t EIGHT PAGES PAGE FIVE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 191! "PEMECO" The Quality Sausage "Pemeco" Pork Sausage "Pemeco" Link Sausage "Pemeco" Minced Ham "Pemeco" Bologna 'Pemeco" Weiner Sausage KNIGHTS lime Meat, Hi ir Saner Kraut, quart.. . lOf Jelly, qt. jar 15c Sweet Midgets, quart 35 India Relish, pint 20 SERVICE QUALITY SANITATION The Central Market Phone 45S. 108 E. Alta St. LOCALS (Sb Advertising in Brief KATKB. Per line first Insertion 10c ivr line, addltioetl Hsirtlsa &c per line, n-r niutith SI 1HI No lH-ultt lukr-n for Ice tkao ilftc. Cowl ' urillnir; wordi to line. I..-BI. will not be k-n i tbt telephone SMSM from Ksit Oregon Ian imld up Kuuecrtberi. For fuel fone five. Good vaudeville, Temple ithoaler. For chimney sweep, phone i C Snyder. For pale Saddle horse and riding outfit Inquire at this offloc. WMtsd 0Md, competent girl lor general housework. Phone 425. Hear Hattle Wade Mack buiUM ul the Temple. Furnished steam healed rooms and bnard The Kenmore, 17 Willow St. ' For rent FurnUhed housekeep ing rooms. 803 E. Railroad street. For rlrat class hoard and room, centrally located, inquire "J," .thla of fice. John ll.'senberg, Court street watchmaker and Jeweler. Al! work guaranteed. For rent, In Despaln block, three office rooms, two connected. Apply to Judge Fee! Tke the time to take in thf T' l'i pta tonight miff said. Wanted Girl 14 years or over to work for hoard and piano lessons Pi, one 4F2. gell TiXllH' wa evening Finder pi on notify ul i Hoi 772, l'endlelon. Old papers for sale; tied In bun- dies. Good for starting fires, etc. j 10c a bundle This office. We guarantee you four good ts of vaudeville tonight al the Tera;lei theater. For reat or sale Eight room mod ern hrlck house with garage, in good location. Inquire this office. Prompt automobile taxi service. , day or nltht. Phone 110. Quelle Restaurant. Car for country trips, i phone 70. Carney A Huey Tail Co. j For sale Or will trade for Uma tilla county grain lands, good valley j ranch near Salem. Oregon. Inquire at Colesworlhy's Chop Mill, 119 H 1 Alta street. Very many people desire to uuy lands in eastern Oregon. What have you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Wanted Work by Flllplii" ny k i rut. family h "X" this me or I nfflce. Lost- Old gold tor or Main stn ward for return Wanted -Posltl or clerk, experien hardware stores, office. e In furniture Address "C' this and i "Mutt' 'ti Jeff shov Bros, haul Furniture w Pi reason:! tbl id warehouse Phone 339. capital of new Inven Ilefcrence, attorney. T A. Policy, Office C 4 7 Main street Wanted Party with (100 as half Interest In Hon of clothes dryer RlChard Bowen. Washington, D. C Gateway, Oregon Holbrook Bllnn live, al the Temp patent Write the thi great ietef- ater Thursday and Friday Farm Wanted - Stock I fled farm from 125.000 value. Will trade one my Portland Income. 1 some. No Inflated valiif Ittvnur V. V I) Paul, dlversi o 150.000 mure af nises for Address, ;,48 Rex Rev Avenue. Portland. Violets. 25c a bunch delivered I'hiro. lllv bulbs, house plants, ferns ,iit flowers. Hookers' Flow Store, j next to Happy Canyon on Main; street. Phone 622. end Sunday. Agent Open evenings Portland Jour-. nal. For saleHotel at Nampa Idaho,: , rlnn liuslnass. 18 rooms upi atalra with dining room 24xS0 d large kitchen down stairs, fine base You Can Depend ON GETTING The Best "Pemeco" Meats WHEN YOU ORDER HERE OUR STOCK OF MEATS, FISH AND VEGETABLES Is always fresh and wholesome. FISH AND SEA FOOD Fancy Fresh Stock Columbia River Salmon Fancy Halibut Deep Sea Crabs Eastern Oysters Columbia Oysters. NEW VEGETABLES Celery, .'5 stalks 25 Head Lettuce, head.... 10? Cauliflower 15, 20 Cranberries, quart 15 Heinz Mustart, pint.. 20 selling, Morgan 111 health. Address Nam pa, Idaho M. E World Greatest SlollO) hand Slahrr. Adv. For Sale First class confectionery doiPK good business. Stock and fixtures? Including fountain will invoice about I1S0O. Must sell. Write or see W A. Doherty, Freewater, Ore. A h ;ood Coal and Wood. Our Hock Springs coal burns clean flvlng you more heat and less dirt for your money. Oood, dry wool that doesn't boll, but barns. Also slabs and kindling. Protect yourself from colds and cost order from B L. Burroughs. Phone 6. Adv. Attention Enisles. Von are hereby requested ti it- tend regular meeting next Friday evening Special business that of adopting new by-laws, calls for your attendance Come one and all, get them fixed up to suit yyou. while you have a chance. There will also be something doing ttie balance of the meeting ajid then li-! have the same blame together. By order of Pendleton Aerie No 28 V. STROBLE. (Adv.) Secretary. King Is (iainlng. LONDON, Nov. 2. King Ceorge is resting well and Is rapidly recov ering. He Is at Rockingham, having arrived last night Map of Oregon for Motorists, Showing Automobile Routes and Distances VSfr . TO OLYMPI.4 y Sa VrO SfOKANS AlVSISC" I V TAaMA . R SORTH YAKIMA. VZ I VW gyofo:. MXTHEKS rUNTS ; I CU BLUM. SEATTLE 6 wAUA WALLA I (T'wV TrElrur o See Mileage IvUp of WASMSCTON POKTS 1) 2) Mama . -r4!fl. I 'Ul , WASHINGTON fa " jffWk I ' J tCOt SSll HELEN Jl14- 11 i 'I t?ZS THCNJ -V ST CW"' XgtV-- I M l IVVV tFHC (THtRFfiOODfilCHCOWWIY)) I "V W McMlNNVitUdCff- fsf Is WAwcoAftaX Jiconoon Vlbm Vt iff lll W ijffl wiLorr sminss ft fbJ 'oss,, '"Z a ( if X h f SA Kj-;' u vb 0LE0 ft tgcHV MH0IUSJ MEUJ.l ' BEECHCRCt.1 V I Ij I J V- 1 r(cr If 4 sgfwT' y - j j! L EUdENr BENoE! wxsTrMi, 3 A I cono-ovt VjjL . ltconsBusorr-v jN-"' mapincv vUoa m y v 1 V rM NOSTNMJUfAUIWal OAKLAND if L N. ( .. I I Vooowiu Jtoseburo V f" BuM j V wewI esATtail UtftawM IS A i fiT-j 1 J r4 vl 1 ioou " I h I V ' CanvonviilV CRATER LAKERS "7 W?w " Tch WS 3vl I Rb'f""" f0 Is jKlendali suMstcuf rj I J xlL . A" V) WOtrcstwl JS- KLAMATH I MlStfY JfT S lllim 1. I tau faFI . y .c,s-f' - . 'llf I grants rwfile PKmJ ig;V r V sicsm ""tccX -y Vna AW I 5HLAND'fco !iOtM"V CfLAKEVIEW;, Dti , Ml Hill HossescoKyX "n v:-,'!"' a' I ; Per-1! I Additional Social and Per sonal News on Page 2 At(lhe recent meeting of the wom en's clubs of the stnte at Salem, the report Of the l'endlelon Civic Club, given by Mrs. E. T. Wade, president, created a very favorable impression because of the large amount of work handled here, in substance the re port was as follows; The Pendleton Civic Club was re-1 organized and admitted to the State Federation within the year. The! main line of work has been for a more beautiful Pendleton. Although I early In ihe season a number of! charity calls met a hearty re.spi.nhe. i and the club conducted a coffee house during the three winter! nionths at a cost of $500. where 3433 ! lunches were served and employ-) mem was found for many people. By securing the cooperation of the com ; merclal dub the railroad Company : was induced to improve 'a tract ol ground near the depot. After the! club had assumed responsibility for the upkeep of same, the cost ol which was $200 for the season, the club paying $125 and the Commer cial club the remaining $75 On other tracts of ground the club ex tended $500 for improvements and (are, $300 of which was returned by ! the city council There was yet an , other bit of greund desired, the price was $3000. The club by persistent ' efforts induced the city council to i pay $2000, the club paving the oth i er $1000, also $l"0 more in improv ing the same. 1 There Is now a beautiful green ipol where before was only a tangle if weeds. We have also worl i park tax. the removal of bill ror better fire escapes from uildlngs and not only a c lay, but for a cleaner city eve eil for boards public i 'oiiiplirnenting on the occasion i William Wyrlck tallied with a di ty The guests Mrs. H. B. Dei Miss Ada f her btrthd ast evening lightful dim f the affai ker, Mrs. Decker y, Mrs. enter er par- Mumm, Miss Cra Town, Miss yn Kinman, Miss Erma King, i.e. i. . lflailia, Miss Arloulne C g ;m,i Miss Mabel McConnel nonunM at It. Cleveng ,n Lee Sire th sidence of the Baptist k Stephens church ,d Miss Minnie Zulderauln, In th of wife. vere made an and nger parformli k the mat lv witnessi Miss Mu Hodge E W none ti I. 1). he St. Muiler of Helix day. frmn hi Mi if Wall Walla is ieorge. Howard m visitor f Stanfield today. Pendlet A. W. at the 1 Ufa. D up from Toots otel Pen K. Prow the seap Bergevln girl, was here yesterday vl ' aunt. K. N. Crawford ..f Hepi I registered at the Bowman ning. M. Fltzmaurice, Condon per man, was a visitor in ! last evening. Mr. and Mrs. If H. Ale j Athena were amoii:; ;he vi ! yt starday, newspi Pendleti James Xoland of Freew wn from the tast end of yesterday. T. C. Taylor of of the Taylor H; city, arrived thi; short visit. Henry W. Colli; purchased the Mi Hotel Pendleton, morning from a in Portland. H. E. Edwards fleer on the poll absence of Of fit. who was called ti ness before the Portland. I'd ware Co ' morning tr I, who has ju-t mhan stock in the arrived home this urief business visit S acting as day of" c force during th Omar Stephens Portland as a wit deral grand Jury Many Have Been Recruited. LONDON, Nov. 3 Premier quith in the house of commons Canada has recruited 96,000. tralla 92,000, New Zealand 25 South Africa 65.0nfi; New Found 16UU, and the West Indies, 2000 One Man Killed. WILMINGTON, Del.. Nov -One man died of burns and 13 were se riously Injured when fire swept the mechanical sorting . room of the plant of the Dupont Powder works, at Carney's Point. Static electricity P' bably caused the fire. Will Get Rulsarian Grain. iFIA. Nov. 3. In an effoi ve Germany's fo she the ugh northe Berlin Reporte Capture of I0,(HW. BERLIN, Nov. The war office! announced thai during October more: than 40,000 prisoner were captured! on the Russian and Serbian fronts- j Loss Submarine Admitted. PA MS, submarine Mai mora was aduii crew was claimed. 'hi Turqttoti i s reported ed. It wa aptured ,i ed the Turks COL. Ul HI i: TO TESTH'V AT UUulMKJt 1 ICI Al.. lgfiffgfB -t. col samocl rebeq. 4 SAN FRANCISCO, No'. Col Samuel Reber of the V. Corps, Chief of Aviation ha here from Washington to the court martial of Lt. Col. Gcodier, as to what he niear tain persona letters he wroti Arthur S. Cowan, heart of Diego Army Aviation Schoi Lieut. Iewls E. t by cef- to ('apt. the San L which have been introduced Boms of the letters s evidence. Reber will be 0 explain riving pay' 1 have to i our pay." ferriiiK ti ontam of whi such phras h he wrote, lit tight and se of ( 'apt. I! in, whr was certified bv Col Reber as an actual flier, when Pat had, according to testimony minutes of instruction, Rebel to have written Cowan lon le had certified Patterson; 'It ecause ( apt. Pal a hour in the )dy has noticed ons have been Another letter isked. read 0NEWS ojf iiotliiT Male Inhabitant. vner will who be. lock. jld. ' lcg Is Amputated. Archie Anderson, Helix, this morning operation for the a n you; subml Coiir, Working on i;n II. t. The county court met today in regular session and, though the prln- clpal business today has been the au diting of bills, the matter of mo- ' consequence to come up at this term is the making of the budget upon ' which the tax levy for next year ' will be based. The court will prob- ably start work on the budget tomor ; row and, after It has made Its esti- mates of the amount necessary to ; run the county for the next year, the i budget will be published according I to law. lies-la Wins Race. SHEEPSHEAD, N. Y., Nov. 3. Dario Resta's Peugeot dashed over the line a victor In the hundred mile automobile race here. Peace conferences planned. SEI'RICH, Switzerland. Nov 3. I Unofficial peace conferences will be ! held soon at Lucerne, said several Swiss socialist papers, despite inspir j Ited denials of such moves. PASSENGERS ARE LOST. (Continued from page one.) his boat left the Santa Clara were able to return to the steamer and later were rescued by breeches buoy by the Coos Bay lire saving crew. Mrs. E K. Rooney and Mrs Hale of South Bend, Ind., are now report ed saved. There are .however, still several missing. Scene 20 Miles from Marsh field. The scene of the WTeck is about 20 miles from Marshfleld and ttnse who were rescued are being cared for in little summer cottages along Rastendorff beach. The rescue work was all but finished as darkness fell, hut In the night It has been almost impossible to find those who were washed ashore half lifeless. The wrecked vessel is about half a mile from shore and some who were not discovered were washed ashore jvith their lungs filled with water and sand. Several of the lifeboats were either capsized nr were swamped after be- Between Towns HAVE YOU JOINED THE HALLMARK Watch Club WEAR WHILE YOU PAY A High Grade Watch 50c to $1.00 per week The Hallmark Watch The Jewelers' Choice Carry one of these high grade watches. Make a small cash pay ment and the balance in weekly payments of 50 cents to $1.00. Let us explain the plan in detail to you. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE Jeweler Established 1887 The HALLMARK Store It. P. (). Hks Attention. There will be a regular meeting ot Pendleton Lodge No 288, B P. O. Elks, on Thursday evening. Novem ber 4th Balloting "n candidate and initiation All members urged to be present. f THOMAS FITZ OERAt.D, (Adv.) Secretary. D. N. Reber, M. D. no, F-ar, Xo.se and Throat Specialist. Room 11 Schmidt Building. Pendleton. To obtain glasses that will not quire changing, the eye strain must first be cured, otherwise you will be disappointed. SPECIAL MERCHANTS LUNCH H5r We make a -pc i . 1 1 rjlRBKI !U -"I ' i ran. Dr. Edmund B. Haslop OSTEOPATH W ST, GEORGE EMU i ment, reasonable rent Reasons fer