EIGHT PAGES READY TO BLOW UP MUNITIONS SHIPS piililllllil From left Hi right: Robert l (.eriimu Uaagaaggatj Walter I . Sctaolz, Ms Hid. ami I'ain llnei-lic. arreted later. H Jasl Bomb to tiH h iii steamship Propellers. -Lieutenant Retort Pay ,f lhe r,,r. I tu ,,,ow up steamship, carrying freight '" arm. who describes himself as to the ni. i c eteran of the halt f the Marno and the i humus . . I the Cham Burnt enuntrv mis -- 1 ll rested In New Jersey liy Ni pity detectives as u cmspirat ready BLANCHE WALSH, FAVORITE OF THE STAGE, IS DEAD i 11. 1 ( i,si oi s NEARLY Jl not II- l n i: WEEKS STRi t.t.l.K l(lt UPK. CLEVELAND, Nov. Blunofce Walsh's eire.i I of SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR 11 - t.i: INDMOTHER 'S RECIPE TO BRING ii U K CP LOR AND LUSTRE ID N till You can turn gray fuded hair beautifully il.uk and luftroiis almost utcr Bight if rOU'll get n Til-cent bot- tie of "Wj i Ill's Sage and Sulphur Compound" al an: drug store. Mil- j lion, of battle vl this old. famoUfc Sage Tea Recipe are vld annually, j sas a well known druggist here, be cause It darken! tin- hair so natural- ly anil evenly that no one can tell It i has been appiii ' Those wlnw-c hair Is tufting "r;t I", becoming scragly and thin hove a I surprise awaiting them, because after j one or two tajrllcatlona itu amy hair, vanishes and Sour locks become lux urlanty dark mi beautiful nil dan-' . druff goes. si p Itching Meg falling I hair scops. Th's is iio- age "f youth Oray-, hnlreil. unaltraume folks aren't j wanted ground, 00 net baSO with j Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur (might , i -o i. .ti..i i -oi vmir ' r . nark, nanneome n r aim jw -hih- - fui appearance within a few days. For Emergencies When yw have a bilious at tack, or when you ieel illness coming on promptly, move the bowels, start the liver working and put your entire digestive system in good shape with a dose or two of the time tested PILL. You will welcome the quick relief and often ward off a severe illness. bVeetiam's Pills arecarefully compounded from vegetable products mild, harmless, and not habit-forming. Buy a box now. You don't know when you may need Beecham's Pills. A reliable family remedy that always Should fie at Hand -13 gaU f A.r MIIm in lh W44. eeerrwhere. la hma, Mk., 28. a asm Si i 6 0) L0 'fSNl V DPrTHAM'C title, of explosives w-e fonnH In ht ........ ,,, ,. ,:, r, 4,11X1' qua . .-,,. uiii.r iiuuii ..... . . i IIU.i.uul.... 11'..,. . . . . naiier i-. Bcnnis. u rk ! hiAtk.. , i . m iiin nis nonii) 10 lhe nro-"'"ther-in-law. wmm taken n ihe khimIii.. ... . . " 1 " if,,,,.. P.al n.e1,. . , ,,J . u, Hwnmip, ne had PSSl haeehe. who denied hnlcauKht before he could do that. of the Ameriiitii stage ended when she died in Lake side Hospital Death came at 8:20 m lock as the climax of almost 24 hour, of linrnnirlnUHH that fol lowed a Week's struggle for life. Miss Walsh in private lire was Mrs. Wil liam II Tracers Mr. Travel-, was at hi, wife's bed j side when she died. He announced Miss' " her death was due to t genral iir.ak'inwn ami nervous prostration brought on by overwork and worry that caned a complication of ail ments that made an oieratlon ne cessary. rather Well Known Politician. Blanche Walsh was born In New York city January 4, 1173, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Walsh. Her father at that time was !. I i ii ill Mll Lt.,.1. .. I...llll,.,.n nt nIA Sixth ward. He was iwanlen Of , the Tombs prison. Miss Walsh was educated in pub-f tic schools and Normal college, and j Rude her first appearance on the stage In Chicago. September. 1899, ; as gu.-en Elizabeth In "Amy Rob J tart" w ith Marie Wain right. Her first New York appearance, was at I Tompkins Fifth Avenue theater. De j cemler 1.1, lggf( n, OUhCia In Twelfth Night.- HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The third uatne of the grammar ach football league will be plawd this afternoon al the Houud-up park between the Lincoln school and j the P. H. 8. midguts. Both teaint-, Lhave 1 u defeated ao far and a good yame Is expected. The mirth side ; v ill be Meakened in the hack field bj I lit" abaanca of Kell but Coach lsl-o is developing a good man In his place. The midgets have been materially weakened since several of the boys bfUfrve quit getting out for football. The game will be called at 4 o'clock. Next week the students of the high I school w ill again take up the chorus w U which was carried m last year t'.V good success. They will meet lliree times a Weak in lhe auditorium or h?ftCtlCS, Mr. Chloupeh will be the director anil he will soon have some new music on hand. Much In I If-rem is shown by the students In ' this Mark. DM 7irls from the domestic pel ier.ee department will go to Hermls jlon SRtnrdai to demonstrate lhe art I "I cooking of lemon pies, lhe various i dishes made from potaloes. the cook ing of HgrtableS, simple way of mak llng prune whip, salads and pud- j dings. I The girls ggat are going are Ituth nd Helen Isano, Kmlly t'arney. Hose i Gordon. Fny Imff. Juanlta Friedly italic IVrgnaan, Nellie Ingram. laM Ages and bsQM Bowman. The goiushtle an girls are send t large exhibit of gruoe ind high Chaoil sewing along with the He stence canned fruit and cooked foods. Well Known PnrtlaaeVr iiics. POKTLANO, Ore., Noe. I. A. J. Klngsley, 40. a prominent buslness ,iuan, president of the mnnnfacturers and land product, show, died toda after a brief Illness. He was also a director of the Chamber of Commerce and was Identified with Portland' civic progress. Prison ftentencca fall. LONDON, Nov. 2. The report of the prison commission shows that In 1!' 14 sentences were Imposed on 114. js:t persons In the I'nlted Kingdom, a decrease from the previous year of more than 37.000. The change Is ascribed mainly to t r.llstmcnls, with the restriction of the sale of liquor and the great de mand for labor ns it contributory reason. DAIU EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, -bad anything to do with them, was ronoo later. Kay confessed ih hole ,tory to the New York ,wHc but he denied that he hn.i -.. -.- k .u. : u a i SM"18'11" He had been HOG MARKET HAS A DEPRESSED FEELING IN PORTLAND YARDS (Courtesy Tuesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, (ire. There was inly a small run of livestock In the North Portland yards today hut the record hawing of yesterday caused further depression In the trade here. While no tofi, were soia early at North Portland. flrRt sales indicated that the market was down a dime K"1 n" f oa. miters continue in no hurry to take hold. General hog market: Hest light 1 g fii Medium light 6.50 T 6.fi I flood to heavy S.OO ifi $.25 ! Hough t heavy S.OOWo.GO tattle Market Stc.iih. Market for cattle continues steady I at North Portland with general tons I In the steer division around $6.75 Something extra select would pr.ib Wy bring a dime more than this for j a limited supply. Only a small, run of cattle was I Shown In the yards today. The mar- k. turajly bag in the steer dl be stuff being weaker and I with the extreme point ia t5 and the hulk of the i-rings going around It.TSfl ,i st (iff. General ca' Rest hay fed Good to chol Ordinary to 1 e market steers . . . range: l,g(tjig.4a 5.00fi ,"..7r, 4.TSOS.00 4 I094.gb t.tlOTi 4.2", 4.4004.29 i.'ttaj n.oo 7 ntlfl'7 5(1 Hcst cows Good to prime Select bulla .. Fancy bulls Ordinary bulls Bet i-alves Muttons t onic on contact. A large per cent of the mutton ar rivals at North Portland cam on contract tn local killers during the last 24 hours. One rair bunch con sisted of old ewes which were pur chased at so much per head In the country General mutton and lamb market situation al North Portland is in clined to show liberal strength but no furiher change In prices Is indi cated. General mutton and. lamb prices: Ordinary Vnteilnr lambs.. I SO 7,00 Willamette valley lambs . 6.00W7 ,00 Select yearlings 6.2:, Select ewes, light S.li0i.SQ Old wethers I.S09MO livestock shipper. I Hogs- ,1 M Main Powell. W ish.. I I load: M. Thompson, Hood Riser, 61 head by boat. USttle T. A Tate. Junction Cltv. 1 load: Cobb garter, Monroe, l load, sheep George Kohlgnhen, iios,-- burg. 2 loads; C. I.. Crnssen., Pasco. Wash 1 load. Mixed stuff it Kurlaet Xohler, t load cattle and hogs: It .. DixOA, Terrebonne. 2 loads cattle and sheep. domes-fGERMANH ILLOWET) l CANADA roll MEETING WINNIPKG. Nov. - Manitoba has as gttSgta this week Ti00 Ger man speaking delegates attending the annual Convention of the Mennonlte ,aoclet of America. TVIeuates ar-' here from Canada and from man parts of lhe Cnlted States. Bruos Walker, dominion Immlgra ttOn agent, granted permission tn the American delegates to enter Cannda under bond. The Honorable Valentine Winkler, minister of agriculture and Immigration of Manitoba, of German dts it, said be had no objection to srch a privilege being given lhe peo ple. Varrowlj Escape Death, BOSTON, Nov. .1 Twenty men narrowly escaped death In a fire in the dying and print works of the Cochrane M.-yvifaeturlng Company's plant at Maiden, near here. The property loss Is 115.000. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1915. m m iiiiiiiiiininjiTlllloi::!inllllinoiioiiiioniiMiiitiiimHiii,iiintoioiioiM,fi .iiiotiiLictoi 11011111: 1 LlEtlllllllllltlilllll ttlll llliouioilloloiiiio uiiiiiioimoii m(mi,.....x.m.i,....,,. - IillllillllliiiltlUIII!!ll 1. W. W. Jeadcr is killed. SALT LA Kt' CITY, Utah, Nov. 2. Major Y. T. Myton a former deputv sheriff, shot and killed rtoy P. Hor ton, suid to be an Industrial Worker of the World leader, following a dis 1 ate on the street shortly alter mid. nbjfct Horton it is said, attacked Mytuii ind knocked him down, when Myton drew a revolver from his pocket and: fired three shot into Horton's body. (IT DPP EARS OF 1 W THE) SOBBED CBtCAOQ, N. 2. "He wouldn't show us where the dough bag was. s,, aS snipped his ears off. a piece at a time. Then we killed him." This is only a part of as gruesome a tale ef torture a police departmtnt annals ever recorded, that local po- lice said they old boy accuse "Hermit" Joe t The accused He Implicated 17 years old. lr from a 16-year- i of the murder of istHtrne. boy is Joseph Merck Charles McWhitham According to the io- iioe. Joseph's story corroborated in every detail the alleged confessinti made a week ago by McWhiiham. but kept a secret until tonight. "It is the most terrible story of tor ture I have ever heard." said Captain John Alcock of the Wnodlawn sta tion, who investigated the murder of IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS SAYS BACKACHE I S1GS Mil HAt 1 BEEN EATING Too Ml CH NEAT. When .Mm wake up with backache tad dull misery In the kidney region it generally means you hjive been eating loo much meat, sa3 a well known authority. Meat forms uiic removing all the body's urinous waste their effort to filter It from the blood and they become sort f paralysed and loggy. When your kidnevs get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels: ache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours else you have backache, sick head ache, dlaq sjells; our stomach son-s tongue Is coated and when tin weather is bad you have rheumat, twhmg, The urine Is cloudy, water relief two or three times during the night Ellher cooaaM a good reliable phy slclan at once or get from your pharmlcist aliout lour ounces of Jad Sails: take a tahlespnonfttl in a glass of water before breakfast for a few d ivs and your kidneys will then a t fine, from I nice, been This famous salts Is made the acid of grapes nd lemon combined with llthla, and has u ,1 for generations to clean lUmulata sluggish kidneys, also and to neutralize acids In the urine so It ao longer Irritates, thus ending bind iier veh knees Jad .-- ilt.. is a life saver for regu tnf meat e;.lers. It la inexpensive cannot Injure aid makes a delight ful, effervescent Hthla-water drink Why Buy Advertised Goods? Because they represent certain fixed standard quali ties. Because through efficiency of distribution they sell at lower prices. t Eecause they will be the same tomorrow as they were today. Because they are invariably backed with a guaran tee that protects the purchaser. Because they represent the definite as against the in definite factor in advertising. Read the advertising in the Daily East Oregonian and form your own opinion. Ask for articles by trade marks and insist on getting what you ask for. Osborne, the "miser," in his tumble- down shack at Grand Crossing on Oc louer u. i ui piece. Early Wednesday morning the mur- At last the murderers grew impa ders went to Osborne's hut. When j tient and stabbed him In the abdo he attempted to rise from his bed he men and forehead until the old man was knOcktd down with a frying pan. 'died. "Where's your money?" he was! Both boys have figured in police asked. He refused lo tell. Then a I court on incorrigibility charges. ! piece of one ar was snipped off. 'Now will you tel was asked him. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by l.H-fll aiiplitaf 1'ins. as they .annut reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to rure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Iteafnes la caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustarhlan Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing:, and when it la entirely closed. Ieafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation inn taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tlon. hearing will destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are rausM bj Catarrh, which 1 nothinji tout an inflamed condition of the mucous nnrfaeen We will give One. Hundred liollans for miy case of Iieafness (caused by catarrh! iJiat cannot e cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free. I .1. CHB.VET k CO., T.dedo. tbla Wold by Ir!igglrsls. T5C Take Hall's Family Hill for constipation. FUNERAL DIRE) TORS. JOHN s. BAKER, FUNERAL rector and licensed embalmer. posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, funeral cars. Calls responded ti or night. Phone 75. OI-Op-two day J T. BROWN S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em ' halmer Most modern funeral par- lor morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HA HTM AN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title lo all lands in I'matllla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Oocs I a general brokerage business Pays taxes and makes Investments for non i residents. Writes fire, life and SCCl idem insurance. References, any : bank in Pendleton. james Johns praa C H MARSH. Sec. IbENTLET LEFFINGWEl.l. REAL I estate, fire, life and accident . In-j j surance agents. Ill Main Street. ' Phone 414. VETERINARY BURGEONS. ! cTwLASSEN.'m." I. V.. COI'NTY veterinarian. Residence tcb phone; I 27: office telephone. 20. SE( OM HAND ll l ICRS, V. STP.OBI.E, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendle ton to buy household goods. Come CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY . Again he refused. This was repeated - j until both his ears were severed, piece and get our prices. 219 E. Court street Phone 271W. 1TTORNKTS. RALKT & RAI.EV. ATTORNEYS A l law. Office In American National FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT law office In Despain building CARTER k SMYTHE. ATTORNKTI at law. office In rear of Amari can National Bank building. JAMES B l'ERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. office over Tavlor Har.lwir. company. PETERSiN & BISHOP. ATTOR- neys at law: rooms 3 and 4 Smith - Crawford budding. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal .mirts 9. Despain building ms 7. an,l GEORGE W COUTT8, ATTORNEY at law Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contr,, drawn. Collections made Room 17 Schmidt Maes FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. office in smith Craw ( ford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY iNl counsellor at law. Office m lv , spain building. abftinttH 'flgafeamhkL PAGE SEVEN 1 THE OLD RELIABLE" REMEDYFORMEN. AT YOUR DRUGGIST. HAVE US WIRE YOUR PLACE for electric service. We use the best grade wire, the best etc. And we do the wiring skillfully and quickly. We shall be glad to give you a price for wiring your place. You can de pend upon It being reasonable. J. L. V AUG HAN Al t TIOM I RS iCOL. W. F. rOHNKA,, AUCTION- eer, make, a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sale,. "The man that gets you the mne " orders at East Oregonian office. M1SCEI.I.A.YKOI s TRESSPASS NOTICES season cards and SSli ery description printed prices at the l have a fine lot ol etc patrons ar itlowe : i AUCTION SALES-I.IE KtsTOHS Soalan makes a specialty of sn tlon sate bills, cards and advertising We can furnish auctioneer clerk snO , advertising complete th e. :': assure you of having , ,, LEQAL BLANKS OF EVFlty DM I awiMtm tn ronntv n elr -i.it I court. Justice court, real estate, etc, , for sale at Kast Oregonian ifflca