PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1915. EIGHT PAGES For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought iraCASTOIIIA CASTOR pi Bears the , y p jEStiq Signature A)l KrsJI Promoh?snist(onlrfiftl- r WsiJt if . m'ssandRf!.CantalnsKj(lT 01 M OpHtm.Marpnwc noriiacril i l T K- j Not N arcotic. IIVU -t 5,, A to- Ml I id A r fffl iion.SourStoKDtantai I 1 If Ii4 Worms .ComulsiousirMTi: 1A fc; ticssandLQSS OT SLEEP. m LO K jC The CBNT;uAa Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use Over Thirty Yeers CASTORIA TWC CIKTAUN COMPANY. MCW VONIt OITT. nnn w w try GERMAN SfTAFF FLAM LONDON. Nov. 1. Simultaneous If with th newspaper demands for a smaller cabinet which apparently j raeulted In Premier Asqulth adopt-' Ing as a compromise the constitution in definite form of an inner war council, there has arisen in various! Influential quarters an advocacy of j a creation of a general staff on the German plan. The Weekly Nation. In an article on this subject, says it believed the lack of such a body has been respon sible for all the grave errors of the war.' It points out that the German general staff is placed even above the greater commands in the fight ing armies and Is, In a word, the brains of the German army Indigestion May Be Due to Constipation VK.LKXT (tr IMPORTANT FTXC , TION MAY SERIOUSLY IM. PAIR THE HEALTH. There are many people who be lieve they suffer from indigestion -when their discomfort Is due to a constipated condition. Bloat, with its attendant mental depression, sick-headache, the beich ing of sour stomach gases, etc., are .frequently due to Inaction of the Relieve the congestion ar.1 the trouble usually disappears. The use or o.ithartics and rurgative sho-ild be avoided, however: these slKKk the system unnecessarily and. st best their effect is hut tempo rary, a mild laxative Is far prefer able. The compound of simple laxative herbs known at Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin known as Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and sold In drug stores for fifty cents a bottle. Is highly recom mended Mr. Ben Bassln. 360 Mad ison St.. Gary. Ind.. thinks Dr Cald well's fyrup Pepsin a wonderful med icine; for four years he had a severe case of Indigestion and constipation tefore trying Dr Caldwell's Syrup PepMn which he is glad to recom- BEXJ. BASS IN mend to all who suffer with stomach and bowel trouble. A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syiup Pepsin should be In every home 'or use when occasion arises. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtain ed by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4 51 Washington St.. Monticello, 111. Pendleton Hide & Junk Co. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF 2nd HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, HARDWARE, HAR NESS, SADDLES, ETC. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF JUNK, HIDES AND FURS, COP PER, BRASS, RUBBER, AUTO TIRES, LEAD, ZINC, RAGS AND SACKS. TELEPHONE 662. 206 W. WEBB. (Well Known Young Ukiah Folks Are Made Man and Wife ..TUtRI t'lllLSOX AMI MISS I.T KIKK WILL LIVE u HOMESTEAD. 1 Special Correspondence. .' K 1 AH. Ore., Nov. I. Sandford Chilson and Miss Alta Kirk promi nent young people of I'klah were married in Pendleton Tuesday, Oct. -1 and returned to Ckiah Wednesday. They will make their home on Mrs. Chikton'l homestead this winter. There will be a dance at the Hida way Springs Friday, Jov. 12. Mrs. Effie Bosley, of Nebraska, is here isiting with her parents. Rev. Sinclair and wife and her sister, Mrs. Abe Martin. Mrs. Charles Hynd and Miss Alma Rlppaj were Uklah visitors Thursday. C. N. McReynolds and wife made a lusiness trip to Alba Thursday. PRESIDENT OF CIVIC CLUB ill HERM1ST0N ritOJECT TOWN CLCB WOMEN COOPERATE WITH SCHOOL uriioRn 11 s Young People tiucsts at Pleasant Hal loween Party; Man social Activi ties: During Paat Week; nsi Ship ped to Portland. (Special Correspondence. 1 H EH Ml STUN, Ore.. Nov. 2 The annual election of officers of the Civic Club was held at the regular month ly meeting in the club room Friday evening. Mrs. E. P. Dodd was reelec ted president, und Mrs. T. C. McKen- Mr. Fisher of Alba, was severely . . .... - . .. . ! McNaught Mce president and Mis. II T. Fraser as secretary. Supt. Park made a short address asking for the cooperation of the cluh ladies in the various enterprises the school is now undertaking In re. hurt last week by a horse, and Dr DeVaul of Ukiah was called and he is now improving. Will Hinton of Range w ith his family visited for a few days at the A party of hunters from Pilot Rock I ,na, f,;veral ho dlM, ott ,7, t-l-ioi . ,,,. their services to assist in tne domestic enroute to Desolation. Among them was George Doan, Ford Wright and M. D. Orange. A large crowd attended the dance at Metteers last Friday night and it was greatly enjoyed by all. A splen did basket supper was served and everything was free, and the crowd was royally entertained by Charley and his mother. George Kenedy, auto stage driver is sick with an attack of la grippe and the old four horse coach is on the road for a few days. Jim Johnson of Range passed through Uklah Monday enroute home from Pilot Rock' with a load of supplies. Bert Andrus will new bungalow soon on his lot recent ly purchased In Ukiah on Main street 1 C. N. McReynolds. Harry Huston 1 The manuel training class which is under Prof. Parks' supervision, will build the hog pens Thursday for the stock show this week. The other boys of the school will lend their efforts toward helping the ladled clean va cant lots and the tide Walks. The sod a committee required most of the afternoon's session with plans for the dance to be llvan Monday evening and for the teas in the rest rooms during the hog and dairy show. The meeting was the best attended. The Neighborhood Club composed of the progressive ladles of the Co lumbia district entertained the people of that section and their friends frptn . , . .... town with a Halloween party at the begin building a . . , . JZT. .... .1 Columb la school house Fridav even ing. About twenty-five of the younger set were greeted at the home of Mr. nriA UnatAn Itrnnirnt In nnMhar ; - and Mrs. Geo. Rayhi Friday even four point Buck Monday. . 7 . . I ,. , , , ... 1. a m8 by ghosts and witches who guided . tti i , j . . .1. . i them from room to room where many through Ukiah Tuesday for the mar ket. Mrs. Hemick. Mrs. I. R. Laurance, Mrs. Warren Gibbs, Miss Alta Kirk and Sanford Chllson left Ukiah Tues. day noon by auto for Pendleton to attend the Artisan rally to be held there Tuesday night. Dr. Hayden formerly of Ukiah was an over night guest at the Peterson Hotel Monday night. J. H. Wagner, Henry Nye and Carl Cirk left for Pendleton Tuesday on business. Mrs. Ed Banks of Ritter, who has been ill at the home of R. G. Clark for over a week was able to be taken home Friday. Word was received Monday night by Wood Gibbs that his father. Eli ja Gibbs. who was seriously hurt by a runaway team last week was slowly improving. J. H. Moore and wife of Cable Creek were in town Tuesday trading. Mrs. Maggie Walker passed through Ukiah Tuesday with pack horses, going to Alba for her winter supplies. Mrs. Walker is the widow of the late William Walker and since his death she with the assistance of her daughters pack all their provis ions to their home down on the John Day river on pack horses. Nate Rains was In Ukiah Tuesday night from his ranch near Ritter. Miss Jones and Miss Mays were in L'kiah Wednesday from the Hidaway Springs. They will remain at the springs most of the winter. Jess Hilbert and wife left Tuesda.v for Bridge Creek where Jess will wind up the season with a big hunt and others out of town hunting this week are. I. R. Laurance. J. D. Kirk. Frank Gilliland and Clarence Daley. Bert Martin killed a fine buck In his field a few days ago. The advent meetings held in the tabernacle drew good crowds each evening. A. s. Quant, wife and daughter, and Mrs. Si roggins and daughters of Alba attended the meetings M nday night. Ukiah was visited by a gentle show er a few days ago. While snow fell on the high hills on all sides. Another band of sheep belonging to the Hynds Bros, passed through Ukiah Tuesday on their way to their winter range. Mrs. Harry Huston and son Mrs. C. N. McReynolds and son, visit ed at the Hynd ranch Wednesday. weird sights were seen. After all the guests had assembled In the living room amid scenes of witchcraft for tunes were told in severul novel ways. Following the refreshments the guests donned sheets and pillow cases and wandered to the residence of Dr. and Mrs. C. 0. Walnscott which had been transformed into a corn field and was guarded by a gaily clad scare crow. After several practical Hal lowe'en pranks the second course of the refreshments was served by the hostess. Mrs. J. H. Young entertained her Sunday school class with a Hallowe'en party at her home on Third street Friday evening. Mrs. F. B. Swayze was hostess at a pretty party Saturday afternoon at her home on Gladys avenue. Eight tables were arranged for cards, other guests had their fancy work. The boys and girls of the high school held a Hallowe'en masquerade party in, the basket ball hall Friday evening. Miss Walker of Stanfield was shop ping here Saturday. Oeo. Rayhill returned from a weeks hunting trip near Pilot Rock. Geo. Strohm left Saturday with a shipment of hogs fur Portland. Rev. H. B. Emmell former pastor of the Methodist church is visiting old friends this week. How About Your HEATER? Don'i wait until the extreme cold weather is upon ua. Get ready for it now and eliminate the inconvenience ami trouble when the weather gets cold. We carry a complete line or Universal Stoves and Ranges, each and every one guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. (4 JUL PT ljcjH SWING TOP HEAVY STEEL LINING UPPER FIRE POT. LOWER FIRE POT ASM PIT DOOR MILL GROUND FITTINGS SANITARY LEG BASE HOT BLAST DAMPER ROD LARGE PEED DOOR DOWN DRAFT HOT BLAST PIPE HEAVY WELLSVILLE POLISHED STEEL BODY DRAW CENTER GRATE EASILY REMOVED SCREW REGISTER MILL GROUND FITTINGS LARGE ASH PAN BAILED HANDLE EXTRA HEAVY MAIN BOTTOM RIVETED SECURELY TO BODY This cut shows the construction of the "Companion" Universal. Note the speci al features. Not new features with which we are experimenting but features that have made this Heater a reputation which cannot be denied. Ask the Man Who Owns One For Sale By GEO. C. BAER 6 CO. 643 Main St. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Phone 81 "that the overtures were maihly in spired by the now certain Impossibil ity of German success in the west and the growing difficulties of the misconceived and dangerous advance Into Russia. From first to last, the Germans have not won a great mili tary success. "Without in the least wishing to underestimate the tremendous diffi culties that lie before us and the great efforts which are still essential on the part of the allies. It does not seem unreasonable to suppose that the Germans may consider the time I has come to fly kites Indicating, ut least apparently, their desire for lm- j mediate peace, although they may j have another motive. "Hy this I mean a desire to inti mate to neutrals that they have ar- I rived at a reasonable attitude of mind and that the whole responslbll- ' Ity for the further horrors of war I must rest with the allies. Flames Menacr llcaort. F.STES PARK. Coto.. Nov. 2. Two hundred men. many In evening clothes are fighting a forest fire which threatens to destroy this town. A Hullowe'en ball was suddenly In terrupted und the men were summon ed to fight the (lames. All the Inhabitants of the fashion able resort have fled to places of safe ty and a call for assistance has been sent out to nearby towns. To protect the buses of telegraph Poles against decay a new French practice Is to surround them with earthenware pipes and fill the pipes with melted resin und sand, which solidifies and becomes waterproof. LONDONER SAYS TEUTONS HINTING FOR PEACE! I. iN DON. Nov. 1 Confessing that he had no information which1 led him to feel certain that current reports regarding peace overtures are true, Lord Sydenham thinks that they are not at all improbable. "I should say." he says. In an In terview In the Pall Mall Gazette. A GREAT KIDNEY REMDEY ACCORDING TO THOUSANDS OF REPORTS v.iv mi a t. . j' ir. ar -in it ir i i-t 7-r Try itttt tt rr rr tit irr irx in in ar mi j Prepared. to take advantage of opportunities as they are pre sented. This can best be done by accumulating funds in our Savings Department. A liberal rate of interest paid and your deposit is ab solutely safe. The American National Bank OF PENDLETON CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $400,000. My wife has been suffering with kidney and bladder trouble In a bad and form since she was nine years of age. She was in such a condition that she was confined to her bed and several A I Holln and daughter Grace left doctors here treated her but to no for Pendleton Wednesday morning for effect. About nine months ago she his winter apples. : began to take Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Bert Andrus met with a painful ac- Hoot and began to Improve immedi cldent Thursday while running the trty. She Is practically well now plainer. In handling some of the and Is able to do all of her work, timbers he had the misfortune to! At the time she was sick Bhe suffer break th- first finger of his left hand ' ed greatly and It looked as If she which required the aid of the doctor would die. but thanks to your valu ti, set it. ! al)ie remedy, she Is now a new wom- Mllton Williams and mother of an. I can recommend Dr. Kilmer's Colorado Springs arrived In L'kiah 1 Swamp-Root as the best kidney and last week. They made the entire trip blpdder remedy on earth and If you In a Huiek auto, beink one month on I desire you may publish this letter In the roads on account of bad weathef the hope that It may enable other and rough roads. They dme here for sufferers to get relief Mrs. Williams' health. Tours very truly. John Hindernian and Mrs. Marv O. T. CURKY AUCTION SALE Thursday, Nov. 4 I will sell at the Tom Hampton place, 9V2 miles Northwest of Pendleton, the following described property to-wit: were In I'klah Friday Ellis of Alba on business. Albert Peterson returned lot Mock Friday. Ixuis Johnson. Harley Kirk and Arthur Gilliland came In Thursday with frelijht for the Uklah Mercan tile Co. and the hardware store. Henr Nye went to Pendleton Tues day on business. 1 R F. D. 3, Box 39. Hubbard. Texas I Subscribed and sworn to before me Pi- this 5th day of April. 1912. H. C. BISHOP, Notary Publi fientlemen -l sold the above Mr T. f'urrv the Swamp-Root. J OUN KEITT. Druggist. Hulgars prow Attack AMSTERDAM. Nov. 1. TJerman newspapers print the text of a note sent by Premier P.adoslavoff o' Bul garia to Bulgarian ministers abroad K-ltT to Dr. KlInHT & OS lilnglianiton, N. Y. PlOTC 1iat Swamp-Hoot Will Do For TO. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., rnlMllli. .-.ralnst Hie bombardment' Blnghamton, K. Y, for a sample of what he style the "oen towns" of bottle It will ronvlnce anyone. r-deaghateh and Porto Lagos. You will also receive a booklet of wh'-re he declares "consld' ra'ole valuable Information, telling about damage" was Inflicted. the kidneys and bladder. When The fire of the allied fleet lias writing, be sure and mention the not been answered, as these open Pendleton Dally Kast oregonlan. places pome no mean of resist- Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar slzo ance, he said. ' bottles for sale at all drug stores 18 Head Good Work Mules. 9 Sets Harness 2 8 Horse Harrows 1 3 Bottom Oliver Plow 1 14 inch Oliver Walking Plow 1 Kentucky 16 Hose Drill 3 Winona Wagons and Racks; 1 Iron Truck Wagon 6 Rack 2 Weed Blades 1 Feed Rack 1 10 Horse Shandona Hitch 1 8 Horse Shandona Hitch 1 Hay Rack 1 Fanning Mill Blacksmith Outfit 2 Water Troughs 1 3 horse Stover Gas Engine 1 Deering Binder and Trucks 1 Buggie Pole and Shafts 1 Surrey 1 Single Harness 1 Hamley Saddle 1 Cutter or Sleigh 2 Cows, Jerseys 2 Heifers, Jersey and many other things to numerous to mention SALE STARTS AT 10 A. M. TEDUO. AH sums under $50.00 cash in hand. All I Enlfld. sums over $50.00 time will be given until Novemer 1 , 1 9 1 6, on bankable approved notes drawing 8 interest. 2 off for cash on all sums over $50.00. FREE LUNCH WILL BE SERVED AT NOON George R. Norton, Owner COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer E. L. SMITH, Clerk