Batl Iturke. 2 loads; F. A. Huger. 1 load; l. C. MeOIII, Shearer 1 load; t; ! lla-sett. faldwell Idaho. 1 load. Farmers Society of Equity, Nampa, Idaho, 2 loaas; Robert tfc i'r"n 'loliiendalef Wash., 1 load; J. E Smith, Newberg, .1 load. cattle .l"hn McLeod. RobraettS i; llll.llske,, Troutdal reel to Union Meat Co Co . North Portland lee id direct. t i-:. r Richmond, Mi hogs and sheep; Prk Plalnvlcw, 1 load eatti hOgg; J l. Hlnstnoi ; loads calves, hogs an to I'nlon Meat Co. ipun, and direct at tht RECORD OF DEEDS AMD OTHER INSTRUMENTS sa loMctioa of HorteMsa. a Mortgags executed by Jame V. Mu:r to Mary John'on Jiinu ir 31, 1911. for (1,000. Is satisfied. Chattel Hortgagc. Tlllle M. 1'oulson to Dick KinhoU INM. Six mares, i fillies, f, cms. i drill, i gagg plow, i milking plow, I harrow, 1 W"eder, 1 BlsO, 1 mover, 1 rake, 4 wagons, 4 sets harness. 1 gasoline engine, i hack. i brootef and lactlbatOr, 1 cream separator, all the household goods and furnl ture, all situated on the Lilck Kirch Otf ranch. an Samuatoon to I. W. DarriTI, $L'.r)i r, An undivided 2-:i Interest. In all crops grown and harvest -d during 1 It 1 6 on NE 1-4 of see 35, T 4 N It. 30 E. W. M. It. S. Hart to Parker and Hatter.. ItO. two cows 2 heifers. Mortimer. v. J. stapish to i, w Jordan, jr. ftlft, S 1-2 of XW 1-4 of sec. 10. the SW 1-1 of N 1-4 of sec 1". if 3 M It. 27 .. W. "M. Lillian J. and Gen M Ologslon to Stories From HY WILLIAM I'll 1 I.I I' SIMMS (tJnited Press staff Correspondent.) PARIS. Oct 2. (By Mail) Once In a while you strike a soldier who has seen something and can tell about it. Us is the twentieth man. With the o.hers everything Is a jumble of veils and explosions and running and felling and awakening in hospitals A captain with a fractured thigh In a hospital here wAs one of the lucid ones. He said "The Saturday morning of the ad VSnce everybody knew tbe assault was to becln at it; 15. The artillery prepare Ion had been wonderful and the no ti were really Impatient to get Way. You can't blame them either, for It is i" fun holding .' our h ind-t and watting for a thing II ti tint. "Some of idem tlghted cigarettes which they ri jiid th m selves with ( Dgi rs thai didn't trem Is a t.articie. Somelighted their pipes two min utes before the charat . I'itere was Ii'.'klnt; d"wn llv line i saw nv lieutenant drawing on his white kid glovis He was very y.iung and this was t" be his first charge, lie want ed to do n proper! In 6alnt-42yrtan Style. Had I been close enough I would have ordered him 10 take them oil Hundreds "f SainM'yrian ca dets w. re mowed down at the begin, ning because they insisted in wearing white gloves, it was the 'marriage of Ihm'fx and tiimns IVaum1. sion of professional exhibitors to no- m-:w YORK, Nov ik Bantam 1 vice clagesi ProfeaalonaU heretofore high -stepping pi lie never lM-f n- bava been excluded. The American given much consideration smong the and Canadian Hackney horse socle thoroughbreds of horeednm, have be i lies have IS04J prizes tn gold medals ...ire -" o uch the fash'on th ! they! for the best hackneys.' The show will are. together wih 'be gorgeous end Nov. 12. feature "i the National Horse shbw Serbian Women tight, fjarden inn- today. A tew years ago the ponies were not represented 'n v, ru'n between tne ages of is ono a single horse ftww either in .m rl- St ' trs are fighting In the Serbian cu or abroad. army, according to T. I Bvetotef Another departure from the ru Qregltch, Serbian state physic:. in. uf ; ; h r. i- thowl is the sdlttte- who arrived here. t oJP-r i j. ' . ,':"'---7s, ,svjB ff Bp i ssiaH ii5Wa'..t'' . . : WrWHaBslWBaWBWaWj KM O'Connor - - I'i-; " in IV; t. T'IohI 1 1 R. EE. Stewart. 1600. Ln's 2 -.til 3 of sec. s, T. X It. 36 E., W. M. I. Taylor to afar) Johnson, 11000. A tract of land In Sec. 26. T. 6 N.. It 35 E.. W. M. Ieel. Luther A. Pinkley to I Taylor, 12. 000 A tract of land In sec. 21. T 6 X.. It. 35 E W. If. Winnie H. Brli i to Henrietta Pat ton. llftM, Fractional lots 7 and s In fractional Mock A, Livermore's addition to Pendleton. It. E Stewart to Lillian J. and Oeo M. Clogston. S 1 250. Lots 2 and S, sec 8, T. 4 N . R, 36 E.. W. M. Mary B. and ( has. Vinson to Mrs B. R, Andrus, 2S0. Lot 2, hlock L in the town of Ikiah. C. S. Crews to W, P. Hooper, 110. Lot 1, Apple Dale tract, in gee. :I3, T 6 N.. it. 3fi E . W. M Mary Vlebrock to Peter H. Schmidt, $3840, 40.79 acres. title descriptive. ids If. Kissick to u, k. Uackrin, 13800. A tract of land, title descrip tive. the War Zone oith . eds d I compared time-pieces reacnea till 'my lieutenant struck a match, lit a cigarette and leaped forward out of j the trench waving his men after him, 1 leaped upon the parapet at the sanv ir.stant. my men following me yelling I Something which was their effort to i make 'La Marseillaise' sound almv the guns. , "Men bsgnn to fall about me so I hurried the company forward into a little gully where we stopped a mo ment w itting for a lull It was here that I learned of the death of my il'eutenant In the white gloves. I ral lied my men and started forward un der a rain of machine gun fire. A shell exploded .'" near that I wa thrown "ff my feet, but nothing Sfgi broken so i v ent on. Then a shrap nel ball pierced my thigh breaking the bon. The battle was over so far dlsptav Of fireworks one ever saw. waited for I be strei her men. Finally two came, bu: near me Wag one of m men with a bullet In his stomach. SI ! directed the men to take him. I told the men to come hack for me which they did at 6 o'clock in the af ter ,n lie: in. I tin- On ! I Prosfsgteriesi There will be the following services at the Presbyterian church tomorrow: At lo a. m. Sunday school will bold its regular meeting. At 11 a. m. Mr Snyder will preach a sermon upon Human Suffering and Sorrow. At 6:30 p. m. Young Peoples' meeting in he church parlor. At 7.30 P W Jfr Snyder will deliver the second of the series of evening lectures. Subject. "The Young Woman. Her Friends and Her Enemies." These evening lec tures are attracting large crowds, es pecially among the young people. Christian. Special sermons at the Christian church this Sunday. Nov. 7. Pastor Hubbell has announced the two ser mons, morning and evening on the single theme, "Are. the Teachings of the Christian Church Catholic'" Sun. day school session from 9:4 5 to 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:3a. Bupt. Hampton of the city schools will give an address at the younc peoples meet ing. Prayer meeting each Wednes day evening. Ilapiist. Illble school, 10 a. m ; preaching, 11 a. m Subject. "The Light That Failed." B. Y. P- U.. 6:30. subject, "Tasks That Are Waiting for the chunh of Christ; preaching. 7:30, subject. "Man's First Need." F.very one should hear Rev Oeorge Robert Catrna on Monday evening. This will be the beginning of a Beries of evangelistic meetings, conducted by Mr, Cairns, one of the forem.ist evangelists of the county. E. R elevenger, pastor. Chard of the Redi-oiwr. Sunday school at 10 a. m. The litany will be said and the holy com munion celebrated at the 11 a. m. services. Mr. H Bishop wwill ie so loist. There will be divine service and sermon at 7:30 p m. Ail are cordially invited. Charles yuinney. lector. Methodist, Sunday school at 10 n m.; Ep- worth league at 6:30 p. m.; preach ! Lng at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Therj i will lie a special service at the rr.orn I ing hour for the elderly people of the church and community. Auto I conveyance will be sent for all who are unable to walk to the church. I The pastor will preach from Prov. 16:31." The hoary head is a Town of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.' Special musl: ! will be rendered by the choir Mr. W H. Bachmeyer will sing a Solo at the morning service Those who have heard Mr. Bachmeyer pronounce him one of the best soloists In the state. You will miss a treat if you fail to hear him. The evening text will be taken from l Cor. 12:3. Special re vival meetings will begin the first Sunday in January. Miss D Willie i Caffrev will be the evangelist. Socialist is Kir s' EW YtiRK. Nov. ted. THE OLD RELIABLE' REMEDYFORMEN. AT Y0JR DRUGGIST. CHICHESTER S Pll 'r!l.rfr.tcrUiuniouTrrT.nrfAN rilKin Brtl an I l.oirl r e V' l v.. ..-i.,-.i ;l I K V I i " po t-ihrr. Itny af jrKir Irp-r' A rl MI-MI! .TF.Ztf li..fM r.:;M imli sfrxt w-.i . . . t..i...t a.L . 50L0 BV DRUOGISIS LiIir(ViHLR ta AT CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY l IM R.M. DIRECTORS. 1 JOHN" S. lUKER. FUNERAL PI rector and licensed embttlmer. Op poSlte nostoffire. Funeral parlor, twt funeral cars, calls responded todaj hi nlcht Thone T5. .1 T niMWX's Fl'RNlTl'HK STORE Funeral director and licensed cm balnti r Most modern funeral par lor mortua and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Corner Ma i. and Water streets Telephone t IXS1 i;( i: M lASD Rl SIXESS HA htm AN ABSTRACT CO, HAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Buys and sells ill kinds of real estate. Dosn . -tier.il brokerage business. Pays laves and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and aeel deiYI insurance. References. any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS Pres C H MARSH BENT! EY & l.EFFINC.WKl.l. R estate, fire, life and iccident BUranOS agents. SIT. Main s! Phone 404. VETERINARY 81TIOEON8, 0. W I.ASSEV. M D, V COW veterinarian Resl'lemc telepl 17: office telephone. 20 S I t onii ) ItRAl EHS ; V. RTROBLI DEALER in NEW and second-hand soods Cash paid for all second-hand goods ' bought. Cheapest pla.e In Pendle- ton to buy household goods. Come I have been to the Expositions and I want to tell you that every man, wo man 6 child who can, by any means, should go. Children of today may again enjoy such an opportunity, but you andl--in the prime of life-never. -k am Knus4Uusi illtir World conditions are such as will prohibit similar gatherings during our generation. That is why I say to you GO! The San Francisco Exposition closes December 4th. There is plenty of time yet to see it, but not more than enough. Now is the best time of the vear in California, anil of the Exposition season. Therefore Go Now! We'll take care of your travel needs. That': our business. Ask T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent, Pendleton, R. BURNS, D. F. & P. A., Walla Walla OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Union Pacific System. Free A f!x;y.f"ur page book End the Exposition upon r pai edar. Burn THE CHEAPEST FUEL FOR HEATING. ORDER YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY NOW AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF $5.00 PER TON IN FIVE TON LOTS FOR THIS OFFER Pacific Power our pnesja "hone 17 1W, ATTORJfEYS. & RALEY. ATTORNBT8 Al office In American Sal uildinf. FEE. ATTORNRTS Al Eflca In Despain building. -.MYT11K ffice in ret :rrt, attohnky at over Taylor Hardware PETERSON a BISHOP. ATTOR. neys at law; roomy 3 and 4. Smith Crawford budding. )UQLAS W. HAII.EY. ATTORNET at law. Will practice in all state d federal rourta. Rooms 7. S and Pespain bulldlnit IEORCiE W OOl'TTS ATTOUN'KY at law. Estates sett'ed. wll's eeds. mortgages and contra.' rawn. Collections made Room 1 T chmidt block STEI W K lura oumnng. 8. A. LOW EI I, counsellor at spain building. 1TTORNET AS law. uffice in CM on California application. HAVE US WIRE YOUR PLACE vice. We use wire, the best tons, switches, lo the wiring ickly We shall you a price for e. You can de fing reasonable. pend J. L. VAUGHAN Coke CASH AT GAS PLANT. FOR 30 DAYS. & Light Company M Tol I RS COL. W. F. Y.'HNKA. AUCTION eer. makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sties The man that gets you the mone " Leave orders at East Oregonian ..'fi.e wutmx M ti TRESSPASS NOTICES season car.is ard -1 - . .. . patrons an aBowssi - AUCTION BAXJU THI EABT ORB fonlan makes a specialty of au- tlon sale bills, cards and advert 'ln We can furnish autiUoaei ai t advertising complete 'hi' sriil aaasj Jrou of having i : : sal LEGAL BLANKS Or ":VF!tY PR acriptlon tor counts co'jrt. clt u ; court. Justice court, real estate, etc. for isle ai East Oregonlan offVa