East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 06, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Health Before
the Penny
I'OItK buying the meat that you in
tend serving anil eating at your table,
stop and think "Am 1 positive it comes
1'rom a clean sanitary market, whose stock
is examined by competent judges before
killing; whose market is inspected by the
state examiners for cleanliness and correct
weight giving; am I acquainted with their
reputation for honesty and integrity; will
I be able to get prompt service at my own
bidding and satisfaction guaranteed me."
The Central Market
Phone 455.
108 E. Alta St.
V sited ,,,,h Wn
Per- I ' i t- ! - shd '"
; Mexican border.
Additional Social and Per
sonal News on Page 2
Was Ethel K.
la.H ! thai moi nlng gfti '
beta i "i m 'i .mi i Beattl
(8b Advertising in Brief
per Hue ri rt Insertluu loc
IV! Hi. additional iDMTtluD 5C
Per line, mt niuDth $1 00
So locals taken tor less thin 2&c.
i iiotii II ordinary worila to line.
I. .11 all, will not be taken oyer tha
lelephon enent from East Oregon
Ian paid up aobacrlben.
Mm Held. Portland, Ore.. 1146 Wil
liam Avenue.
Furnished front room, 601 Water
For nil HoUtt and lot. rMMB'
kbit tonris Apply this office.
Wood for Bale, f 1 00 load Phon
650 or 408
Penland Hros.' transfer C
A delightful lin,e wan spent
evening at tin- home of Miss
Cole when several young ladies
entertained by Mis ciuudino
Monies. A '"mock" wedding wi
feature of tha evening, foil
which the guests adjourned t
Delta and partook or refreshments.
Mlaa Joan Keber was the. "bride" and
MIhh Catherine Thompson the
"groom. ' The ' bridesmaid" wa.'
Mis- Thelma Thompson and the
i. si moii" wns Miss Jennie Murphy
Miss Batter Shea officiated aa "inln-1 from the went end
later" and Mlaa Vera Temple took me ;
part f the "deserted lover." The! ; s. O. H
"wedding" wan proceeding ; I h Kill llama of Eu
Ana solemnity, the "bride and, city.
iWlna"! A. p. Michael,
i th Uncut HUM night li
t p, OilUland
i from Pilot Boi
J. P. lielhl "f
groom" marching down the aisl- to
Mi. -trains of a jvc'ldlng" man .1
played by Miss tela Cole, when the
'deserted lover" entered and caused
quite a disturbance t,y falling "on
the groom'! neck," according to one
(if the voung lady's descriptions. The
'bride' simulated a perfectly good
..,. .-t.il.. ihu . -. ii.-.i lover."
overcome by grief, had to be carried "'""'
out by Mlaa Madeline Hurgess end
Mis Margaret I'helpa.
iiutaide of thla little interruption,
the "wedding' waa a huge itunass.
The "hride" wua ilreaaed In a hand-
embroidered gown of white material
and wore Kngllsh tan walking ahoea
Her veil was a lace curtain which
was caught up in a coll at the lop
ii ml .Iraneil down the "bride's"
luoiMaM The "groom" wore gl
ileyrge I arnes
Rock merchant.
In hia auto.
T. C. Taylor r
today on Xo. IT ii
ul dayi here.
A. H. I'lpea of
City last evening
K. at, Pendleton
visitor in Pendletoi
at the Hotel Pend
Mlaa Cladys 11
(or 1'aine Hroa..
ing for Walla
iyi for Bale
or alive
l'hone 339.
Orders taken
have full-dress evening suit und I
hat. wtiile the "bridesmaid"
white taffeta coverew U un
d echitic and
Kor fuel toM five.
For chimney aweep. phone 1 C
8yd Chaplin In that funny 2-reel
Keystone comedy. Temple, tonight
Kor sale- Saddle horse and riding
outfit Inquire at thla office.
"Wanted Hood, competent girl for
general housework. Phone 4J5.
For bonr.l and room, centrally lo
cated. Inquire. 634 Johnson street.
Kor rent Furnished light house
keeping rooms. Inquire 203 liarflcld.
Furnished steam heated rooms and
board The Kenmore. t1 Willow St.
l-ci All of hta mouey See the
mittens. The "bride'
ouet of nasturtlun
"bridesmaid" can led
cluster of celery and
"bride's bouquet
II was caught
Swearingen Tin
while th"i
a beautiful
utters. As the!
was thrown away,
, Mis Daphne
guesta of the OOCa-,
sum Included the Mleeii Bane unt
Madeline Hurgeas. Margaret Phelps
Claudine Mc.Monies. lir.oe lloyl
Danhne Swearingen. Catherine Ole-
ender at the Temp.
dleton. Ore.
Lost Itrown suit citse, on
between Pendleton and Nolln
ward If returned to this office.
Very many people desire to ouy
uinds in eastern Oregon What have
rOD to offer, and price? N. Berkeley.
For trade A new, modern 110 bbl.
electric flour mill located In valley
town 20.000 population, will trade
for eastern Oregon or Washington uie.. La Fontatm
wheat land. Price 122.000 For par-1 Temple,
fit ulars write 56r, Trade Street, 8a-1
l.m. Ore.
Salesmen Pocket side line. Ht
live proposition, all merchants In
towns of 100,000 and under want It.
Pays .00 commission on each sale.
No collecting, no risk to merchant.
We take back unsold goods Easiest,
bkffeet paying side line ever offered.
Canfltld Mfg Co.. 1108 Sigel St. Chi
cago. Did Mu ever throw your money
awa 1 See the Spender at the Tern-
wore a!
crepe j
of si. Louis LB ySy-
to RJ
for , -hot tinie
A Lasting
P 1 c asure pur
chased with money
is usually fleetintc
and the money
the pleasure of
wearing a beauti
ful diamond.
The pleasure is
lasting and at any
time you need your
money you can re
alize it at a mo
ment's notice.
We can sell you
diamonds at prices
BUB Infill
ft diamonds at prices
1 that make them 1
ii Royal M. Sawtelle
I Established 1887
about a "flivver -car." hotly declared
the mayor, "but what does he know
about war? His argument a?ainsl
preparedness is foollsti."
Dtea of Od SV.
u wisanar un one of the i'eet
known traction magnates In
country, died of old age.
night from Portland and Is back 01
the police force today. Mrs. Steph
ens and Mrs. James Vrick will re
MeruJ Investigation Will He C"n
ttnuexl in Washington
The ga
held at t
I ertson on
j charming
the clans was
ie home or Thomas
Thureday evening and a
Scotch dinner was served
by Mr-. Robertson Jock t oieman,
pular Scotch entertainer, uccoiu-
WA8HINOTON, Nov 6 The fed
eral trade commission announced a
supplemental hearing will be held
here on December U In the commis
sion's investigation of the lumber
industry. Hearings already have
been held at Chicago, Spokane, Ta-
omo San Francisco and other lom
her centers.
The investigation was undertaken
by the commission following com
plaints that hoth the domestic
export trade In lumber were In a
It has been some lime sine.' the
University of Wisconsin has won a
football championship but the team
this year under Coach W. P. Juneau,
who a lew years ago was one of th-
real gridiron stars, looks to hav the
championship calllier. So far th"
Wisconsin team has not lost a gam
They defeated Lawrence, ii to a and
on the following Saturday ran up a
score of to a again-t Marquette.
On October 17. against the Perdue
eleven Ihey scored points to Per
due's .1 and last Saturday defeated
"hio Stole to 0 Any eleven 'hit
can score 111 points to their oppo
nents :j in four games, is a mighty
hard foothall team to beat
Wisconsin has yet to meet Minne
sota und Chicago, hoth of w hich have
. strong teams this year, but Juneau
has confidence in his team and be-
Itonar l.aw Thanks Canada
LONDON, Nov. 6. Andrew Bon
ar Law. secretary for the colonies.'
telegraphed the Duke of Connaught
expressing great appreciation ot(
Canada's offer to increase her con
tingent of men for the European war
Christian Science).
E. Webb and Johnson streets. Ser
vices Sunday, 11 a. m and 8 p. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Wednesday,
8 p. m. subject of lesson sermon,
"Adam and Fallen Man." The read
ing room at the church Is open
daily, except Sunday, . from 2 until
4 p. m
D. N. Reber, M. D.
Bye, Far. Xoee and Throat
Room 11 Schmidt Building.
To obtain glasses that will not
quire changing, the eye strain
must first be cured, otherwise you
will be disappointed.
I l"
nature,! In
three reels
Funl Marino
SOHpected lalei
Hid pa pen
10c u bundle. This office.
For rent or sale -Eight i"
em brick bouse with g.irage
location Inquire this office
For sale Or will trade for
tied In bun-
POT sale.
First class confectionery
good business. Stock and
including fountain will invol
lisoo. Must sell Write oi
1 A. Deherty, Freewater, Orel
nanted l.v Mindy Anderson.
some stirring music on the violin am.
sang Scotch songs. Those p. "sent
were Mrs Nelson. Mr and Mrs
telIC, Mr. and Mrs Thompson Mrs.
gtll!man and daughter. Miss 1- tluy
an. James Pttterson. James IfCNau, A
T ltosenburg. Sandy Anderson Jock
Coleman, Jack Kissett and Sand
M, Donald, of l.elth. Scotland.
I h
liss Hoth Si. i
Portland to
imas Vattghan
h left at m
ion tooaj
iter, Mrs
i -Judge Attempts suicide.
PRANCI8CO, Nov. 6. Judge
Hrittiin. former superior Judge ;
Francisco and a pioneer mem-
the San Francisco bar. lies at
u Titles sanitarium in a critical
,,n auffsrlui from a gunshot
illicted in a frantic c.fort I
' life. He Is said to h ive be
I Ing from an hallucinaiion
niics vele pureufhg him.
thw year.
Tacaeaa Trial tutinotn.
IKXTRAUA, Wash.. Nov. 6 Sub
mai were served on the witnesses
o will testify at the trial of M. E
p. a local publisher charged with
It degree assault for the alletred
owing ot a piece of linotype no lal
the head of Joe I.ucar- a local the
in good ;
tilla county grain lanua. gooo wmm
ranch near Salem, Oregon. Inquire
t t'olesworthy's Chop Mill. 129 F
Alta street.
Pound A way to stop from losing
your money. See the Spender, at tho
Temple Sunday.
Prompt automobile taxi sernc.
dav or night Funerals to cemel-ry,
oniy U.50. Phone 110. Quelle Ites
taurant Car for country trips, phone
70 Carney & Huey Taxi Co.
Wanted Party with capital of
1100 as half Interest In new Inven
tion of clothes dryer Iteferen-e,
ltlrhard Ilow.n. patent attorne.
Washington. D. C Write J A. Policy,
Gateway, Oregon.
Violets. 2Sc a bunch delivered.
China Illy bulb house plants, fern.o,
cut riowers. Hookers' Flower Store,
next lo Happy Canyon on Main
street Phone III. Open evenmns
and Sunday. Agent Portland Jour
nal. Wanted It) refined educated
young woman with boy 9 years obi
position as housekeeper in refined
or r.moh Excellent cook.
Oaa lake full charge
Public Dance Tonight. .Moose Hall.
The public le cordlaly invited to
.ttend the regular Saturday night
t'anre tonight In Moose hall. Music
by Sawyer's orchestra. Admission
(0 cents Adv
Mr and Mrs. 11
yesterday to thei
after a short visit
ivnimd returned M Ccaaaiittee to Watch
Oth relatives here
. i
i fctondi
Loet, ghcep Dog.
k. hob tail, female sheep
t seen In Pendleton f tohef
I7UL Had rope collar wdth baliu4
wire attached Finder notify Dan I'
Sinythe and receive reward. .dv.
upon "lt
speak un
School CI
man will
tri..i.t W.-O...OS
evening ul the court chambers of the
court house to listen to an instructive
Rev, .!. E sniper win sua
spec!" Or .1 A, Pest will
,n The proper Food for
ildrer" and Dr. I. D. ldle-
isiik on "Uouth Hygiene.'
it was
tain h(
gress t
the cor
i watch
Mrs. Arthur M
Jonal A.sso
sn Suffrage,
will main-!
Washingt m i
ion of con-.
the national
If the com-
icrior com
; I- wis COU&ty on a change of 'venue,
j The case is attracting much attention
locally, owing to the prominence of
the principals. Cue is a candidate
, f r mayor at the coming municipal
Vttent'oa, i' ami l c lub.
The II and I club will give the
third dance of the' series Saturday
evening, November 6, at Ragle-
Woodmen Had, committee.
(Adv.) a,
A number I
will also he
spent a
ul Mrs
f other interesting topics
S. King arrneo
ittim after having
California. They
These plain "ffe decided on at a
meeiins of 10 memlers of the eagO-j
elation Which beard reports o, the
recent anti-suffrage campaigns in,
New York. New Jersey. Mass:,, hint-,
setts and Pennsylvania.
I'onjl s Talk Foolish.
san DtCOO, Nov. 6 Mayor K
C. t'aiips of San Diego, who is work
ing on a patent maohien gun which
lie declares will revolutionize war
fare, came out with a hot talk on the
anti-preparedness" platform of Hcr
ry Ford, automobile manufacturer.
At the exposition Ford said that
Belgium's plight illustrates the fal
lacy of preparedness.
"Mr Ford may know something
Notice oi Mookliolilcrv sleeting.
Notice Is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of,
the Northwestern Frontier Exhibition
Association (The Uound-up) will be
held In the rooms of the Commercial
Association In Pendleton. Oregon, on;
Tuesday evening. November 9 at;
7:11 P- m. C. It, HARSH, I
(Adv.) Secretary.!
home, cite
Dr. George J. Kinz
, ini ii t ItlltOPH iCTOn,
Examination Free.
. (flg l.ol'Ost "HI- 1 11 ' '
Ootid Coal and Wood.
Our Hock Springs coal burns clean j
fivlng you. more hent and less dirt
for your money Oood, dry wool j
that doesn't boil, but burns. Also!
slabs and kindling. Protect yoUTMll j
from colds and cost order from B I
t.. Burroughs. Phone 5. Adv.
St. George
1 H
atU in ! '"
serveil dally, except Sunday
from 11 to t.
Sec our menu III Saturday's
We me ROW receding daily
shipments of the CwntHne
Original "Mol BratOuell"
i 'rawflsh.
We Cater to VOUr XlMK'tltc.
,1. V. ld FN. Mgr.
War Affects lanndrte-
LdNDON, Nov. II Five hundred!
thousand fewer lurched shht. and)
twelve million fewer collars now go j
to London laundries, says (he Laun
derer'l association, l'rlccs are up 20,
per cent "on nccount of the war.
Sear Tree Honey Hunter
KANE. Pa, Nov. 6. Chased up a.
tiee by two bears. U M. McOacken.'
who Ihes near Highland, Elk coun-.
ty bad a thrilling experience while,
trying to gather bone.y from bee. ,
tree In the vicinity of Bear creek j
He hud no more than filled lilsj
palls when he heard a loud noise be,
hind blm and saw two large black 1
bears coming down the hillside
iteing unarmed, Mccracken ran ii"
a tree near by and climbed rup!',
to a high limb. There he Vv'.cheil
while the hear ate the nrrhfy. which
in' nan piaceo in ine palls, tor,, (he
hook "i me n ,en ami secnr,
the remaining honey, the bern
ucMiureii an ine noney, ti. hjMi Zafmla, the new neutral
fan red off Into the forest i a. Fi la the Unite
hour's 'IgH gtlBBgajdnd Veliizebai. wh,
ViWe. i,iii reel fared when
Thill is the
McCracken ended
the tree,
. . . , v I
grill ! and murniAT
-. ii
tf " MM)Y DINNER MC. I i , i aaaaaaaaw aa asai
-.Med from 11 M to IP. M II Mmm-Mt fata ( " "1
i m.v mil j I PH I COLD ROOSTER
, 33 j The Ijl.
JjHll ,., TlRll
WP0' Bewf' I . ii II t II I ofceil' '
I i a air. APIS
nreek Dram Sabnle does not helieve flreece ehoulii I I II
, OIVK fS A THIAt 1 S3
IbriiUKhl t bear by King, Con-tani
iiinis does not oat leva nreeee ehoui
'live up 10 her lretv oromiss to Pel
bui to fluhl w ith b
' bom Ibtlftal'la.